"We are scheduled to arrive at the coordinates in 2 hours."

Yuna said that Helt had just woken up. He climbed up from the chair in the central control room and looked at the dark wilderness in front of him. It was just after 4 p.m.

The light has become less and less, and Huerte is now relieved. The moon has entered behind the planet, and there will not be enough light for nearly half a month in the future.

This is also the reason why Helt left in such a hurry. It is safest to leave at this time. Because of the lack of direct light, the energy supply is very slow during this half month.

Because those solar power panels cannot function to their fullest, humans can only survive the nearly dark half of the month by relying on the electricity stored in the first half of the month when there is plenty of light.

This dark half month was their best hiding period. This was the reason why Victor was so anxious that day. If they missed this time, they might not have much time to hide.

The location where the space station is going is located in a large canyon on the opposite side of the Moon City. This place can be well hidden, and there are large and small family mines around it.

In the past half month, even if the empire knew that they had separated from the clone front and guessed that they would most likely defect to the family, they were unable to take action. If they did, they would have to use energy.

The increasingly precious energy will be consumed in large quantities. It is impossible for the entire empire to spend such a huge amount of energy to find these defectors.

In the first ten hours, Helt was worried that if the empire sent troops to pursue or stop them, there would be nothing they could do, but now Helt was relieved.

During this month, they were able to hide well in that huge canyon. As long as the empire could not find their traces, they could develop quietly.

Hult thought about using one year to cultivate the army and establish a complete set of industrialization on the space station. In particular, the space station's engines must be replaced, at least with battleship-type engines.

It will be impossible to rely on them for a period of time, but as long as the family provides technology and raw materials, all this can be achieved.

The families probably wanted to seize this opportunity and compete for the right to speak in the next era. The actual battle for the throne had already begun when Hult and the others left.

This opportunity was brought to the attention of the family by Hert, so Hert firmly believed that they would definitely take action, because as capital, they would not miss this kind of opportunity that overrides their rights.

Even now that the second and third armies have begun to fall to the queen, they can fall to the family at any time, because the actual controllers of the two armies are also the family.

This is related to the overall interests of the family, so even if they seem to be leaning towards the queen, they are actually still leaning towards the family. Helt got some business transactions and various issues in the moon city and took a look. Just know.

Even now that the Second and Third Armies have fallen to the Queen, their cooperation with various families has not decreased, but has increased. This is also an important reason why the Queen wants to support the clone front.

Although they are obedient on the surface, they are still capital in private. This is the multi-faceted nature of capital. They will always only consider interests. As long as the royal power is still the shackles that imprison them, capital will find ways to remove the shackles.

Uncontrolled capital is the best form of capital. They can make all rules, decide everything, and always stand at the top.

If you want to develop, you have to give capital room to compete for profits, and integration cannot be achieved. But once capital is given room to survive, they will begin to slowly cover everything.

Until it holds everything in its hands, solidifies everything forever and becomes indestructible, this is what capital likes most.

On the one hand, the Queen wants to continue to vigorously develop technological armaments and can only rely on capital to squeeze and promote everything. On the other hand, she hopes that capital can completely surrender, but this is obviously a contradiction.

Although rights and money are interdependent, if rights lose money, it will be a castle in the air, while money can still survive even without rights.

"What's wrong? You look solemn?"

Katerina asked.

Hurt stood up and said with a smile.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking that the Queen's chess game is out of control this time."

After Helt finished speaking, Yuna curled her lips and asked.

"To be honest, you are really insidious. This move has probably made the Queen restless now."

After Yuna finished speaking, Helt and her looked at Katerina at the same time.

"You two, don't think of me as a queen, okay!"

The three of them all laughed. In this office, the three of them stared quietly at the darkness in the distance. Worrying now is unnecessary. In such a harsh space environment, the military is simply not united and cannot make immediate decisions. Correct action.

Even though the Queen has realized that something is wrong and ordered the army to attack and kill them, the army from top to bottom is not a whole, but multiple wholes.

Even in the First Army, which the Queen relies on most, there is still too much capital in places that Nicholas cannot see.

As long as the shadow of capital exists, they will be fine.

"You are really a genius."

After Yuna finished speaking, Helt smiled.

"This is a dangerous move. If we didn't make it last night, we would be doomed, because the Queen will definitely try her best to let the clone front get rid of us traitors. It is impossible for her to allow the two proxy forces to There is, in such a game, the person who loses in the long run must be the queen."

Yuna asked doubtfully.

"How many things have you not told us?"

Hurt explained with a smile.

"Because the Queen holds everything so tight and she probably wants to sit in this position forever."

Yuna looked at Katerina in confusion again, because in the two years she had been with Katerina, she did feel that Katerina was strong, especially on many issues, Katerina's performance Must be strong enough.

But it's different now, because Katerina has become gentle and sweet, which Yuna can't imagine, but Yuna also knows that Katerina has found a man she can rely on, and Yuna also feels the same, Can completely rely on Hert.

"I was thinking before, why are there clones of the Queen, and why does Katerina exist?"

After Helt finished speaking, Katerina pressed the back of her head and said.

"Perhaps it is because the queen wants to obtain intelligence and information on the clone front. I have indeed given her information unconsciously many times in the past."

