
The voices of a man and a woman sounded. Isa opened her eyes slightly, and a pair of children rushed over. Isa coughed a few times and showed a smile. She hugged the two children gently and looked at the man standing by the bedroom door. Husband, tears fell from his eyes.

"It's okay, have a good rest!"

Long Yu breathed a sigh of relief. His wife finally woke up. The high priest Laika personally came to the house to treat his wife. Isa sighed. The two children were busy getting food and water for Isa. Long Yu He turned around and looked at the children's room opposite. Lying on the ground was his brother, Dragon Curse, who had not yet woken up.

Long Yu didn't mention a word about Ibrasi. Now there are people from Crow outside. He has promised High Priest Laika that he will go to Mine No. 1 when his wife's condition gets better. They have another one in their family. Months of time together, one month later, the two children will be taken away by Laika.

"Don't disturb mom, let mom have a good rest."

As Long Yu said, the two children left the room. After Long Yu entered, he closed the door and walked to the bedside to sit down and look at his wife tenderly.

"Why are you so stupid!"

Isa shook her head.


Long Yu pressed his wife's hand and lowered his head, looking like it was difficult to speak. Isha knew what her husband wanted to say to her.

"I knew it. I wouldn't say anything. You and your brother should have a good talk. Just say that we followed the railroad track and then entered an unknown tunnel and got lost."

Long Yu hummed and watched his wife turn over, intending to continue sleeping. Long Yu gently kissed his wife on the cheek, turned off the light in the room, and left.

The room opposite was originally the childhood room of himself and his brother Long Ju. Now it is the room of his son and daughter. His brother's colleague is also in it. Long Yu is still waiting for the two of them to wake up. He doesn't know how to talk to his brother. , because Dragon Curse is the kind of bastard who won't listen to any of his own opinions.

This has been the case since childhood. The relationship between the two brothers was not very good. They often bickered and even got physical. Although Dragon Curse was two years older than him, he was not as generous as an older man should be. Instead, he was always in trouble. Compete with Long Yu.

Naturally, Long Yu knew the reason. It was because of Isa's relationship, but that was already in the past. They were both adults, and now Long Yu just wanted to have a good talk with his brother.

Over the years, Long Yu resented Dragon Curse very much in his heart, but now this resentment has long dissipated. This is the meeting after ten years, and the resentment towards Dragon Curse in his heart is gone.

Long Yu found a chair and sat at the door of the room. Crow's people were still waiting for the three of them to wake up and come to inquire. Long Yu was still thinking about how to convince his brother that regarding Ibrasi, Long Yu would He felt a little heartbroken at the time. He didn't know why the old man would do such a thing. It seemed that he had something to do with the rebels.

The kidnapping of his son and daughter was also inseparable from him, but in the end when Ibrasi left, he still told him what happened in the basement, so Long Yu was able to find his wife.


Long Yu punched the wall angrily. He wanted to ask Ibrasi face to face what he was doing.

"It's useless for you to be angry. That guy is already a true rebel."

A cold voice came, and Long Yu looked over. Long Curse had already opened his eyes and climbed up.

"Can we talk?"

Long Yu asked. Long Curse stood up and looked at an old wooden cabinet. He walked over with a smile and opened the drawer. There were some books in it. Long Curse picked it up and looked through it at will. Down.

"Still keeping it!"

"Of course I keep it, it's the only property we have."

The relief on Dragon Curse's face disappeared.

"Ibrasi has rebelled. No matter what he does, it will definitely cause great harm to Shimmer City. I must perform my duties."

Long Yu stood up and as soon as he walked in, he saw the woman named Shayena also waking up on the children's bed.

"I won't disturb your brothers' reunion. I'll go down first."

Shayena stretched her limbs and was about to leave the room after getting up when Long Yu blocked the door.

"Get out of the way, I don't want ordinary people to get hurt!"

Shayena said threateningly. Long Yu knew that she was not joking. Although this woman was shorter than him and not as strong as him, Crow's people were all well-trained, and ordinary people could not be their opponents at all. of.

