Hult saw that the engineers had finished the measurements, and the next step was the renovation. This warehouse belonged to the family, so it was safe to live here temporarily.

Royce held the phone nervously. He was still listening to some people reporting on the situation. He had already seen many suspicious figures outside Victor's manor. It seemed that the Queen wanted to suddenly attack and arrest them.

Now I can only endure it. When the Queen goes in to arrest and search, if nothing is found, the Queen will have nothing to say.

Royce arranged everything very well. It was impossible for the queen to find any clues. The owner of the bakery changed a long time ago.

The purpose is to use the bakery outside the palace for surveillance when something happens, and the registrant of the bakery is a human being who no longer exists.

This was arranged by Victor more than ten years ago, so it is completely impossible for the Queen to find any traces now.

"Is it really okay?"

Yuna expressed doubts. After all, there were still 15 days before the voyage. It was still unknown whether they could successfully enter the spacecraft by then. The engineers became busy.

Some materials were pulled over, and Royce came over and said.

"Hurry up. It must be completed as soon as possible."

After Royce finished speaking, sweat broke out on his forehead. He knew that the Queen would definitely arrest him, because he had the trajectory and destination of his flight, so the Queen would focus on investigating these places.

What Royce is thinking about now is how to answer the interrogation. He won't have any questions. As long as the Queen can't find Helter, they can live in peace.

Helter was not worried, because he could see clearly now that his plan was successful and he would definitely be able to reach the Brilliant City.

Although everything seemed unknown, Helt knew very well that since that place could exist, there must be a reason for their existence.

The ground is not like in space. As long as the Brilliant City stands on the ground, humans will definitely be able to adapt to the environment there.

"You don't look worried, Mr. Hult."

Royce looked worried, Yuna was also very anxious, and Katerina sat aside uneasily.

"Of course, don't worry. After all, our plan has been successful."

"Maybe we can meet in Brilliant City!"

Royce laughed and said he was only joking, Hurt said.

"Most definitely."

Royce put away his smile and said with a solemn expression.

"Mr. Hult, are you sure you will be treated well by the senior officials of Brilliant City after you go there?"

Hurt said.

"As long as Asgard becomes a threat to them."

Hert had already thought clearly that he must provoke a war so that the imperial power could be completely destroyed. Only by removing the imperial power would the tragic system of human cloning and support come to an end.

Human beings should bear the misery of the society they have built on their own, instead of creating a bunch of substitutes and letting them bear all the consequences on behalf of human beings.

Helt was particularly angry on this issue. During this time, he had heard a lot about the clones living in the Lunar City.

Many people don't know that they are clones until they die, and they all do cheap and menial jobs. This seems to be too sad for Hult.

"What will we do even if we do get there?"

Yuna asked and Helt said.

"What we need is to get out of this spacecraft after arriving, and we must do it as soon as possible."

Royce asked confused.


Hurt said.

"Theoretically, if the spacecraft lands at a violent speed, it will overheat. Because I am an engineer, I know that overheating will cause some instruments inside the spacecraft to malfunction. It is not because of overheating, but to protect these instruments from being damaged by overheating. ."

After Hurt finished speaking, he continued to explain.

"If it is a smaller spacecraft, there is actually no need for such safeguards, but the situation is different for large aircraft. Don't forget, the gravity on that planet is ten times that on the moon."

Royce understood and looked at the containers full of a warehouse. The gravitational acceleration generated by such a large spaceship when it fell was astonishing.

"So some instruments on the spacecraft will fail and stop working briefly to prevent problems due to overheating of the spacecraft. That is the best time for us to escape from the spacecraft. The place where they landed must be very close to Bright City. The people of Bright City should Everything will be arranged nearby in advance. Including surveillance."

Katerina asked.

"Is your expectation really okay?"

Hurt said confidently.

"Of course there is no problem. If I were the leader of a country and other countries came to visit our country, when they arrived, I would definitely keep an eye on the surroundings to prevent spies from these countries and the like from quietly leaving the country. Troops, blend into the city."

Royce laughed. He didn't expect Helt to think of such details.

"Another thing to note is that the place where we hide must have strong suspension measures, otherwise the force of falling will kill us."

After Hurt finished speaking, an engineer came over and he said.

"There is no way to actually test it now. We can only make a rough design based on the current total weight of the container plus your weight."

"This is too outrageous. There is no actual test. If something goes wrong when it falls, we will be dead."

Yuna said, the engineer looked embarrassed, and Helt said.

"It just requires precise calculations. Just install some air bags. As long as we land with the spacecraft safely, there will basically be no big problem."

Minutes and seconds passed, and at 3 o'clock in the morning, Royce's phone rang.

"I am, how are you doing there?"

Victor's voice came out.

"It's going well together, Mr. Victor, but you should be careful, because the arrest is probably about to begin."

At this time, there was a noise, and Victor smiled.

"It's already started."

After Victor finished speaking, he hung up the phone. As time passed by, Victor's bedroom was suddenly opened, crying came in, and a large number of imperial soldiers rushed in, holding weapons.

Victor raised his hands and was pulled from the bed. Soon the entire mansion was searched. The soldiers looked solemn because this was the family's territory and they knew they couldn't force it.

"We received a report that it was Mr. Victor who was harboring the clone Helt."

After the guard captain finished speaking, Victor just smiled and looked at his family comfortingly.

