Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 629 Preliminary Strategy Achieved

"He did it."

Yussel looked at the information in his hand excitedly. This was information that the Clone Front had just obtained from the Empire. The Empire had already asked them to send out people to help guard some nearby places.

Yussel only mobilized a few hundred people to patrol nearby, and did not intend to help the empire guard anything, because now the strategic goal mentioned by Hert has been achieved.

Their clone front has received a lot of support from the Imperial Group Army. The strategic plan planned by Hult has been realized. Now the Empire is probably very panicked. They have no way to do anything to Space Station 69 because the Empire still needs to be careful. They clone the front.

This is the horror of the strategy planned by Hert. Yussel and the other cadres were shocked and happy at this time, because everything was exactly as Hert said, forming a pattern that completely prevented the empire from exerting its power. .

The businessmen were already gearing up in secret, when a liaison officer came in and said.

"There are people who want to talk to us."

Yussel nodded, then stood up and said.

"Let them in."

Everyone smiled, because the current situation is a huge benefit to everyone. People who come here don’t have to guess, they must be members of the family, because the family has clearly seen from this battle in Helt. Benefit.

Soon a group of people entered the conference room, and the leader took off his mask. Everyone was a little surprised for a while, because the person who came over turned out to be Victor, the patriarch of the Ivan family.

Victor said with a smile.

"You don't need to be so surprised."

Victor had already guessed something. Hult deliberately allowed Space Station 69 to defect from the Clone Front in order to draw the Empire into the situation.

Although the empire took the initiative to enter the situation at the beginning and wanted to use the clone front to contain some of the family's facilities on the moon, so as to achieve the purpose of using external force to consume the family, the situation now is completely different.

After the battle this morning, Victor urgently found someone to contact the Clone Front, and rushed directly from a family facility. He had to come and talk to the Clone Front in person.

Because Victor has smelled something, now this is an excellent opportunity. As long as he can grasp it, he will be able to completely kill the queen.

As long as the queen is eliminated, the entire empire will be controlled by the family in the future, and the family will always be able to sit at the top without having to worry about it every day.

"What a surprise. I didn't expect you to come here in person?"

Yussel stared at Victor, and Victor smiled.

"Of course, please rest assured that I am not a clone, but myself. I came here because I saw hope for our family in Helt's strategy."

Everyone in the conference room looked tense, and then a cadre said.

"Hert has defected, and you are supporting them, right? Are you afraid that we will capture you and hand you over to the empire if you come here?"

Victor smiled.

"If you really do this, I'm afraid you will die miserably in the future."

As soon as Victor said this, other cadres stood up one after another. Yussel raised his hands. Everyone was not disgusted because of Victor's arrival, because Victor seemed to have guessed Hert. They must not let go of their strategy.

"If you really don't want to talk to me, I don't think we need to continue talking."

Yussel said after Victor finished speaking and was about to leave.

"Let me tell you first, it is impossible for us to return the mine to you."

Victor shook his head.

"A few small mines are harmless to us. On the contrary, if you want to continue to do it in the future, we will not resist, but you must inform us in advance."

As soon as these words came out, all the cadres present felt incredible.

"Why do you do this?"

Yussel asked, and Victor said with a smile.

"You want to abolish the human cloning system, but we are actually in favor of it."

Yussel didn't quite understand that the biggest beneficiaries of human cloning over the years were family members, Yussel asked.

"Obviously the biggest beneficiaries of the human cloning system are your family members, aren't they!"

Victor nodded.

"It is true that our family is the biggest beneficiary, but our family's contribution has increased exponentially, because a huge population of clones will consume huge resources. Although they can also produce huge resources, human society is in With the support of such a large group of clones, we don’t have too many worries.”

As Victor spoke, the anger on the faces of the cadres subsided. They also wanted to hear what the cunning patriarch of the Ivan family had to say.

"Now due to the cloning of human beings, the size of the empire continues to increase, and such an increase in size means that the management people have to devote more people to manage these clones. What our family actually gets The benefits are even lower than when there were no clones. And our family needs to spend a lot of energy to manage these clones."

Yussel said.

"In other words, the family was pushed to the edge of power. Is it related to cloning?"

When Yussel said this, many people understood, Victor said.

"I think you should have realized why our family has reached this point. Since the riots more than 30 years ago, the number of clones has increased exponentially, and the person behind all this is the queen."

Victor sighed after finishing speaking, and he continued.

"Because the Queen implemented such a system, and then promised our family that it was related to cloning people, and our family had to invest in it. In the end, our family members lost the opportunity to get close to the center of power, and in the end they were constantly squeezed out. To the edge. Because many clones are invested in production and construction, and these parts are handed over to our family, our family needs to be exhausted every year to maintain this volume. In the end, we have no time to take care of other aspects. . This move by the queen directly trapped our family to death."

Yussel and other cadres also understood why Victor came in person, because now is indeed the best time as Hert said.

When Hert formulated this strategy, he had already made it clear that the goal they needed to achieve was to make it difficult for the Queen to advance or retreat.

Now that this goal has been achieved, if the Queen takes large-scale military action to destroy Space Station 69, it will inevitably consume a lot of resources, and there will definitely be complaints in the country.