"I only count 3 times, 1"

Before Shayena could finish counting, she suddenly stepped forward and twisted Long Yu's arm. Long Yu subconsciously wanted to push her away, but he felt a stumble under his feet and his body had fallen backwards, but the next second Dragon Curse A hand grabbed his back and supported him.

"Wait a minute, okay?"

Dragon Curse looked at Shayena blankly, and she waved her hands helplessly.

"Do we still need to wait for this kind of thing? Ibrasi is already a blatant rebel. They want to destroy the peace of Shimmer City. Such guys must be eliminated."

Dragon Curse knows that what Shayena said is correct, but now due to his brother's situation, he doesn't really want to fall out with his brother again now, because he is very aware of his brother's relationship with Ibrasi.

Long Yu closed the door of the room and blocked the doorway alone. Shayena sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Long Yu with a serious face.

"Is it okay for a month?"

Long Yu said almost begging, and Shayena immediately retorted.

"A month? Are you kidding me? If we say it by then, we won't be able to get away with it, and we will become suspects."

What Shayena said was the truth, and Dragon Curse probably knew what his brother was thinking.

"Okay, just a month."

As soon as the dragon curse was finished, Shayena immediately exclaimed.

"Are you crazy? If you report it again after a month, we will definitely"

"I will take all responsibilities voluntarily."

Long Yu lowered his head and said, Long Curse sighed.

"I will think of a suitable solution within a month!"

Dragon Curse looked at Shayena in confusion. Seeing that Shayena wanted to continue saying something, he walked over and put his hands on Shayena's shoulders.


In the end, Shayena nodded. Long Yu looked at Dragon Curse with some surprise, that he would actually agree to his request.

Then at 11 o'clock in the morning, the three missing people were questioned by the crows respectively. The three people all told the same story, which did not arouse any suspicion among the crows. Long Yu and his wife also started to pack their things. They will be there tonight. Take the train to Pit 1.

"Ibrasi, what exactly do you want to do!"

2 o'clock in the afternoon

Ibrasi quietly followed the man wearing a leather mask in front of him as he walked in the busy city. This was Mine No. 21. Soon Ibrasi would arrive at the research site he dreamed of. The other party had already prepared for Ibrasi. Everything needed is ready.

"Relax, we're safe."

Ibrasi hummed. Ibrasi and the others were fully aware of the attack on the eastern garbage dump, but no one knew what the situation was. I heard one of Crow's intercoms say that thousands of Crow's people An attack was carried out, and although the two Chosen Ones had been brought back, they should have retreated safely.

Although there may be a little sacrifice more or less, the situation should not be too bad. Although the crows have strong fighting capabilities, there is Rhodes over there. He is the kind of person who is very good at layout. There are many There is a tunnel that can be retreated, and there are a large number of residents of the garbage dump there. Although it failed, it should not be too bad.

At this time, the man in front of him turned into an alley, and quickly took out a key from under one of the seemingly intact floor tiles in the alley.

"Still the same."

The man said with a smile. The two of them found a place first. The man exchanged the mechanical items in his pocket for some food. After the two ate, they planned to continue to the base.

"By the way, Ibrasi, next I think you should slow down your research project a little and create as many weapons as possible."

Ibrasi nodded clearly. He naturally knew why the other party was willing to provide such favorable conditions, because he could produce some weapons and equipment, and the performance of these weapons and equipment was already better than that of crows.

The man took Ibrasi to the suspended ramp near the mountain wall in Mine No. 21. Here was a small sunlight field. After looking around, the man opened up the crops next to a pile of dry crop poles, exposing There was a metal door, and the man inserted the key and turned it.

With a click, the metal opened. There was no smell of mold or dust. Ibrasi followed the man and walked in. The man arranged the plant poles adhered to the door and closed the door.

The lights came on here. This was a somewhat old metal passage that looked to have been there for some time. According to the man, this was the largest rebel stronghold in the north. The tunnel in front of him led to a hidden mine.

The tunnel was not long, only less than 1 kilometer away. Soon the two of them reached the end, and a gate appeared in front of them.

"Okay, you can relax now. Ibrasi, have a good night's rest. I will take you to see our leader tomorrow."

Ibrasi hummed, and the man opened the door with the key. He happily stepped in, but the next second they both felt something was wrong. Their eyes were dark, with only sporadic weak yellow light in the distance.

