Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 701 Special Chapter The Collapse of the Winter Queen

Chapter 701 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Collapse

April 23, 2076, 7:03 am

On the morning of the sixth day after the disaster, Verla woke up from a deep sleep. The room was empty, and there was an unpleasant smell in the whole house. It was not just a problem of food, but there was also an extreme shortage of water.

They had launched an attack on the mine the day before yesterday, and they used cars to directly hit the mine as they had broken through the blockade of the town before. However, this time Redes seemed to have been prepared. After those people rushed up the slope, , launched a sudden and violent attack just before reaching the entrance of the mine.

These outsiders suffered heavy losses. More than 100 people died on the slope. After that, they no longer had the courage to launch an attack and began to pray to the people in the town to give them some food. However, the people in the town seemed to be iron-clad. He was determined not to give them any food.

The two sides have no words at all, and it is impossible to reach an agreement. Vierla can only survive on a little dry food every day, and water can only go to the mountains and forests every day, and collect some plants in the morning when the temperature is low. There was still some warm water under the pillow. This was the dew she had collected all day yesterday, and there was still half a bottle left.

Hunger, thirst and anxiety accompany Vila every day. Like everyone else, she can no longer hold on. Many people here have begun to become more and more silent, and there is an unbearable feeling in the air. heavy.

Some people have chosen to leave, driving cars that can still move, and some people who are unwilling to leave have obtained car batteries or gasoline and choose to drive away.

In the past few days, Verla saw hundreds of people who couldn't bear to leave. They didn't want to compete with others or have any disputes, let alone participate in attacks on the townspeople. They were planning a second attack under their leadership. Vierra also went to listen to their plan, but it seemed that the plan was not easy to succeed. They wanted to go to the water plant first, but that place was not easy to enter.

Because the water plant was located inside an underground cave when it was first established. The previous water source had been polluted due to mining and was eventually abandoned. As long as there were weapons, dozens of people could easily defend the place.

Vierra knew very well that this place could not last more than a few days, and there might be big problems tomorrow at most. In the past few days, people who received food had had countless conflicts with those who distributed food. However, such conflicts were caused by the use of weapons. Under the threat and the persuasion of the people around him, it was temporarily resolved.

Vila plans to take action tomorrow, taking advantage of the chaos to go directly to the mine. Now they are still planning to attack the mine, because hunger has driven most people to do so.

As soon as Verla came to the window, she saw many people already lined up in a long queue, everyone was waiting anxiously to receive food. Although some people left in the town, most of them stayed.

No one was willing to take the huge risk of leaving this safe place. Someone had already used radio to make contact, but the answer was to hold on.

Such an ambiguous answer made everyone feel desperate. This was still the national emergency contact channel, and the only answer they received was to persist.

At this time, Verla reached out and touched her quilt. Soon she panicked. There was still a bag of biscuits left, but it disappeared. Verla searched all over the bed, but still did not find where the biscuits were. , for a moment Vila recalled that although she was hiding secretly, she should have been seen by people nearby. She was a little angry, so she could only go to the queue honestly and wait to receive the food.

Throughout the morning, Vierra, like other people in line, waited until after 9 o'clock in the morning, and finally it was his turn. Vierra held the utensil in his hand and looked at the porridge in the pot, which was as clear as water. Vierra swallowed After taking a sip, she got a bowl of porridge and quickly drank it. Her thirsty throat was moisturized a little, but her stomach growled.

In the past few days, what Vila heard most was the growling of her stomach. At this time, another conflict occurred at another food acquisition point, and no one on either side gave way.

"How much food did you hide, you bastards?"

A man who looked extremely excited said, holding up a gun in his hand, and several people behind him did the same, pointing their guns at the people distributing food.

"I've already told you that we are all the same. We don't have any hidden food. If you don't want to die, you can only continue to endure!"

