Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 495 The Tightened Trigger (Part 2)

Who's going to stop me? Just give me a reason, just a reason that can convince me!

The night was getting deeper, and the outside temperature in the barrier area had dropped to minus 20 degrees due to the arrival of winter. In such a cold night, Jean sat quietly on the edge of the rooftop, staring at the time on the screen, 11:46. 14 minutes left.

The commotion in the city is still not over. Time does not allow the entire city to evacuate. All around the Crimson Tide General Manager, a pair of menacing eyes are staring at all the movements on the roof. There is a heavy sense of oppression in the air.

Many people have already planned to live and die with the City of Rebellion, because no matter where they escape, they will just linger. Many people think clearly.

Everyone was holding the trigger of their weapons tightly, but no one dared to pull the trigger. The tense atmosphere oppressed everyone's fragile nerves, and many people were wiping sweat from their foreheads.

Cries and noises, as well as endless curses, were heard from all over the city.

The smile on Gene's face froze a little, and Potter behind him was speechless. He stood quietly in the cold wind. He had taken off his big coat and had many weapons on his body. He looked as if he was dead. Looking at Jean on the rooftop.

This has been the case a long time ago. Jean will set a time for himself. Whether it is facing rioters, armed forces, or gangs entrenched in the city, time is the most basic measurement point for his actions.

Once the time is up, Jean will do whatever it takes to eliminate the target. The same is true for the blockade and purge incidents that happened in several southern regions. During a month, Jean hopes that the wise man can surrender again and again, but the wise man not only Instead of surrendering, they extinguished the artificial sun.

Jean still clearly remembered that that night was not much different from tonight, except that the streets were still brightly lit at that time. He completely ignored the warnings of the members of the administrative department, and even captured all the administrative points in the area and killed Many department members.

The purge at that time was devastating. However, decades later, there is still no change at the bottom. There are still large and small gangs entrenched in it. However, except for the huge change in the attitude towards the business department, nothing else has changed. Too big of a change.

Nowadays, there are a large number of rioters in the city. These gangs, large and small, will one day become enemies of the government and pose a threat to the city. Society is constantly progressing, but the problem repeats itself again and again.

People have been stupid and unreasonable from a long time ago. From before the city was established, to now the city has reached such a scale, society has become more and more stable, and the problem has never been solved.

How many times will this happen again?

Gene raised his head and lit a cigarette. The originally dazzling starry sky was now completely dark. This situation had unknowingly changed. In the almost 300 years of his life, many things had changed. Fleeting.

Self-paralysis and self-narcissism again and again. Whenever facing the sun, Jean's heart is full of motivation and enthusiasm. However, when the sun goes out, Jean will fall into the abyss of despair, powerless. The feeling will come in one breath when night comes.

"Then what on earth is the child doing now?"

After muttering to himself, Gene laughed and his expression became more relaxed, but soon his brows became serious again, and another minute passed on the screen.

Gene could imagine the current situation in the city, and he also knew what those six guys would do. Many people in the barrier area were innocent, and so were the people in the city, especially those members of the executive branch who faced this impact. , are innocent, and they should not bear this heavy crime, so the most straightforward method is to launch optical nuclear weapons.

Although it was only a little bit, Jean had already felt that in a distant place, Tang Rao and Werther had already set foot on the land of the barrier area.

"Didn't I say it a long time ago that I can do these things alone, you six idiots!"

Jean stood up and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, his complicated face suddenly became calm.

"It's really cold in this place!"

Tang Rao flexed his hands, and Werther in front of him smiled and took out a bottle of wine from his pocket, opened it, took a big sip, and handed it to Tang Rao behind him.

"Of course it's cold, but it's much more comfortable than the previous cold wave."

After Tang Rao took the bottle, he looked at Werther with some disgust, wiped the mouth of the bottle with his sleeve, and then took a sip.

"Indeed, when the eight of us were in Africa, we almost froze to death. I still remember you, an idiot, jumping into the water to catch fish in the middle of winter. Not only did you almost freeze to death, but the fish you caught also froze to death. It was genetically mutated, and a few other hungry idiots almost died after eating it, haha!"

Werther hummed, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"I really miss my old life, but it's a pity that I can't go back. Witte, after tonight, will everything in the city really start the era of mechanization?"

Tang Rao asked in a confirming tone, and Werther hummed.

"This is also a helpless thing. The reason why people make the same mistakes again and again is because as people grow up with their knowledge and self, people who were originally controllable will become more and more uncontrollable, because people have thoughts. People who can think are scary, and people who can think and have obsessions are devils!"

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course, have you ever thought about becoming cannon fodder? Not to mention that you can get some supplies by then, I'm afraid not a single one will be left alive. Moreover, the City of Rebellion has reached an agreement with the Xingke Department, and you can enter the city. Here, fill the vacancies in Districts 113 and 114, you are really a bunch of idiots!"

