A carrier ship is moving slowly over the moon, and its blue tail flame is gradually extinguishing.

Inside the carrier, many people were talking and laughing. They were all armed personnel of Ivan Company. One of them, a large muscular man, was the commander of this group of people. His name was Royce.

"Those clones really don't stop. They do it every time, and the military is so stupid."

After Royce finished speaking, a group of people started shouting. As the private armed forces of Ivan Company, they had participated in many battles with the clone front on lunar bases or while traveling in space.

This kind of battle has become more and more intense over the years. They know very well that someone within the empire has told the Clone Front about the company's situation, so they can accurately intercept their long-distance mining ships every time. Now it is even more extreme. It is already on the lunar base. Take action.

This has not happened in the past. This time Royce brought more than 500 people, as well as a lot of heavy firepower weapons. These weapons are more powerful than those of the military, because Ivan Company is in the business of developing weapons. , many weapons in the five major armies are provided by Ivan Company.

Royce has already discussed with the people of the Ivan family. This matter is definitely not simple, because from the current investigation, it can be known that the clone front already knew the situation inside the mine in advance. It was easy to break in and occupy the mine.

And it also accurately knows the time when the clones in the mine are sent back to sleep. It is impossible for the clone front to know these things. No clone can enter human society and stay undercover for a long time because genetic testing is everywhere in human society. System, it is impossible for human clones to sneak into human society.

So there is only one answer. The Queen betrayed Ivan Company. This time the people of the Ivan family were furious. They knew that the Queen deliberately used clones to contain and consume them.

So this time the Ivan family has decided to carry out an annihilation operation, so Royce was asked to bring the elites over.

Although there are only more than 500 people, they are all well-trained elites, and the fifth son of the Ivan family, Cole Ivan, is also here this time.

"How's it going, Royce?"

A man in his early 30s who looked powerful and wearing a black hard space suit walked in. He was Cole, Royce said with a smile.

"Don't worry, boss, I'm ready."

Cole looked at the soldiers who were still laughing and said unhappily.

"We will arrive at the take-off and landing point immediately and leave to start operations."

After Cole finished speaking, he became a little angry. Royce immediately shouted, and the soldiers quickly gathered. This time, there were 12 shuttle battleships newly developed by the company in the carrier ship. Although there was some problem with the endurance, it was only 30 kilometers. The distance only takes a few minutes to pass.

The ground forces have already used lunar armored vehicles, a total of 20 of them, with complete firepower. The combat space suit is also the latest product of Ivan Company. It not only has strong power, but also can resist laser weapons.

The most important thing is that this combat uniform is very lightweight. Because the combat uniform uses a kind of liquid metal, it is also very resistant to ordinary explosives.

Soon everyone picked up their weapons. Their weapon was a relatively powerful laser gun with a maximum distance of 50 meters, which was already quite a distance.

And equipped with AI intelligent locking function, as long as the opponent does not have a wide range of electromagnetic weapons, the lethality of these laser guns is very powerful.

Soldiers are also equipped with a launcher with 16 small tracking missiles, as well as extremely powerful grenades, including high-frequency cutting blades used in close combat.

As well as the emergency escape stretcher that allows the soldiers to escape. This stretcher will instantly lift into the air when the soldiers are in danger. Li Yong's powerful ejection force will instantly launch the soldiers away from the enemy's weapon range. place, and then slowly landed.

These soldiers have all participated in battles with clones. In their eyes, clones are like paper, which can be easily broken. Many of them are smiling. Their actions this time are too easy.

The enemy has already captured the shuttle fighter, so all they need to do is to quickly enter the mine after suppressing fire from the air.

The people of the Ivan family have already told me that this mine cannot be destroyed. After all, if the mine is destroyed, the mining of rare metals that are important to Ivan's company will have to stop for a long time. And now there are some construction projects in Moon City. These metals are needed for research and development, so production cannot be discontinued, including some of the company's products.

After all, preliminary communication is already underway with the Brilliant City on that planet. The two countries will soon begin to communicate. Most businessmen and families want to seize the opportunity this time. After all, the current domestic situation is difficult to change. Nothing has been accomplished.

Whoever controls the economy controls everything in the end, even the kingship.

"Listen clearly, this annihilation operation needs you to complete it within half an hour. We must show the empire's army that our Ivan Company is also very powerful."

After Cole finished speaking, Royce said immediately.

"We will follow the combat methods that have been explained in detail later. We should be able to capture the mine within 20 minutes. As for those mutants, none of them will be left behind. Be prepared to stand by and start taking action 10 minutes after landing."

The soldiers were all busy. Seeing that they had become serious, Cole was extremely satisfied, and Royce smiled.

"Mr. Cole, you should stay at the base at the take-off and landing area, and we can just go there."

Cole said.


Soon the carrier arrived at the take-off and landing point, and then landed slowly. Everyone put on masks, and armored vehicles with 10 wheels were used. Each armored vehicle can seat 30 people, operating the armored vehicles. Various weapons.

The other soldiers drove a simple wheelbarrow and began to advance in the previously arranged formation around the armored vehicle.

Cole and Royce were sitting in the two armored vehicles at the front. Soon the latest shuttle fighter jets took off and passed over their heads. The speed of the fighter jets was not fast because they had to cooperate with the ground troops. The distance of 30 kilometers The road is not long and ground troops can arrive in 20 minutes at best.

The shuttle fighters were arranged in a battle formation, intending to attack directly after encountering the enemy. At the same time, they would conduct reconnaissance from the air and find some ambush points near the mine.

