Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 777 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment L

Chapter 777 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment ⅩLⅤ

"The stability of the quantum depends on the constant value of the quantum and the energy carried by each quantum."

Yawning for a while, Bai Tou casually took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a puff. Weiner stopped the theoretical indoctrination. For more than ten days, Bai Tou's mind has been filled with quantum mechanics. .

During the day, I had to listen to Weiner explain something seriously, and in the evening I had to clearly repeat to Weiner what he had said during the day. Every few days, Weiner had to randomly check some of the things he had said before, and Bai Tou had memorized them all.

"How far is the progress?"

Bai Tou exhaled a puff of smoke, flicked the ashes of the cigarette at hand, and Weiner said with a smile.

"Just under a quarter."

Bai Tou scratched his head. For these things he didn't understand, he could only rely on rote memorization, which felt a bit painful.

"How about I guide you step by step from scratch until you fully understand?"

Bai Tou hesitated for a moment and refused.

"By the way, that little girl, I keep pestering you every day. I think it would be better for you to express your stance as soon as possible."

Weiner reminded, Bai Tou smiled helplessly. He never rejected Ellie. For some reason, he felt very relaxed when getting along with this girl.

Bai Tou stared at the wall sideways. This room had been specially treated before Wei Na moved in. Many new people moved next door. Bai Tou casually chatted with them and knew that they were not from here. Their target was Wei Na. .

Moreover, many people have recently been asking about Weiner and himself near this apartment building. Weiner has also noticed that it is no longer safe here.

However, Weiner is happy at this time. There has been a slight change in his recent bald head. He has begun to ask about some things about quantum mechanics. This is something he took the initiative to ask. This is a better place. Weiner plans to take his time. Guide and cultivate this genius and teach him everything about yourself.

Wiener has thought deeply that quantum propulsion technology is very important to the future of mankind. The moment he became an Illuminati, he already shouldered the responsibility. It is necessary for him to pass on this technology. One day in the future, mankind will need this technology. technology.

Bai Tou is just 22 years old. He still has the most precious treasure of time, but no one guides him in the first page of his life, which makes him completely despair of this world.

For Weiner, leaving everything to this kind man may be the greatest luck that God gave him before his death.

At this time, Bai Tou was looking at Weiner's manuscript. On it were some remarks he wrote every day, signed "Destroyer of Worlds." It was obvious that Bai Tou was thinking about something.

"A melting pot! What an apt metaphor."

Bai Tou said with a smile, Weiner hummed.

"We are now in the melting pot of society, and human society will always go back and forth, from bloody barbarism to civilization, and then from civilization back to bloody barbarism. It keeps reincarnating."

"Isn't it great that the war has ceased in many places now?"

Weiner shook his head.

"It's only temporary. In the frozen world, only friction can generate heat and break the ice. Although the science and technology seminar has a share of the credit, many people's goals have been achieved."

Just next to the room where the two were chatting, although it looked like a thin wall, it was actually a thin insulating material that could block all radio waves and sound.

More than a dozen people were staring at the wall quietly in the room, and there were a lot of equipment on the wall.

"No, Colonel, I still can't hear anything. If I want to take action, I have to do it as soon as possible."

A blond man holding a wine glass nodded. He also knew that he had to act as soon as possible, but Weiner's health was not very good. The order given above was for them to bring Weiner back safely without any of mishaps.

But recently they have received a lot of information, and there are other people who want to do this, but no one takes action because once the matter is exposed, the situation will be quite bad.

In particular, their country is currently cooperating with science and technology seminars in many aspects. If there is any mistake, they will be kicked out.

This seemingly simple task seems to be extremely difficult in the eyes of the colonel. This is not a simple and crude kidnapping, but the kidnapping of a neutral scientist. It will definitely attract the attention of various countries, and what will happen next, no One can expect it.

The colonel is still making plans with the higher-ups. When they came here, although they gave the local powerful people a lot of money and provided them with a lot of conveniences, others could also give these powerful people money and buy all their information. .

The colonel is very entangled now. He wants to take action, but his hands and feet are restrained by various factors. Once any problem occurs, they will all bear the responsibility. The colonel knows this better than anyone else.

This mission blocked everyone's lives and was more difficult than any of their previous missions. They had successfully completed a large number of difficult missions many times, but this time, the colonel was at a loss.


Several close subordinates looked at the colonel, and many people in the room seemed a little impatient at this time. This task had been going on for more than ten days, but there was no progress at all.

"Colonel and the others are out."

Immediately the colonel came out of his reverie, and the man who was following him immediately got up and went out.

Looking at the two people chatting and laughing in the surveillance video, the colonel looked at the white-haired young man suspiciously. He had chatted with him a few days ago, and suddenly the colonel's face tightened.

"Act now."

For a moment, everyone in the room took up arms. The colonel knew that they could no longer wait and they might want to leave.

"You go first after we get down."

Bai Tou said, standing directly at the entrance of the corridor, holding a cigarette in his mouth and raising his feet to block the entrance of the corridor.

Weiner nodded and hurried downstairs. At this time, the two people ran down quickly and glanced at Bai Tou.

"Please give me permission, Mr. Jean."

Bai Tou held his hands and had no intention of paying attention to the two of them. He just looked at the two of them with a smile. Their expressions became serious at this time. The sound of footsteps came from upstairs. Bai Tou still looked at the group of people casually. The two of them His hands have been put into his pockets.


Along with the sound of loading, Bai Tou held up the cigarette in his hand and flicked it.

"Sir, please"

Police sirens were blaring outside, and Bai Tou looked at a few people quietly, showing a bright smile.

The colonel noticed something and immediately shouted.

"Go home first."

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