
Long Yu opened the door of his room, and the two children hurried in. The room was in a mess, with a lot of footprints and an earthy smell. Long Yu smiled and asked the two children to clean it together, and waited. Make delicious food for them in the evening.

Regarding the news of his mother's disappearance, Long Yu did not tell them. Instead, he told them that his mother had gone to another mine. Because he heard some news there, he hurried there. The railroad tracks were temporarily blocked and he would be back in a few days. .

Long Yu said this just because he didn't want the two children to worry. Long Yu looked at Frye who was following behind him.

"Let's have dinner together tonight, Mr. Fry. Thank you."

Frye shook his head.

"I won't bother you. I'm at Crow's headquarters. If you have any questions, I'll be there as soon as possible."

Frye didn't want to disturb the family, and he didn't intend to give any advice to this somewhat lost man, because from the way back, he could see that this man wanted to resist Laika's decision, but he didn't know how to resist. Although Frye didn't know what Laika was going to do with the two children, it was certain that the two children would be separated from their parents forever.

This is difficult for anyone to accept. Then Long Yu got up and left. He was surrounded by patrolling crows. They would patrol around the house 24 hours a day, so Long Yu was not worried. He planned to go to the cemetery now, because As soon as Long Yu came back, he heard that Grandma Puzer was dead.

This was something Long Yu didn't expect. He had just been out for a few days, and Puzer died. The old woman was obviously in good health. When asked about the reason, Long Yu was a little unbelievable.

The cause of Puzer's death was that the old steam gun misfired and he was shot directly through the head. Crow's people have gone to the scene to identify the gun, and the gun is indeed Puzer's.

Long Yu and Crow Crow's people had said that Puzer would not go out with a gun because she often wandered the streets late at night, exchanged some things with many people and even asked for some things. Long Yu said she would never go out with a gun. , asking her to pay attention to safety, but Puzer said that it was very safe here, so although she had replaced the gun more than 20 years ago, she had never taken it out once.

Along the way, many people came over to say hello cordially. Everyone knew that Long Yu's family had the right to live in the No. 1 mine, and they would have no worries about food and clothing in the future. This was very enviable to many people. Some people with whom we have rarely interacted in the past will even come over to flatter us.

Long Yu's mind was filled with his wife and children. He didn't know what to do. When approaching the cemetery, Long Yu stopped and glanced at a newly built tombstone in the dim light. Yu walked over slowly, and Puzer was engraved on it.

A kind person who has no scheming ideas and behaves in a way that is hard to dislike!

Long Yu looked at the epitaph quietly. It was written by the person in charge of burials in Mine No. 19. There are such people in every mine. Many of them have helped people bury for generations. They usually pay attention to everything in the mine. All understood very clearly.

Such an epitaph seems very correct to Long Yu. Although some people in the mine hate Puzer's behavior, Long Yu does not hate it, although she will pretend to be pitiful and use the inferior things in her hands to make peace with her. You exchange for high-quality things, but not often. Puzer often notices a lot of things late at night. She will give you an appropriate reminder at some point. Although she wants to get such a reminder from you. I saw something, but it seemed to Long Yu that it was well-intentioned.

Now that Puzer is dead, Long Yu has not even seen her for the last time, which is a bit sad. When he returns here many times in the dark, he can always see this Puzer carrying a steam lamp. Zell moved slowly in the darkness. It could be seen that many people had been here. There were many commemorative items behind the tombstone, and many of them seemed to have been made after work.

"Sorry, Grandma Putzer, I'm late."

Long Yu closed his eyes sadly and began to mourn. At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps. Long Yu opened his eyes. As soon as he turned around, he saw Ibrasi walking towards him.

"Ibrasi, you still look the same."

At this time, Ibrasi's face was solemn. He walked up to Long Yu, stared at the tombstone sideways, and then smiled bitterly.

"The old woman is finally dead."

Long Yu smiled awkwardly and saw that Ibrasi was still the same as before, wearing a loose coat with his hands in his pockets. His sharp eyes seemed to be thinking about mechanical problems countless times.

Many mechanical things were taught to Long Yu little by little by Ibrasi, and Long Yu was very grateful to him. Without the knowledge of steam machinery that Ibrasi taught him, he would not have been able to support his wife and children. .

"Ayu, I heard that you will take the children away the day after tomorrow?"

Long Yu shook his head.

