It was pitch black and nothing could be seen. Yuna looked at the detector carefully. Hundreds of floating robots had been released. These robots could continuously detect within a range of several kilometers nearby.

As long as a relatively large or fast unit is detected, an alarm will be issued immediately, and Yuna will immediately land the slow-flying small warship or evacuate at full speed.

There are less than 200 people in total on this small battleship, and six shuttle fighters are on standby to attack at any time. This is the first hidden mission. It is already less than 500 kilometers away from the Imperial Lunar City, and it will arrive in more than 350 kilometers. A material storage point owned by the Ivan family.

The exterior of the small battleship has been painted and improved. It looks like a carrier ship. Everything is perfect. Yuna just hopes that nothing will go wrong.

Before the next battle begins, they will gradually move from the ground to each location, wait for the moment the battle begins, and then gather together to attack.

As long as the attack is over, they can return to these strongholds of the family, even if they are inspected by the empire, there will be no problem, because they can completely mix in the huge group of clone workers.

Although Yuna was worried that it would be troublesome if the queen and the family members broke up, but Hert said that once they started to take action, it would be impossible for the queen to break up with the family, even if the queen knew that their people were hiding in In some of the family's lunar facilities, it was impossible to really attack the family.

Doing this will only lead to the outbreak of civil war, and the Fourth and Fifth Army will definitely take action. These two armies are originally supported by the family, and their combat effectiveness is not weak.

Therefore, the Queen will definitely not launch a purge at this juncture of establishing diplomatic relations with Brilliant City, leading to the outbreak of civil war. After establishing diplomatic relations with Brilliant City, if commerce and trade can be carried out, the Queen can transfer the internal conflicts out.

Families who are pursuing profits will definitely not let go of such an opportunity. As long as they cooperate smoothly with Bright City, the queen can even resolve the current conflict with the family.

But Hert said that it is impossible for the family members to trust the queen easily, so even the family members in the future will definitely support them fully.

"Yuna, everything is in good condition at the moment. You can go and rest first. I'll watch."

An adjutant came over, Yuna smiled and shook her head.

"No, I have to stay here. The first mission must be completed successfully."

Yuna said, although she was a little sleepy, she still didn't want to rest. Then she lay down and planned to take a nap, while the adjutant stared at the detector.

They have been sailing at this slow speed for almost 10 hours, and now they must be careful. Once discovered, they can only run. There are too many imperial lunar surface facilities nearby.

This operation must be carried out secretly, and before the operation begins, nearly 2,000 people will come. This is the number of personnel decided by Hult for the first operation.

This is also the first coordinated operation of the three forces, and it must be successful.

A large number of engines have been added to the small battleship, and the balance has been tested. There is no problem at all, but the armor is too weak. If it is attacked by explosive weapons, this small battleship will definitely be sunk.

However, the current speed of small warships is very fast. Although it is still unable to compare with shuttle fighters, it can still avoid the attacks of some local warships.

There is less than a month left. After the concealment of the small battleships ends, the next batch of carrier ships and the other three small battleships will slowly approach. There is not much time left before the battle begins.

As time passed, Yuna woke up and saw that she had slept for more than three hours, the adjutant said.

"It's okay Yuna, it's absolutely fine. We'll arrive soon."

Lights could already be seen in the distance, and soon the small warship slowly moved closer. After the signal was recognized correctly, the door on top of a steel cargo storage point in front of them slowly opened, and the small warship entered.

After a while, Yuna took the people off the carrier, surrounded by some workers. They were the workers responsible for the daily maintenance of this stronghold, but they did not know that they were clones, and Royce was already waiting here.

"You are welcome to come."

Yuna stretched out her hand to shake Royce's hand, and then she asked.

"How are you preparing the combat equipment Helt needs?"

Royce nodded happily.

"Don't worry, the shipment has already started to all the strongholds. Your people just need to come here."

Yuna nodded. The first batch of soldiers who came over were the strongest soldiers who had completed all the training. The second batch of soldiers would slowly move over from the page over a few days, while the third batch would directly take the family Our carrier ship is coming.

Royce did not expect to start fighting in such a short period of time, but Royce was confident. He had watched many trainings of this unit and found that they were different, and indeed Helt A very complete strategy has been developed and many points have been taken into consideration.

Yuna followed Royce to a control room, and then Royce started to play the video. The empire's material transfer station usually had more than 1,000 soldiers and assistants, as well as five to six thousand clones.

This stronghold is relatively large. These strongholds were established during the last civil war so that if a war breaks out in the future, the empire can use these strongholds to transport some things.

There are many such large transfer points outside the lunar city, so that materials can be transported out of the city and distributed to these transfer points, and then quickly distributed by the transfer points and transported to different operations. in the area.

These transfer points were once built by the empire at the suggestion of Herth's father Stokov. At that time, the founders of the rebellion occupied many places in the Lunar City, and also occupied many places outside.

Not long after the battle for the Moon City began, the Queen's troops were severely damaged. Fortunately, relying on these transfer points, supplies were continuously distributed to the outer battlefields, allowing the Queen's troops to stand firm and finally complete the reversal. .

Finally, when the two sides were in a stalemate, the family members suddenly turned against the queen. The founder of the rebellion was instantly at a disadvantage, and the peripheral troops easily counterattacked.

