Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 724 Special Chapter The Winter Queen’s Wedding

Chapter 724 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Wedding

festive morning

December 25, 2076, 8:03

The whole town was silent and peaceful. Today was a day where work was not required. Yesterday, Vierra had issued an order. From today on, everyone in the city, except those in the Ministry of Agriculture who need to work, can rest. On the 28th, there will be a three-day holiday, which makes most people who have worked hard for a long time feel extremely happy.

Most people haven't gotten up yet, only those who got up early to help get breakfast. Many people decided to have a good sleep and sleep until the wedding. There will be a grand wedding today, although many people are behind their backs. Something was talked about, but that talk started to fade away because of Vila's public ban, because people were being arrested.

Behind the scenes, many people said that Verla wanted to stop everyone's mouths and stop talking about Princess Susie. Now many people have become accustomed to this new system, a system dominated by royal power. Many people who have arrived in this city have basically determined that they will never be able to return to the past society where human civilization was developed.

Although this is an unacceptable fact, humans are creatures that are easy to accept. Nowadays, most people no longer talk about the previous era, and it is not easy to survive.

After seeing those people who came here as refugees, it was as if they had walked through hell. Many people knew that the outside world was getting worse and worse, especially after hearing that most of the top executives in Europe had left the planet on launch vehicles. Planet, this kind of thing is difficult to accept and angry for everyone. This planet is slowly dying, and in the coming years, everyone will face a greater survival challenge.

"Hey, Lu Jin really doesn't want to have a drink at my house tonight?"

Reddes asked kindly when receiving the food, but Lukin still refused. His expression was a little sad. Reddes basically knew what was going on. He received an egg, a piece of bread, and a cup of wheat porridge. Then he walked aside, sat down and started eating. Io looked flustered.

This kid was pretty good after getting along with him all day yesterday. He listens to everything Redes says and knows a lot about radio. He can be Redes' right-hand assistant. He doesn't talk much and is always serious about doing something. .

Redes planned to have a good chat with Lu Jin when he was free. After all, the reason why this boy was so sad was because today was the day when the woman he liked got married.

Redes quietly observed Lu Jin, and already had a plan in mind. Curis' side is now slowly growing, and some people who have come to Winter City from afar have become their prey. For several months, Kuris has not launched any more attacks. Although the Winter Guards are still patrolling the mountains and forests, the monsters can basically no longer be seen.

But Vierra never let down any vigilance, and still let the Winter Guards scan the periphery of the city every day. However, what Vierra didn't know was that many people parasitized by monsters had already sneaked in.

As long as you continue to be patient and wait, you can get everything. Thinking of this, Redes couldn't help laughing. The plan has begun to slowly take shape, an ideal plan.

Nowadays, the city is completely controlled by Vella, which is very good for the plans to be implemented in the future. Now Redes plans to gradually build up his own power in Winter City, so that he can be very good when the time comes. to eliminate Vierra's rule.

Until it was close to 9 o'clock, after the distribution of breakfast, Redes came over again.

"Would you like to have a drink together? I still have a bottle of wine over there."

“Drinking in broad daylight”

Lu Jin licked his lips, and finally nodded in agreement, and followed Redes. After a while, they returned to the radio room. Redes took out a bottle of wine from under the table with a slightly faded label. , took out three glasses, but Io refused because he didn't know how to drink.

"By the way, Io, go and get me some dry food to go with the wine."

Io hummed, stared at Redes sideways, and then walked out. He immediately took out a small black box, which was a listening device. Io had already installed a listening device in this office yesterday. , so that you can hear what Redes is talking about at any time when you are not around.

This is the task entrusted to him by the queen. Io knows very well that he will receive favorable treatment in this city in the future. Now he already owns a house of his own.

Io did not leave after going out, but came to the bathroom downstairs and listened quietly.