"It's okay, we didn't do anything. They couldn't find anything."

The guard captain was convinced that they would be able to find something. Their speed was already very fast. They surrounded the area in a short time and suddenly rushed into Victor's family manor. They should not be able to react.

At this time, Victor felt extremely relieved because Helt had left long ago. Victor did not expect that Helt was so alert and left decisively after explaining the situation in such a short time. , if Victor does not leave, their family will face disaster.

Victor smiled and held his little granddaughter's hand. The guard captain's face was solemn because no clues had been found so far.

The soldiers almost turned the mansion upside down. At this time, many people in District 10 came after hearing the news. More and more people were watching, and people from the Fourth Group Army stationed in District 10 Already coming.

"If you can't find the evidence and rummaged through my house so messily, I want you all to recover, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

An angry look appeared on Victor's face, and the guard captain's face was solemn. He knew that if he couldn't find it, he would be in trouble, and Victor would definitely make a fuss about it.

The captain of the guard kept wiping away the sweat. The mansion was in a mess. The soldiers didn't care about anything and kept rummaging around. The captain of the guard had given orders for the soldiers to investigate everything possible.

An hour later, there was no place to search in the entire mansion, and various detection equipment had been used. Victor sat on a chair and drank tea leisurely.

"did you find it?"

The guard captain's face was solemn, and the soldiers were still looking for him. At this time, the queen called.

"how's it going?"

"Your Majesty, we haven't found it yet."

The queen sighed.

"come back."

The captain of the guard hurriedly walked away and said.

"We ransacked Victor's house and destroyed some things. Now the Fourth Army has surrounded us on the outside."

Victor smiled and looked at the guard captain who came over.

"I'm sorry, Master Victor, we believed the whistleblower's rumors. You also know that His Majesty is very anxious."

After the guard captain finished speaking, he ordered the soldiers to retreat, but at this time Victor stood up.

"If this is the case, please be responsible for restoring my manor."

After Victor finished speaking, looking at the manor that was already in a mess, the guard captain looked solemn, and Victor said.

"Or do you just want to destroy it and not repair it?"

The guard captain nodded.

"We will bear the losses here, Master Victor, we still have a mission."

After saying that, just as the soldiers were about to leave, Victor winked at his eldest son. Suddenly, on the periphery of the manor, the men of the Fourth Army had already taken out their weapons and aimed them at the manor.

The guard captain who had just arrived at the door had a solemn expression on his face, sweat was rolling down his back, and Victor smiled.

"If you don't repair my house today, don't even think about leaving here. This city is not what the queen wants. She destroyed the facilities in my house for no reason, and then walked away. There is no such reason. ."

The atmosphere at the scene became tense. The captain of the guard could only bite the bullet and lead the soldiers back. He ordered the soldiers to restore the messed up manor.

Victor nodded with satisfaction.

"This is the right thing. I don't want to make this matter a big deal. Just restore my house and I'm going back to my room to rest."

Seeing Victor leaving with a proud look on his face, the guard captain was extremely angry at this moment, but he knew very well that they would not be able to leave here if they did not follow what Victor did.

The guard captain looked at the people in the Victor family and kept scolding them. He couldn't do anything.

This humiliation and unwillingness made the captain of the guard extremely embarrassed. He could only follow their requirements and start cleaning up the messed up manor.


The queen was lying quietly on the bed. It was basically certain that Helt had escaped. Just now, news came from the periphery of the Moon City that another imperial carrier ship had been attacked.

The current situation is a bit difficult for the Queen, and the situation will get worse and worse.

After a while, the queen stood up. She was not going to sit still and wait for death. Now she had to summon the founders. Only by recruiting the founders could she compete with the family.

The Queen has sent people to monitor Royce. The only thing that is certain now is that Royce had discussed an escape plan with Hert on the day he came in.

The Queen couldn't figure out what was going on, but she soon understood that the two people should have discussed the plan before Helt was arrested, otherwise it would be difficult to implement such a plan successfully in a short time. .

The queen looked at the big tree outside the window. Half of the big tree was now withered because someone had cut off part of the roots below. It was like the current royal power had begun to decline.

Winning over some of the founders is the only thing the Queen can do now. She sighed. There are no people around her who can be used, which is the Queen's biggest problem.

Over the years, it is not that the Queen has not looked for some available talents, but many talents have either chosen the founder or someone from the family.

And the people in the family are always trying to seduce the people who are favored by the Queen, and they easily switch sides.

The queen pressed the window edge feebly. She didn't know why. No one had any confidence in the imperial power. Now she had become a loner.

Many people who can continue to stay with the Queen have no talents, and the Queen herself knows exactly why, because sometimes she is too self-determined.

Things have come to this point entirely because the Queen did not listen to General Hert's words before, directly destroying the clone front, and then preparing to go to war with the family.

This may be the most correct path, but the Queen wants to use clones to continue to check and balance the family.

"I am indeed old."

At this moment, a guard soldier hurried in with a letter in his hand, and the queen became a little confused.

Soon the queen opened the letter, and it was signed by clone Hult. The queen was a little surprised.

"what happened?"

The queen looked at the long letter, and the original sadness on her face began to disappear. She held the teacup, took a sip and laughed happily.

"So that's it, it's you Helt! It seems that what you said that day about being loyal to me is true. Although it's a little crazy, you really have to do it."

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