Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 628 Victory in the first battle

11 o'clock in the morning.

Hult hurried from the office to the combat command room. The officers present were livid. No one expected that Space Station 69 would suddenly launch an attack. The battle was over, but a large-scale attack station located north of the First Army Group Station The transfer point has been almost completely destroyed.

Hult's face was solemn. Not only was the transfer point destroyed, but 5 shuttle fighters were shot down. However, none of the enemy's old shuttle fighters were spared. The enemy also only lost two lunar armored vehicles and more than 40 clones. people.

Nearly half of the thousands of soldiers stationed by the empire at that transfer point were lost, which was unbelievable to the entire empire's top military officials.

At this time, some situations of the battle had been reported, and Hert took a serious look at it. The current situation was simply terrible for them.

Nigel pressed his head. Now that they were still in the army integration stage, they encountered such a serious problem. They really couldn't imagine how they could plan everything and then launch an attack in just over three months. of.

Helt also found it unbelievable. More and more battlefield situations were transmitted back. Helt saw the enemy's activity range and location under the video recorder.

"These are all carefully arranged and choreographed. It seems like they have been training such tactics from the beginning."

After Nigel finished speaking, Hert nodded.

"Indeed, such an attack was premeditated, at least three months ago or even more."

Hult was also quite shocked that his clones could do such a thing. This attack has sounded the alarm to the entire empire's army. It is impossible to find out where they got the materials from. possible.

Over the years, the family has arranged a large number of hidden material hiding places. Even if you want to check these places, it is very difficult.

"Let all troops be on alert."

Hult ordered, but soon an officer said.

"These clones must be hiding in the family's facilities. If we pursue them now, we will surely catch them."

After the officer finished speaking, many people stood up angrily. They all knew that they had to retaliate now, otherwise the three armies would lose their face.

"No pursuit."

Helt said decisively, Nigel also felt confused and said.

"If we search and pursue now, we will definitely encounter a second attack. The combat capability of this unit exceeds your imagination. If we are attacked during the pursuit, we will not only be embarrassed this time, but may also directly lead to more disasters. A big problem has occurred, and now we can only shift from being proactive to being reactive.”

Hert's words calmed down the people present, because everyone also realized that the soldiers stationed by the Empire at the transfer point were not completely without combat effectiveness.

Some information about the on-site commanders was also reported, and there were no problems with the decisions they made. The problem was that the sudden attack caught them off guard.

The four gates of the transfer point were broken down too quickly. After the clones rushed into the transfer point, the soldiers inside basically had no resistance and could only stay in some material warehouses. In the end, they watched the clones helplessly Destroyed the entire transfer point.

"Calculate their sailing speed, and then mark the nearby places that can reach the transfer point within 2 hours."

After Hert finished speaking, a group of officers took action. Seeing doubtful looks on many people's faces, Hert said.

"We cannot take the initiative to attack now. We have lost the opportunity to take the initiative. If we attack now, it will only worsen the entire situation, and the empire will soon begin to establish diplomatic relations with Brilliant City."

Hert's words made many officers present extremely uncomfortable. Today's defeat was unacceptable to many officers present. Most of these officers were from the Second and Third Army.

Nigel also understood what Helt meant. They had already lost the first battle. If they continued to pursue, they would definitely be attacked. Now the opponent's soldiers were far more capable than them.

Once they pursue and search, they will only consume more resources. Now the three major armies have begun to break into pieces. All aspects of scheduling are a big problem. Starting the battle before they are ready will only make No. 69 The space station clones have an opportunity to take advantage of.

Once they are dragged into an exhausting battle, even a group army with nearly 200,000 people will be directly defeated by the clones.

What worries Hert and Nigel the most is the clone front. If they suddenly launch an attack and point their guns at them, the three major armies will be attacked from both sides, and the situation will be even worse.

"We must exercise restraint and avoid wasting resources searching for them. This will only result in more losses than gains."

After Helt finished speaking, he planned to go over and take a look in person. He had already told the people at the transfer point that there was no need to repair it immediately. Helt planned to make a further judgment after actually seeing it.

Nigel stood up and followed him.

"I will go with you."

After Nigel finished speaking, Helt said helplessly.

"I never thought I could do something like this. It's really ironic."

The two of them boarded a large shuttle and put on their spacesuits.

"It's really surprising, Hult, that clone was carefully cultivated by you."

After Nigel finished speaking, Hert nodded.

"That's true. He has inherited all my best qualities and will survive longer. I plan to make him the second-generation leader of the Clone Front."

Nigel smiled helplessly.

"The irony is that now they have become our biggest problem."

After Nigel finished speaking, Hert looked a little helpless, because he knew very well that what Nigel said was the truth, and some clues could already be seen from this battle.

Clone Hult's talents were quite outstanding, and soon the large shuttle fighter arrived at the attacked transfer point base. The shuttle fighter landed slowly, and a large number of officers came over.

Helt and Nigel got off the shuttle fighter directly. At first glance, they saw a blown-out gate. This was the south gate. On weekdays, some trucks would enter here to transport supplies to some facilities.

Hert and Nigel walked over, and a group of people began to report. Hert looked at the scorched black marks on the ground. It was like daylight here, and tens of thousands of troops from the First Army had already arrived.

