Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 499 Fierce fight! In the Name of Man 2 (Part 1)

"Confirm the signal, allow landing, open the defensive wall!"

November 4, 2276, 11:50 pm

Located in the northernmost part of Qinglong District, Section 2 is located. If you look down from above, you will find that there is a large block below. The original location of Section 2 has disappeared, and you can’t even see it anywhere. The blocks below seem to have existed early in the morning. of general.

At this time, a flash of light and shadow passed over the block, revealing a passage. A small lift from Section 4 quickly sank into the opened passage. The passage disappeared instantly, and the block returned to its original state.

With a buzzing sound, the lift landed in the middle of a large pile of metal blocks. At this time, Section 2 had completely changed. The original green lawn in front and behind had disappeared, replaced by a hard metal ground, and There are white stone paths in the middle of the metal ground. The grass is full of 3-meter-high cubic metal blocks, which are constantly flashing with various colors. People from the 2nd class are sitting quietly among these blocks, silent. He stared silently at the light and shadow screen in front of him, his fingers constantly touching the screen.

"Restore the medical communication network!"

Huashen walked out of the lift. He looked angrily at Mo Xiaolan, who was sitting in front of the fountain in the middle. There were 24 light and shadow screens in front of her, and Lilian sat aside and was busy working.

"Can't you hear what I said?"

Huashen glanced around. The city's citizen network was controlled by Section 2, including the network dedicated to the Executive Section, while the more secret Congress network was controlled by Section 10.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Mo Xiaolan smiled evilly and raised his head, resting his chin with his hands and staring at Huashen solemnly.

"Up to 200 people will die tonight due to sudden illness. We have made definite plans,"


One hand grabbed Mo Xiaolan's collar and lifted her directly into the air. Mo Xiaolan's skirt was swaying slightly in the wind, and she giggled.

"Restore communications to the Citizen Medical Network!"

"It's impossible. Now we have monitored the enemy's quantum communication range and have begun to weave a network. Once the barrier zone starts tonight, the probability that the enemy will start a large-scale operation is 100%!"

bang bang

Mo Xiaolan's delicate left hand slapped Hua Shen twice on the cheek. Hua Shen remained motionless and his eyes widened.

"You should be very clear about the reason for such a city blockade operation. As long as the citizens go home, clear the streets of the city, and blockade them, once the enemy attacks, we can immediately encircle and kill them. In the rat-catching plan, I We have clearly and in detail listed the need to initiate such a city-wide blockade, and have asked your 4th Section to issue a certain degree of warning, asking citizens to prepare some standing medications, but some people still turn a deaf ear to these, so I don't have it either. There’s a solution, I’ve been informed in advance.”

"Lord Huashen, please."

Just as Lilian was about to stop him, Mo Xiaolan's eyes flashed with purple particles, and there was a crunching sound in the air. Hua Shen's eyes flashed with green particles, and the two people's telekinesis instantly began to interfere. Looking at the light and shadow screen next to her, Lillian hurriedly closed the light and shadow screen, and then moved the table.

The two of them were staring at each other, their eyes filled with anger.

Hua Shen still remembered that decades ago, the girl who was the only survivor in an explosion had her legs broken off, severe burns all over her body, and was carried to the hospital by Gene in a bloody state.

"I don't care what method you use to save her!"

At that time, Huashen was still a doctor who had just joined the practice. He and several doctors performed 38 operations on the girl's body before finally saving her life.

"I'm going to kill those scum!"

Huashen still remembers the first words the girl said when she woke up. Time has passed, and the girl in front of him is still exactly the same as before, but she can no longer see those sincere and beautiful things in her heart. The reputation of the 2nd Division has been ruined over the years. The girl who became the chief of Section 2 more than 30 years ago started the absolute fear that brought the citizens.

Bad children will be sent to Section 2. This is a nursery rhyme circulated by adults in the city to scare children.

Countless secret arrests, as well as high-level arrest authority that can transcend all the laws and regulations of the Parliament. If the 2nd Section is determined to pose a threat to everything in the city, he will be arrested directly and receive inhuman treatment. Whether it was physical torture or mental torture, 2 Ke used all kinds of means to pry open the mouths of the arrested people.

Huashen has known for a long time that this girl's mind, like her body, has been severely traumatized. Huashen has seen the five years of physical rehabilitation training, and the girl has been attacked again and again. Struggling to get up.

"Since I don't have legs, I still have hands. Even if I can't use my whole body, as long as my eyes are still open and my head can still think, I will kill those scum one by one!"

