Chense sat quietly in the room. She had just eaten. She was a little sleepy, but she didn't want to go to sleep. She had been detained since last night. After being arrested by Section 2 last night, she was arrested by several female staff. Stripped naked, then every part of her body was examined.

Chense knew very well that Section 2 had realized that she and Mansha met at a secret location last night, and they needed to know where the secret location was.

Chense didn't want to say it, she had already thought about how to deal with it. The location was a secret room in the middle of the floor when the apartment building was built in the film and television area. Chense knew that Mansha would sometimes meet her there. Others discuss matters.

Chense heard that the construction of that place was built more than 20 years ago, and using the technology of biological NDA doors, the biological NDA wall that looks the same as an ordinary wall can only be used by people who have obtained DNA certification. By passing through, a certain part of the wall will become like mud, and people can pass directly through it, and then it will return to its original shape. It is a very secretive thing.

I heard that this thing is a technology developed by them. The only way to save Mansha is to continue to endure it. What the business department needs to know are the rioters hidden in the city around Mansha, and Chense only needs to When the time is right, just lead the agents to find the rioters, and everything will be over by then, but not now.

Because once Mansha is arrested, she will definitely choose to commit suicide. This is what Chense least wants to see. Chense is very clear about Mansha’s character. She needs some time to find a suitable time to meet Mansha. Let's have a good talk and maybe Mansha will relent.

Probably impossible!

After being together with Mansha for so many years, Chense also knew a lot of things. Chense has handed over these things to the administrative department, but she concealed some things that were fatal to Mansha. The other party also knew about it, but did not continue. The pressure continued, and over the years, Chense gradually learned something. The contact between Mansha and the rioters was not as simple as one or two years. I am afraid that from the beginning, regarding this, Chense had no understanding of Xingke. people revealed.

At this time, Chense was most worried about what methods Section 2 would use to make her speak out this time. Whether it was physical or mental torture, she could endure it because she knew that Section 2 would not move now. Mansha's, because they want to catch all the rioters. Once this line is broken, the rioters are not fools and will definitely take action and be vigilant.

Chense stood up, looking relaxed, and lay down on the bed. She didn't know what kind of interrogation she was going to receive tonight, so Chense planned to rest first.

"It's really amazing. In one night, I can take one shot of it, just with this expression!"

R quietly looked at the contents of the surveillance screen and pondered. They all knew what the woman in front of him had done to help the creator. Most of them were contacts with the forces in the barrier area and people who helped the creator. They went to the black market to buy some raw materials, and they went in different costumes. Based on Chense's confession, they had found some surveillance videos at the corresponding time points, which amazed many people in Section 2.

This woman used light and shadow technology to change her face for many purchases, and then used other people's identities to buy some controlled substances. Among the people who were arrested by the 2nd Section for purchasing raw materials, one of them had used the identity of this woman. Someone who purchased the raw materials, but he no longer remembers it.

What surprised R was that this woman could interpret so many people. Through the monitoring, it was found that she could interpret these people perfectly and freely. According to speculation, Mansha should be a cadre of the creator, but Chense denied it. , and said that every time a person wearing a ghost mask came over to give them instructions.

R also confirmed the existence of the Ghost Face through a video of a fight between Quasimodo and Ghost Face that took place in the Southern Stinky Area.

Men, women, and old people, this is the role Chen Se has disguised under surveillance over the years. She helps the creators provide a large amount of raw materials, and these raw materials are always stored at the designated subway station entrance. A small amount a day is simply not enough. After finding out who came to take away the raw materials, Chense confessed that it started 10 years ago.

"No wonder these rioters are so emboldened! What are you going to do, little girl!"

In another surveillance screen, Ji Qing is still covering her head and thinking deeply. It seems that she still hasn't thought of any solution, but R can't wait any longer. Instead of thinking of a solution, it's better to let this little girl try it first. After all, it's almost 8 o'clock. .

R went straight down to the second floor and knocked on the door of the room. Ji Qing stood at the door in a panic, and R said with a squinted smile.

"Miss, it's time to start. Why don't you give it a try first? Come with me. I've prepared uniforms for subject 2 for you!"

Ji Qing asked with some fear in her heart.


"No matter what method you use, whether physical or mental, all of this is allowed within the 2 departments. If it is physical torture, I think the electric shock stick is the best. The electric current continuously touches the neurons. It is unbearable for many people, or waterboarding is not bad, and needle sticks or beatings can easily leave scars, after all, this is our important informant."

Ji Qing lowered her head and looked a little scared. She asked in a low voice.

"Can I not use this method?"

"Please feel free to do it, Miss. I've said it before, you can use any method, as long as you can pry open that woman's heart."

After a while, Ji Qing changed into the uniform of Section 2. There was a striking blue magnifying glass pattern on her left arm, indicating that she was an intern in the Business Section.

Ji Qing smiled happily when she wore the uniform of the business department for the first time. The fabric of the uniform was very soft and breathable, and she looked very energetic when wearing it. The design of the female uniform was also very beautiful.

"Come on, miss."

"R big."

R turned his head and suddenly opened his eyes. His expression became a little strange for a moment, and he said with a smile.

"Just call me Mr. R!"

R took Ji Qing to the third underground floor, a spacious hall surrounded by many aisles. R took Ji Qing into Lane 5, came to the door of room 510 at the bottom, and opened the door. Ji Qing walked in awkwardly, and R closed the door with a smile.

Ji Qing's hands and feet were numb. She stood at the door and didn't know what to do. The door was already closed.

Looking at the morning beauty of the woman sleeping on the bed not far away, Ji Qing took off her hat, walked to the table and sat down. She stared at the food on the table with a solemn expression and only ate half of it.

But immediately Ji Qing stared at the food, ordinary white rice, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and a bowl of pumpkin soup without meat. Chense was brought here last night and had such simple meals for three meals. It's not greasy at all. Today's breakfast is a bowl of scallion noodles and lunch is bread and jam. Only breakfast and lunch are finished, and there is so much left for dinner.

She must be very anxious!

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