Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 723 Special Chapter Winter Queen’s Christmas Eve

Chapter 723 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Christmas Eve

9 a.m.

Many people in the cold winter city are decorating their houses. Many colored papers dyed with plants are decorated on the outside of many houses to look like apples. This was a traditional festival in human society in the past, but this time it is Somewhat special, this is a rare festival for those of them who have managed to survive after experiencing disasters.

Queen Vella has ordered the people from the Ministry of Agriculture in Winter City to prepare a sumptuous dinner for everyone. Some livestock were slaughtered in the breeding farm early this morning, and some people smelled the long-lost aroma of meat early in the morning.

Everyone is immersed in the joy of the festival, and the city has expanded by a full circle in just over two months. Many people have been assigned their own houses. Although they need to work every day, all this is now happening. Everyone seems worthy.

People from the Ministry of Life and the Ministry of Agriculture are busy preparing for this festival, and there is another very important thing in this festival. King Fred is getting married, and the wedding will be officially held tomorrow. Although there are many rumors about the bride Susie in the city, under the order of Queen Vila, no one is allowed to discuss anything about the princess in private.

Now the city's population has increased to 30,000. Although there was a problem with food supply a month ago, it has now been solved. More fields have been cultivated, and a new round of crops has been harvested. These two Over the past few months, the sun's rays have become much stronger. Although it is still behind the clouds, it seems hotter during the day.

The problem of water supply has also been solved with the people of the city working day and night to open up a second water source. Now, in most places in the city center, sewage pipes have been built and repaired.

Almost all the cars that can be dismantled within thirty kilometers of the cars entering the town have been dismantled and used as raw materials in the town. The mine is still home to many wrongdoers. Now there are nearly 500 people working in the mine day and night. of labor.

Many people are usually cautious. When they encounter problems, they will not directly argue in private, but will go to the adjudication office. Verla has promulgated a series of laws, and any violators will be sent to the mines for forced labor. , or be expelled from Winterfell.

Every day, people would drag their tired bodies here from the road outside the town, and they would shout with excitement because they finally found such a gathering place where humans can still live.

However, there was another incident today that made many people move towards Winter Square in the city center, because another group of people were to be executed today. This was another execution after a long time.

Just five days ago, Gerry's guards exchanged fire with a violent gang from outside. Both sides suffered casualties. This gang had close to hundreds of people, armed with various weapons, in an attempt to directly invade the town and seize control. However, they were ultimately defeated in Gerry's encirclement plan, killing more than 30 people on the spot and capturing more than 60 people, including their leader.

Winter Square is just outside the palace that is still under construction. The whole palace looks sharp and angular. Only later did the people know that the palace was built in the shape of ice flowers.

The ice blue flag was fluttering in the breeze. Werla was wearing a snow-white mink coat and stood quietly at the door of the palace. The ministers of the six departments were there, and the Winter Guards were patrolling around.

"Sister, why don't you keep them?"

Vila squinted at Susie, the woman who spoke behind her. She has now moved into the palace and has officially become his brother's wife. Her mouth is very sweet. Vila cannot deny that although this woman is a scheming bitch, she still does things. He is still very measured and understands a lot of things. He also gives some useful suggestions from time to time, and his attitude towards himself is also very respectful.

"Just watch Suzy."

Susie smiled and said nothing more. She knew very well that everything now was completely under the control of Vila. She was indeed a very powerful woman, and people in the city believed her because of her series of tough actions. This move has allowed everyone to see tomorrow. Now everyone's attitude towards Vila has changed. Many people will salute when they meet, and they have begun to gradually recognize Vila's identity as the Queen of Winter.

At this time, exhausted people were brought over one by one, tied with iron chains. They looked unkempt, many of them were extremely weak, and some were injured. There were men and women, and even some half-year-olds. children, they looked at Vila like a pleading, more and more citizens gathered over.

Gerry looked at the guys in front of him with a relaxed expression. Gerry had told them at the beginning that this was a city, and if they wanted to join, they had to obey the arrangements. As a result, the other party opened fire directly, and Gerry's 8 men were killed. Beaten to death.

