15 hours ago.

Helt looked at Maggie beside him. The two had just laid down for a while. Helt was a little unable to sleep, so Maggie asked.

"What's wrong Helt?"

Hurt said with a sigh.

"I don't know why, I always feel worried."

Maggie leaned over and gently leaned on Helt's chest and asked.

"What are you worried about? Isn't the matter already over?"

Helt hummed and raised his head. Maggie got up and walked to the wine cabinet on the side. She took out some wine and poured some for Helt. After Helt took a sip, Maggie came over and also Take a sip.

Hert was a little upset tonight. Although he had a happy chat with many people at the banquet, Helt also realized that the family members still wanted to be above the imperial power.

Hert agrees with the Queen's philosophy and cannot continue to let the family continue like this. They have begun to expand to the point of threatening the stability of the entire country.

This was the reason why Hert knelt in front of the queen. Hert did not want to see any more bloody conflicts in this country, and even wanted to change some things in this country.

Especially regarding the policy of cloning, Hert has already mentioned it to the Queen. If we continue to rely on clones for support, mankind may become worse and worse in the future.

Nowadays, many humans in the country have lost interest in many things because of the worry-free life provided by cloning. People in the country now work an average of less than 3 hours a day. This seems to be quite wrong in Hert's eyes.

If this goes on for a long time, whoever controls the head will be able to control everything. This is what the capital wants to see most. Many people live a happy and comfortable life, but in fact they have no sense of competition.

This seems to be the most serious thing in Helt. Once you fall into such a life of eating, drinking and waiting to die, if you encounter a serious problem one day, this problem will explode in one breath, eventually leading to the collapse of the entire empire.

In an empire with a population of 3 million, nearly 1 million people have almost no work. This is what Hurt is most worried about. In the long run, there is only one possibility. In the end, more and more people will no longer want to work and just want to work. Enjoy life comfortably.

In order to maintain this size, more clones can only be produced, and these clones can support these three million people, and the meaning of human beings will no longer exist.

Originally, a human could only have 10 clones in his lifetime, but now this limit has been broken. Due to the problem of the clone front, the number of clones has now increased to 15.

In the past, human cloning could only be released after a human being was 30 years old. In this way, the average life span of ten clones is 5 years, which allows this human being to gradually slow down the pace of work and start enjoying life after the age of 30.

But now this cycle has been advanced. With the growing demand, the age for human cloning has been raised to 20 years old.

The original creator of this huge development plan was to enable human beings to survive in such a harsh cosmic environment and to vigorously develop technology to deal with all problems in the universe.

But now the development of science and technology has almost reached its peak, and human society has begun to lose competitiveness. Originally, when this project started, clones would be produced after humans turned 40 years old and their energy and physical strength began to decline.

It is to enable human society to have enough productivity to accumulate technology. Hert sighed. It is simply impossible to reduce the number of clones or even abandon the cloning system.

Because the empire now has a huge system, it would be impossible to maintain such a size without the support of tens of millions of clones.

"What I'm worried about is the future."

Maggie giggled.

"There is nothing to worry about, Hert. Now that you are on the Queen's side, as long as you suppress those guys completely, everything will be fine."

Helt did not explain anything. It is impossible to overwhelm the family members now. Once the family members are touched, the entire society will collapse.

This is what Hurt is most worried about at the moment. The Queen has already stated her plan in detail. The current power of the family can only be disintegrated through external pressure. That is why the Queen will let the clone front go and even provide them with help and cooperate with them. .

What Helt didn't expect was that his clones could take over the mines of two families so easily. This was something Helt didn't expect, but he could understand such feelings and the hope that burst out in despair. .

At this moment, a phone call rang urgently. Hert glanced at the number and it was from the military department, and he picked up the call.

"Oops, General Hult, Space Station 69 on the Clone Front has defected."


Hult suddenly straightened up. After listening for a while, he stood up immediately. Maggie asked worriedly.

"What's wrong?"

"Something serious has happened."

Helter quickly changed his clothes and quickly walked out of the room. At this time, Nigel called and the queen asked them to enter the palace immediately.

5:20 am.

The queen listened solemnly as Nicholas reported the current situation. The queen angrily smashed the wine glass on the table and said angrily.

"Those bastards actually did this."

Nikolai responded as soon as he received the information and sent out the First Army. He must find the location of Space Station No. 69 and destroy the space station directly. These clones cannot be allowed to survive.

The Queen asked as she stood up angrily and walked around.

"How many hours has it been?"

Nikolai's face became serious.

"They have been defecting for three hours. According to the speed of the space station, they have traveled less than 100 kilometers. However, the visibility on the moon is currently very low. The satellite has already been dispatched to the place where they defected. However, if the space station blocks silent flight, the satellite It’s also hard to detect. What I’m most worried about is that businessmen send their private armies to respond, which makes it even harder for us to detect.”

The queen laughed and shook her head.

"You don't need to worry about this for the time being. They won't dare to openly commit such an act of betrayal until the space station completely disappears from our sight."

Nicholas nodded.

"At present, I have dispatched 10,000 troops to start the pursuit. Once the location of the space station is determined, I will immediately launch an offensive. I have asked General Nigel and General Hert to mobilize troops to assist the Second and Third Army."

The queen nodded with satisfaction. She was waiting for the two of them and had to deal with the big problems that might happen next.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. It's impossible for such a small force to cause any trouble."

Nicholas said confidently, the queen frowned slightly, and then slapped the table angrily. Nicholas was startled, and the queen stared at Nicholas coldly and said.