And those founders will definitely see the opportunity and start doing something. Even if the three major armies are now in the hands of the Queen, she must weigh the pros and cons.

Especially when she knows that her family is secretly supporting Space Station 69 and can't do anything, the Queen will be very careful every step she takes.

"Do you want to work with us?"

Yussel asked.

Victor shook his head this time and said.

"I just came here to remind you that regardless of whether the defection of Space Station 69 was planned or happened, now is the best opportunity for all of us. Our family does not need so many clones. There are too many idle clones in the country right now. Because they have their own clones to support them, their work is very easy, and their output efficiency is also low. But if there are no clones and the size of human society is reduced, then everything will be easier to control."

This is Victor's true thought. He has no intention of hiding anything, because the current size has caused their family as a whole to be exhausted, and if the clones are removed, it will only be good for their family and not harmful.

"So what exactly are you here for?"

Victor said, holding up a finger.

"A kind reminder, and tacit cooperation in the future. You also want to end the slavery of clones, and we also want to get rid of clones, so the interests of both of us are consistent. We only hope that you will find the right time in the future, Just give the three armies a fatal blow."

After Victor finished speaking, Yussel looked solemn. He did not expect that the old man would come here in person, he said.

"We now have deep cooperation with three armies."

Victor said as he put on his mask.

"You will definitely take action. Your current cooperation is only superficial."

After Victor finished speaking, he led the people away, leaving only a room full of cadres. They all felt fear. The old man looked a little crazy, and he actually dared to come here alone.

"what to do?"

one official asked.

Yussel said.

"Maintain the status quo and continue to dismantle our bases."

The only thing they have to do now is to disperse everything in the main base to some secret small bases, and when the time is right, they can directly attack the group army.

Hert also said that this process may come very soon or very late, depending on whether their operations go smoothly. If the operations do not go smoothly, this cycle will be very long.

Yussel didn't know what Hert said about success, but Hert said that if one day, he disappeared and immediately started delaying the battle, they would not have any chance to overthrow the queen.

All the prerequisites have now been met, and now it depends on whether the war in the past few months can continue smoothly.

Because the Queen may have already made some moves, which is what Youssel is most worried about at the moment.

At this time, Victor returned to the flying ship, but soon received a message and he laughed.

"I didn't expect to do it so quickly. It seems we won't be able to defeat her so easily."

Victor looked at the message sent. Martial law was imposed outside the Moon City. The period of martial law was three months. The queen took advantage of the defeat in the first battle and justifiably required major families to transport supplies through the army.

The martial law order clearly states that all families need to cooperate, because clones already have the ability to rob carrier ships. In the future, if major families want to transport supplies to their strongholds outside, they must be transported by the army.

Victor's face became full of anger. He knew that most families would not agree, but he had to agree. Victor remembered the faces of Yussel and other cadres before, and he smiled.

"It looks like the Queen has them ready to plunder our carriers."

After Victor finished speaking, he looked at the dark sky in the distance and sneered.

"This move can be regarded as containing us, but it is not that easy."

At this time, a subordinate came over and asked.

"What should I do, Master?"

Victor said with a smile.

"It's a very simple question. Just reduce the number of clones and keep the facility in a semi-working state. If this continues, it will be up to us who can't hold on anymore."

Victor immediately thought of a way. Since the Queen took advantage of the defeat in the war, the family could also take advantage of the defeat in the war and reasonably reduce the investment and output in facilities outside the lunar city.

The country will inevitably fall into a huge shortage of supplies. In this case, even if the Queen is justified, because the clones have posed a threat to the empire, they must do their best to deal with the clones.

Victor knew what the Queen wanted to do. Through this method, he could cut off the family's supplies to support Space Station 69 and buy time for the integration of the three armies.

Victor is happy now, because Hert has thought of this, so the family's support for the materials and weapons and equipment of Space Station 69 in the past few months has been very great, and a large amount of war materials have been supplied every day. Ship it over.

The supplies at Space Station 69 are now enough for them to continue fighting for more than a year. Victor is relieved about this.

4:20 p.m.

The queen looked at the report angrily. Hert and Nigel had just arrived. They were half-kneeling in front of the queen. This was the queen's room.

"Get up."

The queen said and closed her eyes. She suppressed the anger in her heart as much as possible. Because of this failure, they fell into chaos. Although martial law has been issued, the queen knows very well that this order remains. It won't be long.

"How long will it take to destroy Space Station 69?"

the queen asked, and Hurt said after thinking for a moment.

"One month at most, Your Majesty."

The queen was a little shocked, she stood up and asked.

"Is one month enough?"

Hurt laughed.

"It's completely enough. Their operations are indeed very fast, and the soldiers' combat effectiveness is indeed very strong, but I am confident that they will be wiped out within a month."

Nigel nodded.

"Indeed, we have discussed plans."

The queen nodded with satisfaction.

"I'll give you one and a half months, that's enough."

After the queen finished speaking, she looked at the two generals nodding, and she breathed a sigh of relief. The top priority now is to destroy Space Station 69, and there is no time to delay.

"Tell me your plan, generals."

Hurt nodded.

"They have a fatal flaw."

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