Soon the civil war was basically over. These external transfer points were extremely important as a part of the tactics. This is why Hult planned to attack these transfer points first instead of occupying some imperial military facilities.

These transfer points are the focus of Helt's initial strategic strikes. Yuna and other commanders have a complete understanding of Helt's entire set of tactics.

And Royce is also present. He will be responsible for arranging some private armed forces of various families to assist Hert and the others. Royce and the others are mainly responsible for logistics.

After the battle of Helt's army is over, they must help Helt's army supply as soon as possible, and then quickly enter the next war.

Helt did not intend to fight slowly and could not give the empire a little breathing time. Once they reacted and started to organize, it would be difficult for them to make any real-time progress.

Because a force of more than 20,000 people that is fully capable of combat cannot be trained in a short period of time, and it will take at least a year. Now only some of the elite soldiers can participate in the battle.

Yuna began to discuss some details with Royce. Specifically, they needed to quickly bypass the sight of the Imperial Group Army and return to these facilities.

"Such an opening speed is not possible. It is too slow. It must be adjusted by engineers. After we land in, we need to ask nearby workers to help us disguise it immediately."

After Yuna finished speaking, Royce nodded.

"Indeed, we will adjust as soon as possible."

Yuna asked at this time.

"The workers here are not fools. They may know what happened, and people from the empire will definitely come to check."

After Yuna finished speaking, Royce smiled.

"Indeed, people from the empire will definitely come in to check, but don't worry, nothing will be missed in these cover-up efforts."

After Royce finished speaking, he pointed to a large warehouse not far away and said.

"This warehouse is specially built for you. After you come in, you only need to hide in it. If the clones know the truth, they can make a choice to join you or be dealt with."

Yuna smiled and said.

"It's really an unbearable decision."

Royce said helplessly.

"There's no way around it. That's what war is like. We can't fail. If we fail, we'll be in a dilemma."

The reason why Royce said this was because the family members were still worried because the war hadn't started yet and everything was unknown.

And most people in the family thought that the war started too early, and they felt that the clones would not be ready so quickly, but Victor opposed everyone's opinions and supported Hert's approach.

Now the three major armies of the empire are still being integrated, and too many problems have arisen.

These problems of integrating the army cannot be solved in a short time, so Royce feels that Huerter's decision is correct, and he will give the enemy a head-on attack before they are ready.

"By the way, Miss Yuna, I have a suggestion. We can provide a brand new AI system. We have already conducted simulated battles with the strategic AI system developed by the empire. Our AI performance is stronger."

Royce said, Yuna shook her head.

"That's not the case. There is a reason why we don't install AI on some devices, because after we train it, the AI ​​may not necessarily be better than humans."

Royce didn't quite understand, because if there was AI assistance in the battle, humans would be more relaxed and wouldn't have to think about certain things.

Yuna looked at the confusion on Royce's face and then said.

"You should understand after the actual battle."

After Yuna finished speaking, Royce nodded. This time the gamble was about to begin, and then Royce said.

"Miss Yuna, I have to go to the next place to arrange it. If you have any questions, just contact my subordinates directly. They will fully cooperate with you."

After Royce finished speaking, he left. Yuna sat on the chair and looked at the ceiling. She knew very well how powerful Helt's fighting method that abandoned AI was.

Because there have been many simulations on Space Station 69, and humans have successfully tricked the AI ​​into making wrong data analysis through some means, thus causing the soldiers who relied on the AI ​​to lose.

This situation has happened many times, and many soldiers later discovered that they were indeed too dependent on AI, because AI would make judgments based on past combat data.

Hert has made this clear to all the soldiers, and there is no data for their future operations, and the AI ​​cannot calculate the correct answer based only on their actions, so this is It was the key point in their ability to defeat the Imperial Army.

If they only need to make good use of this in the early stage, they will be able to catch the empire off guard, because the empire's army relies too much on AI. The AI ​​will conduct simulation calculations based on the local units that have carried AI in the past, and then give the results.

The soldiers of the empire will definitely fight based on this result. Once they form an inherent concept, they will be easily confused by the current data, and they will naturally take advantage of it.

Yuna laughed out loud when she thought of this, because she knew that they had won the first battle, and the future belonged to their clone front, and they would definitely make the empire miserable.

As long as they win some wars, they can train the next generation of clones for the Clone Front.

The family also promised to provide them with fresh clones, and they were clones of the family's private armed soldiers. They were originally soldiers, so their combat effectiveness would be even stronger.

Yuna actually couldn't wait any longer. She just hoped to see the results as soon as possible. During this period, everyone had made all preparations and everyone was working hard.

The clones of Space Station 69 all understand that they are working hard to abolish this cruel cloning system, so their goals are very clear.

"By the way, I'd better go down and look around first."

Yuna still planned to get familiar with everything in this base, and she also planned to let the soldiers who came over to get familiar with everything as much as possible. After all, after the battle officially started, they would need to travel back and forth to this place frequently.

They must also be familiar with the peripheral environment. Hert has made it very clear that if the war gets tense and they are unable to enter this place, they can still rely on the peripheral environment to carry out operations.

Helt had considered every point, and at this moment, as soon as Yuna went down, a man ran over.

"Aren't you Yuna? Why are you here?"

Yuna turned her head and looked at this young man, completely unaware of who he was.

"who are you?"

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