Gerry has now been appointed as the third guard officer of the Winter Guard, with 5 squads of 150 men under his command.

He is mainly responsible for the security issues within the city and the defense issues outside the city. Some outsiders will always cause various disputes, and Gerry will strictly review everything they do.

Nowadays, all outsiders need to undergo a one-month observation period before they are eligible to join Winter City and become official residents of Winter City. If there are any problems during the one-month observation period, they will be expelled directly.

Although many outsiders are dissatisfied with this, many people have gradually adapted to it. Nearly 100 outsiders arrived last night. The number of outsiders during this period has almost doubled. Gerry knows What does Virla want to do.

Something had to be established in front of everyone. Gerry saw many people who had recently obtained the qualifications to be residents of Winter City, and many of them looked uneasy.

As more and more people gathered, Verla led the people over. She stood on the stage in front of the gallows. After the people from the technical department next to her adjusted the microphone, Verla said.

"Dear people, today these outsiders who fired maliciously will be hanged here. Our human past no longer exists. Now we have built a new city, and anyone who harms the city will not be severely punished. loan!"

Waves of cries rang out, and a person was pulled in front of the gallows. They had been begging for several days, but Vierla ignored their pleas. As the mechanism started, a person was hung up in the air. After struggling, he lost his breath after a while.

The entire hanging process was very fast, with a total of 10 hanging ropes. After one group of people were hanged, they were immediately put down and placed in a trailer nearby, and another group of people were immediately replaced. Verla just watched quietly. The eyes did not waver at all, and many people who had just arrived here had fear in their eyes.

In the eyes of many people, such a system is a bit barbaric, because everyone comes from a civilized society. Just because of a catastrophe, mankind will go back to the previous world. This makes it difficult for many people to accept it for a while. .

This is the deep-seated reason why most people are dissatisfied with the current system, because seven months ago, mankind was still in a state of joy.

This system in which the queen controls everything was already a system that humans had hundreds of years ago.

Many people are now worried that under such a system, their rights may not be protected at all, but now many people just talk about these things after dinner, because it is good to have enough to eat.

But it seems to many people that there is a good side, because many people know that in the early days of the city, it meant opportunities. If you worked hard, you could get more than others. Now most people work They are all more enthusiastic, especially those who have obtained their own permanent houses, and they work harder.

Watching a person being hanged, many people finally turned around and avoided it. This violent gang was formed out of desperation because the world outside was completely chaotic. At this time, it was the turn of the gang boss. He was tied up with the rope. Then he burst into laughter.

"This is your tomorrow, this is your tomorrow, what's wrong with us? If we are not crueler than others, we won't survive. We have surrendered, you bitch, you"


The leader's feet were empty, and his legs immediately struggled hard. He turned his head in pain and glared at Vila. At this time, Vila had turned around, as if he had just done a very ordinary thing.

The corpses were quickly collected by the Winter Guards, who would be taken to a nearby cremation pit to be burned and used as biological waste.

There is no cemetery in Winter City. Only in the south of the town, in the auditorium next to the barn where the infected were held, there are some nameplates of the deceased. Some relatives can place the ashes of the deceased there. Relatives can place their ashes there on the anniversary of their death. You can go and pay homage on your own when the time comes.

"Where's Fred?"

Verla, who returned to the palace, asked Susie. She lowered her head shyly, and then whispered.

"Sister, Fred was a little too excited last night, so he should still be sleeping now."

Verla looked at Susie with a solemn expression.

"Be more moderate."

Susie followed Verla with a smile, and the group entered the conference room. Verla looked at some issues on a TV screen, then sat down and began to listen to the explanations of the ministers of various departments.

Susie stood respectfully next to Vila, listening carefully and recording the meeting.

10:23 am

Many people are still discussing the hanging just now. In fact, there is no need for those people to die. They only need to be sent to work in the mines. This is what many people think. At this time, some people saw Gerry and joined in. past.

