At 10 o'clock in the morning, the queen came to the palace hall. The guard captain and his people were waiting. Everyone lowered their heads in fear, because not only did they fail to catch the clone Helt, but because of their actions, they fell into the family. Got the truth.

"Keep your head up."

The queen said, and the guard captain looked over. The queen seemed very happy today, without any anger at all.

"Let's put this matter aside for the time being and withdraw the wanted list. This matter is over for the time being."

The people under the throne were confused, the queen said.

"You all go down and have a rest. You've been busy all night."

After the queen finished speaking, she was about to leave, and the captain of the guard bowed hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, it's our incompetence in doing things, and I hope your Majesty will punish us!"

The queen shook her head.

"It's not necessary. Didn't I make it clear enough?"

The captain of the guard stopped talking. The queen walked to the passage on one side and went directly to the garden. Her mood was as good as ever.

It all happened because of the letter Hert left last night. The content of the letter moved the queen's heart. He did not expect that Hert would consider the future.

On some things, the Queen's ideas coincided with Hert's. The most important thing was Hert's proposal, which the Queen thought was very good.

A society where the royal power dominates everything is not unfeasible, but large-scale capital must be eliminated to ensure that the entire society can get a more even distribution of resources.

It is no longer necessary to carry out an economic market society and directly adopt a per capita rationing system, so that capital will not be born.

Although there are still many flaws in this beautiful plan, the Queen is still relatively confident. The most important step proposed by Hert is war.

I have heard that war consumes huge resources and thus boosts production capacity. As long as the family members see the benefits in the war, they will definitely continue to invest regardless of the cost and price.

At this time, we can drag down these families through war. It is impossible for these families to survive alone, and then we can justifiably dismember them bit by bit.

The queen looked at the big tree in front of her in a good mood. People have already started to repair it manually. After a while, the half-withered tree will grow new branches and leaves.

The queen picked up a dead leaf and turned it on her fingers. She had not been so happy for many years. As long as the plan was successful, the royal power would continue into the future. Although the queen may not be able to see the future, her The will will be passed down from generation to generation.

At this time, a guard soldier came over.

"Your Majesty, the founders are ready. Do you want to summon them?"

"No, just let them go back. I changed my mind temporarily."

The queen does not want to summon the founders, because there is no difference between them and without them, and they cannot provide any help to the queen. They are now just products supported by the family, and the actual control is in the hands of the family.

The queen was walking in the garden, her pace becoming more and more brisk. She looked at the flying cars in the sky in the distance. At this moment, she really wanted to go out for a walk, but she couldn't. She had been in the palace for many years. , occasionally go out just for some local activities.

There are very few times when she can really go out on the street, because going out means there will be danger. The Queen walked to a bench and sat down. At this time, Maggie came over not far away.

"There you are, Maggie."

Maggie smiled and sat next to the Queen, her face showing anxiety.

"What should we do? Your Majesty."

The Queen saw the helplessness on Maggie's face and asked.

"What happened?"

Maggie hesitated for a while and then said.

"Hert wants a child."

The queen frowned slightly. Due to the congenital chromosomal deletion of clones, although Maggie's clone was excellent, it was impossible to have children.

Cloned humans do not have any ability to reproduce because the genes are also missing. Although part of them can be completed, this is innate and cannot be changed.

The Queen held Maggie's hand comfortingly and said.

"It's okay. Take it easy for now and wait until there are problems in the future. We can talk about it before problems arise in the future. Fertility problems in space are actually a big problem now. Many people do have physical problems that make it difficult to get pregnant, so it should be fine."

Maggie still looked uneasy and the Queen hugged her and said.

"Don't worry, follow Hert with peace of mind and go to Brilliant City. Do you still remember what I told you?"

Maggie nodded.

"I will definitely assist Helt seriously, Your Majesty."

The Queen patted Maggie's back comfortingly, and she still cried.

"I'm sorry Maggie, I can't let you survive. I can only let you survive in this way. Survive. I'll watch you grow up because you are my daughter."

Maggie nodded. Indeed, she had found that the Queen cared about her especially since she was a child. The Queen had given Maggie a lot of help, both physically and mentally.

"Your Majesty, I would like to stay in the palace for a few days."

The queen nodded in agreement.

1:20 noon.

Victor and many family members gathered in the conference room at the top of the building and were discussing the issue of merchandise. The types of merchandise to be shipped to Brilliant City have basically been decided.

Basically, the goods were divided among the major families. They were able to reap the first dividends from the trade between the two countries, which was why they finally gave up the attack. This was a huge benefit to the family as a whole.

Previously, the queen wanted to trade with Brilliant City for the empire's goods, and only gave the family less than 10% of the share. But now the family has received 90% of the share. Such a sudden and huge change caused the family to withdraw directly and not intend to fight with the empire. The Queen goes to war.

"Okay, basically the division of goods is over. We need to be closely connected in the future. I hope everyone can understand why we can control the situation."

All the family members nodded, and Victor stood up and said.

"Because we are all members of the family, we know very well who's hand a coin will return to after it falls from the top. This is just a zero-sum game, not for profit. What we need is our My family can prosper forever and stand in this position forever."

After Victor finished speaking, the audience burst into applause, and the patriarchs stood up one after another. They deeply understood this truth. As long as they hold huge capital, they can always be invincible. Even if it is a temporary loss, the final benefit will be It will still come back to them.

