Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 700 Special Chapter Shadow of the Winter Queen

Chapter 700 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Shadow

Bang bang

The sound of gunshots echoed, and the sky became a lot brighter. In the mountains and forests to the east of the town, many people were holding weapons, hiding behind the trees, and firing several shots into the mountains from time to time.

There were human corpses lying in some places in the forest. Many people were panicked. They didn't know how many people were hiding in the forest and shooting. Now most people have entered the town, found some food, and entered They had a place to live, but the people in the town had almost emptied everything in the town, leaving almost nothing for them.

In some crop fields in the northeast outside the town, almost nothing can be seen. Many crops have withered. It is very difficult to grow crops in this situation.

"We have to find out how many people there are."

The soldiers who took the lead in attacking the village from the southwest were leaning behind a tree, holding their guns tightly in their hands. In just over an hour, more than 30 people on their side had fallen, and the other side's The marksmanship is very good. Although the soldiers do not want to go deeper into the mountains and forests, the current situation must eliminate external threats.

The situation in the town is now extremely unstable. Although some people with weapons have been asked to maintain order, such a fragile order will cause big problems because there will be no food.

The soldiers had already checked the food in a warehouse. The food was enough to feed the people who poured into the town like a tide for at most three days. During these three days, if there were continuous attacks from the outside, the situation would be very serious. Too bad.

"Gerry, what should I do?"

At this time, a dark-skinned soldier ran up and asked. The soldier's name was Gerry, and he used to be a sergeant. The black man's name was Bob, and his original rank was a corporal.

They all escaped while performing a suppression mission, because the situation was not a suppression at all, but they were just allowed to die. More than 50 members of the entire team died, and only 30 people escaped in the end.

Gerry and Bob were one of them. More than ten of them heard what was going on here when they were escaping later, and most of them drove here to avoid the radiation. material disaster.

The noise in the town behind him was very fierce, and many people who entered had various disputes. There were only a few captured townspeople left, and some of the others were beaten to death by the angry people. .

Because the actions of the townspeople were too cruel from the beginning, and Gerry naturally knew what the townspeople were thinking. With so many people entering, the town would not last long.

Everyone realizes that this disaster will not end, but will only continue to expand, rescue will not come, and chaos will continue until the population is reduced to a certain level.

Gerry had already asked several of his comrades to lead people to pursue them. He had to confirm where the townspeople had moved the food. These townspeople did not have much resistance. As long as he could talk to them and let them share the food. Get some food out and think of a solution then, otherwise a very bloody tragedy will happen here due to hunger.

Gerry and Bob are both experienced soldiers who have been in large and small battlefields in the Middle East. Both of them are very aware of the seriousness of the situation.

At this moment, when Gerry was looking at the map, a gunshot rang out. In an instant, more than ten meters away from the two of them, a man on the tree trunk fell down and became motionless. At this time, someone finally couldn't bear it. Lived and wanted to escape.

"Do not move!"

Gerry shouted, but there were still people running nearby. With the sound of gunshots coming one after another, those who escaped fell to the ground one after another. Gerry and Bob swallowed. They didn't know how many people were on the other side. Human, but the opponent's marksmanship is very good.

Soon more and more people started running, and Gerry and Bob could no longer stop them. Once they went down the mountain, they would definitely spread the news about what happened in this mountain forest, and the situation would most likely get out of control.

"You son of a bitch."

One of Gerry's comrades couldn't stand it any longer. He came out from behind a rock and started shooting at the mountain. However, the next second there was a clear sound of gunfire, and Gerry's eyes widened.

He looked at his comrade with a big gash on the back of his head and fell softly to the ground.

"Retreat first!"

Finally, Gerry couldn't help it any longer, and then they began to cover each other, shooting at the top of the mountain forest, and began to retreat down the mountain.

After a few minutes, most of the people came out of the forest in despair, and the people on the edge of the forest seemed to realize something. Soon crying began, and the relatives of those who died in the forest angrily wanted to take weapons. Entering, he was stopped by Grie's command. Grie looked at the mountain forest quietly. He didn't know how many townspeople were inside, but the current situation could only send people to guard it, but the situation was still not optimistic.

