Located on the second floor of the main building of Section 2, in a small and unique room with the window facing the door, Ji Qing had just finished eating and looked at the information in front of her in a panic.

At this time, Ji Qing's hands were trembling a little. What she really wanted to go to was subject 5. However, there were strict conditions for going to subject 5, which was that she needed to take combat classes as soon as possible, and at least she had to have decent fighting results. This is what Ji Qing is not good at. Although she knows that her mother is very strong and has seen her mother subdue people in an instant on the street, she is a little scared, so she did not take a combat course in college.

Since he can't go to Section 5, Ji Qing wants to go to Section 6 and Section 7 the most. The heads of these two sections, Leona, the head of Section 6, are his mother's classmates, and the section chief of Section 7 is also very familiar with his parents. He should be able to go. Ji Qing doesn't want to go to subjects 1 and 4, and other subjects are not under consideration.

"It would be great if I could go to Section 13."

Ji Qing sighed helplessly. As an intern, she would have to take care of her internship in the business department and her studies at school in the following days. It was all because she had not taken good exams before, so her grades were mediocre. It's strange, so you need to obtain the corresponding qualifications in many exams at the end of the year before you can become an intern. But what happened from last night to now has constantly hurt Ji Qing's heart. Le Xiao has become more and more distant from him. It was getting further and further away, so she agreed to come to Section 2 as an intern.

Ji Qing has never been too outstanding since she was a child. After all, she was born in such a family. But compared to the rich second generations in other families, Ji Qing is outstanding, and she stops there because she feels that That's enough, as long as she doesn't embarrass her parents, and she won't let her classmates alienate her because of her outstanding performance in school. Her family background is better than most people, and if her academic performance is better than most people, , it is easy to dislike others. She understood this truth when she was in elementary school. She also asked her father. In the previous elementary school, Ji Qing's grades were always the first. However, Ji Qing found that many classmates looked at her. , full of disdain and jealousy.

So for so many years, Ji Qing has always made sure that his grades are above average. A perfect score of 100 is only 85 to 90. People nearby have also told him the importance of accumulation and success in his student days, especially In such a family background, it is easy to attract the attention of others, which will increase other people's wariness. Some people may even target you. It is especially easy to make enemies, because they who can enjoy the best quality education are the future successors of the city. People, her father's advice to her was also inconspicuous, work quietly, accumulate knowledge, and don't add invisible enemies.

Because the higher you go, the brighter you shine, the more things you have to bear. His father doesn’t want Ji Qing to bear these things too early and lose the joy of his youth. Ji Qing also sees everything about his parents, Most of the time, they are troubled, so Ji Qing does not intend to follow the path of her parents. She does not want to be a businessman, a parliamentarian or a high-ranking official in the administrative department. She feels that what Jean said is right, her own path Make your own choice.

However, all this was completely broken after Le Xiao became a secretary. Ji Qing was very aware of the jealousy and unwillingness in her heart. She also asked Ji En a long time ago if she could be her secretary. Ji Qing Enque just smiled and said that he alone was enough for Section 13.

"I'm afraid it's because I can't bear it at all. Just seeing these things makes me tremble."

Ji Qing looked at some torture materials on the screen, and her heart felt cold, because in her 18 years of life, she had only seen these things in movies, TV series, and novels, and the reality was far more cruel than what she had seen. She couldn't torture someone so cruelly.

"Sister Le Xiao seems to be having a hard time. It must be because she has watched too many horror movies and her nerves have become quite strong!"

Thinking of everything that happened to Le Xiao from the time he took office to now, Ji Qing felt dizzy. If it were him, he would probably just cry. But for some reason, every time after crying, Le Xiao would follow her again. It was like nothing was wrong, he was still laughing and joking.

Looking at everything in the information, Ji Qing still didn't know what to do, because the two people in the information had such a huge impact on Ji Qing. Although Ji Qing was not very familiar with "Morning Color", that popular movie in the past She has watched "The Queen", and Chense has also appeared in many movies and TV series, and Mansha is now a popular star in the city, comparable to Tian Ai, and even surpassed Tian Ai in popularity in some places .

Mo Xiaolan was leaning comfortably on the sofa in the room on the third floor, and R was standing beside him. The two of them were looking at Ji Qing in the surveillance screen, with distressed expressions on their faces.

"Isn't that too harsh? If such an important opportunity is wasted before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, Mansha will come back tomorrow. I don't know when we will bring this woman here next time."

Mo Xiaolan smiled evilly, clasping his hands together and dragging his chin, and shook his head.

"This little girl helped his father before. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but I have already seen the potential in her. This is enough. Did you find anything at the location you investigated before?"

R nodded and said.

"Experts of trace science conducted a thorough investigation of 19 locations where quantum signals were detected after the city was cut off from the Internet. They found some hair and human secretions, as well as some suspected traces of gloves pressing, and There are a lot of footprints and there are some marks on the roof. After investigating the surrounding 5 kilometers, we will start to analyze and speculate on the enemy's activity range and where they may live."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"All the hair is sent to Section 4 for DNA testing, and then checked one by one."

"The workload is a bit heavy. I'm worried that people in subject 4 may put it on hold."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"Even if you check one a day, that's 30 a month. For such a small thing, if any of the idiots among the rioters spat or lost their hair that night, they would definitely be successful. Haha, let's play the long game to catch the big fish, no? !"

"Indeed, this process is very intoxicating and enjoyable. I have already ordered the experts in facial expressions, psychology and behavior. When the little girl starts interrogating, they will start recording everything. Go to sleep, Mo Xiaolan. "

Mo Xiaolan nodded and yawned. She planned to sleep for 4 hours and then get up to deal with the documents in the department, so she pushed the wheelchair and started to move slowly.

"Leave it to you R."

R bowed.

"Don't worry, if this girl has potential, I will spare no effort to tap her potential."

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