Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 756 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 756 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment ⅩⅩⅣ

February 18, 2056

9 o'clock in the morning

Pictures began to appear in the video. X was sitting quietly on the stage with the members of the council. The scientists, reporters, businessmen and some dignitaries who came in person were all staring quietly. Separate the images appearing on the video block by block.

The world officially turned around on this day, and more and more videos showed people dressed formally and sitting at desks.

In the middle of these divided screens, there are still many videos that are black. Many people present are worried. The meeting starts at 10 o'clock, but an hour in advance, the heads of state can directly access it.

Several of the world's superpowers still had no reaction. As a picture of a polar bear appeared on a screen, there was a lot of commotion in the venue, and reporters immediately started reporting to their respective cameras.

At this time, the three-color striped video also lit up, and Deguna, who was sitting in the middle of the venue, seemed to be relieved. A few days ago, Deguna had argued with the Prime Minister on many issues regarding the scientific seminar, and she was even The Prime Minister cursed a lot, but everything went very well today.

More and more exclamations sounded, and video screens lit up, with the country's flag on each screen.

With the appearance of the fluttering stars and striped flags, everyone at the venue seemed to take a reassurance.

"Although it's still a little early, I think we can start. You guys should be okay with it."

X nodded and looked at the haggard-looking president on a small screen in the middle of the screen.

Many of the leaders on the screen nearby nodded.

X coughed, and the venue gradually became quiet, and all eyes were focused on X.

"First of all, I am very grateful to you for participating in this meeting. We have only one purpose for this meeting. I hope you can reach a consensus!"

X said with a serious expression, and then he moved forward.

"In the past ten days, we have made public everything we investigated on the asteroid. Anyone has the right to view it. I think everyone should also know how much that asteroid will affect our future scientific and technological progress. Big help!”

X put his hands on the table and smiled.

"I just hope that this plan can be launched as soon as possible. I have sent you the plan a week ago. The first step is that all of us must reach a consensus, regardless of national boundaries. Please don't worry about private transactions in technology. , because all countries can send inspectors, and our science and technology seminars will provide comprehensive support in terms of technology, and these technologies have also been opened, and there will be no opacity."

X raised his hand and stretched out two fingers and continued.

"The second point is about the research after landing on the asteroid and the collection and attribution of materials."

When the second point was mentioned, many people became nervous, and X said with a smile.

"Every country belongs to each country, which means that the output and results obtained by researchers from each country's experiments on asteroids belong to this country, so I hope that all countries should make adjustments as soon as possible and arrange suitable personnel for training in interstellar exploration. , we will establish a special school, which will open in a short time, and bring together scientific researchers from various countries to conduct centralized and unified training in all aspects of landing on asteroids. The school will be built with our own funds."

X said and held out a third finger.

"The third point is the manufacturing of equipment for landing on asteroids. This requires each country's own investment. Technically, our Science and Technology Salt Field Association will still manufacture and build the equipment. Once stable, the manufacturing process and details will be The specific experimental data will be handed over to various countries, and then each country will build a space landing ship that can land on an asteroid. If there are technical difficulties, we can send specialized technicians to help."

X said, and many of the leaders on the separate screen behind him nodded, and some even smiled happily.

Because for those backward countries, the universe is still unknown to them, but by providing talents, these technologies can be obtained, which is a dream for most countries.

"The fourth point is to stop some disputes in the world. In the current era of global environmental deterioration, if we humans do not join hands, the future will be gloomy and tragic for us humans. Only by working together can we complete this plan. , we still have about 20 years."

As X said this, many people showed a somewhat unacceptable look.

"And the most critical fifth point is the research issue on cosmic worms found on asteroids. This is indeed a substance that has a high probability of allowing us humans to break through the current life span limit. Because the investment this time is huge, I put this The power to sell the drug obtained after the successful research on cosmic worms has been given to some super companies around the world, but I guarantee that everyone who wants to extend their life has the right to use this drug, and there will be no monopoly. question."

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"The specific details are already in the plan. If you have any objections, please raise them within one month. We will conduct detailed negotiations on this plan within this month, but we cannot meet the needs of all countries. , I’m sorry, I just hope you can think about it seriously, and then I need to give a further explanation of this cosmic worm, and Mr. Kester, a professor in our biology department, will explain it.”

X retreated aside, and he always looked at the screen behind him from time to time. The above heads seemed to be satisfactory, because this plan was based on a win -win cooperation, and the core technology was still from the most of the technology. Their scientific seminars are offered unconditionally.

Only countries that are willing to participate have the right to negotiate plans. For countries that are unwilling to participate, X also plans to give them time to consider slowly for three months.

The biggest problem with this plan is time. The planning period is too long, so at the fourth point, If this plan proceeds smoothly, X will not openly kick a country out of the plan.

After seeing the scene and the faces of the leaders behind him, X knew that at least half of the plan was successful.

The future has begun to rotate, and the speed will become faster and faster. 20 years is nothing to X, especially for those who want to continue living and see the world, it should be no problem. .

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