The same thing happened this time. The queen's plan was thwarted, and she could only bow her head with her family. They had firmly grasped the future situation.

Then the patriarchs left one after another, and Victor looked at Royce and asked.

"How's the situation?"

"The transformation should be completed soon, but I always feel that it is a bit unrealistic. Is it really possible for Hult and his team's plan to succeed?"

Victor smiled.

"Whether we succeed or not, we are the ones who get everything in the end. You just need to remember this. What we need is people who can stir up the storm. Only in this way can we find opportunities to get everything in a chaotic situation." Everything we wanted."

Royce laughed helplessly and sighed.

"I actually want to retire."

Victor patted Royce on the shoulder and said.

"Human beings are such creatures. Once you step back, there is no turning back. Royce, just keep doing it firmly."

Royce hummed. He had known Victor for more than 30 years, and he agreed with Victor's philosophy. It was also because of Victor that Royce could continue to prosper the family.

In just over ten years, the Royce family, a small family that almost no one knew about, quickly rose to become a big family.

All this is thanks to Victor's help, and Victor takes a fancy to Royce's talent. Although his talent is not very outstanding, Royce can coordinate everything very well, and he is smart enough and not too showy. , this is where Victor is most satisfied.

"I'm still worried. You still have to go over and keep an eye on them. If there is an emergency, you must ensure their safety."

Royce nodded, turned and left the conference room. Victor turned around and looked at the palace in the distance. The situation under the big tree should have been discovered.

Victor smiled.

“I didn’t expect that some of the things I envisioned more than ten years ago would actually help me today.”

More than ten years ago, Victor noticed the bakery, which was very close to the big tree of the palace. At that time, Victor was thinking that if he planted his own spot there, it might be useful one day in the future.

With this kind of idea and location, Victor created more than ten places, all surrounding the outside of the palace, and the people running the shops were all clones. During the chaos more than ten years ago, Victor completed everything.

Therefore, no matter how much the empire searches, it cannot find out who is the holder.

Although Victor is old, his heart and mind are not. Over the years, the family has relied on various favorable conditions to compete with the Queen for talents.

Many talented people have entered the family through marriage, so the family can prosper for a long time, and no one wants to work under the supreme royal power, because one day, you may have nothing.

This is the reason why most talents decisively choose the family. They don't believe that following the Queen will be smooth sailing because there are too many examples and lessons.

"We can't shake it now because you have no one left to use."

In Victor's opinion, although the generals of the two army groups, Nigel and Herth, were talented, they were already past middle age. Especially General Herth, it seemed to Victor that they were really talented. It's such a failure. Although he is capable, problems always arise at critical moments.

This is the most difficult thing for Victor to understand, but now Victor understands it. He compared the clone and the original body. The two people's thinking is basically very similar, but the biggest difference is that General Hert's thinking when he was young The experience was too painful.

At that time, Stukov, the father of General Hert, was the one who took the greatest credit for putting down the rebellion. However, in the end, he paid for many of the queen's actions for the sake of the queen. He became the one who took the blame, and finally died in a depressed mood.

It was the queen who killed Stukov. Stukov was very miserable in his old age, and so was their entire family. Victor once visited Stukov. He drank all day long and was addicted to women.

Soon after, Victor received the news of Stukov's death. He was not shocked, because after a man's fangs and wings were pulled out, he was not far from death.

Stukov died due to the Queen's ruthlessness, so General Hert was full of hatred for the Queen. Although he continued to become stronger through his talent, he became the core of the Third Army.

And relying on his ingenuity, he built a clone front to resist the queen. However, at the last moment, General Hert hesitated, perhaps because he saw the shadow of his father.

Victor thought about this, especially after seeing the clone Helt, he understood that his idea was right.

The clone Hert didn't have any worries. He successfully accepted Stukov's ideas, and under this idea, he truly accomplished what Stukov wanted to do.

"Hey, if it develops like this, no one else can blame it."

Victor knew very well that the Queen had abandoned Generals Hert and Nigel. After they became ambassadors, they might not be able to return to the center of power in their lives.

Nigel's family also hesitated for too many years before the queen finally made peace with the family, which ultimately led to the current situation.

Due to the failure of the Clone War, a large number of members of Nigel's family were replaced by the queen, and their family will begin to decline. Nigel's father came a while ago, but Victor did not want to help them. , because it is meaningless.

Members of this family have been switching back and forth between the royal power and the family for many years. Victor is not prepared to accept such people who are not determined.

The reason why Victor did his best to help the clone Helt was because he saw Helt's perseverance.

Victor is extremely excited at this moment, because he knows very well that the future can be seen clearly, and their family just needs to wait.

The future built by Hert, in which one chooses between the royal power or the family, is bound to come. The biggest problem for the current queen is that she is weak.

No one wants to stand by the Queen, and no one wants to work with the Queen unless the Queen voluntarily steps down from the throne and gives the throne to the next successor.

"You are too greedy. You have been in office for forty years. It's time to get down from that place. Katerina!"

Victor laughed loudly, as if the future was already in his pocket. He walked to the window, overlooking the original arrow tower of the palace in the distance, and then closed his eyes.

"It will all be over."

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