Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 740 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 740 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment IX

Outside the gate of the seminar venue, reporters were surrounding the scientists who arrived one by one to interview them. Many scientists said that if the detection situation is true as previously announced, this will be the beginning of a new era for mankind.

At this time, a convoy with several escort vehicles drove towards this direction. Immediately, reporters swarmed over and a group of scientists got out of the vehicle.

"Dr. Guyi, may I ask?"

"Sorry fellow journalists, we do not accept any interviews."

A group of people, surrounded by guards, passed directly through the group of reporters. Many reporters knew that the current world situation was very bad, and the plan to build a drainage wall on the sea was triggering a new round of rights crisis.

As for Guyi and his country, as one of the world's top superpowers, they are very tough on this issue. They have actually started building a wall outside the unfinished Dragon Lighthouse, regardless of the protests of other developed countries.

The current world situation is extremely tense. Heads of countries are very interested in such new discoveries and have begun to conduct various exchanges and visits in venues other than science.

The world that seemed to be frozen at first is now beginning to become eager because of the new discoveries on the small nova.

Forces from all parties have begun to come to this city that has been a public city since it was built more than 30 years ago.

This place was originally a large forest. After it was bought by a certain ancient businessman, it began to be renovated. After many investments and constructions, it gradually formed a technological city that produces a lot of useful technologies every year. Living here Most people in this city have benefits that they don't need to struggle for throughout their lives, because relying on the fees from various patents, the people here live very comfortably.

In recent years, a large number of scientists have immigrated here. Due to external pressure, the place has stopped accepting immigrants and only accepts some power asylum.

The person who started all this is named X. He only has a one-letter name. No one knows where he comes from.

As the person in charge of the World Science and Technology Symposium, X has been planning various scientific exchange meetings, covering almost all fields.

Among the 8 billion people in the world, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to step into this venue.

At this time, not far away, a short man wearing thick glasses and holding a large book in his hand sneaked over from the crowd. He quickly took out an entry card from his pocket. The field worker badge was placed on the collar.

"We've successfully entered."

The man muttered to the book in his hand. As expected, he was blocked by several guards as soon as he stepped onto the stairs. They checked the man's belongings with scanners and verified his identity information before letting the man in.

As soon as you enter the venue, you are greeted by a very large hall surrounded by various service information desks. Gorgeous and colorful women in uniforms are answering some questions for people entering the venue.

Everything you enter here is free, and you can get a very luxurious room. I don’t know how long the conference will last. Officially, it is possible that it will last a month, but obviously, one month is not enough.

There are too many things to be achieved in this seminar, and there are a lot of explosive news released from various places as well as the game played by the heads of major countries behind the scenes.

Taking advantage of this incident, many countries immediately announced some new foreign policies, and the world situation, which was like a stagnant water, was stirred up.

In this small city of only 40 square kilometers, a war without gunpowder is about to begin.

The man smiled and took the key card from a front desk lady, then turned around and walked away. He carefully looked at the people around him.


The elevator door opened, and the smell of cigarette smoke immediately wafted out. The man took a disgusted look. He was a short-haired woman in her 30s. Her skin looked a little dry and rough. She was wearing a vest, but her eyes were unusually sharp.

"Hey, where did this little boy come from?"

As the woman spoke, she put a hand on the man's shoulder, and the man said with a sinister smile.

"Miss, please give way."

At this time, the woman let go of her hand and held up a fiber object.

"This thing is unique to ASJI and is rare."

The man became alert and looked at the woman's brand, Deguna Rab.

"It turns out to be Colonel Deguna, a famous military scientist from country D."

The man said immediately. Deguna smiled, held up the fiber in her hand, burned it directly on the cigarette, and then walked away with a smile.

"Have you ever been at Niu X University?"

The man lowered his head and walked into the elevator without saying a word. Deguna smiled sinisterly.

The man who entered the elevator broke out in a cold sweat. Everyone knew this woman. She also had another name, the Teeth of Central Europe. She had participated in many wars, and her outstanding performance in the war was no less than her outstanding performance in the scientific community. performance.

Soon the man came to his room, and the electronic display on the door already showed the man's name, Li Chu.

Li Chu quietly stared at the room next to him, which was Verna Norberton.

Li Chu breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he was about to enter the room, the door of the next room opened and a puff of smoke floated out. Li Chu looked at a white-haired man with some disgust as he walked out. Li Ji'en .

What a weird name!

This man with a bruise on his face seemed to be a bodyguard, and Weiner walked out behind him. Li Chu immediately greeted him cordially and said respectfully.

"Hello Mr. Weiner, my name is Li Chu."

Weiner looked at the short man and did not refuse to shake his hand. However, the next second Li Chu felt an unusual look coming from the man named Li Ji'en.

Li Chu didn't think much, and after saying a few more words, he entered his room.

The initial seminar was temporarily canceled because some problems seemed to have occurred here and some scientists did not arrive, so the time was adjusted to tomorrow.

It's already past 11 o'clock, and Baitou is also hungry. Weiner also plans to go to the large restaurant on the second floor to eat with him.

In the large restaurant on the second floor, there were all kinds of delicacies. Bai Tou walked over happily. Just when he was about to attack a lobster, a fork was inserted into the lobster first.

"Have we met again so soon, miss?"

Bai Tou looked at the three tall and proud people around him, with beautiful faces and wavy hair exuding a fragrant fragrance.

"It's really easy to remember!"

The woman opened her mouth and glanced at the admission ticket she was wearing. It was a woman named Tang Rao.

The white-headed man stretched his nose and sniffed.

"It tastes very special."

Tang Rao chuckled.

"have a drink?"


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