"I'm going to wait here for Isa to come back."

Ibrasi sighed. He already knew about the garbage dump. The plan failed. It was only a matter of time before he would be exposed. Ibrasi had to make a decision. The dawn that seemed to be coming soon changed again. Much further away.

"That girl is just too strong-tempered."

Ibrasi said, and Long Yu smiled knowingly.

"By the way, Ayu, if you are free later, you can come to my house for a drink after you have eaten."


After a while, several crows came over and asked Long Yu to go home. Long Yu and Ibrasi said goodbye. Looking at Long Yu leaving, Ibrasi felt very complicated at this time. He was the only one who treated this child badly. Don't take your hands off.

Ibrasi has decided to leave here tonight. Although some semi-finished products cannot be taken away, as long as there is a place, he can make them, because everything is in his head and no one can take it away. of.

Before leaving, Ibrasi thought about the three people in the basement. If left alone, they would starve to death, but it was even more impossible to let them go. Once he let them go, he would be exposed in advance. Now Ibrasi must seize the time and race against time to conduct research.

This country's electricity is about to be exhausted, and electricity is the most important energy besides steam kinetic energy. If it is exhausted, they will have to find new ways to generate electricity. Ibrasi has discovered in recent years that the power supply has been very poor. It should be Something went wrong at the geothermal power station.

Later, during a long investigation, Ibrasi's conclusion was confirmed. No electricity means no light, and once this city with only a faint light falls into darkness, everything will be over.

The conversion rate of the tentacles used by the priests as bridges has been getting lower and lower in recent years. Although many people are aware of this problem, they do not pay attention to it. It is obviously a big issue related to the survival of everyone.

What was before Ibrasi was a big problem. He could not tell Long Yu now that he had imprisoned his wife and brother, and once he left, the three people in the basement would starve to death, and it was impossible for him to let anyone To convey news or leave information.

According to Ibrasi's calculation, as long as he maintains the status quo, he will have more than a week, which is enough for Ibrasi to go to another stable place that has been prepared for research.

Looking at Long Yu who had disappeared, Ibrasi showed a slightly sad smile. He was still struggling. The scene where Long Yu often came to his home when he was a child kept popping up in his mind. What did this child think about? They are both curious and lively, unlike his brother Long Ju who is always gloomy. Many people like Long Yu, this lively boy.

As Long Yu continued to grow up, he would often help many people in the mine. One time, Ibrasi was so sick that he almost died from a bad meal. It was Long Yu who came over and carefully took care of half of him. For months, Ibrasi waited until the priest came and cured him. If Long Yu had not been there at that time, he would have died.

Thinking about it now, Ibrahim really couldn't do it. What would it mean if he left? But if he didn't leave, Ibrahim would have no chance. He had to go!

"Sorry, Ayu."

Ibrasi said, turned around and walked back to where he lived. Ibrasi had packed up several core components and planned to leave later. There was a train passing by at 8 p.m. when.

Ibrasi stared blankly at the secret door. He had no intention of making food for them anymore. At this time, Ibrasi felt a little regretful. Maybe he should have told Long Yu at that time. He was trustworthy. If He promised himself that he would keep his promise, and that he would be able to hide completely in just one week.

While hesitating, Ibrasi was already standing at the door. At 7:45, the train would arrive in 15 minutes.

"You have to leave."

At this time, a man ran over not far away. It was Long Yu. Ibrasi was a little surprised. Long Yu came over with a smile.

"I haven't had a drink with you for a long time."

"Sorry Ayu, I have something important to do and have to go to Mine No. 3. I have to leave later."

Long Yu was a little surprised.

"Didn't you just ask me to come drink during the day?"

Ibrasi smiled and patted Long Yu's back.

"I'm getting old, but I forgot about something so important. I'm sorry, Ayu."

Long Yu shook his head.

"It's fine."

Then Ibrasi started walking. Long Yu was about to follow him quickly when Ibrasi stopped.

"Ayu, let me ask you a question."

Long Yu was a little confused, because Ibrasi looked very heavy.

"What's wrong? This doesn't look like you normally?"

"If, I mean if, I did something bad to you, would you forgive me?"

Long Yu groaned, not knowing what Ibrasi was going to say.

Ibrasi turned around and walked away, waving his hand. Long Yu was still thinking about Ibrasi's words, so he immediately spoke.

"Ibrasi, we are friends since I was very young. If you have anything to say, you can tell me right away."