Everyone is surveying nearby, and it has been determined that they are lurking in advance more than 1 kilometer away from this transfer point. After the small warships start to attack, the troops on the ground will swarm forward.

The sky has become a good cover for them, and this transfer point is only 60 kilometers away from the Moon City. There are large and small army facilities around it. No one can imagine that they will be the first to attack here.

Helt came to the gate. It was certain that they used high-explosive bombs. The gate was blown open under the huge impact, and then they swarmed in, and the transfer point was in a hurry.

It only took less than 10 minutes from the time they attacked until the door was blown open. At this point, many soldiers were still resting. Because they needed to go out for training at night and were on night watch, many soldiers got up in a hurry while sleeping. , and then began to obey orders and prepare for defense.

But this clone trooper did not give the soldiers inside any time to prepare. Some soldiers had turned into cold corpses. Half of the dead soldiers were frozen to death due to the destruction of facilities and exposure to the air. of.

Nigel's face was solemn. He looked at the corpses all over the ground. Not only were human beings, but hundreds of clones were also dead. What annoyed Nigel most was that there were no shuttle fighters in this base. The aircraft took off.

"Why aren't any shuttles taking off?"

Nigel asked, a transfer point commander said.

"Master Nigel, we had already issued an order when the enemy attacked, but it took more than ten minutes from preparation to boarding. The enemy had already destroyed the door of our shuttle cabin before taking off. We didn't Way to open the door.”

After listening to the commander, Helt felt that such a plan had been brewing for at least half a year. But half a year ago, Helt was still on the clone front. At this moment, Helt felt that the decision just made was really true. is correct.

Now Hert suspected that the clone Hert directed everything. He deliberately created the illusion of their defection to gain the support of the family.

The purpose of doing this made Helt feel chills down his spine, because they finally had to make up their minds to support the clone front after the clone Helt defected with Space Station 69.

Now it has gradually given a lot of support to the Clone Front. If Clone Hert deliberately directed this scene, then the Clone Front and him are still close. They only need the two to launch an attack on the group army at some point. If they attack, they will be defeated.

Helt swallowed. When he walked in, he saw that many facilities were in terrible condition. Although it was not difficult to repair them, it would take a lot of time and resources. This was what Helt was currently most worried about.

The destruction of this transfer point has frustrated the entire group army's strategy, and this problem will continue, thus slowing down the pace of their integration.

"Okay everyone, don't think too much, we can't be depressed because of this loss."

After Hurt finished speaking, he led a group of people to a carrier ship parked inside.

1:20 p.m.

Yuna wiped her sweat, and she was still looking at the dark night sky in the distance. Their carrier was parked in a mountain 20 kilometers away from the transfer point and 14 kilometers away from the hiding point.

Now everyone is very happy, because their first battle went so smoothly, it was so smooth that it was unimaginable. They never thought that a group army with powerful weapons could be so fragile. After they invaded, they hardly encountered any decent resistance. Relying on the firepower of the lunar armored vehicles, the group army was successfully suppressed.

Then they successfully blasted many places, easily paralyzing the entire transfer point.

Yuna said irritably.

"What's going on? They didn't send troops to pursue them. I haven't had enough fun yet."

After Yuna finished speaking, the other commanders laughed. Hult had already said that they would stay here until 2 o'clock. If the empire did not pursue them, they would have to return to the hiding spot and then start preparing for the next attack.

Time passed minute by minute, and Yuna and the others did not even see the empire dispatch a detection robot. This made Yuna extremely puzzled, but soon 2 o'clock arrived.

Yuna ordered directly.

"Back to the hiding spot."

The small battleship took off slowly, and everything went very smoothly. Yuna immediately asked people to sail at the maximum speed, without any intention of saving fuel.

The speed of the small battleship was extremely fast. They approached the hiding spot in just 5 minutes. Then the speed of the small battleship slowed down until it was in a floating state, and then it slowly approached the hiding spot.

There are still 8 kilometers of road here. They have to pass this way slowly. As long as the speed is not fast, they will not be easily detected by satellites. Moreover, there are interference layers on the small warships, so it is difficult for satellites to pass through. Detected by moving.

After a while, the carrier ship successfully returned to the family's material storage point. A large number of clones have now left this place, leaving less than 1,000 people. Yuna breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone cheered. stand up.

The soldiers below were also cheering, because everyone knew that they won, and they won completely. The empire didn't even react at all. Yuna just hoped to see Helt quickly and have a good chat with him.

At this time, some commanders opened the wine, and Yuna took a pleasant sip. Everyone planned to have a good meal today and then celebrate.

This was unprecedented in the history of their clones. It allowed the empire's army to have no choice but to easily kill many of them, and the losses here were really minimal.

At this time, with a burst of communication, Royce came over.

"Congratulations to you guys, it's really amazing and shocking."

Royce couldn't help but admire him as soon as he met him, and Yuna smiled.

"This is all thanks to Hert's tactics. From now on, we will continue to achieve victory in terms of results."

Royce nodded.

"It's all up to you."

Now the whole family is extremely excited. No one thought that in such a short time, the family could achieve such great results. If the transfer point wants to be repaired, the empire should entrust some companies, and in the end the person who benefits is the family.

The empire's power will be further reduced, which is what the family wants to see most, Royce said happily looking at these happy soldiers.

"The family will send some drinks over later to reward everyone."

Yuna sighed and said thank you.

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