"Our shuttle fighter model is relatively old. This kind of shuttle fighter began to be phased out 20 years ago, because although the speed is very fast during the flight, it is very difficult to turn and change direction. There is no gravity in the universe, but there is on the moon."

After Hert finished speaking, the more than 100 pilots in the audience listened carefully and were still taking notes. Hert had personally tried this kind of shuttle fighter many times, and it was more stable than in the space environment.

Many of the detailed information on this fighter plane were brought over by members of the family. After analyzing the information, Hert planned to develop some tactics specifically for this shuttle fighter unit.

In space, old-fashioned shuttle fighters like theirs have no advantages, but it is different now because the moon has gravity.

Many modern shuttle fighters have lost their autonomy with the help of AI, and many things that clearly require human reaction and judgment have been handed over to AI.

It is true that the current AI is very strong, but the situation on the battlefield cannot be clearly estimated by AI, because the AI ​​will calculate based on various values, but it does not have enough tactical data. This is something Hult currently wants to take advantage of. of.

Conventional tactics must not be used to fight the imperial army. Many tactics need to be developed based on the actual situation.

After Hert personally piloted the shuttle fighter in the past few days, he came up with many new ideas based on the information.

"What we need to do now is to let AI only assist flight, and what we want to achieve is to be able to autonomously drive and control the shuttle fighter for aerial tactical drills and future execution."

After Helt finished speaking, many pilots in the audience nodded. Many of the pilots were selected and relatively capable clones.

Hult plans to build a flexible air combat force, and for a small warship that can carry six shuttle fighters, Hult has made it as lightweight as possible and then increased the number of engines.

Such operations require rapid penetration, and shuttle fighters are more tasked with buying time for ground troops.

Hult planned to build three armies, a flying army, a ground heavy firepower force, and an assault force.

The three need to carry out multi-faceted coordinated operations. These tactics Hert have already formulated, and now the entire army has begun to be divided.

Yuna quickly divided the unit into three parts. Each unit is now practicing externally. They train for 8 hours a day, and then study and study tactics at night.

Hert received valuable advice from Stokov in building such an army. Hert was helpless when he thought of Stokov.

Storkoff's health was failing, and like the elderly Herter, he could no longer hold on for long. Herter did not visit him before leaving because Storkoff had said that he did not want Herter to say goodbye to him.

During the time at the Clone Front's main base, Hert and Storkoff discussed too many issues, many of which were critical achievement issues.

Stokov taught Hult a lot. When Hult was still at Space Station 69, he discussed many management issues with Stokov.

At that time, Hert just thought it was interesting to discuss these issues. Although these issues had little to do with low-level engineering staff like them, Hert was willing to discuss them with Storkoff.

Thinking of all this, Helt felt uncomfortable because such time was gone.

After a while, Hult finished explaining, and the pilots got up one after another. It was just after 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and the pilots planned to take a rest. They would start a new round of training at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun is disappearing again, leaving little time for them to train. Although the family has supplied a lot of fuel, this fuel is extremely critical in the war and must not be wasted.

Only relying on electric energy for training is the safest way.

Hurt will build more things in the future, and he feels more and more that time is running out, and he feels this kind of anxiety every day.

After leaving the tactical layout room, Hert pressed his slightly aching head. He planned to continue to take a look at the power room of the space station, because the process of transforming the power room has just been completed one-tenth, because there are many technologies. It needs to be conquered.

After just a few steps, Katerina came over. Helter smiled and leaned over and asked.

"Why do you have time to come here? Isn't your theater very busy?"

Katerina curled her lips, then pulled Helt and said.

"Go back with me."

Helt was a little confused, Katerina said.

"No matter how busy I am, I am never as busy as you. You are already too busy to eat, Mr. Leader."

Helt smiled awkwardly, and then Katerina said.

"Several committee members have come to me many times, hoping to let you have a good rest. Otherwise, what will we do if you get tired?"

Hurt shook his head.

"I am okay."

Katerina pulled him and said.

"You must go back with me today."

At this time, many commanders nearby also came over to persuade him, because Hert had not had much rest recently. He was always in the combat command room, working until late every day, and then went to bed, and then went to bed again the next day. He got up very early, and everyone could see that Hult was really tired.

"But aren't we all tired?"

After Hult finished speaking, a commander said.

"Mr. Hult, how can we all catch up with you? You need overall planning and help with work. Just leave your energy to manage the space station well. Go back and have a good rest."

Everyone started talking, and Helt finally nodded and followed Katerina out of the airport.

The two of them walked all the way home, and many people on the road greeted them. Now the entire space station is full of life, and many people have not experienced such happiness for a long time.

After everyone has done their own things energetically every day, they gather together in the evening to chat happily.

Although some people are no longer in good health, they are still doing some things within their capabilities. No one expected that Huerte's concept would actually give the entire space station a completely new look.

"I informed Yuna. She will be back very early later. It's been a long time since we had a good gathering."

Katerina said, and Hert nodded. He was indeed a little tired. Soon they returned home and started preparing dinner.

Time passed by, and around 5 p.m., Yuna came back, and she hugged Helt happily.

"Really, why don't you think about us and yourself? Look at how much weight you have lost."

After Yuna finished speaking, Helt let go of her and said.

"It's okay, my body is still very young, and I have indeed been too stressed recently, but we still have less than 3 months to go."