Relying on the terrain of the mountains and forests, the opponent is in a commanding position, and people nearby are likely to become targets of being shot.

The sky had brightened a lot, and the sun's rays had begun to cover the town. At this time, Gerry raised his head and saw a woman standing on the trunk of a thick tree, looking towards them in the breeze.

Gerry immediately took out his binoculars and saw the woman getting down from the tree with great skill, and then disappeared.

Gerry recalled some things that happened when they entered the forest. The gunshots would always be fired after a while. After they fired back, the opponent stopped moving. It was not until they stopped that the opponent suddenly started to attack.

"Is there only one person?"

Gerry muttered, and Bob on the side nodded in agreement.

"Maybe there is really only one person. We can set up an ambush near here and maybe catch her."

At this time in the mountain forest, Verla was quietly behind a group of plants, her lips turned white from the cold. She had tried to climb over the mountains before, but failed. Without tools, it would be difficult to climb over the mountains behind. impossible.

Vila was trapped. The only place she could go to was the town, and then she took the road behind the town to the mine. Although this mountain forest was large, the range of activities she could do was limited. She was almost discovered a few times just now, if she hadn't taken advantage of the weather. It was a bit dark, and if Verla had a night vision device, she might have been hit.

If the opponent continues to attack, Vierla has no chance of winning. It is dawn now, and the current situation is far more complicated and difficult than Vierla thought.

Everyone in the town should have arrived at the mine safely. Vera held the sniper rifle in his hand. There were not many bullets left. There was also an automatic rifle. Although there were still a lot of bullets, this kind of gun was very useful in mountain and forest warfare. , very difficult to play.

Vila's mood is a bit complicated now. She doesn't know if she is more of a whim or if she wants to let the townspeople leave safely. Both moods make Vila feel a little tired.

The feeling of wanting to vent everything is perhaps the most real state of mind of Verla now. All the tragic experiences she suffered by her boyfriend's side in the past made a devil live in Verla's heart.

Especially after Verla killed her boyfriend, the devil seemed to run out of her heart, and everything around her seemed to be no longer so important.

The hunger had begun to make Vila feel unbearable. She straightened up and planned to continue moving. In the current situation, she could only go around the main road to the northeast of the town, look for opportunities to escape, and then go to the mine.

Vierla, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, found a place that seemed relatively safe. After lying down, she could only continue to endure the cold. She planned to take a rest and took out some dry food from her backpack. Vierla ate it and felt comfortable after eating it. After a while, Vila closed her eyes.

8:23 am

Redes stood quietly on the slope of the road leading from the mine. Defenses had been built. Many members of the guard held weapons and looked at the road below the more than 500-meter-long slope. The mine is located on the foothills of a mountain. Yes, there are a large number of metal plate houses built during the mining period. When the mines were at their peak, more than 4,000 people were working, so the facilities here are fully sufficient to accommodate the residents of the town.

This slope is the only way to enter the mine. In the past, after rare ores were discovered here, mining began within a few years.

But in just a few years, everything here was polluted by mining. Finally, the mine stopped mining after the townspeople protested day and night and used force.

"Isn't my sister back yet?"

Behind Redes, Fred asked, and Redes didn't know how to answer him.

"Not back yet."

After speaking, Redes noticed Fred's trembling hands. He knew that the young man was worried about his sister, and Redes was the same, because the attack caused by Verla in the southeast of the town sent many people over. They were able to successfully reach the mine on foot.

Redes did not expect that Vila would do such a thing. The girl's behavior seemed a little abnormal after she came back.

"Where are you going?"

Redes asked and Fred grabbed a weapon.

"I'll go take a look!"

After seeing Fred say such words, Redes snatched the weapon from his hand and shook his head.

"If...I say if, Fred, you have to inform the people in the village. Go right away. You guys will escort Fred there."