Over the years, the development of the city has been indispensable. More than 30 years ago, there were often various accidents caused by inferior projects. Until Mo Xiaolan took office, he used extremely cruel methods to treat those who wanted to get rid of them. Businessmen who have lowered the quality of projects for profit have been criticized time and again by the outside world. Until now, there has not been any problem caused by inferior projects.

Poisonous food was also the first thing Mo Xiaolan noticed. However, due to the lack of conclusive evidence, she did not arrest these businessmen immediately, but conducted secret observations. Most of the poisonous food previously manufactured by Sanlian Company had particle levels. Most of the added things in the formula are controlled substances. In the short term, Section 2 can only allow the toxic food to flow to the market, and has already sent an emergency disease document to Section 4 of Huashen.

It has been accurately predicted that food will cause a crisis. Huashen thought before that it was because Sanlian Company controlled nearly half of the liquid food market. The toxic food was mainly concentrated in the bottom area. Until tonight, after seeing that the light nuclear weapon was about to be launched. After the written report, Hua Cai finally figured out that it was only part of the reason why the market was under control.

But the main reason is that after Mo Xiaolan discovered the clues about this matter, the plan has been quietly launched, because she has been sensitive to the fact that these poisonous foods are deliberately made by someone behind the scenes. The three responsible persons of Sanlian Company People once said on the rooftop that day that they got this particle-level formula from a guy named It was harmful, so Sanlian Company did it, and the food really passed all the tests and could be sold.

Mo Xiaolan has warned Huashen time and time again not to leak it to Jean, because if Jean takes action, the city will be in crisis early. Huashen has always kept silent and can only prepare silently because it is poisonous. Response to food-borne emergencies.

The problems caused by the last food crisis riots are just the beginning. The city needs a tougher reshuffle. Cleaning up the barrier areas is the first step, and the second step may be large-scale evictions, and the people being evicted will naturally be For those who provided controlled substances, Huashen knew that through the outbreak of the Sanlian Company issue, Mo Xiaolan already had a considerable amount of information in his hands. Anyone who had participated in the transaction of controlled substances, Section 2 They will not be tolerated to continue to stay in the city, because the food supply in the city can no longer satisfy the more than 30 million people in the city plus the more than 7 million people in the barrier zone.

It is human nature to pursue profit. Whether it is a small evil or a big evil, a big evil may lead to the collapse of a society or even a world, but the accumulation of small evils has the same final result. This food crisis has shown The problem is the infinite superposition of small evils. Because there is a gap in the food supply, large companies can only start adding some harmful substances to food to make the food meet the standards. While ensuring their own interests, they will not shrink the market. And these Countless people who provided controlled substances have invisibly brewed this crisis.

"let go!"

Mo Xiaolan uttered two words coldly. Huashen slowly let go of his hand and put Mo Xiaolan back on the wheelchair. Looking at this ordinary wheelchair, it did not use a mechanical wheelchair, but could only use a wheelchair. Pushing with his hands, Hua Shen knew very well why Mo Xiaolan did this. The palm that hit him just now was very powerful, not like the strength that a girl in a wheelchair should have.

"I will go to hell. If hell really exists, I will not regret anything I have done. Human love? Don't be kidding. Do you know how I survived? Before the bomb exploded. , the half-made bomb on my leg exploded first. I crawled some distance out of the factory to save my life. You should know that there are too many scum in this city, those who do not obey the regulations. Scumbags, what reason does the city have to let them continue to eat away at the foundation of the city like moths? After tonight's war is over, there will be another big reshuffle in the city! Remember Hua Shen, half-hearted This approach will only allow the problem to continue to ferment instead of burying it forever! Although I was saved because of the enemy's half-heartedness, I will always be addicted to nightmares because of this."

Huashen pressed his nose and sighed.

"You just need to ensure that the medical network is open. Indeed, you can use various means to prevent and solve crises caused by people again and again, but I am always a doctor, you just do your part. , those who are sick, I will find ways to save them. I also have my own approach. Our positions are the same, and my current attitude is also the same. We are human beings, not machines, nor demons. Nothing will happen tonight, because there are still people like me who are full of hope for the city under the sun and always believe that problems caused by people can eventually be solved by people. I say it again, open the citizen medical communication network !”

Hua Shen looked at Mo Xiaolan blankly, and for a moment she laughed helplessly.

"You went to Section 10 from that little girl, right?"

Huashen groaned and glanced at the Parliament in the distance, where the lights were still on. He had contacted Tianhen before the city was closed. Knowing that Le Xiao and the others were together, Huashen directly called a lift to come over. , sent Le Xiao to the door of Section 10. He once told Le Xiao that the only person who can stop your boss is you as the secretary.

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