Io, who is very familiar with audio-visual technology, used to work in a broadcasting company. He deliberately pretended to be a novice in front of Redes. Redes did not seem to have any doubts and taught him patiently. Although this The teaching made Io a little uncomfortable, because what Redes said was some outdated technology, and he would say some things wrongly.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Redes asked, Lukin took the wine glass and drank the wine, then sighed and nodded helplessly, Redes laughed.

"Then what can you do?"

Lu Jin shook his head. He really had no choice but to watch the woman he liked marry someone else.

"After all, it's not you who has the final say here, it's Vila who has the final say."

Lu Jin looked at Redes with a serious expression.

"What do you want to say Redes? You can't say anything casually now."

Redes hummed.

"I always feel that the current atmosphere is getting more and more uncomfortable. I don't know what this city will become in the future, but I am certain that now is the time to decide which class we belong to in the future."

Lu Jin nodded. Lu Jin had also discussed this issue with some people, but did not discuss it in depth, because everything was irreversible. They had managed this place before, but they did not make everything better. It got worse and worse, and eventually the monsters took over.

"I think everything is pretty good now."

Redes said with a smile.

"Indeed, everything is good now, but there is one thing. I think you should know that our lives are all in the hands of one person, which is never a good thing."

Lu Jin looked at Redes blankly.

"Redes, if you come to me to drink and chat today, that's fine. If you plan to talk about the current rule of our queen, I'd better go back."

Lu Jin clearly remembered the advice Gerry gave him. Being loyal to the queen was the only way to survive.

Although Lu Jin was reluctant at first, after such a long time, he finally understood that a stable life is what most people pursue, even if most people think that such a system established by Verla is unreasonable. Reasonable, but after passive acceptance, many people eventually acquiesce.

Redes shook his head.

"Let's talk about something else."

Redes changed the topic. He could see that Lu Jin was no longer what he was before. Perhaps several narrow escapes from death had changed his perspective.

After chatting about some interesting things, Lu Jin left. A little drunk, he staggered towards Gerry's house.

Redes smiled helplessly. If he didn't start to win over some people, it would become more and more difficult in the future, but Redes didn't have any rights, and he didn't have any extra food. If he wanted to win over others, , some are too difficult, and the whole city is full of Vierla’s spies.

Suddenly Redes stood up and felt a chill on his back. Since yesterday, Redes had always felt that something was wrong. Now that he thought about it carefully, there were many things that were wrong.

The reason why something was wrong was Io. When he saw Io yesterday, he found that Io didn't look particularly tired. It didn't look like he had just arrived here, although Io had said that he had brought enough food with him along the way. and water, all while walking and resting, but this is obviously impossible. Most of the men and women who have come here in the past few months seem to have just come from hell.

Only Io is different from them, and when he was coaching Io yesterday, Redes found that this kid seems to be very smart and can learn many things in one go. This is obviously impossible.

At this time, accompanied by a rustling sound, Redes ran over immediately. In a storage room, a woman with dull eyes stared at Redes quietly.

"Kuris, what's wrong?"

"You're being watched. Lean down and take a good look at what's under the radio equipment."

A gloomy voice came, and Redes immediately returned to the radio transmission room. Under the table where several radio transmitters were placed, he saw a long strip-shaped object, which was adhered to the bottom with something. Des turned on the phone's lighting and soon saw that it was a bug. Although he had never seen this type of phone before, he could tell it from the letters on it.

Redes wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurried back to the dark storage room.

"He's coming back soon. Remember Redes. Don't make any moves in the near future. This woman is much smarter than we think. You will die if you mess up."

Redes hurriedly closed the door of the storage room, and sure enough, within a minute Io came over with some dried peanuts.

"Sorry Reds, it took me a long time before they were willing to give me a little bit."

Redes smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for your hard work. By the way, do you want to have a taste?"

Io still refused, saying that he had tried it before but could not get used to the taste of strong liquor.

Now Redes was breaking out in cold sweat. He couldn't imagine that this boy was actually sent by Verla to monitor him. If he hadn't been of some use to him, he might have died by now.