Redes knew what people who couldn't find food would do. They would search everywhere for anything to eat. At the end of last night, Redes took a look at the situation in the town. The town at least had an influx of people. There were tens of thousands of people, all survivors who had fled the city after the disaster.

From the fact that they drove all the way to such deep mountains, it can be preliminarily inferred that the situation in the city is really very bad.

"It's going to be a fight for survival situation, so be prepared guys."

Seeing that Fred was still hesitating, Redes pushed him.

"You have to go back and inform the people in your village now, Fred. Vila should be fine, trust me."

Finally, Fred left under the escort of several team members. Redes felt a little tired. At this time, some people with weapons appeared at the end of the slope. Some of them shouted with a loudspeaker. , made some requests, hoping that the townspeople would give them some food.

Redes did not respond to them. Many townspeople looked at the people down the slope with great anger. Redes held the telescope and found that many of them were observing some of the surrounding terrain. He put down the telescope angrily and picked up the With the gun in his hand, he fired a shot, and immediately everyone on the opposite side ran to the left.

"You can't even hope to get any food. You were the ones who attacked first."

Redes finally made a formal response. Now it is no longer possible to make peace. The outsiders launched an attack first and killed more than 100 townspeople. This is absolutely unforgivable, even in the face of disaster. under the general environment.

At this time, on the left side of the slope below, hundreds of people with weapons were furious. Many people were discussing that they could do the same thing as they did when they broke through the entrance to the town last night, ram them with cars, open a breach, and then attack in. .

It’s just that someone soon came up with a rebuttal, because the slope of this slope is not small, and the opening is too small. Even if they break through, the townspeople will not be able to break in due to their condescending terrain. The surrounding areas The mountain forest seems to be extremely difficult to enter.

Some people already want to go back, but the current situation is that they have to find a way to get food from the townspeople. Until now, there are still people pouring into this town.

This town is the most remote place in the country, followed by deep mountains and old forests. So far, it has not been too seriously polluted. In most people's minds, this is the only place where people can survive.

No one expects national rescue to come, because people in the military have also said that the army no longer exists, and there is no communication method to contact the upper levels.

9:23 am

Vila was wearing a coat and wrapped herself tightly. She had come out of the mountain forest and successfully blended into the crowd. The clothes she wore did not look like people in the town, but more like outsiders. No one doubted her. Verla was just south of the town. A lot of people had gathered here, and many people occupied the houses. Most of the houses were already overcrowded, and some people could only stay outside the houses.

Vierla listened to people's conversations and felt that the implementation situation was much more serious than she thought.

Many people have found some food. All night last night, the townspeople were carrying only the main grain, and many things were left behind at home.

Vila looked at the people in groups, with wary eyes, all on guard against each other. The situation was terrible.

Verla strolled to the entrance of the town little by little, and saw that people were still walking in. At the entrance of the town, the corpses of the townspeople were piled up. Some townspeople who looked like they had been beaten and tortured were killed. They were tied outside a house and someone was watching them. Only 5 people survived, and from time to time someone was teasing and mocking them.

"Rednecks, if you had let us in sooner, this never would have happened."

Vila stared at these outsiders with serious eyes. It could be seen that they were all the ones who had escaped all the way and survived, and almost all of them were armed.

Vierla found a place more than ten meters away from the person, sat down and watched everything quietly.

Thinking about it carefully, although it was indeed Redes who set up barriers first and did not allow them to enter, and finally they attacked in groups, the result was the same.

At this time, Vila heard some quarreling sounds. She followed the crowd and passed by. It was to the north of the town. There were many warehouses and some processing plants there. Many people with weapons had already occupied these storage rooms. The people outside were shouting at them to bring out the food. At least everyone shared the food equally, but the occupiers refused to bring out the food.

Some people even became suspicious. The occupiers said that the place had been almost emptied by the townspeople. There was not much food and they could only distribute some every day.

The quarrels became more and more intense. Everyone insisted on their own opinions. There was no order at all. Those who wanted to get in kept moving closer.

