Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 498 Fierce fight! In the Name of Man 1 (Part 2)

2 minutes ago, the 10th Science Research Institute, time 11:49 pm, Sun Tower Central Town.

Noah put one foot on the chair and pressed his knee comfortably with one hand. He looked at the circular flying machine approaching him. Guoguo lowered his head and remained silent without saying a word. At this time, Noah faced The female incorporeal technician behind her gestured with her fingers, clenched her right hand into a fist, and first extended her index finger, then her index finger and middle finger, signaling a launch at 12 o'clock!

The moment he saw Alpha coming, Noah had already unlocked the permission of the optical nuclear weapon and changed it to timed launch. Now this move is to allow the artificial intelligence to fill in quickly. It will launch towards the due north first. Currently, due north is the most It is possible to launch an attack first. The location of the attack is an area with a straight line distance of 69.258 kilometers and a width of 24.256 kilometers due north. It has been determined that the largest gathering point of the enemy is here. Although a small group of enemies arrived at the eastern guard station 20 first. Kilometers away, but as long as they attack the rear, the two gods over there will begin to destroy these small forces of tens of thousands of people!

"What are you doing Noah!"

Alpha exhaled a puff of thick smoke and stared at Noah's right hand that he took back in front of him. He smiled and snapped his fingers. The incorporeal female clerk disappeared. Noah stood up straight, smiled, and bowed.

"Three ladies, if they are here as guests, it would be a bit inappropriate. I am at work now, and I still hope that the three of you will..."

"Chief Noah, can you please not launch optical nuclear weapons? There are so many people in the barrier area, and they are innocent. I hope you can."

Le Xiao stuck her head out and spoke emotionally. Noah closed all the light and shadow panels in an instant, smiled, nodded, and said yes.

"Of course, if there are so many innocent lives, wouldn't they be devastated if launched? I understand, and I also know the purpose of your coming here, Le Xiao, so I revoked the launch authority a few minutes ago, don't worry Come on, let’s go downstairs and drink tea. As a just scientist, there’s no way I would do something so inhumane, right?”

Le Xiao took a breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and nodded with a happy smile.

ah? Such a lie to a child? Sister Le Xiao, you are so innocent!

Even Ji Qing on the side has already noticed that Noah was lying just now, and he just put one foot on the chair and raised his left hand, seemingly to welcome them. In fact, the right hand behind his back was facing the 3D image behind him. What special order was issued, and the light and shadow panel was put away so that they could not see it.


Alpha blew out the cigarette butt, exhaled a puff of smoke, and raised his left hand in front of his chest like a fist.

"Tell the truth Noah, otherwise."


Alpha jumped five or six meters in an instant and came directly to the stage, holding Noah's collar with his right hand.

"beat you!"

"Miss Alpha, this is against the law."

Alpha looked at Noah blankly.

"There is no need to talk about status, laws, or even other things. Although I can't make a decision about an issue that affects 7 million people, the secretary behind me who can represent Section 13 can. A decision has been made. Now our 13th Department is taking over this place. What did you do just now?"


A rushing sound passed through Alpha's ears, but Alpha had already turned around, and purple particles were floating around her eyes.

In an instant, a sharp needle stopped in front of Le Xiao's eyes, and Guo Guo's eyes widened.

"Section Chief, you"

Le Xiao's heart skipped a beat. Ji Qing behind her looked at the needle floating in the air in surprise, which was shot from Noah's left shoulder.

"It's just a simple high-voltage electric current anesthesia needle. It won't hurt the little girl. It just makes her fall asleep temporarily. We are all adults. Alpha, something is wrong."


Alpha had already punched Noah in the face unceremoniously, and with a burst of rapid sound, the staff below moved away in confusion.

With a bang, a metal house was completely dented. Noah pressed his slightly aching cheek, and the yellow scabs slowly peeled off, and yellow particles flashed across his eyes.

"You have always been so unreasonable, Alpha. You use your fists to solve everything. You are just like the bastard who trained you. It hurts so much that your jaw almost broke. I am no match for you. That's good." , I cancel the startup right”


Before Noah could finish speaking, he had already jumped back, because Alpha fell directly from the sky dozens of meters high like a bomb.

"Miss Secretary, think of a way quickly. This guy may have set a timed launch. If you haven't found a way to stop the launch of optical nuclear weapons before launch."

Alpha stared at the four solar towers.

"Let me destroy it!"

"Don't make jokes like this casually, Alpha."

Noah stood at a house in the distance. Alpha took off his uniform top, revealing a black waistcoat and strong muscles. He threw away his hat, lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and leaned sideways slightly. He was half squatting, with his right fist raised and placed against his abdomen.