"General Nicholas, please think carefully about the current situation. You always told me that there would be no big problems, but what happened? A lot of problems arose."

The Queen could no longer bear it. The general of the First Army was good for nothing except being obedient. He basically had no ability to serve as a general at all. However, because his family had been supporting the Queen for a long time, the Queen responded to their family. status.

But Nicholas didn't have any talent. He failed to handle many things that the Queen had entrusted to Nigel.

"Your Majesty, I think there won't be much of a problem. The clones on Space Station 69 only have three to five years left to survive at most. Even if the family members cooperate with them, as long as the cloning technology remains In the hands of the empire, it is impossible for the family members to rely on clones to pose any threat to our empire."

said the queen.

"Go down, General Nikolai, and go to the front line in person. You must find Space Station No. 69."

After Nicholas left, the queen now just wants to wait for Hert and Nigel to come over. These two are very capable generals. This matter must be left to them and must be eliminated. Space Station No. 69 is a point that is very likely to destabilize the empire.

The Queen is worried about this matter now, because she knows very well that if the family vigorously supports the clones who have defected, it will cause an unimaginable crisis to the empire.

Although the queen has always had cloning technology in her hands, capital has penetrated into every corner of power over the years, and it is easy for them to obtain complete cloning technology.

It is impossible for families to use cloning technology in lunar cities or space stations, but in many other places, families must have their own cloning factories, which is what the Queen is most worried about.

Once they start delivering supplies, weapons and blood to the defecting clones, the families will be able to take the initiative in the future.

It is absolutely impossible for the Queen to allow this to happen. If Space Station 69 is not destroyed now, this strategy of using clones to slowly disintegrate the family from the outside will undergo major changes.

The queen looked at the time anxiously. After a while, Nigel and Helt finally came over.

"How's the situation?"

asked the Queen, to which Nigel replied.

"We have urgently mobilized shuttle fighters from our two armies and quickly headed to the moon. We have not yet found the location of Space Station 69."

After Nigel finished speaking, he looked at Helt who was aside, and Helt said.

"If we can't find them, I'm afraid the future will be extremely difficult."

The Queen nodded, and they could only continue to wait for the news.

8 o'clock in the morning.

In the dark sky, a carrier ship floated slowly in the air. The captain was holding a wine bottle and was drinking. A subordinate said.

"Captain, I think we need to go to area A8782 to investigate in detail."

The captain laughed.

"There is nothing in that place. I have already laid out the route. You just need to go to these places to investigate."

The adjutant felt something was wrong, but did not dare to say anything. As soon as they came out, the captain gave some coordinates and areas for them to check. They were the first group of the First Army to come out, and the following troops came out to investigate. will receive the results of their inquiries.

If these areas are checked and no shadow of Space Station 69 is found, other people who come out to check will be informed, and they will skip these areas directly.

The adjutant reminded again.

"Captain, this is General Nikolai's order, we must investigate it strictly."

The captain laughed after taking a swig of wine.

"It's already under strict investigation."

The adjutant immediately took out the map and said.

"I think we should check these areas. After all, the space station is very likely to pass through these areas."

The captain looked at the adjutant and smiled.

"Isn't it just a few clones? Why waste so much energy on it?"

The adjutant still wanted to speak, so the captain listed the cruise ship's funding list for this month and then said.

"If you want to find it, go out and look for it yourself. Going to those places will waste too much energy. If you can't find it, we have to bear the cost ourselves. You should know what that means, right?"

The adjutant nodded with serious eyes. Of course he knew what it meant. The internal corruption of the First Army was very serious. In many cases, only 30% of the funds in their hands were left.

This money is used to maintain everything on the frigate, and some senior officials also need to take some, which is simply not enough. Therefore, daily training, including combat training, does not consume too much energy. After all, as long as part of it is saved, it will be enough. Ability to get into one's own pocket.

"Immediately order them to return and stop searching. Continuing to search is a waste of time. The queen doesn't know the hard work of the people below us. There is no need for us to work so hard for just a few clones. Regardless of them, they will die after a while. ”

The adjutant immediately gave the order, and then he stood up and left. At this time, the captain showed a proud smile. These investigation lines were given to him by someone from a certain family. Although the captain had guessed what the family wanted to do, the upper level The struggle for power has nothing to do with the captain. The families are too generous. The captain is very happy today because he has pocketed a large amount of money.

The captain, who has just turned 40 this year, no longer needs to worry about his comfortable life in the future. The money given by his family this time is enough for him to eat, drink and have fun for a lifetime.

At this time, a contact came through and the captain picked up the phone. It was the follow-up pursuit force. The captain told them directly and concisely that they had checked those areas and found nothing.

After putting down the phone, the captain laughed. He was not worried about the future, he was only worried about whether his life was good now. Over the years, the captains on cruise ships have basically not been treated well because most of them have been taken care of. The upper echelons of the group army took it away. Those of them in the middle level basically had no profit and all relied on the generosity and righteousness of the businessmen.

"It would be nice to buy a garden villa after I go back, but it's not good if it's too exposed."

After the captain finished talking to himself, he laughed and took a big sip of wine. At this time, the adjutant came in. The captain took out a few gold coins from his pocket and handed them to him. The adjutant was a little stunned.

"Listen clearly. After you go back, no matter how you are questioned by the higher-ups, you only need to tell them that they have been thoroughly investigated in detail. Change the parameters of the fighter plane's travel."

The adjutant nodded after taking it, smiled and said.

"Are we rich?"

The captain hummed.

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