Yuna nodded.

"Indeed, otherwise how could the queen clone herself."

Hurt shook his head and said.

"The last time you were injured, the injury was serious enough to kill you, but in the end you survived because the natural genes of our clones are defective."

Yuna and Katerina both looked at Helt in confusion, not knowing what he wanted to say. Helt continued.

"But you recovered very well. We don't have complete medical methods, but if we only need to check your genes, I am 100% sure that you are an improved clone and your lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary clones."

After Hert finished speaking, Katerina looked at him in shock, and Yuna also looked incredulous. Hert's eyes were solemn and he said with a serious expression.

"After much thought, there is only one answer. The queen wants to sit on the throne forever and become the master of Asgard forever."

"How can it be?"

Katerina is a little unconvinced, because the human lifespan is only 100 to 120 years at most, and now the Queen is almost 60. It is not bad to live to 100 with the help of advanced medical technology, but most people born after 80, The intelligence will begin to decline, and to a large extent, it may become dementia, and it will be difficult to distinguish many things, let alone manage a country.

The limit for human beings is over 60, and most people no longer have the energy to deal with a large number of complicated things.

"Let your clone replace you and stand on the throne forever."

After Helt finished speaking, both women were shocked. This was the most likely thing Helt had ever thought about, as he had discussed this topic with the elderly Helt before.

The old Hert thought the same way. Everything that happened now, there was only one possibility for the final destination, and that was that the Queen didn't want to get down from the throne.

The queen's own thoughts and ideas, as well as her plans and expectations for the future, are the reasons why the queen does not want to step down from the throne. She still has many things she wants to do, so she puts them into practice to achieve what she wants to do. It is very possible to continue into the future through cloning.

"At this stage, it seems to me that the Queen's energy is insufficient. After all, she is already over 50, and she does not have much time to deal with things. Like us, I can basically imagine based on the Queen's behavior in recent years. Why should the Queen start to clean up the capital that is no longer under her control? Because if she doesn't take action, she will no longer be able to deal with these things."

Katerina held her slender arms. She was indeed very energetic. Every time she finished work or was injured, she would not have any complex physical problems like other clones, and she would recover very quickly.

"And the most important point, why does the Queen ask you to remember so many permission codes?"

Helt asked, Katerina hummed, and Yuna now fully understood, she said.

"Indeed, I used to wonder why there were clones of the Queen. Z, who found Katerina before, said that it was by chance that he met Katerina. She seemed to suddenly appear in the society of clones. After all, she It’s the queen.”

Katerina looked slightly sad. She looked at the young Helt in front of her and thought of the scene when she met Helt three years ago. Perhaps it was three years ago that she fell in love with this man.

Mature and stable, and able to give her a sense of security and dependence, but in just two years, Z began to age and have physical problems. Katerina thought she would say goodbye to Z. At this time, in Space Station No. 69, appeared New Hert.

Katerina also followed Stokov to the space station, but what Katerina saw was an extremely naive man. She was actually a little disappointed at first, but now it is different. The man is as mature and steady as the rising sun. The man is back again.

"So I think the reason why the Queen asked you to appear is to obtain some more specific clone data. Maybe there are other Katerinas in places we don't know about, but you were discovered by Z. This is just the Queen A little flaw in the huge plan. The reason why you can know some permission codes is because the Queen can recover you in time or give you help when you are in danger."

Katerina pressed her forehead. She was too awake at this time. Yuna hugged her comfortingly. Hert came over, hugged the two of them and said.

"It's okay, leave everything to me."

After a while, Katerina calmed down, and Hurt continued.

"The reason why the Queen will lose is because we are about to arrive safe and sound."

Yuna asked not quite understanding.

"What's going on? Can you explain it clearly?"

Hurt laughed.

"The space station has been moving for more than ten hours. To be honest, it is normal for us to be found and caught up at this speed. It is very easy to find our position. We only need to dispatch more than ten shuttle fighters to destroy it. Our space station. Kill us outright."

The two women felt shocked again, Yuna said.

"Someone failed to carry out the Queen's obliteration order."

Hurt nodded.

"Since Victor has given us these coordinates, it means that he has absolute confidence that we will arrive safe and sound, and if we arrive, Victor will give us more, because I can prove my worth to him, That’s the most important thing.”

Yuna laughed.

"Indeed, those who carry out the order only need to skip this area. Of course we will not be discovered."

Helt saw that he would arrive in less than 2 hours, he nodded and said.

"Now the conclusion has been verified. In order to protect us, the family members have made a collective effort. In the face of capital, everything will be easily crushed and changed. What the family members need is absolute status in the future, rather than letting it be. Queen slaughter.”

Yuna said with a hum.

"All the way here, we didn't even detect a signal within a few kilometers. I thought it was a last-minute decision that brought us good luck. I was really stupid."

After Yuna finished speaking, Helt smiled.

"That's not the case Yuna. I'm good at processing complex information and then sorting out inferences, but in terms of combat, I still have to rely on you."

Yuna walked over and pressed Helt's cheek.

"Really, why don't you say that on weekdays?"

Katerina laughed and asked.

"what about me?"

Hurt said.

"After the burden is lifted from you, the affinity you have is unparalleled."

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