Looks like I have to be more careful in the future!

Near the radio transmitting station, a confused woman pressed her forehead and yawned. She didn't know what happened to her to wake up in this place, but the woman soon felt that she might be too tired. , she must have been sleepwalking, she didn't care and ran quickly.

11 o'clock in the morning

Verla waited quietly in the room. After a while, the door of the room was knocked, and her brother Fred and Susie were standing outside.

"Susie, please wait outside for a while."

Susie immediately shouted kindly.

"I got it, sister!"

Fred scratched his head in embarrassment and closed the door after he came in.

"Sister, what's going on? There's no need to exclude Susie."

Vila stood up and walked to Fred.

"Congratulations Fred!"

After Virla gently hugged her brother, she kissed his cheek, which surprised Fred.

"Sister, what are you doing!"

Vila turned around with a smile and sat on the chair.

"I came to you today to make sure of something, Fred!"

Fred saw the serious expression on his sister Vila's face. Although she still had a smile on her face, she was already getting nervous.

"What's wrong, sister? So formal?"

"Fred, have you ever thought about running part of this city?"

Fred immediately put his hand on the back of his head and said.

"Sister, you know, I'm not good at these things, and"

"I can teach you little by little, and Susie will also help you."

Fred still refused.

"Sister, aren't you in charge of everything now? I don't have the talent you have, sister."

"Okay, how about managing the city life?"

Vila suggested. After Fred thought for a while, he didn't know how to answer. He really didn't like to control others, and he had been like this since he was a child.

"As a king, you should behave like a king. Fred, you have to make a decision. This city will be firmly established as a country, and you haven't had any self-consciousness yet!"

Fred knew exactly what his sister wanted to say, but what she couldn't do just couldn't be done.

"Fred, after you get married, I hope you and Susie will have a baby as soon as possible."

Fred looked at his sister with a blush.

"Sister, this kind of thing"

"I will educate your children."

Fred was a little surprised. He looked at his sister blankly, feeling a little repelled in his heart.

"Sister, no need, I'm on my own"

"You can't teach this child well. In the future, whether he is a boy or a girl, he will become the king of Winter City!"

Fred looked at his sister in shock.

"Sister, I feel inferior to you."

Vila stood up and rubbed her belly.

"I can no longer give birth. Fred, do you remember? I was hospitalized during that time and you took care of me for a long time."

Fred looked at his sister in shock.

"Sister, these things"

"So Fred, now you have to give me a clear answer."

Fred hesitated. He was not very good at making decisions under such pressure. He just hoped that everything would remain as usual and that he and Susie could live a stable life. Fred never thought about those unnecessary things.

There was a reason for Fred's hesitation. He always felt that the system established by his sister was not quite right. In the past few months, he had heard many people gossiping about everything his sister had done.

"Accept or reject, answer me Fred!"

Fred lowered his head. He was originally very happy today, but now he felt a little uncomfortable.

Vila walked to Fred step by step.

"Do you think I shouldn't have done this Fred?"

Fred hesitated for a while, nodded, and then raised his head.

"Sister, I think there are many things that we can all discuss slowly. Isn't that what democracy is in modern society?"


Virla laughed.

"There has been no so-called democracy in this world since its birth. There is only absolute rights and relatively loose democracy. In fact, no matter what society or country, rights can only be in the hands of a few people. Don't talk to me anymore. Let’s discuss this topic. Democracy and public opinion can never be discussed separately. What the majority agrees may not be correct, and what a minority agrees may not be correct. However, there can often only be one person making decisions, not multiple. If it is true If there were more than one, the world would have ended long ago.”

Just as Fred was about to retort, Vila held his chest with one hand.

"Yes or no, Fred."

"I just hope that I can live peacefully with Susie in the future. I actually want to go back to the village."

Vila shook her head.

"You have no right to say no Fred, because you are my brother."

Fred pushed his sister's hand away angrily.