Ibrasi shook his head, his face became firm, and he quickened his pace. At this time, the whistle of the train also sounded. Long Yu sat at the door of Ibrasi's house and looked back at the empty house. , I don’t know why, but I always feel a chill, and Ibrasi’s behavior just now seemed a bit weird.

After staying for a while, Long Yu felt a chill and planned to go home and sleep.

At this time, Ibrasi stretched out his hand, took out a steam valve, exchanged some food and tickets, and successfully boarded the train after inspection. Ibrasi looked at this dilapidated mining town, and he knew very well , all this is because of my own willfulness. Many people have supported me, but I have not repaid them, because this research is far more difficult than most people think.

Over the years, people who had always supported me in the past began to complain. Because Ibrahim could not produce any results, everyone became more and more disappointed. Now he rarely contacts others because everyone I feel like he is hopeless.

Ibrasi thought about it and raised his head quietly. The train was about to start. It was already 8:09. There were still many people loading and unloading the goods. The train would start at 8:30 at most.

Ibrasi was still hesitating. He had already decided where to go. It was not Pit No. 3, but Pit No. 10. There would be someone there to help him.


Ibrasi pressed his forehead. He had been a freak since a long time ago. Few people were willing to contact him. Moreover, he was not married and had been alone all his life. But more than twenty years ago, because of his kindness, he helped As a family, the child came over often and would take the initiative to help him take care of the farmland, and would also help him cook, wash and clean.

Scenes from the past kept reappearing in Ibrasi's mind. He couldn't stand it anymore. If he really didn't do anything, the three people in the basement would die.

Apart from giving them some food in the morning, Ibrasi did nothing else. The original plan was to wait until he left before having someone come over to inform the people here about what they were in the basement, but now time no longer allowed. .

In the bottom of his heart, Ibrasi had long regarded Long Yu as his son. At this time, accompanied by a violent whistle, Ibrasi looked at Long Yu who came closer in front of him with a surprised expression. He was panicked for a moment. .

"I'll see you off."

Long Yu was lying at the small window, and Ibrasi laughed. Then he raised his head and whispered in Long Yu's ear.

"Do you still remember the secret door I told you about when you were a kid?"

Long Yu looked at the mysterious Ibrasi with some surprise.

“I’ve been to that place several times and it’s full of junk.”

Ibrasi was a little shocked, it seemed that this kid had sneaked in, and then he sighed.

"I have a gift for you inside. I may not come back in the near future. Goodbye Ayu."

Ibrasi held Long Yu's hand firmly. He smiled and nodded, but he felt something strange, because Ibrasi seemed to be saying goodbye to him, because his demeanor, behavior, and voice seemed a little strange. desolate.

Long Yu didn't think too much, and the train started slowly.

"Remember, go there at 12 o'clock tonight, you know, Ayu."

Long Yu hummed and asked with a smile.

"What kind of gift is it?"

"You'll know once you go there that you'll like it."

Watching the train go away, Long Yu sighed helplessly, but soon his expression darkened again. He walked back home in a daze. His son and daughter were already asleep. He couldn't sleep. He didn't know what happened to his wife. Where did his brother Dragon Curse take him? When he thought of that bastard brother, Long Yu felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart. But if his wife Isa really left with his brother to find him, Long Yu felt a little relieved.

Although that brother did such a bastard thing, Long Yu knew that his brother was a thoughtful and considerate person. If he hadn't taken away the family wealth in exchange for a ticket to enter the crow, maybe both brothers would be living a hard life now. , Over the years, Long Yu felt a little relieved.

Long Yu tried his best to adjust his mentality, because he knew very well that he had to relax, because there were two children behind him, especially when he was about to be separated from the children, Long Yu had to cheer up.

Long Yu thought of what Ibrasi said before leaving. He stood up and glanced at the time. It was just 9 o'clock, which was still very early.

The train was still moving, and Ibrasi woke up from his deep sleep. A man sat next to him. He lowered his head and whispered.

"The boss sent me to pick you up Ibrasi. Rhodes and the others are no longer alive. They were all arrested."

Ibrasi hummed, and the hooded man continued.

"We're getting off the bus soon."

Ibrasi looked at the man suspiciously, and he tilted his head slightly and said.

"It took at least 1:30 a.m. for this train to arrive at Pit 10, and by that time you had already been caught. You did something you shouldn't have done."