The person distributing the food did not show any weakness at all, and excitedly raised the gun in his hand. The two sides became more and more excited. At this time, the people in the queue also started to accuse angrily. Although someone went to persuade them, the voice of the persuader soon came out. It was completely covered up by the angry voice, and some people left. Several people holding guns to receive food looked at the porridge in the pot, and one of them asked the person who distributed the food to give more.

However, neither side was willing to give in to the other, they just faced each other.

"You bastards, bastards."

The man holding the gun became more and more excited, and his hand gradually pressed on the trigger. At this time, everyone around him left far away, and shouts were heard everywhere.


The gunshot rang out, and Verla quickly took the bowl in her hand and ran to the side of the tube. In an instant, there were gunshots and a lot of screams. Many people were busy running while Verla was holding a bowl. I drank another bowl of porridge quickly, scooped out the bottom of the bowl with a spoon, found some sediment, and ate it without ceremony.

One person after another fell to the ground. At this time, the man who shot first was already lying on the ground. Some people who were distributing food immediately went over to reinforce them.

Someone ran towards Verla like this, stretching his head as if he wanted to stick his head directly into the tube.

Vierla felt that it was enough. She quickly got up and ran. The whole town was filled with gunshots. Many people were shot and fell to the ground, and shouts spread everywhere.

Vierra quickly approached the mountain forest, and soon found his weapon and ammunition bag in a place. After carrying it, Vierra planned to leave, but when he came to the road leading to the mine from the town, he found that there were many people guarding it. , Vila could only stop.

The riot lasted until after 11 o'clock and stopped. More than 100 people were shot in this conflict, more than 30 of whom died directly, and some of them were temporarily taken to the supermarket for intensive treatment after being hit.

A large number of people went to the north of the town, shouting that they had not received food at all. After the conflict, the food had basically been eaten. Many people who had not received food were protesting, and some people accused Those people in the fields clearly have food in their hands, but they refuse to take it out.

On the first day we came here, the farmland was guarded by the soldiers and no one was allowed to enter. Most people suspected that there were edible crops in the farmland that they had hidden away.

Verla knew there was indeed one, this was for sure, because Verla had been to the farmland, where there was a potato planting field, and there should be a barn with some potatoes stacked there, because there was a biodegradation pond over there, and in some towns The produce that cannot be sold or eaten will be thrown in. It will be naturally decomposed bit by bit as biological nutrients and then infiltrated into the land to replenish nutrients to the land.

Those who came in the first wave to maintain order in this town looked completely different from those who came later. They are still very energetic today. This can no longer be explained by saying that everyone is the same.

More and more voices of dissatisfaction gathered. Verla always stood near the intersection in the northeast of the town, and some people near the intersection had already passed by. The two sides began to become at war with each other.

Several leading managers kept asking everyone to be patient. As long as they continued to endure for a while, they would definitely have food for a week at most.

Now let alone a week, no one can endure it for even a day. Distrust has begun to spread on a large scale. Many people who did not receive food today are protesting. Finally, the leader Gerry said that there would be no food. People who have received food will line up and a replacement food will be given to them.

Soon many people lined up in a long queue. Vila noticed that some people who had eaten today were also in the queue. Soon everyone's anger escalated again. Vila saw potatoes, with only small pieces in each piece. Potatoes the size of children's fists are being handed out.

This is no longer a small problem. In Verla's opinion, she has seen too much in the past few days. Some people who received potatoes only ate a little bit and then put away the potatoes that had only been boiled in water.

In the past, when Vila was in school, she had seen some major famines in human history, but now that she had seen them with her own eyes, Vila was shocked.

In the end, the excitement of most people was controlled by these potatoes, and the riot temporarily subsided.

"Can't this go on Gerry?"

Bob looked tiredly at the people dispersing in front of him. It was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Just one distribution of potatoes had reduced the potato storage by half. They had already tried to plant potatoes, and the fastest harvest would take more than half. It only takes 45 days.

Don't talk about waiting for harvest now, the situation will only get worse.

"Sorry Gerry, those bodies are gone."

At this time, someone came over to report. Gerry realized something, but just shook his head.