Yuna asked, looking at Helt in confusion.

"Why do we have to take action after three months?"

Katerina doesn't quite understand. She feels that now that we have plenty of time and materials, we can wait a little. It's not impossible to wait until everything is ready before taking action.

Hurt shook his head.

"Want to hear my thoughts?"

Yuna leaned on Helt unhappily and said.

"What else are you hiding from us?"

Yuna said as Katerina sat on the other side and both women glared at Helt.

"I've already said that you can't hide anything from us."

Hurt nodded.

"I understand, I will explain slowly."

After Helt finished speaking, he thought for a while and said.

"First of all, in three months, the empire will definitely carry out a large-scale cleaning operation."

After Helt finished speaking, Yuna asked in confusion.

"Why, aren't they relying on the clone front to contain the family?"

Hurt said.

"Indeed, in the future the empire will begin to establish diplomatic relations with that unknown country called Brilliant City, and this establishment of diplomatic relations is very important. According to the information the family has given us, it can be seen that the queen has spent all her money to establish diplomatic relations. They will establish diplomatic relations with Brilliant City in four months, and before the establishment of diplomatic relations, the Queen will definitely find a way to solve the internal problems."

Katerina frowned slightly and asked.

"Wouldn't this mean that they would abandon the clone front again?"

Hurt nodded.

“So the people on both sides of us are busy with only one thing right now, which is to build a large number of small sub-bases outside the main base, and constantly split the things in the main base, in order to prevent them from being destroyed at once. That’s why I asked everyone to resolutely implement this strategy at the beginning. Now there is only one thing we need to do, which is to launch an attack during the month when the empire is on mission to Brilliant City, instead of waiting for the Queen to directly clean up."

Yuna asked, becoming even more confused.

"Now that the family supports us, it should be difficult to deal with us, right?"

Hurt shook his head.

"Don't underestimate the empire's dispatching ability, and now the three armies are merged into one, have you forgotten? Who is in control of the three armies, Nigel of the second army, and Herth of the third army."

Katerina's expression became serious, and Yuna also felt that it was difficult. Indeed, the talents of these two people were very powerful.

"So what we need to do now is to be one step ahead of them. Now the group armies are integrating, and the integration of a large-scale group army like theirs will take at least 4 months. That is, when their integration is over, they can just launch a large-scale liquidation operation. And we have to take action before they integrate, so as to disrupt their strategic plan."

After Hurt finished speaking, both women nodded, and he continued.

"Disrupting the opponent's strategic plan has an obvious advantage, that is, it can force the opponent's strategy to change, even be delayed, or simply abandoned. If we are slow, we will follow their strategy. It must be difficult to withstand the liquidation of the three integrated armies. And when the three armies begin to liquidate, we will be helpless."

Yuna nodded.

"Indeed, the three armies have nearly 200,000 troops, ten times our number, and their weapons and equipment are much more advanced than ours."

Hurt said with a smile.

"If we start taking action before their integration is completed, they will inevitably be forced to dispatch. Without the integration of the three armies, there will always be problems in terms of combat coordination and all aspects of dispatch. These problems are due to their previous It’s a group army of different factions. Even if the top management has been working closely together, it won’t take more than a year and a half for the people below to get along.”

After Hert finished speaking, the contents of the pot were ready. The three of them got up and entered the kitchen one after another, intending to drink some wine together and then have a good rest.

After a while, the three of them started chatting and laughing happily, talking about things that had happened in the past few days.

"The first battle is very crucial. We must win. Only if we win can we have room to survive in the future."

Hurt said and Yuna asked.

"Then where should we attack?"

Helt thought for a while and glanced at Katerina. Both women looked at Helt expectantly. So far, Helt had not said where to attack first.

Hurt thought for a moment and said.

"The airport station of the First Army located to the west of Lunar City."

As soon as these words came out, both women were shocked, because that place was less than 100 kilometers away from the Moon City, and there were a large number of army bases around it. If they attacked, they would be in trouble if they were surrounded.

Hurt opened the crystal screen directly and then drew some lines on the map, he said.

"We are nearly 1,000 kilometers away from that airport. If we go at full speed, it will take about an hour and a half to reach Xuyao ​​there. And what if it is dark night? It will be the middle of the night at that time, and if we go directly, the power of the airport will It will consume almost the same amount, and it is a transfer location, so the power consumption is very large.”

Both of them listened carefully to Hult's explanation, and then Hult pointed to the lines and said.

"There are a large number of family facilities on these lines, and we need the full cooperation of the families. After the battle, we will quickly move the small warships directly into the facilities of these families to hide them. As long as the battle is successful, we can directly Evacuate without any regard.”

Yuna smiled happily.

"That is indeed a good idea, but we only have two carrier ships. Won't the number of ground troops be too small?"

Hurt shook his head.

"There is no need to worry about this problem for the time being. What we need to do is to launch a sudden attack. Now we need to gradually arrange some warships into the family's facilities. And we are not flying directly there, but when the night is about to fall. Go directly through these lines."

After Helt finished speaking, Yuna exclaimed. She had never thought that she could do this. There was really no need to consume too much energy. When the training was almost done, she slowly moved the battleship over. She could still move alone. Reduce the chance of detection.

"Don't worry, I have arranged everything. In the future, we just need to complete the training as soon as possible."

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