"Sister, aren't you forcing things on others?"

At this time, the room door was pushed open.

"Sister, Fred!"

Susie lowered her head in embarrassment, and Verla looked over with cold eyes.

"Today is our wedding day. I think it's better not to argue. Fred, no matter what my sister says, I think you should listen to her."

Susie immediately came over with a bright smile, and Vila raised her head.

"Sister, can you wait a moment so Fred and I can have a talk."

Susie basically knew what Vila wanted to do, and sure enough, after pulling Fred into their bedroom, Fred said what Vila just said.

"My sister has always been so strong. I have to listen to her in everything. I definitely don't want to be a powerful person, because I hate it."

"How about a different perspective Fred?"

Susie held Fred's arm gently, and she could clearly feel Fred trembling, and he looked a little scared.

"Now that the city has appeared, or what my sister has done, at least the chaos has ended, everything has started to get better, and everyone can continue to survive in such a disaster, and if there is no one to manage it, wouldn't it happen again? Back to the chaos of the past?”

Fred gradually calmed down, he hummed, and Suzy continued.

"I also think it is a good thing for our children to be taught by my sister. My sister is very smart and good at teaching."

Fred hummed. Now that he thought about it, it was true that his grades were average. When he was in college, his sister often tutored him and taught him some things.

"Isn't that great? With sister's guidance, our child will definitely be an outstanding person in the future."

"I just think these things"

Susie knew what Fred was thinking, because he had never considered these issues, so the sudden feeling of rushing a duck to the shelves made him feel very conflicted.

"We'll talk about the future later. Now if you agree to sister's conditions, you won't lose a piece of meat? And she is your biological sister, isn't she?"

Fred hummed, and Susie pulled Fred away with a smile.

After a while, the two returned to Vila's room. Fred looked at Vila blankly, but finally lowered his head.

"I know, sister, I promise you."

Vila nodded with satisfaction, glanced at Susie, and then said.

"You go out first, I have something to talk to Susie."

Fred was a little worried, but reluctantly left the room under Susie's push.

"It seems like you're good at filling men with ecstasy. Thank you very much."

Susie immediately came over obediently.

"Sister, this is what it should be."

Verla hummed.

"I decided to let Fred run the part of city life that I actually let you run."

Suzy nodded happily.

"My sister will definitely work hard and manage her life well."

Virla nodded.

"It's just that you have to listen to Fred's opinions and don't act arbitrarily."

Susie nodded seriously.

"Sister, don't worry, I just need to be behind the scenes, while Fred is in front of the stage."

Vila breathed a sigh of relief. This woman named Susie did seem to be very capable. Although there were some quality problems, she was still a relatively capable woman. There was nothing she could do now but this was the only way.

"Go get ready for the wedding Suzy."

Susie hummed, and then she immediately spoke.

"Sister, there is one thing. I think you should make a decision as soon as possible."

Vila looked at Susie doubtfully.

"It's better to deal with that guy Redes as soon as possible, including some of the aborigines in the town!"

Verla knew what Susie was talking about.

"If it's not convenient for you, sister, I can do it for you. There is a good candidate."

"Lu Jin!"

As soon as Vila spoke, Susie was a little surprised.

"Since sister, you know everything, I won't say more. Sister, you should know the situation at the mine. At the end of the locked tunnel, there are piles of bones inside."

"Indeed, this problem must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Vila knew what Susie wanted to say. The original residents of this place had become increasingly dissatisfied recently, and she also learned a lot about the actual situation from her informants.

"These guys are the only ones who can threaten your rule, sister. They must be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the opportunity comes, it will be too late for them to take action."

Finally Vila nodded.

"Will that boy help you?"

"I will definitely do it. Don't worry, my sister won't have any physical contact with him anymore. After all, I am the princess now. Wouldn't it be very cheap if I do that kind of thing again? Besides, I just want to live a stable life."

Virla laughed.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, Susie!"

"I know, sister, don't worry."

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