Royce smiled and stood next to an automatic turret on the armored vehicle. Looking at the mountains in the distance, he smiled confidently. Every battle with the clone front was a battle of annihilation. Although these people on the clone front, There are some weapons, but they are too primitive and backward.

Royce is already familiar with this kind of crushing combat with huge disparity in strength. In Royce's view, the clone front is just a group of clowns who can only rely on some intelligence to perform tricks.

Royce had no mercy for the clones. After all, they were human biological tools and had no rights.

More than ten minutes later, Royce saw the mine. The mine was still in good condition, but he couldn't see the situation inside. He was sure that the other party had already known of their arrival and might have evacuated in advance.

Because the shuttle fighter did not see any enemies near the mine, the door of the mine was soon blown open. With a violent roar, Royce got out of the car and led the troops into the front of the mine behind the armored vehicle. The equipment was slowed down on the platform, and soon the soldiers began to disperse.

"Looks like the clones have evacuated."

After Royce finished speaking, he looked at the fighter planes above his head that had begun to conduct reconnaissance in the distance. As long as they found the clone convoy on the ground, they would be destroyed directly.

The lunar rover in the base had disappeared. Royce smiled helplessly, and then they all moved closer. But as soon as they passed, Cole became confused. In the middle of the mine, there were a bunch of people tied up. They were wearing clothes. space suit.

Royce sensed something was wrong and began to adjust the frequency. Most of the soldiers began to cautiously enter the mine.

"You've fallen into a trap."

The urgent voice of a human executive came, and Royce soon looked around. In some rooms near the mines, some black muzzles appeared, and Royce immediately shouted.

At this time a voice came.

"How about we talk?"

Royce looked around, and soon they set up an offensive behind some armored vehicles. At this time, the voice shouted.

"You guys have no way out. Your landing place should be occupied by us now."

As soon as the voice finished speaking, everyone looked solemn for a moment. Royce inspected the surrounding situation. These words made many soldiers who came out feel something was wrong. When they heard that the take-off and landing point had been captured, Royce soon Si laughed.

"You scumbags, how can you seize the take-off and landing point? Come out immediately, otherwise, you will die without any body parts."

As soon as Royce finished speaking, some soldiers were ready to open fire. After all, they had the advantage in firearms.

At this time, accompanied by a crunching sound, the laser cannons around the mine began to rotate and were aimed at them. Royce felt something was wrong. He did not expect that the other party actually gained control of the laser cannon. In just a few days, , which seemed impossible to Royce.

"If you want to attack, you can. We will resist until the last person falls, and you will pay the price."

Of course Royce knew that if the laser cannon fired now, his soldiers would definitely be damaged, and the mine would not be intact.

"I can let you go, but you come out and surrender right now."

After Royce finished speaking, the voice laughed.

"You are the ones who should surrender."

The voice just responded that Royce had issued the combat order to destroy the laser turrets, and soon the soldiers took action.

"If you dare to negotiate terms with me, you will only die."

As soon as Royce finished speaking, there was a whooshing sound, and a missile flew directly towards the laser cannon. In an instant, white lasers were shot out, and with the sound of explosions, soldiers were hit by the thick laser cannon. After being hit, he was instantly screamed and devoured by the laser.

There was a rumbling sound, and with the attack of the soldiers, some clones hidden in the dark were instantly hit and fell to the ground screaming. At this time, Royce saw many clones wearing space suits and retreating towards the mine. .

Royce laughed, he said with a smile.

"That's great. It saves trouble."

The battle was over soon, and 5 soldiers died. This was already the minimum price. At this time, some soldiers also cheered. Now that they entered the mine, they just had to wait. There was no need to chase this complicated situation. Go underground and fight them.

Royce immediately ordered people to block the mine. Now that the task has been completed, Cole nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, it's you Royce after all."

In the mine, Hert looked at the situation outside. Under the light, many people's faces looked desperate. There was no food or drink in the mine, and they wouldn't last long. But many clones remained silent because they knew clearly. Even if they surrender they will die.

Hurt said.

"No need to worry, Yuna and the others will succeed."

At this time, on the other side, below the take-off and landing point, there was a violent roar, and three shuttle fighters directly hit the communication tower and a hangar.

A violent explosion sounded, and Yuna rushed in first. This was the critical battle that Hert thought of. This was what had to be done. Remotely control the shuttle fighter, directly hit the take-off and landing point, cause chaos and then rush in.

Yuna rushed in with her comrades around her. The take-off and landing point was now a sea of ​​fire, but the flames soon extinguished. Yuna rushed in. Soon he saw several soldiers coming out. Yuna shook his hand. He stopped the double blades in his hands, and with the help of the space suit's thrusters, he rushed over in an instant, using the blades to cut through the clothes of several people. In an instant, their bodies were directly frozen by the freezing temperature.

The battle went very smoothly. Yuna and her men continued to exchange fire with some soldiers, and some began to flee.

In less than 10 minutes, Yuna and the others occupied the take-off and landing point. The result was just as Hert said, this place was vulnerable. Yuna didn't believe it at first, but she didn't expect it to be so.

Yuna quickly arranged her manpower and began to sort out some defensive weapons at the take-off and landing point, preparing to wait for the enemy's counterattack.

After seeing what came out of the carrier, Yuna knew that if they followed the previous plan, they would definitely fail. There was no resistance at all from the front.

"You guys come with me. You must unlock the long-range laser turret as soon as possible."

After Yuna finished speaking, several technicians hurried over. They had already learned some permission codes from the people of the First Army. In just a few minutes, this long-range laser cannon would become their excellent defense partner.

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