Ibrasi understood, but what he didn't expect was that someone was watching him around.

"Sorry, Ibrasi, we are not spying on you, but to protect you."

Ibrasi has no complaints. It is true that the boy Long Yu is not punctual. After all, he has been impatient and naughty since he was very young.


"Ibrasi, Rhodes and the others' failure is a foregone conclusion. We may have to use more ruthless methods in the future. Rhodes and the others are too gentle."

Ibrasi looked at the man blankly. At this time, the train began to slow down. The man stood up, and Ibrasi also stood up. Soon they got off the train and blended into the noisy crowd.

"Does the old man want our lives?"

Shayena looked at the dazed Isha beside her. When she was about to fall to the ground, she grabbed her and slapped her hard several times.

"what are you doing?"

Dragon Curse glanced at it. He was still trying to make a small gap in the small window. The dagger was already incomplete. The oxygen in the room was now seriously insufficient. If this continued, they would die.

Isa blushed. Although she wanted to get angry, she still said thank you. Everyone wanted to sleep, but once they fell asleep, they would not be able to wake up.

Dragon Curse was a little worried at this time. Thinking about it carefully, he and Ibrasi were only familiar with each other, unlike his brother and Ibrasi, who were like father and son.

And Isha is just a familiar person, not to mention Shayena, who has nothing to do with Ibrasi. A terrible thought arises in Dragon Curse's heart. He is afraid that Ibrasi escapes. If Ibrasi escapes, If he really ran away, they would die in this secret basement.

Dragon Curse glanced at Isa, who was panting heavily. She was lying on the edge of the bed exhausted. Dragon Curse gritted his teeth and continued to scratch with the blade. However, except for a small dented mark, no gap could be seen. As long as there is a small gap, they can continue to support it for a few more days.

Shayena stared blankly at Dragon Curse who was still working hard. He must have been very tired. Then she got up and ran over, hugging Dragon Curse from behind with a smile.

"I said, if you want to die, let me die quickly."

Dragon Curse immediately shook his head and said.

"Stop joking, Shayena, you"

Shayena fell into Dragon Curse's arms. At this time, Isha, not far away, was also lying on the ground, looking extremely tired. Dragon Curse raised his blade and slashed at the door angrily.

"Asshole, asshole guy."


Just when Dragon Curse was desperate, the thick metal door opened, and a stream of fresh air flowed in.

"It's you!"

Long Yu looked at the situation behind the secret door in amazement. Under the dim light, his wife Isa was lying on the ground. Long Yu rushed over and picked up Isa immediately. He also realized what happened. After that, he immediately carried Isha back outside.

Isa's consciousness was a little blurry at this time, but she felt something. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't speak, and finally fainted in the arms of Dragon Curse.

"Where's that bastard Ibrahi?"

Dragon Curse was breathing heavily and holding Shayena who had fainted. Long Yu seemed to realize something at this time.

"What exactly did he do?"

"He is with the rebels. He imprisoned us. Hurry up and notify the Crow people to catch him."

Long Yu looked at Dragon Curse blankly. His mind was a little confused at this time, and he was even a little at a loss.

But when he thought of Ibrasi's last words, he felt a little uncomfortable. Long Yu lowered his head and watched his brother put the woman in his arms on a sofa, then staggered to go out.


Long Yu said, and Long Curse realized something at this time.

"You're not going to let that bastard go, are you?"

"Indeed, he did something he shouldn't have done, but if he hadn't informed me before leaving, you would have died."

Dragon Curse laughed and planned to go out. At this time, Long Yu put down his wife and ran over quickly, blocking Dragon Curse.

"You are still as naive as before. I have told you that it is difficult for naive people to survive in this world."

"But I survived and started a family with Isa and had two children."

Dragon Curse looked at his stubborn brother in front of him and smiled slightly.

"Get out of the way or else."

"Are you going to use violence to make me surrender like in the past? Use violence to take what you want, and use violence to prove that you are right?"

Dragon Curse looked at his younger brother blankly. He had changed and became more stubborn than before. Then Dragon Curse looked back at Isa and Shayena behind him, and he laughed.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

Suddenly Long Yu saw his brother falling towards him. He dragged his brother Long Curse, and his brother fainted. Long Yu turned around and looked into the distance.

"You bastard Ibrasi, why don't you tell me clearly in person? At least tell me the reason!"

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