"Are you serious about shaking? For the sake of so many old classmates, I'm really afraid of pain!"

Noah said, only to hear a crunching sound of metal being crushed, and the Alpha had been ejected directly towards him.

"By the way, Alpha, I'll ask you out next time. In fact, I've wanted to pursue you a long time ago. How about we get together, after all."

"You big-headed idiot, a lying idiot!"

Alpha's fist hit Noah's face without hesitation, but at this time Noah raised his left hand. In an instant, a wall of yellow light particles gathered in front of Noah, and a mechanical machine appeared on his left hand. Gloves, orange particles are sprayed from the fingertips of the gloves.


Accompanied by a loud noise, a violent air pressure instantly swept through the metal house next to it, and the doors and windows were blown open instantly. A large number of members of Section 10 had taken refuge outside the town, and there were still a few who stayed on the two-man battlefield. Outside, they are still busy.

"If I fight alone, you might beat me until I can't take care of myself, Alpha, but technology is power!"

Under the smoke, Alpha turned sideways, her feet already dented the roof of the metal house, and her right fist was pressed against the shield in front of her that contained yellow particles. The yellow particles were still floating around her. Glittering with a faint yellow light.

"You have always been like this, doing things out of tune and always having crazy ideas in your head. I still remember that people in school called you crazy, but what is hidden under your cheerful face? No. Ya!"

Alpha said calmly, his eyes suddenly widened, and the red particles began to turn black instantly. Noah's eyes widened, and his other hand had already taken out a square brooch and placed it on his chest. .


With a burst of anger, the yellow particle shield in front of him instantly shattered, and Alpha's fist hit Noah's chest unceremoniously.

Noah flew out directly with a bang, but at this time, a concave silvery substance appeared on his chest. After denting the wall of a metal house, Noah stood up with a cough and gasped. He dodged to the side. He already understood that Alpha was serious. His left eye was flashing with purple light particles representing the power of God, and his right eye was flashing with black violent alienated particles. Noah glanced at the time. There are still 9 minutes left, he just needs to get through it.


After Alpha landed, he chased Noah. At this time, Noah tapped his feet lightly on the ground and walked back on the street. On his raised left hand, white beams of light appeared.

swish swish

The bright white beams of light flew towards Alpha instantly like needles, but were directly crushed by the floating purple particles before they reached their destination.

Guoguo brought out the light and shadow panels one after another, and tapped on the light and shadow panels quickly with both hands. Le Xiao and Ji Qing next to them could clearly see the countdown on it, as well as the charging of the eastern transmitting tower, which had reached 67%. .

"No, I can't remove the launch authority! Only the section chief knows the authority code."

There was a loud bang, and everyone looked down. Several houses were directly compressed and twisted to varying degrees. Noah protected his body with his hands and took a punch from Alpha.

"That's just cheating Alpha!"

Noah was very excited at this time. He originally speculated that Alpha's current strength was at most a little stronger than Nia, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. The defensive mechanical wrappings on his arms that could withstand the impact of 50 tons of force had been crushed. It has to be transformed directly, and the power of telekinesis is also amazing.

"Release the launch order Noah!"

Alpha roared with gritted teeth, and Noah smiled easily. Suddenly, after he turned sideways to avoid it, yellow particles suddenly appeared around the damaged houses, accompanied by a crunching sound, and metal objects suddenly appeared. It actually began to twist automatically and turned into sharp thorns.

The criss-crossing spikes blocked Alpha's path for an instant, and were still twisting and deforming. Alpha stopped without thinking much, and Noah stood at the top of a room with his hands raised, as if he was a conductor, using His hands controlled the nearby metal object that seemed to be melting.

The yellow power of God has the power to control the atomic structure of matter, but it can only control the atoms of metal, which makes Alpha a little surprised.

"It looks like you haven't been living in a lab these past few years!"

"I really can't help it. Your sister used to come here to practice. I was forced to be a sparring partner by that bastard Jean, and I received a lot of punches."

Alpha smiled coldly, clenched his fists, and watched the metal object like a monster's tentacles twisting in front of him with teeth and claws. Waves of black smoke came out of Alpha's fists.

"Don't die, Noah, if you don't want to die, remove the launch authority!"

"Terrible, really a scary woman, but such a sense of oppression is really suitable for such an excellent stage. Unfortunately, I can't cancel the launch order, because I always feel that the guys in the barrier area are just bedbugs! For In the great process of the city, such evil behavior is necessary and someone must carry out it!"

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