"Gerry, can't you talk to the Queen? These things are too cruel."

Gerry just smiled slightly.

"It's not cruel or not. Those people opened fire as soon as they came in. They have been used to this kind of life for several months. There is no guarantee that they will cause trouble in the city in the future. Okay, everyone, prepare for peace tonight. Let’s meet tonight.”

Gerry led people to patrol the streets, carefully observing people's every move. When he passed a service station, he saw Lu Jin handing out some celebratory confetti to others with a cold expression.

"how are you today?"

Gerry walked over and said something. Lu Jin smiled shyly and looked uncomfortable. He turned his head, not daring to look at Gerry. Gerry patted him on the shoulder.

"What about women?"

Lu Jin's face was a little solemn, but he still nodded. Over the past few days, Lu Jin gradually realized that Gerry was really kind to him, and he also worked seriously, and he had also heard that Gerry Save his life, otherwise he would be dead.

After a while, the two came to an alley on the street, and Lu Jin sat on the ground in frustration.

"I may have fallen completely in love with her."

Gerry smiled helplessly and sat next to Lu Jin.

"There are many girls in the city now. You can give it a try. Although the girls who knew about you in the past may be a little prejudiced against you, there are many girls outside, especially those who came in last night. There are several beautiful girls. Well, do you want me to take you to see it?"

Lu Jin smiled and shook his head.

"No, I just need to look at her from a distance."

Gerry patted Lukin on the back.

"Come to my house tonight for Christmas Eve. I have wine at home."

Lu Jin nodded, watched Gerry leave, and continued back to his work place.

Lu Jingang has only been back from the mine for two weeks, and the town is completely different now.

"Hey, Lukin, do you want to come to my place for a drink tonight?"

Seeing Redes limping in front of him, Lu Jin shook his head.

"Redes, I have made an appointment with Gerry to spend Christmas Eve at his house."

Redes laughed, and then started walking, greeting many people along the way. However, now Redes only gets along with outsiders most of the time, and doesn't talk to many people in the town anymore. Like a stranger.

There was an outbreak of dissatisfaction two months ago. Some old acquaintances from the town came to see him, hoping to have a good talk with Vila about the distribution issue. However, Redes refused. He clearly knew everything that was going on now. I can't even speak a word anymore. I'm just a staff member of a radio transmitting station, and I still need to give lectures in schools.

As a result, the former townspeople had a riot, and the leader was all hanged. Most of the remaining former townspeople had almost lost the idea of ​​asking for more. Vierla had suppressed everything. With everything firmly in hand, no one can shake it.

And many of the informants placed by Verla among the people will truthfully report all problems to Verla, and she knows all the goings-on in the city.

"Better, better."

Redes raised his head and smiled contentedly. Kuris was already ready. They only needed to wait for the construction of Winter City to be completed before they could seize everything.

So Redes is very happy, because with everything in front of him, the future belongs to him.

After walking for a while, Redes came to a place where foreigners were registered. Those who came in last night had eaten, drank and rested, and now they were summoned. They needed to be strictly reviewed. What they did in the past. What can you do.

It is not a superficial review. Once you tell what you can do, you will be arranged immediately. If you lie, you will be sent to the mine to work and punish.

There will be more and more people here. Redes sends radio messages every day. Many people who are still alive should have received the message and are coming here.

"Is there really nothing left? How can you do this? This is at least my privacy. How can you mess around with it?"

A woman said in horror, but several members of the Winter Guard opened the large bag she was carrying without any explanation, and soon found some food, firearms and ammunition from inside.

The woman immediately looked at the Winter Guards with a red face.

"In view of your behavior, you are now required to go to the mines for a month of disciplinary labor."

The woman immediately screamed and stretched out her hands to accuse these people of being barbaric, because there are regulations for entering the city and you must hand over your weapons, but it was obvious that the woman had no intention of handing over the weapons, and she was soon subdued by the Winter Guards. , tied directly with rope.

