"Move quickly."

Yuna knew very well that the precious time now was the key to the next step. If they could not build a defense as soon as possible, they would not be able to hold on when Ivan's company's private armed forces arrived.

The people below were still clearing the take-off and landing points where there might be enemies. Some enemies had already run away because such a massive attack made them think they were being attacked by a large number of clones.

Yuna was very anxious. Because of the current situation, she had to build a defense very quickly. Soon, news came from below. They had checked all the places at this take-off and landing point, and the enemy had escaped.

There were some lunar armored vehicles at the take-off and landing point. Yuna ordered them to drive out these lunar armored vehicles, and then began to plan to directly destroy the carrier ship. They only needed to destroy the power system. Even if it was unable to withstand it, they could Make it impossible for these people from Ivan Company to survive here.

Yussel ran up and asked.

"Do you really want to destroy those supplies?"

Youssel felt very uncomfortable, because with so much supplies, he could move them back as long as he waited for soldiers from the space station to be sent.

Yuna hesitated for a moment. Hert clearly said that these supplies must be destroyed. If Yuna and the others could not hold on, they would retreat.

Yuna nodded.

"Listen to Hert, we must resolutely implement it. After all, Hert and the others may be in a very bad situation now."

The group of people began to work quickly. Several technicians were still reprogramming the laser blaster. There was an explosion below, and soon after, the wall in a warehouse burst, and the flames were exposed to the air for a short time. It went out in just a few seconds.

But the things in the warehouse will be destroyed at low temperatures. Soon a lunar armored vehicle was driven out, and many clones began to enter. After a while, the defenses were built. Sure enough, there was a roar at this time, A shuttle fighter appeared in the distant sky.


Yuna gave an order, and the defensive missiles in the base flew out. With a violent roar, flames appeared in the distant sky. Some lunar armored vehicles could already be seen not far away. Yuna sat directly in the control room.

He began to adjust the angle of the laser turret, and then opened fire directly.

A bright white light shot into the distance, and along with a burst of white light, all that was seen was fiery red. Although it did not hit it, it was enough of a threat to the enemy. The lunar armored vehicle that wanted to come over in the distance stopped.

Looking at the charging panel, it would take at least 3 minutes. Yuna became a little anxious. The defensive missiles at this take-off and landing point did not destroy the enemy's shuttle fighter because this fighter had a plasma shield.

Able to withstand the explosion at close range, Yuna looked anxiously in the air. At this time, the enemies in the distance had stopped. They did not continue to approach and were outside the maximum range of the laser cannon.

Yuna didn't know what the enemy wanted to do. She anxiously watched the charging of the laser cannon. Finally, Yuna continued to adjust the angle. As long as the enemy moved forward, she would fire immediately.

And Yuna didn't plan to wait any longer. She directly ordered everyone to start driving out some lunar armored vehicles, ready to fight the enemy at any time.

Yuna is not the type to wait. She will not back down, especially since the battle plan this time was designated by Helt. She will resolutely implement Helt's battle plan.

It was already 11 o'clock in the morning. Royce looked angrily at a group of defense personnel who had escaped from the landing site and asked angrily.

"Why did you do nothing and hand over the base so easily?"

Several people were completely at a loss, one person said.

"The situation was very chaotic, and a large number of clones rushed in. They must have laid an ambush in advance."

Royce looked at the take-off and landing point in the distance angrily. It was impossible to contact the company now. They did not have such long-distance communication equipment, and what annoyed Royce most was that the carrier ship had been destroyed.

The shuttle fighter has landed, and energy cannot be wasted now. Royce is still thinking about how to seize the take-off and landing point.

Royce left less than 200 people in the mine. As soon as he heard that there was a problem with the take-off and landing point, Royce took the people back.

What the talking clone in the mine said was true. Now Royce and the others are in a dilemma. Their water and food can only last for one day at most. By tomorrow, they will be hungry. Now they have to go to the nearest place. A landing point 500 kilometers away is unlikely.

For a moment, Royce was caught in a dilemma. It was impossible for him to surrender. Then he immediately ordered the soldiers to slowly go around from both sides. The armored vehicle had to be abandoned because it was within the fire coverage of the laser cannon. It is impossible for such an armored vehicle to survive.

Although Royce thought about using a shuttle fighter to attack, a new type of fighter plane is expensive to build. If he attacks rashly, the shuttle fighter without energy supply will definitely be able to quickly withstand missile attacks at the take-off and landing points. Loss of combat capability and extremely easy to be destroyed.

Royce sneered and got out of the armored vehicle, and he and his men began to walk quickly.

At this time, Yuna also noticed that the enemies began to come from around, and they also held some combat equipment in their hands. Yuna knew very well that they could not fight with such a large number of people on the other side, and they had no way out.

"What should we do? Should we retreat or continue?"

Yussel was a little panicked, Maxi ran in quickly and said.

"The enemy is less than 500 meters away from us."

Marx knew very well that the only time to retreat was now. If it was later, they might be surrounded. The base had been almost destroyed.

Yuna was still hesitating. She was worried that if she retreated directly like this, Helt and the others might be in danger.

Now the space station should have received some news. They should send troops, but it will take a while to come. Yuna has told her subordinates who will lead the miners back to the space station not to use the old fighter planes in the space station.

This old shuttle fighter is just cannon fodder in front of this new shuttle fighter.

"No, just open fire. We can't retreat so early. We must delay it for a while."

After Yuna finished speaking, she left the control room and went outside the building with the others. Soon the artillery on a lunar armored vehicle began to fire.

