Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 741 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 741 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment VIII

Melodious music floated slowly in the restaurant. Weiner quietly looked at Bai Tou sitting with a beautiful woman on the small table next to him.

Weiner took the food alone and did not bother the two of them.

"Handsome, do you want to come to my room tonight? I'm alone and need someone to keep me company when I'm lonely at night."

Bai Tou said with a smile.

"Sorry, I'll do it next time. I still have bodyguard work to do."

"It's really boring. You were the one who asked me out first, wasn't you?"

Bai Tou took a sip of wine, then stood up and bowed as a sign of respect, then turned and left to go to Weiner's side.

"It's okay if you go and have fun, it's still very safe here."

After Bai Tou sat down, the woman also stood up and left with a smile.

"Their target is you, old man."

Weiner looked at Bai Tou in surprise.

"The person who just greeted you, the woman who just sat with me, and the person in charge here, X, you are being targeted."

"Thank you very much."

Bai Tou felt it as soon as he followed Weiner here. Weiner must have mastered the technology that people wanted very much. Not only the three people mentioned above, but also more people were eyeing Weiner.

"Do you think I'm here to play?"

Weiner held Bai Tou's hand gratefully.

"If something happens to me one day, I will leave my belongings to you to sort out, as well as my huge inheritance."

Bai Tou looked at Weiner in surprise and immediately laughed.

"Just donate it."

Weiner laughed.

"I want to talk to you about something when we get back to the room."

Bai Tou hummed, and the two continued to eat.

Weiner has admired this old man since he met him. He is the kind of person who can make you feel warm inadvertently and sees much more than you do.

Weiner doesn't have much family, but he has been very happy in the past three years because of this neighbor.

Weiner came to that poor city in the first place to avoid something, but they still came here, but they did not dare to take advantage of the quantum technology currently held by Weiner.

Unless they can find their own manuscript, which is in their own heads, they can't find it no matter what method they use.

At least a dozen groups of people had sneaked into the place where he lived and did not take anything away. Instead, they made copies of everything that could be copied and took them away. Weiner knew this well.

Weiner did feel a lot of abnormalities when he came here. He had to start taking care of his own affairs, and Bai Tou was a very trustworthy person.

After returning to the room, Weiner looked at Bai Tou with a solemn expression. He began to instruct Bai Tou to check everywhere in the room. He used some very primitive methods to detect and did not detect any monitoring equipment.

"What I'm going to say next is very important, and I hope you can keep it in mind."

Bai Tou smiled helplessly.

"I may use your inheritance to squander it. First, buy a mansion, then buy a lot of luxury cars, and then bring a lot of beautiful women to enjoy life."

"That's your business. You can spend it however you want, as long as you're happy."

Bai Tou put away his smile, and it could be seen that Weiner was serious and did not mean to joke.

"Are you serious, old man? Your inheritance may be quite large."

Weiner nodded.

"What I'm going to say next, you just need to keep it in your mind. Even if you can't understand it, it doesn't matter, just write it down! In quantum mechanics, the state of the system cannot be determined by mechanics, such as the value of X. It can only be determined by waves. This is the consensus in the quantum mechanics community to determine the function, but that is just a formula that stays in the last era, and the constancy of quantum is not determined by."

"Stop, stop, stop, why do I remember what you said?"

Weiner laughed.

"You must remember that I have left enough things for this world, and these things can continue into the future, but if I die, these things cannot continue into the future, but you are different."

As Weiner spoke, he walked up to Bai Tou, looked at him seriously, and put one hand on Bai Tou's shoulder.

"You still have a future. Forget the bad things in the past and focus on the things you are interested in, such as science."

Bai Tou looked at Weiner in surprise.

"You can easily and quickly copy and organize most of my manuscripts. You should have a little interest in numbers and symbols, as well as those complicated formulas. I have seen you try to understand the meaning behind the formulas. Isn’t it!”

Bai Tou smiled.

"I just did it on a whim."

"Many things start on a whim. I don't mean to force you. You just need to remember what I said firmly. This is something that is effective in the field of quantum acceleration. They can get whatever they want. It’s this thing.”

Bai Tou sighed helplessly and finally lit a cigarette.

"I know, I'll write it down."

At this time, in the next room, Li Chu carefully held a wire with an electronic probe at the front and stretched it into the sewer pipe bit by bit. He had already removed many things in the bathroom. He knew it at a glance. Structured.

There was a small computer on the toilet seat. This was a controllable extended monitoring device. Soon Li Chu saw the structure of the dark sewer on the screen. It turned out to be a three-way connection. He carefully started to control it, and soon The listening probe was sent to the bathroom next door.

Wavelengths of sound began to appear on the computer, and analysis results soon appeared, and the wavelengths of human voices were screened out.

"They were talking about something."

There was no one in the bathroom, so Li Chu boldly controlled the extension probe and slowly moved it out of the drain in the bathroom.

Sure enough, I saw two people sitting in the living room, talking about something with serious expressions.

Li Chu showed a sinister smile, and he started to activate the facial expression analysis system and lip analysis system. The next second, Li Chu was shocked. The word quantum appeared in large numbers, and the lip-sync matching rate with Weiner was very high. .

"It's really a worthwhile trip."

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room. Li Chu was startled and hurriedly retracted the probe into the sewer temporarily, then locked the bathroom door. When he opened the door, he saw a beautiful woman with big wavy hair.

"Mr. Li Chu, is it convenient now?"

Li Chu looked at the woman named Tang Rao with confusion.

"Sorry, I'm going to take a nap."

"The shower equipment in my room is a bit abnormal. I would like to borrow yours. Is it convenient?"

Li Chu's eyes darkened.


Tang Rao had already stepped in with one foot, arching her body, deliberately exposing more of her low-cut clothes, and a chill ran down Li Chu's back.

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