Ji Mo quietly stared at the team with more than 20 cars in front of him, planning to take advantage of the chaos to go to the City of Rebellion to at least get some supplies. They had already gained a lot along the way.

This was already the 15th small organization he had met in just a few hours at the end of the season. He kept warning these small organizations that the City of Rebellion had actually reached an agreement with the Xingke Department, so he lied about wanting to work with the Xingke Department. The reason for starting the war was to make it easier to leave, and to drive out most of the old, weak, sick and disabled people in the city first.

"Who are you? Why do you know so clearly?"

The little leader in front of him stared at the veiled man in front of him with some fear. He smiled and unbuttoned a corner of his clothes, revealing his uniform.

The little leader immediately nodded in understanding.

"Listen up, the Executive Branch will not be merciful to any armed forces that attempt to attack. You'd better tell each other, or say, I will destroy you now, save the time."

"Brother, please don't say goodbye. If you have something to say, please talk to us. We won't go."

After encountering this group of militants at the end of the previous season, we fought with them and easily knocked down several of their main mutants, and the other party did not dare to take action again.

"Uncle Mo, what exactly are you going to do?"

Ji Mo laughed, said nothing, and rode on a motorcycle that he snatched from a small organization on the way, carrying Ling Fei behind him and continuing to travel around most of the southern area.

Tonight's situation was unusual. After learning that there was an army stationed by the Executive Branch 5 kilometers to the north of Nisi City, Ji Mo knew that something was wrong. Later, he heard from a small organization that the Executive Branch was going to confront Nisi. The dead city will take action, and all armed forces in the barrier area will be cleared, and the food supply will be cut off.

The situation was extraordinary. Armed forces from all over the barrier area were moving closer to the Brilliant City, while a large number of people were fleeing to places close to the barrier in the distance, as if it was a precursor to the start of a huge war.

After learning from some militants that some large-scale armed forces were serious, everyone believed that the information they received was true, and Ji Mo naturally knew that he had the ability to notify all armed forces in the barrier area so quickly. The only ones are the creators.

Looking at the phone still carrying out signal recognition communication in his hand, Ji Mo was still waiting. He knew very well that once a war broke out in the City of Rebellion, the armed forces in the barrier area would begin to attack the guard station.

"Uncle Mo, why exactly? Obviously I just want it"

"Everyone's patience has reached its limit, Feifei."

The only thing Ji Mo can do now is to create unequal information, but he alone is not that capable, so now he must ask for help from Ran Zai in the city.

Because the reason why communication in the barrier area is possible is because of Ran Zai's suggestion. At the end of the season, he found a way to help him get a lot of communication equipment and set up a communication network in some places in the barrier area.


The phone was finally picked up.

"Find a way to help me inform some forces in the barrier area that the City of Rebellion has reached an agreement with the people in the business department, so that they should not launch attacks blindly. War will only bring destruction!"

"Everyone has already pulled the trigger. The key is who is willing to pull the trigger first. Even if it creates information asymmetry, it will be meaningless at the end of the season. Things have reached an unavoidable level. Such a contradictory bubble should be earlier." If it explodes, the city can still be saved!"

Ran Zai's weak voice came through the buzzing phone, and Ji Mo helplessly laughed.

"Is that so? Ran Zai, it's really hard for me to understand you, but I'm still very grateful to you. You betrayed me before I fell into a deeper place."

Ji Mo's voice was choked for a moment, and Ran Zai laughed.

"I am indeed the culprit who caused everything you have now, and I have put the root cause of this situation on the table. If you want to do this, I can do what you said. As for the result, it doesn't matter. Well, the only turning point in the matter was missed before 11 o'clock, and no one realized it, so..."

Ji Mo raised his head and laughed.

"A turning point? Isn't that right? It's obviously you who tightened everyone's fingers. Ran Zai, the news about the City of Rebellion is spread out in stages. Why do you do this?"

"Why? Because I really want to see whether the root of human beings is evil or good. It's a perfect dialectic, isn't it?"

Ji Mo gritted his teeth and widened his eyes.

"I told you a long time ago, at the end of the season, sometimes people are evil and sometimes they are good, but good and evil will change depending on the position. There are very few people who can firmly believe in good or evil. Pure good or pure evil is real, and those who wander between good and evil are false. Okay, I will help you convey the message and rest. When you get up tomorrow morning, such a dialectic will be there. The decisive result, survival or destruction, will everyone pull the trigger, or will they finally put down their weapons? It's very interesting, isn't it? At the end of the season, if you want to stop all this, the only way is"

The phone was disconnected. Ji Mo put away the phone and started the motorcycle.

Such dialectics are completely meaningless. Ran Zai, people are inherently evil!

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