"Everyone, please stop making noise and please be quiet."

At this time, a voice sounded. Gerry and Bob came with people, and he shouted with a loudspeaker.

"In the current situation, we can only survive by helping each other. Anyone with planting experience please follow me. We found some seeds and now we need to sort out the planting land. That is the only place where we can survive. As long as we can I can survive if I can grow things in the fields, so now we all have to unite."

Gerry's words seemed to have some effect, and the angry crowd calmed down a little. At this time, many people came out and said that they had planted things.

Vila in the crowd just sneered. She knew very well that the person who just spoke was just lying to herself.

It was impossible for so many people to last until the crops were harvested. For the whole day, Vierla just walked around casually, listening to these people talk about the situation in the city and how they escaped all the way.

At night, most of the men were close to the outside of the house, while the women, the elderly, and children entered the house. Vila was also in a larger living room of the house. Most of the people were sleeping, because many people just got Just a little bit of food.

If the townspeople in the town distributed food to them, so many people would not be able to sustain themselves for a month at most, even if they only had one meal a day.

At this time, several women in the room who couldn't sleep were talking. They bluntly said that if they had known that this was the case here, they might as well have stayed in the city. They might have died, but it would have been much better than the suffering they were experiencing now.

Early the next morning, many people were waiting at several places where food was distributed in the town. Veerla did not go. She still had some dry food. After eating a little, her hungry belly was temporarily relieved, and she was still mixed in with most of the people. .

Many people were so hungry that they couldn't stand still. The situation looked very bad, and the town also exuded a stench. This is what Vila smelled when she got up early this morning.

There is excrement everywhere on the edge of the mountains and forests, the town is already overcrowded, and the streets are full of people, as if they were lively festivals in the past.

Complaints kept ringing in Verla's ears. Many people didn't have enough to eat. What they ate meant that they didn't eat. The complaints were more about those who occupied warehouses and those who were in the planting fields. They could eat. More food than others.

There are voices of suspicion everywhere, and some people have even joined forces and may launch an attack at any time.

Vila is not planning to leave the town yet, because the place heading to the mine is full of people, and some of the houses by the forest are also occupied. If Vila goes there now, it will be very dangerous. If you don’t keep your brain clear and calm all the time, , will die.

Vierla came here this way in the past, and it was the same way when he and his brother escaped all the way back. They passed through many checkpoints with difficulty without being discovered, otherwise they might have been arrested, and once arrested, they would most likely Sent to jail.

By night, the town had become lifeless, and the stench of the town was even more permeable in the air. Vella knew that the townspeople should have cut off the water in the town, and the only water supply facility outside the town, Just to the right of the mine, that side should have been controlled by the townspeople.

At night, the whole town almost fell silent, and even the lights disappeared, because the power supply was no longer enough. During the day, Verla saw many townspeople going to the mountains and forests to find food, but Verla knew very well that place. There was nothing to be found, and even though there was an orchard, the fruit was not yet ripe.

Nothing can be found in the mountains and forests, not even animals. In the past, when pollution began to appear, many animals near the town disappeared.

Vila didn't sleep well all night, until early in the morning, Vila was woken up by a noise. When she opened her eyes, there was no one in the house, and in a place where food was taken, There was a dispute between the person handing out the food and the person taking it.

There was not as much food as yesterday, and the portions were reduced a lot. There were even some plant roots in it. Many people became dissatisfied, saying that they had been hungry for many days and just wished they could give them a little more. But the person distributing the food also bluntly said that if there were just a little more, the food here would not last for two days, let alone a week.

Vila felt it. Now most of the people who still had strength were gathering in the east of the town. In the end, their only way was to rob the food from the townspeople. This was their only way to survive. .

"Not until tomorrow at most!"

Vila has already felt it, and they will take action tomorrow at most, but it looks like they are still doing the same thing, Vila becomes anxious, she has to go back to inform everyone, at this time Vila sneaks into the people who are planning to go to the mine, He stared blankly at the angry people.

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