The other party fought back without hesitation. As the explosion sounded, Yuna hid behind an armored vehicle with a group of people. She planned to wait for the other party to come over, then rush over to make a surprise attack and confront the other party head-on.

There was a loud bang and an armored vehicle overturned. At this time, the enemy had already rushed over. Yuna closed her eyes. It was the easiest way to pierce the opponent's space suit with a blade. One of the clones was already dead.

Yuna knew this battle very well. If she backed down, Helt's plan would most likely fail.

Yussel and more than 20 people began to rely on the armored vehicle to open fire. White lasers kept flying in the air. Clones were constantly being hit and fell down. The humans who came over were not much better. Some humans were already hiding nearby. Among the rocks, I didn’t dare to show my head.

Royce didn't expect these clones to be so powerful. Dozens of soldiers had already died. The surrounding soldiers were in panic. Royce knew very well that if they continued, they would suffer more losses. , and they have no retreat. Royce doesn't know if there will be clones approaching them elsewhere.

After waiting for the opponent's fire suppression to end, Royce issued the order. However, few people carried out the order. However, after seeing that they were approaching the take-off and landing point, some people rushed out, and Royce led the people to start fire suppression. .

A lunar armored vehicle was overturned by the explosion. Under the cover of fire, the people who passed by broke into the take-off and landing point. Royce ordered a ceasefire because his own people might be accidentally injured.

Then Royce rushed over with a group of his men. At this time, it was basically a hand-to-hand fight.

In the rising black smoke, Royce saw a figure. The soldiers kept screaming and then fell to the ground. It was a woman wielding double blades. This kind of armor was very effective against explosions and lasers. Good resistance to sharp blades, but poor resistance to sharp blades.

"There are very few of them and everyone comes together."

Royce also discovered that the number of clones here was pitifully small. They had begun to retreat into the main building. Royce and the others successfully entered the carrier ship. However, bad news soon came. The communication system and The power system has been damaged and cannot be repaired.

Yuna gasped and looked at the more than 30 people who had followed. More than ten of them had died. The situation now was very bad.

"I should have known we should have retreated first."

Youssel felt something was wrong, Yuna laughed and said.

"I believe Hurt."

At this time, Royce looked at the soldiers who were shrugging their heads. Many of them were desperate, and some even started to cry, because the warehouses at the take-off and landing base had been destroyed, and the food stored in them had been destroyed. It becomes as hard as iron, and when exposed to such an environment, many foods will deteriorate and become inedible.

Royce looked at everything in front of him at a loss. He felt that they would not be able to hold on for even half a day, let alone a day. This dilapidated base was a tomb for them.

At this time, a contact came over. Someone discovered the shadows of some lunar vehicles, and they were definitely from the clone front.

At this time, a contact request came in, and Royce opened the communication.

"Surrender. If you don't surrender, total destruction awaits you."

Royce heard the woman's voice, and he immediately said angrily.

"You bunch of scum, I'm going to come in and kill you now."

Laughter came.

"Okay, you can rush in. We won't survive for long anyway, but every time you kill one of us, you will pay a heavy price."

The communication ended. Royce was angry in his heart at this moment, but at the same time, a fear began to emerge from the bottom of his heart. This time he was too negligent. Royce did not expect that it would turn into such a situation.

Royce did not continue to issue orders. Contact from a distance came again, and more lunar vehicles came over. Although they were still far away from them, they could already be seen through the remote electronic eyes.

Royce immediately asked everyone to take up arms, but the order at this time began to fail. The soldiers began to yell, and a soldier shouted.

"If you want to fight, go ahead. I still want to go home. I don't want to die."

This voice ignited the dissatisfaction of too many soldiers, because they had already lost dozens of people. Many soldiers directly confronted Royce and the others, because they were just employees of the company and there was no need to fight for the company.

Royce didn't do anything. If he continues to force the soldiers in the current situation, it is very likely to provoke internal fighting, and they will be completely finished.

At this time, Royce took the initiative to contact the communication channel just now.

"We can surrender, but you have to let us go."

Royce's words made the woman opposite laugh again.

"This is not what a surrenderer should say. You have no choice but to surrender or die."

After Yuna finished speaking, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She now understood the horror of Helt's plan. In such a cosmic environment, as long as the space suit is broken even a little, it will be death. If they continue to fight, they will break. The damage will only be more.

The most important thing is that these people are just hired by Ivan Company with money, and they will not fight for the company.

During the fight just now, Yuna discovered that some people turned around and ran away when they saw how powerful she was.

Soon Royce agreed to surrender, and they began to remove their weapons. Yuna came out with the people, and the two sides soon met. Looking at Royce and a bunch of people with their hands raised, Yuna smiled.

"Okay, everyone, you are our prisoners now. Please stay here and don't move. If anyone wants to resist, we will kill them without mercy."

Yuna glanced at Royce and then said.

"Your Majesty Commander, come here and talk to us."

Royce walked over, and a group of soldiers entered the designated area under the instructions of the clones.

At this time, Yuna and the other two cadres breathed a sigh of relief. They had never thought that such a life-threatening fighting method could produce such a huge effect.

Royce's heart was extremely complicated, but at the same time he was also extremely scared, because he felt that these clones were different from before. In the past, these clones would be crushed easily in front of them, but now these clones People suddenly changed and became unafraid of death. This was what frightened Royce.

At this time Yuna said.

"Do you care why we are so desperate? Because we have no future. Many of us now understand clearly that we are a group of human beings with no future."

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