Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 772 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment L

Chapter 772 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment XL

Fear was written on everyone's cheeks. Through the vulture tattoos on the faces of these gang members, it can be determined that they are the most notorious armed force in the area called the Vultures.

A small city with a small area has been completely occupied by them. They are the controllers of this land that no longer has national rights.

Everyone knows how cruel their methods are. Anyone who disobeys will be killed directly, and many young people and even children will be brought in by them for direct training.

"I say again, hand over your supplies, otherwise, we will not be polite."

chu chu chu

The leader raised his gun and fired directly into the sky. Melinda could see that the captain and team members around her were panicked, and so were the men in the village. Some of them had lived in small cities ruled by vultures before.

"Sir, you have violated international regulations. We are an international rescue organization and are caught between your actions."

Waves of laughter came towards me, and the leader even laughed arrogantly.

"Your world has your order, and our world has our order. Unfortunately, the international regulations you talk about are nothing in our eyes!"

The leader grinned, showing his golden teeth, and all the convoys behind him came over.

"I only give you 5 minutes to think about it."

Sweat dripped from the captain's forehead. The town controlled by the vultures was hundreds of kilometers away from here. I thought it would be safer here, but I didn't expect them to come here.

At this time, the captain saw that someone in the village had begun to take out some supplies. Soon the middle-aged men in the village who had distributed weapons began to carry them, but at this time many people's eyes were on Melinda's She is the only doctor here.

Melinda smiled, took out a cigarette from her pocket, lit it and took a puff. There was no fear on her face.

Soon a small mountain of supplies was placed more than 30 meters away from the village amid the roar of the opponent's leader.

The people from the convoy behind came down and began to load and unload supplies. There were more than 100 of them in total, and they were very powerful, and each of them looked extremely vicious.

The captain stared blankly at Melinda next to him. When they came here, the people above had already dissuaded them. If you want to come over, you can do so at your own risk.

No one can save them, because no country will contribute to such a gang force. After all, war requires money.

Several surrounding countries have turned a blind eye to this fragmented place. The captain held the gun in his hand tightly.

At this time the leader shouted again.

"Bring the woman here."

With words full of threats, Pierre came to the door on crutches and had already started filming.

Pairs of frightened eyes looked at Melinda. No one said anything for her, and the captain could not say a word.

Melinda knew exactly what would happen if she was taken away by these guys.

"If you just need a doctor, I can go over and treat your patients for a while."

Melinda said, the leader immediately laughed and then nodded.

"Yes, we have many patients here."

The people behind her yelled, and Melinda closed her eyes. The last moment she closed her eyes, she was in despair.

At this time, several women ran out. They pulled Melinda, and one of them immediately spoke.

"You robbers, take these things and get out of here."

Melinda looked at the woman next to her with some surprise. She was a mother of several children. Melinda had rescued her children before.

The situation is getting worse and worse. The guys on the other side have already pointed their weapons at this side. Their madness is obvious to many people.

Melinda took a step forward when Pie shouted.

"Are you crazy?"

Melinda looked at him with a smile.

"Then Mr. Piet, is there any other way to save everyone's lives?"

Melinda shook her head at the woman behind her.

"Laika, it's okay, it's okay."

Then Melinda walked over slowly. At this time, she noticed that many people behind her were relieved, some were crying, and there were many children.

"Hey, miss, please get in the car!"

The leader picked up Melinda. She did not struggle, just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. She closed her eyes and let everything happen. The convoy gradually began to leave.

Pierre's eyes widened. He looked at the guns in most people's hands. He grabbed a gun from a soldier, but the next second the gun fell to the ground. He couldn't believe that such a barbaric thing happened. The convoy has gone far away, and everyone knows Melinda's fate.

What kind of hell awaits her in the future.

The captain trembled, holding the phone.

"Why don't you call for reinforcements? Wasn't there an army stationed near here before?"

The captain shook his head.

"They evacuated a month ago."

There were cries and silence. Some people silently turned around and returned to the village. Pierre had posted what had just happened. Soon he found that what he had posted had been deleted and his account was banned from logging in. 48 hours.

After limping back to the ward, Pierre covered his mouth and burst into pain. He felt extremely guilty for his attitude towards Melinda these days.

Pierre never thought that Melinda would accept everything like this calmly. He could not imagine how much courage a woman needed to make such a decision.

The convoy has gone away. Although some people are regretful now, it doesn't help, but everyone survives. Such days are the same for everyone, and they can live one day at a time.

After all, this land has been forgotten by the world. Those who have the ability just want to escape from this land, but many of them have fallen on the way.

The captain said after reporting some situations.

"I hope you can think of a solution over there."

"What can we think of? Melinda's country is now calming down from the war. I have told their country what happened. Let's see their attitude next."

The captain hummed, and then he looked at the listless people around him. Everyone seemed to blame themselves, but they were helpless.

The matter was over. Looking at the sunset in the distance, the captain closed his eyes silently.

"Sorry, Dr. Melinda!"

After finishing speaking, the captain also planned to leave here. Now that the vultures have begun to sweep, there is no point in them continuing to stay because they have never been able to pull the trigger.

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