Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 771 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 771 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment ⅩⅩⅩⅨ

dong dong dong

Rhythmic drums continued to sound, and a group of dark-skinned children gathered around an elder with camouflage on his face, listening to him tapping the drum head and humming softly.

This is a very small village with less than 100 people, mostly women and very few men. Except for children and women, the men are all middle-aged or old, and there are no young men to be seen.

Looking around, there is only a row of low concrete houses in the middle of the village, and the rest are round houses made of grass and wood.

This is not a primitive and backward tribe. You can see that some people carry modern electronic equipment, and some people also have TVs at home, which are just older products of the last century.

Snowflakes were falling on many TV screens, but as long as there was a picture, many children still watched with interest. At this time, a female doctor in a white coat walked into a room with a smile.

"Everyone has been watching for half an hour. It's time to take a rest, otherwise your eyes will be damaged."

The female doctor turned off the TV directly. The more than 30 children in the room got up with smiles, followed the female doctor's words and left.

There are many villages like this nearby. In this hot and desolate land, war is always something that accompanies everyone from birth to death.

This village was built temporarily. They were refugees from some surrounding war-torn areas, but now it has gradually formed a village.

On the periphery, there are tents with some international rescue organization logos, where an armed team of 30 people is stationed, and some mechanical guards are arranged nearby.

In this land scorched by the scorching sun, poverty and war are eternal themes. Although there have been many international mediations, the war that had just stopped has started again.

This land has begun to be increasingly forgotten by civilized society, and many people who have visited this land are shocked.

The female doctor's name is Melinda and she is a member of the International Association of Medical Doctors. She has been here for five months and will soon go to the next place. The ecology here has basically recovered.

Outside there are several biological planting sheds built with the help of international rescue organizations. The food produced is enough for the people here, and they also raise some livestock.

The money was all funded by the Science and Technology Seminar, and the technology also came from the Science and Technology Seminar. The reason why Melinda was willing to come was just because of the goodwill of the Science and Technology Seminar.

International rescue organizations in the past were not like this, but the only disadvantage was that many new drugs launched at scientific and technological seminars had to undergo human trials.

There have been some problems in the experiments of new drugs during this period. Fortunately, no one died. Melinda knew very well that this approach was actually risky, but there was nothing she could do now.

After touring the village and asking about the conditions of some patients, Melinda returned to the cement building in the middle of the village, which is used by hospitals and rescue organizations.

There are more than ten people inside, including eight nurses, who are taking care of the wounded brought from some nearby battlefields, as well as some sick people in the village.

After Melinda entered, she began to look at the clinical records submitted by the nurses. Many of the records needed to be compiled into data and then sent back to the technology seminar.

After a while, some new drugs or vaccines against some diseases will arrive, and a new round of experiments will begin.

Melinda didn't hate this approach, but she just couldn't stand the voices from the outside world. Several reporters came recently. After they learned about this, they quickly exposed it.

Maybe it really is the reincarnation of heaven. One of the bad male reporters was living here now when his car hit a landmine on his way to another place.

"Mr. Piet, are things better today?"

Melinda looked at a man with curly brown hair lying on a hospital bed. He was always holding his mobile phone to record everything he did every day, and then uploaded it to his private space.


Melinda smiled and then checked his wound. It was healing. The condition was neither good nor bad. Pierre looked very weak.

"This is an act of the devil for you to conduct such an experiment."

Pierre continued to talk, but Melinda ignored him, because this was Pierre's normal routine every day. He always felt that there was something wrong with these new drugs and vaccines used on patients.

Because of their reports, international human rights organizations came to investigate, but they left soon because there were no deaths.

In Melinda's understanding, human rights should be based on survival. If you can no longer survive, there is no need to talk about human rights. Many countries like to use this thing to kidnap some people and things.

Melinda couldn't stand the recent reports, and the technology seminar had not come forward to clarify any issues.

At least the people here can survive now. This place is countless times better than those refugee camps in Continent O, but those countries that are claiming human rights choose to ignore the situation in the refugee camps.

Pierre quietly stared at the woman being examined in front of him. He had already collected a lot of things and planned to go back and write another report. The people here in Pierre seemed to be having a very hard time.

Life is in the hands of others. Pierre has asked many people, but they are not sure about the new drugs and vaccines, and they accept them passively.

At this time, a soldier from the international rescue team came in and ran over in a hurry.

"Dr. Melinda, there's a situation."

Melinda's face tightened, and as the soldiers left the hospital, the two of them passed through the village and soon arrived at the soldiers' garrison outside. Many people took up their weapons, and some automatic defense robots were activated.

On the yellow land in the distance, a large amount of smoke and dust rose up. It looked like a convoy. Soon Melinda saw that it was a group of armed forces with more than 20 vehicles, which looked very powerful.

The commanding captain Ma had already called for support. Melinda felt something was wrong. As the siren sounded, everyone became alert for a moment. Some middle-aged men in the village also came out, and weapons were distributed to them.

Soon the convoy stopped a hundred meters away. All of them had weapons in their hands, including some weapons with heavy firepower.

A jeep drove slowly over. At this time, a leader wearing sunglasses with burns on his cheeks stopped more than 20 meters away from them, took out a loudspeaker and shouted.

"Take out the supplies, if you don't want to die, otherwise we will kill everyone and hand over your doctors!"

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