Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 778 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment L

Chapter 778 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment ⅩLⅥ

Sirens blared loudly, and a large number of police officers wearing protective equipment rushed into the dilapidated apartment building in an instant. The scene became very chaotic for a while.

Bai Tou looked at everything in front of him quietly, showing a victorious smile. He had already informed the guard captain a few days ago. Just after talking to Weiner about the guy who moved next door, Bai Tou notified the guard captain.

This place is not a place where anyone can wander around at will. It has two sets of order, white and gray. Although fights often occur, the number of deaths is very low. This is set by several local managers. rule.

So although this place is very close to the battlefield, the people inside are living a relatively healthy life.

"Those guys are up there."

Bai Tou said, and the captain showed a happy smile. Once their weapons are found, they can be arrested and then let this group of people leave. After all, the captain does not want greater chaos in this place, although it is not clear what the scientist Weiner has. The significance of these people, but it can be seen that the Weiner is quite important.

Bai Tou followed the captain upstairs. Some armed guards were already knocking on the door, but there was no response. The captain laughed.

At this time, the door to the room opened, and guns were pointed at the people inside.

"Go in and search for me."

A bunch of people lay on the ground with their heads in their hands. As expected, a large number of weapons and equipment were found from the room. At this time, a blond man with blue eyes stood up and came to the captain with his hands raised, and took out a copy. ID, and took out a roll of banknotes from his pocket.

"Pack your things and get out now."

The captain said, asking the guards to supervise them to pack up and leave.

"This is different from what Mr. Kinners said."

The captain laughed.

"Then I can call the media reporters, how about that?"

The man in front of him stared sharply at Bai Tou leaning against the door, and then he could only order his men to pack their things.

Soon the people in the house left the apartment building surrounded by guards, and were then put directly into vehicles. Bai Tou did not ask who they were, and the captain did not intend to tell Bai Tou.

"Don't get involved with that old man, it's very dangerous."

The captain warned, Bai Tou said with a smile.

"You said that before, didn't you?"

The captain smiled and patted his back, then took out part of a roll of banknotes and handed it to Bai Tou, who accepted it happily without being polite.

"As long as there is relative order in every place, as long as there is no chaos, order can be maintained, and people in order can survive well."

Bai Tou hummed, and the captain turned around and left with his men. Bai Tou looked at the vehicle that had started below. Just now he could see that the blond man in the lead was very angry. Although he didn't know if he would use other means, but It's really no longer safe here.

Bai Tou took out a cigarette, lit it and lay down on the guardrail. The neighbors also came out and talked about it. Bai Tou handed them some money.

"Buy me something delicious. I want to have a good drink tonight."

Several neighbors happily joked with Baitou and then went downstairs. Baitou smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying the morning sunshine.

Order is very important to Bai Tou. Anyone who disrupts order in this place will be squeezed out. Bai Tou has known this truth from a long time ago. It is precisely because most people know the importance of order that this place is There wasn't any major trouble, and Bai Tou was able to do some things.

The person who was beaten severely by Baitou before had already left here. After being beaten half to death by him for the second time, he was sent away the next day.

"It's okay, you're okay kid, I watched you grow up!"

These words came to Bai Tou's mind again. These were the last words his benefactor said to him before he died, so Bai Tou survived.

"It's true!"

Bai Tou smiled slightly, turned around and started walking. He planned to go shopping on the street and have a drink tonight, because the guys next door had left, and at least the old man was safer.

At this time, in a house across the street, there were three clones with numbers on their necks who looked exactly like X. They were quietly observing the opposite side.

"Just deal with that group of people calmly."

One of them said, the other two nodded, and then one picked up the communicator.

"The identity of the other party has been determined, and we will take action immediately."


The colonel and his party quietly boarded a small passenger plane under the escort of a group of guards. They were ordered to leave immediately. The mission had failed the moment they were exposed. The colonel was very angry at this time.

"Mr. Kinners!"

At the boarding gate of the small passenger plane, a man with pigtails was waiting for them with a smile and a suitcase.

"This is different from what was promised."

Kinnas handed over the suitcase directly.

"It is indeed different from what was promised. You take this 1 million. You came here just saying you wanted to catch a criminal, but what happened? You people in country M really treat others as fools as always, so get out. "

Jinnas said without hesitation that before Weiner came here, Jinnas had received instructions from the top to protect him at all costs. The surrounding gang members had already said hello. If Weiner was here, If anything goes wrong, they will be doomed.

The colonel gritted his teeth and looked at Jinnus, and could only take the suitcase angrily. Jinnus watched everyone get on the plane before leaving with them.

"Have a nice trip, Colonel."

Jinnas said, showing a weird smile, and the small passenger plane took off smoothly. After the colonel sat down, he looked out the window angrily. They had not reported the failure of this mission to their superiors. What report was the colonel still thinking about? .

At this time, he noticed a little black spot in the corner of his eye. The colonel took a look and found that the black spot had entered his clothes. He felt his skin was a little itchy, and the colonel immediately started shaking.

Suddenly the colonel felt a stinging pain and he lifted up his sleeves. But the next second, his whole body was twitching and foaming at the mouth. People around him hurried over.

Soon, a bunch of people were staring at the colonel in bewilderment, and the plane had already taken off. The door to the captain's cabin was tight. They knocked quickly, but no one responded.

At this time, in the cockpit, sitting X's clone, he smiled coldly.

"The plane will have an accident at about the same time, and I will be almost there."

The clone said, pressing his chest in pain, and then coughed up a mouthful of blood, and he showed a happy smile.

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