Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 797 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment LX

Chapter 797 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LXⅤ

"Ai Xi, we will live here from now on."

Waves of seabirds were passing by the sea, and waves were crashing against the dilapidated shore. This was a somewhat desolate harbor, with only many fishermen living here.

In the past ten years, due to the deterioration of the global environment, the production of marine fish has declined year after year, and due to large amounts of pollution, most people have fled this seaside town.

The old man's name is Diego, and he spent most of his life here until his son had a successful career and got married, and then he went to a big city for his grandson, but now everything is gone.

Recently, the news is full of gang members fighting on the streets. No one knows what happened. Originally, because of his son's vigorous crackdown on the gang members' industries, some large gangs had no choice but to flee abroad.

But after the son and daughter-in-law were killed, the suppressed gang members began to rise again, but suddenly the situation in the country became extremely chaotic. They encountered five street gunfights along the way back.

People are dying every day, and those in power are calling on people not to go out as much as possible. In Diego's view, this is unbelievable. The people in power don't want to quell the riot, but hope that people will not go out and let those Gangsters are running rampant in the city.

Only this seaport city is currently peaceful. Many places are no longer inhabited, and most of the city is empty.

Originally, Diego wanted to take Ai Xi abroad with the help of a large amount of money left by Ai Xi's parents. However, the day before the funeral, Diego became desperate and entered the secret account his son gave him. , not a penny left.

Diego knew very well that as long as someone knew about this secret account, if something happened to his son, they would definitely try their best to take away the money in the account.

Ai Xi stood quietly in front of an old small fishing boat. There were large and small patches on the hull of the fishing boat. The bottom of the boat was covered with moss. The Diego flag on it had been torn by the wind. Only a few broken fragments remain.

A three-story building behind him is Diego's house. There is a cold storage underground. In the past few decades, Diego fished every day and then immediately gave it to the fishmonger. The remaining fish would be placed in the freezer. Curry.

In the past, people came and went in this seaport, and the shops opposite were open day and night. Although part of the reason for this was that gang members needed to transport goods through this port, the prosperous port city in the past is now as people flee. , already in dire straits.

"Diego, why are you back?"

At this time, a skinny little old man ran out of an alley. He limped over excitedly and held Diego's hand tightly.

The little old man's eyes were full of tears, his hands were shaking uncontrollably, and tears began to burst out of his eyes. Diego comforted his childhood playmate. Although he didn't know what happened to him, he just needed to talk to him about the past at this moment. .

The two talked about some things in the past. His grandson Ai Xi carefully climbed onto the old fishing boat. There were holes in many places on the deck. From time to time, he would hear his grandfather say that in the past, he relied on this small boat. The fishing boat feeds the whole family.

He originally had two uncles, but they were both killed by gang members. From time to time, you could see some garbage swaying with the water on the sea. There were some things that Ai Xi had never seen before. He carefully picked them up. Standing by the guardrail, looking at the slightly undulating sea surface, his face was expressionless.

Ai Xi only has a little concept of death now. Her parents only come to see her once in a long time, and only her grandfather takes her with her. Although Ai Xi is a little sad about the death of his parents, he doesn't quite understand.

Diego watched his former friend burst into tears as he recounted all the changes. Although he had seen on the news before, some gang members moved manufacturing plants nearby, and the discharged sewage flowed directly into the ocean. A large amount of The fish was polluted. In recent years, as several gang members' factories were destroyed, the fish gradually recovered.

The self-purification ability of the sea is not always available. Diego took a look at the ocean that was dyed red. It was dawn, just 7 o'clock.

"Ai Xi, be careful. Grandpa has to go back and clean up the house, so he has to prepare breakfast."

Diego asked his old friend to come over for a drink later and have a good chat. He stepped into the house that he had not been back to for 6 years. As soon as he entered, Diego closed his eyes helplessly. The house was in a mess. When he arrived on the second floor, he was sure The security cage had been knocked open and the glass shattered.

Everything valuable in the house was taken away. The whole house was very dirty. It looked like someone had lived here and defecated in the house at will.

Although he was a little annoyed, Diego could only clean up first. Later, he could only borrow a heater from an old friend's house to make some simple fast food. Although Diego still had some money in his pocket, he still had to raise a child. Boy, this money is not enough.

Diego looked at his old fishing boat. Originally, Diego wanted to sell this fishing boat, but in the end the price was not negotiated. Diego placed the fishing boat on the beach and left it untouched. Although it is old, the engine and some equipment were replaced a few years ago, so it can only return to the old business.

When Diego came here, he also saw some fish shops along the way. Many fish shops had very few fish species. As long as they could catch fish, they should be able to sustain themselves.

Suddenly, Diego realized that Ashe was missing. He ran down anxiously and immediately shouted.

No one heard Ash's voice except the sound of waves. Looking at the still turbulent water beside the boat, Diego rushed over immediately. Just when he was about to jump into the water, Ash poked his head out of the water. body.

"Grandpa, I can swim."

Ashe smiled and fluttered her body, and Diego relaxed slightly.

"You should be able to become an excellent fisherman, Ai Xi. Starting tomorrow, we, the grandfather and the grandson, will start fishing at sea."

The weight on his shoulders fell in an instant. Seeing his grandson swimming happily on the sea, this child was not as fragile as he looked. Diego knew this from the beginning.

Diego is already 50. He cannot act like a young man and has limited energy. He has been thinking about how to raise Ai Xi all this time, but now it seems that he is too preoccupied.

"Grandpa, will you teach me how to sail a boat?"

Ash walked onto the shore, wearing only a pair of shorts. He was shivering. Diego took off his coat and wrapped his grandson.

"Let's clean out the house first."

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