"I still have a gun with me. I hand it over voluntarily. Is that okay?"

At this time, a middle-aged man couldn't hold it in anymore. He hurriedly took out a pistol from his backpack, but was immediately arrested. The result was the same as the woman's, and he was sentenced to one month of hard labor.

"If you are dissatisfied, you can choose to leave now."

An inspection captain immediately shouted, and many people lowered their heads in fear, because they had been strictly ordered to hand over all their weapons before entering the city, but many people still took chances.

Some people who passed the review and recorded information wore black bracelets. Only after the expiration of one month can they officially obtain the citizenship of Winter City.

There are 94 people in total, 69 of whom have been escorted to a truck. They all entered the city with hidden weapons. They will all be sent to the mines to work in the mines for a month.

Such a result is also inevitable. No one can escape such scrutiny. This is a strict order issued by Viera. Before entering the city, they are told to hand over their weapons and they will be reviewed the next day, as well as the serious consequences of not handing over their weapons. , but many people still don’t listen.

Over the past two months, a large number of weapons have been collected in the city, and these weapons have all been equipped on the bodies of the Winter Guards and some important personnel of the department.

Redes was also amazed. In just a few months, this woman was able to build a kingdom. This was something Redes admired very much.

At this time, a short man was brought to Redes. He looked frightened.

"Redes, this man said that he received the news here after building a radio with some things. He came here and was assigned to your radio station."

Redes hummed.

"Follow me young man, what is your name?"


Redes nodded and looked at the young man. He looked tired, but his skin was clean, and he didn't look like he had just escaped.

"Where I was before, water and electricity were relatively sufficient, and I lived alone."

Redes yelled and started walking with Io. At this time, the team leader who brought Io over immediately turned around and started running quickly.

At 11:50, the meeting ended, and Verla then got up and left. He went directly to a small room on the side of the palace hall, followed by Susie.

"Sister, what do you think?"

Vierra nodded with satisfaction, and then there was a knock on the door of the room. It was the team leader just now.

"Your Majesty, Princess!"

"how's it going?"

The squad leader replied immediately.

"Io has been arranged to stay with Redes."

Vila nodded with satisfaction, and then asked about the situation at that time. Although Redes had doubts, there should not be any big problem. After explaining something to the squad leader, Susie smiled brightly.

"Believe my sister, there must be something wrong with that guy."

Susie said, and Verla nodded. Now, Verla will let Susie take over some of the eyeliner. She knows very well what this woman wants. As for whether her feelings for her brother are true or false, it has nothing to do with her, as long as she As long as she can give birth to offspring smoothly.

"I say it again, Suzy, it doesn't matter how many men you have had affairs with in the past, you only have one man now."

"I know sister."

Vila stood up, took Susie's hand and said.

"I can recognize you as a princess today, but I can hang you tomorrow. I hope you remember this and put away your little thoughts about men."

Suzy hummed.

During the two months Susie was dating Fred, she heard some unusual behaviors about Redes from Fred's mouth, and then told Verla. Verla immediately arranged for someone to investigate, and sure enough she found out Redes was acting suspiciously late at night, and there were several problems with the amount of food coming out of the warehouse. Finally, Redes was caught secretly taking some food late at night and placing it in certain places.

After that, the food would disappear the next morning. Vila did not let anyone support her, and she did not want to know who was hiding in the darkness. Even those monsters did not matter. In Vila's eyes, those monsters were still There is value in using it.

Two weeks ago, a man named Io came to the city. Susie immediately thought of this method, so she made Io not appear in the city for two weeks. Io also agreed to Vila's conditions.

During the two months of contact with Vierla, Susie really felt the terror of this sister. She knew very well that anyone who dared to disobey would be eliminated by Vierla.

"By the way, sister, what should I wear to the wedding tomorrow?"

Vila looked at Susie and said.

"It's better to dress more solemnly. Let's go get Fred up for dinner."

Susie started running quickly, and Verla stared at Susie sharply, and then laughed.

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