The attack a few days ago failed miserably. Gerry and the other soldiers were very smart and did not go up first, but let others go up first. As expected, the townspeople no longer planned to talk to them about anything.

The disappearing corpses are not only the dead after the conflict that appeared today, but also the corpses of the townspeople.

"It's tonight."

Bob muttered, and everyone knew that the water problem could be solved to some extent by relying on the nearby mountains and forests, but there was no solution for food.

The townspeople moved most of the food in just one night. Gerry and others calculated that the townspeople took away at least enough food to survive for more than half a year. If this self-sufficient town could Without their arrival, we would have been able to survive this disaster.

What worries Gerry most is that the sky in the west is always dark, and it seems to be raining in the distance. Although he has made preparations in advance with everything available in the village, if the rain falls after the radiation disaster, it will have a negative impact on the plants. Even people are deadly.

At this time, Gerry took some people and asked the remaining guards to guard the only flour and other food left in the warehouse. This was their last hope to survive.

"We have surveyed the nearby terrain. There are villages farther away, but it seems that there will be conflicts once we pass by. Although there are prey in the mountains and forests, the crisscrossed terrain of the nearby mountains and forests makes it easy to lose your bearings. , someone has already gone in to hunt, but they haven’t come out yet today.”

The two led people all the way to the road in the northeast of the town. At this time, Gerry saw a woman in the crowd with her head lowered and looking a little tired. He felt as if he had seen her before, but Gerry didn't. Mind you, there are many women here like this woman, armed with weapons, who have always wanted to participate in the attack on the mine.

Gerry soon explained the seriousness of the situation to everyone. If they were unable to attack, they would only be able to watch a large-scale conflict occur here.

And Gerry also made a plan to climb up to the mountain forest near the mine. They have made some simple climbing facilities these days. Gerry and Bob plan to take some people to climb up, and then climb up from both sides. Attack on the flank, and then attack from the front. This is the best way, and it is also their last resort.

Vila heard it clearly in the crowd. She waited silently. Now she could only follow these people and wait until they got there before finding a way to get to the mine. The best way was to climb with them. Once they climbed up, If so, Vierra will be able to get in touch with Redes and the others, and it will be safe by then.

However, something unexpected happened at this time. A scent floated in the air. This smell was familiar to everyone. It was the smell of barbecue.

For a moment, everyone looked at the back of the town, and at this time Gerry and Bob realized something, and now there is still a serious disagreement about who rushed up the slope first after launching a two-wing attack. People are willing to be the first to rush forward, because the chance of dying if they are the first to rush forward is 100%.

Soon, Vierla did not follow the movement of people in the town, but found the right moment and walked onto the road.

"Miss, where are you going?"

At this time, a man asked, and Vila stared at him sideways and said.

"I don't want to wait to die. I want to find something to eat by myself instead of being attracted by the smell."

Verla started running. At this time, she had a plan in her mind. Although the townspeople were eating and drinking every day, the situation would be different in two or three months. Although she didn’t know when the disaster would happen. The environment here has been invaded, but it is still possible to grow some potatoes.

The situation will change in a few months, and it will be the townspeople who will starve. This is the most direct question that Viela has thought about in the past few days. They seem to be determined to station in this town.

Vila planned to go back and have a good talk with Redes. If this continues, one day, the hungry and crazy people will rush forward desperately. This is not a compromise, but inevitable.

Soon Gerry and Bob came to the north of the town. What they saw in front of them made many people cover their mouths. Some timid people turned around and ran away. Many people gathered around a bonfire lit with firewood. Next to them, Gerry and Bob didn't lean over, and some people criticized them.

"You will become like us in a while."

A person who was handling "food" said and threw a big bone into the boiling pot. Many people swallowed it, and some people gritted their teeth and leaned over.

Although what is happening in front of them is difficult for many people to accept, the reality is that if they do not accept it, they will starve to death.

Some people came over, and Bob stopped him, but no one listened. Gradually, more and more people came over, and some even offered their hands to help with the "food".