"what happened?"

The man shouted, but the next second, a black shadow suddenly struck from the side. Ibrasi's eyes widened and he subconsciously took a step back. The man in front of him had disappeared, and he could not even hear the scream. .

Ibrasi stared blankly at the darkness in front of him, feeling fear. Under the light, he knew clearly that it was over. Although he had only caught a glimpse of it just now, he was sure it was the tentacles of the priests.

"Don't you plan to come in?"

A deep female voice sounded, and Ibrasi swallowed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Have you caught Rhodes and the others?"

After Ibrasi asked, the expression on his face relaxed a little.

A faint blue light lit up in the darkness. Ibrasi covered his mouth as soon as he looked over. The people who were caught in the air by the tentacles were all dead. There were no living people, and a lot of them were wearing steam. People in armor can be sure that this place has been completely destroyed.

"There will be no more rebels, and you are the last one. I'll give you a few minutes."

Laika's voice seemed a little majestic. Ibrasi didn't know how she captured this base, but what is certain is that once Rhodes and the others were captured, other bases would not be spared, because the high priest Laika could directly Read the memories in the human brain.

"I have advised you many times that if you only rely on the characteristics of the tentacles as mechanical connectors to realize the transmission of energy and drive the machinery, there will eventually be an end. Now this conductor has become less and less Once stabilized, the energy consumption will be drastically consumed during the conduction process.”

"So what?"

Laika stared at Ibrasi with sharp eyes.

"Indeed, in your eyes, these things are not very important. As long as everyone can have food to eat, those who don't have enough to eat can be thrown into the garbage dump."

"Is there anything wrong?"

Laika slowly approached, and Ibrasi smiled bitterly.

"This city has no future if this continues."

Ibrasi stared at Laika seriously, and she laughed.

“Whether this city has a future or not, what does it have to do with me?”

For a moment, Ibrasi felt something was wrong. Laika's expression became extremely ferocious. She seemed to be in pain. The tentacles that almost covered the already very large town in front of her began to stir wildly. The metal structures The buildings were like tofu in front of Laika's tentacles, being cut apart and collapsed easily.

The entire mine was almost in ruins, and Ibrasi saw a hint of excitement in Laika's eyes.

"You monster!"

Laika laughed heartily, then arched her body, and the tentacles wrapped around her moved towards her head little by little, until in the end Laika only had one cheek left.

"So what now? What are you going to do?"

Ibrasi pressed the door with one hand, then laughed.

"What else can we do, you monster who doesn't understand anything? This city will die one day."

"This has nothing to do with me anymore. I have devoted more than two hundred years to this city. It's enough!"

Ibrasi looked at Laika in shock.

"Unfortunately, before I became like this, I was just a woman from an ordinary poor family in a war-torn area. I don't even understand words and mathematics. What will happen to this city next has nothing to do with me. I’m tired, enough is enough!”

Laika suddenly roared, and the huge power turned into a strong air current in an instant. Ibrasi felt as if he had been hit in the face with a stick, and his whole body rolled up in the long tunnel with a bang. There was a loud noise, and the lightbulbs exploded one by one. Ibrasi covered his abdomen with blood streaming from the corners of his mouth, while the monster in front of him was still laughing wildly.

"There's only one month left. After one month, everything here will have nothing to do with me. I'm sorry, Ibrasi. Although I really want to hear you talk about some scientific issues, I can't help it anymore. Ah, the thought of eating everything.”

Ibrasi closed his eyes silently, feeling that his body was surrounded by tentacles, and he smiled slightly.

"We are still a small step away from success. Semi-perpetual motion machine. During the transmission process, the energy consumption can be reduced to 1%. Only then will humanity be able to usher in the dawn. It's a pity that you look really good. You must be very tired, Master Laika!”

The tentacles climbed up Ibrasi's cheek little by little, and he felt a burning sensation. A large amount of blood poured out from the surface of his skin, and soon all the blood was absorbed by the tentacles.

Sorry, Ayu!

4:09 p.m.

Fry quietly walked into the forest outside Laika's residence. Mist sat on a bench next to a big tree. Fry walked over quickly with a smile.

