Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 755 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 755 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment. ⅩⅩⅢ


Weiner put down the wine glass in his hand. He was a little drunk. Weiner seldom drank alcohol on weekdays, but today was different. He learned a lot about Chris from Ellie's mouth. In the end, the old woman still had sex with her. Same as before.

Weiner felt a little emotional. In recent years, he has basically stayed at home and rarely communicated with the outside world. He has been conducting calculation research every day. Quantum propulsion technology has now matured and has become more and more stable in many microscopic experiments.

Three years ago, Weiner realized something bad was going on. An accident in the laboratory made him alert. In the end, Weiner destroyed the laboratory, destroying it before anyone could see the results. laboratory.

Weiner then terminated his contracts with most companies and returned to the place where he grew up, but the place was still the same as before, not much changed. The apartment was where Weiner spent his childhood.

This is also the reason why Weiner chose to return to that poor and backward small city, but now Weiner wants to go to a sunnier place to slowly spend the rest of his life.

It's just that what Weiner can't let go of now is what he has been studying throughout his life. For this research, Weiner started in his 20s and has been doing it for almost 50 years now.

This achievement will completely bid farewell to this world when he passes away. Over the years, Wiener has often thought about training a student and using his remaining years to hand over everything in quantum propulsion technology to this student, but now Obviously it is no longer realistic.

"By the way, Dr. Weiner, my teacher always talked about one thing when she was alive, saying that you owed her 13 yuan. What happened?"

Weiner came back from his thoughts, immediately laughed, and shook his head without saying a word.

"I'm sorry, little girl, this is just a secret between you and I. I will take this secret into the coffin."

Ellie breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up respectfully and said.

"This is the last thing the teacher told me. Now she feels at ease."

Ellie held up the wine glass with a smile, and Weiner took a pleasant sip.

Tang Rao was already drunk and her speech was not clear. Bai Tou was taking care of her.

Weiner looked at Baitou quietly. The only way now was to let Baitou remember everything and then hand these things over to the right people in the future. This was the last method Weiner could think of.

The structure of the world will completely change because of this seminar. After coming into contact with A glimmer of light may be good overall.

The relaxed and happy moment came to an end. At around 11 o'clock, Bai Tou was carrying Tang Rao on his back, and Aili beside him was helping Tang Rao hold his back. They returned to the venue again.

At this time Weiner took out an address.

"Little girl, if you have time, you can come here and see me."

"Okay, Dr. Weiner, I will visit you when I have time."

Ali accepted a small piece of paper with Weiner's address on it, and then Bai Tou followed Ali with Tang Rao on his back. Looking at the lively and playful woman in front of him, Bai Tou said nothing, and always had a relaxed look on his face. smile.

"I don't think you are a scientist."

Ellie said, Bai Tou didn't answer, just nodded.

"You seem very talkative, but you always feel...lonely!"

Bai Tou didn't nod or shake his head. Perhaps it was true what the woman in front of him said. He was very lonely. He had been like this since he was a child. He had no friends. In other words, he didn't want to contact anyone and always kept a distance.

"Here we are, ma'am."

Aili stretched her limbs and opened the door to the room. Bai Tou put Tang Rao on his back on the bed and was about to leave, when Aili stopped him.

"I always feel like we have met before somewhere. I always feel that you give me a very kind feeling, and I always feel..."

Suddenly the sound stopped, and looking at Baitou's cheek, Ellie took a small step back with her heart racing.


Bai Tou gently took away the branch from Ellie's hair, then turned around and left the room with a smile.


"Is there anything else, ma'am?"

Ellie lowered her head, her cheeks flushed, and she said after thinking for a while.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Bai Tou smiled and shook his head.

"Many people have asked, but I haven't. It's late at night. Good night, miss!"

With the door of the room closed, Ellie felt a bit of soreness as she held her chest, and her heart was beating violently. This was the first time that she felt like this.

After returning to the room, Weiner was still awake, holding a small bottle of wine and drinking. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"After I go back, I will tell you the more extensive content bit by bit, and I will also demonstrate the experimental process to you personally. You must remember everything. After I die, you can squander my inheritance as you like. It should be Enough for you to splurge.”

Bai Tou smiled easily, sat down, took the bottle handed over by Weiner, and took a sip.

"You say you find a suitable person and tell him these things, but what kind of person is the right person?"

Bai Tou asked, Weiner shook his head.

"Just think it's appropriate for you, and use your own standards to judge it. I have no way of knowing what it will be like in the future."

"What if I make something you gave me? Like a weapon."

Weiner looked at Bai Tou blankly and laughed.

"If it were you, I would be relieved. The key is, can you make it?"

Bai Tou smiled and shook his head.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Weiner felt a little pity. After all, he was really talented. In just a few days, he had already obtained a lot of information by turning his attention to himself.

Bai Tou could analyze everything others said in a clear and logical manner. He did not give up on himself because of the limitations of his origin and conditions, but was always thinking and living in his own world.

"Okay, get some rest early, we will go back early tomorrow morning."

Weiner stood up as he spoke. He looked at Bai Tou going back to the room and laughed with emotion. Being able to meet such a person before the end of his life may be God's greatest tolerance for him.

"I was really too willful in the past. If I could go back to the past, maybe I would choose you!"

A vague female shadow appeared in his mind. Weiner could not remember it clearly, but the only thing he remembered was that he was on his way to study in a big country, with this crying woman behind him.

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