Gerry stopped Bob and shook his head at him.

"Let them be."

All the "food" had been brought over, and there were even things that smelled bad. However, some people didn't care anymore, and instead waited impatiently next to the bonfire.

To everyone, what was in front of them was a sumptuous and delicious meal.

At this time, Vierla was running alone on this road. The road was no longer the same as a few days ago. There were many people on the road, but it was empty. Vierla was running crazily.

It was not until dusk that Vila finally came to the bottom of the mine. She sat on the ground hungrily, almost unable to walk, and what came to her mind was that extremely terrible and cruel things were being said in the town. Because she saw it, the reason why she wanted to escape was because she saw many people carrying corpses.

Vierra walked up the slope little by little, raising his hands and shouting constantly. At this time, the people on the slope raised their guns, but soon several people came down, and Redes was among them.

"Oh my god, Vila, you're still alive!"

With a firm hug, Verla breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, Verla returned to the repaired roadblock. Some people brought some food to Verla. Verla ate it hungrily, just some roasted food. The bread is made from scratch, but it tastes particularly sweet. In the past, Vila didn't like this kind of hard brown bread, but now it tastes extremely sweet.


At this time, Fred came out of the crowd with misunderstanding and ran over excitedly. Vila smiled and watched his brother come over, then stretched out his hand to hold his brother.

"It's okay, Fred, it's nothing."

Later, Vila told the people in the town how she survived among outsiders. Many people laughed and scolded them for what they deserved. However, Vila's expression darkened at this time.

"The situation shouldn't be like this Redes, three or four months is fine, but what are we going to do in four or five months? It's just a little bit of planting land."

At this time, many people looked uncomfortable, and many people had sad faces. Many people understood what Viera said after a little thought, especially when they contacted the national channel on the radio, they only received four words: "Hold on." This incident made many people feel uneasy.

"Indeed, we have to talk to them. Do you have any good ideas, smart girl!"

Vila said with a smile.

"Let them hand over all their weapons and obey us completely. We will guard the planting land and let them work. The relationship between master and servant must be established."

Redes nodded, and many people thought this was correct.

"Let's go, let's take some people and go fight with them now"

Vila shook her head.

"Not now, but in a week. In just one week, they will be completely defeated. If we go now, they may take the opportunity to put forward some conditions, but they will obey unconditionally after a week."

Redes looked at Vila with an evil look on her face and felt that this girl had completely transformed and had been lurking in the town for a week.

"Where are they?"

"This is only the sixth day, and they have already started eating."

Everyone looked at Viela in shock. Such a serious tragedy had occurred in the town. Although some people had vaguely thought about it, the facts that happened now shocked many people. This was only the sixth day, and it would actually happen. This kind of thing.

“People are much more fragile than we think.”

Redes said, looking at the shocked and trembling Fred next to him. These days, he had been saying that he wanted to go back to the town to find his sister, but after trying many times, Fred did not dare to go back. Si sighed helplessly.

"How about we give them some food, anyway."

"Absolutely not. I hope everyone can work together in the future, because we are all people who grew up in this place, instead of pity them. If we pity them, who will pity us?"

For a moment, everyone nodded silently, and many people nearby also looked at Vila seriously. At this time, Vila stood up and stood on a table.

"Next, I will make some detailed divisions for a week. I hope everyone can obey the order if you want to survive!"

Vila said, many people praised Vila, Redes smiled helplessly, although he is the nominal leader here, but today the real leader here was born.

Vierla then directly explained the seriousness of the situation to the people who kept approaching, and what exactly they were going to do in seven days. Many people were frightened when they heard this, but no one refuted, and they all listened carefully, because this was something that related to them. The question of whether we can survive in the future.

Verla's passionate words were quickly recognized by most people.

"Okay, now I hope everyone will follow what I just said. I will ask you one by one and assign you to the appropriate position."

The applause started, and Redes couldn't help but clap his hands, but Fred's expression was stiff at this time, and he felt that his sister was starting to become strange and cold.

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