"It's over now, don't worry Mist."

"Mr. Fry."

Mist stood up excitedly. He had already heard that Frye had successfully wiped out the rebels on his own, and all the rebels were captured.

"Is Miss Laika back?"

Frye asked and Mist nodded.

"Just came back."

Fry patted Mist on the shoulder and then walked away.

"I need to talk to Miss Laika."

Mist hummed, and Frye walked directly into the mansion and arrived at the door of the room on the second floor with ease. There were rustling sounds inside.

dong dong

"Come in!"

Frye opened the door to the room, and as soon as he entered, he saw Laika in the corner. She looked calm.

"Miss Laika, is it over?"

Frye felt vaguely uneasy, and Laika nodded.

"Everything is over, just waiting for the new successor to come."

Fry hummed and sat casually on a chair.

"Miss Laika, although I am just an outsider, there are some things that I feel I must remind you of."

Laika stared at Fry suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter if you say it!"

Frye said after thinking for a moment.

"Rather than keep hiding it, it is better to disclose the facts so that more people know everything. I think it is a way, so that maybe they can understand your actions and everything you have sacrificed."

During this period of time, Frye roughly understood everything about Shimmer City. This city was built on faith in miracles. Now faith is gradually collapsing, because some people realize that the gods they believe in are not Not a god, but a monster.

Everything in society has long since stagnated, especially in terms of science and technology. In Fry's view, the technological capabilities here are too low. He also asked some Crow people that their latest equipment is more than ten years old. developed before.

"The city has no future if this continues."

Laika smiled tiredly.

"Just now, someone said something similar to you, but it has nothing to do with me anymore."

Fry stared blankly at Laika, who had a dead expression on his face. Fry had seen such an expression before, and the gods of Brilliant City in his mind often showed such tired and indifferent expressions. They were numb to everything.

Frye stood up. He didn't plan to continue talking to Laika. If he wanted to free such a guy who had endured pain and suffering for more than two hundred years, death might be the only option, and she already knew everything about Shimmer City. I have given up and have no ability to change some things, because the established things have been solidified. If you want to change, the city must be destroyed.

Frye cannot blame a guy whose mental condition is almost destroyed. This is an established fact, and it is also an extremely cruel future.

Laika asked suddenly after leaving the room.

"I just felt your weak mood swings. Is this mood because you have seen the same "god" as me before?"


Fry glanced back at Laika.

"It's just that the mentors I know are still working hard to bring mankind to a bright future. Although this is a fantasy that can never be realized, there may be people who are willing to hold on to this unrealistic fantasy. Death, I can’t quite understand such feelings.”

Laika laughed gently.

"Indeed, it is too difficult to understand. In the final analysis, we are just ordinary people. We only have the power that only gods are qualified to possess. We obviously do not have the power to solve everything like gods, but we still have to do what gods should do. It’s ridiculous, right!”

Frye walked out of the room and closed the door. His laughter stopped suddenly. He raised his head slightly. He knew very well that he had to go back to Glittering City to solve everything, but before going back, he had to get Using plant-like control methods, Frye has personally experienced this torment that is worse than death.

I live in a false phantom all day long, always able to see myself in the past and future, constantly traveling in my own world, and no matter where I go, there is a desert, an endless desert.

Frye originally wanted to talk to Laika, but in fact, too severe sanctions are more powerful than tolerant relief. Those rebels did do unforgivable things, but only because they knew this earlier than ordinary people. The essence of society does not continue to obey this society without a future, but intends to resist.

Frye has seen this fact countless times in his life. He always hopes to see the dawn of a new era coming. However, contrary to expectations, he sees the dawn of a new era end time and time again. In front of him is eternal darkness, without any Answer.

"What else can I do!"

Frye returned to his room and looked at the shimmering city below. He actually wished he could do something, but even if he had the power, he could not change the powerful and powerless reality.

"Maybe this is your helplessness, Mr. Jean! Then why don't you let go!"

Frye smiled slightly, and then he looked towards the distance, a steam train heading this way.

"Let's do something."

Frye closed his eyes and recalled that in countless desperate situations in the past, he would always see that moment of light, an extremely dazzling and warm light.

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