Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 494 The Tightened Trigger (Part 2)

Time, 11:38 pm

The eastern transmitting tower starts charging

The southern tower starts charging

Western transmitting tower starts charging

The northern transmitter tower starts charging

1%, 2%, 3%

Noah stood quietly in the middle of the four solar towers. On the surrounding roofs, people who had named Section 10 were busy. Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn. Noah sat in the middle of the black square. , staring at the light and shadow panels on the left and right sides.

"The decision is correct. Most of the enemy's weapons have been identified!"

A female incorporeal officer with a cold voice said next to Noah that the detection satellites launched from the four guard stations were actually simple aerodynamic fakes, used to confuse the enemy. There are 1 to 5 kilometers.

At this time, on the light and shadow panel on the left side of Noah, a large number of false small detection satellites launched by each guard station had been shot down, and the real detection satellites had been used when Noah sent the six gods to the battlefield. The strategic ship was launched.

"As expected, these guys are like monkeys, and now they are all exposed!"

The female incorporeal technician laughed, seeming to cater to Noah's mood at this time. Noah looked at the ground pictures transmitted in real time with a smile. Many people were holding weapons in a swagger and sitting on the car. , gathered together like a carnival.

It will take 30 minutes to refill the energy of the optical nuclear weapon. The six gods have given him the highest authority to activate the optical nuclear weapon. Now the AI ​​detection satellite equipped with Program 8 is constantly scanning everything in the barrier area, and there are a lot of people gathered. place, and then calculate the best location for photonuclear weapons coverage. The official launch may not take place until 12:13:28.

At this time, Noah put on the headphones and snapped his fingers. Immediately, the female incorporeal clerk activated the black metal cube under Noah. Noah slowly rose into the air, and then came to the four sun launchers. A little below the tower, Noah stopped.

Rhapsody was playing in the earphones. He personally didn't mind being responsible for everything. This kind of inhuman behavior would only take one shot, and hundreds of thousands or millions of people would be wiped out, and nuclear weapons alone would The subsequent photonuclear radiation will begin to spread to the entire barrier area along with the wind. The outside of the Brilliant City only needs to activate the light and shadow electromagnetic protective shield to completely prevent pollutants from floating into the city.

The long-standing problem will finally be resolved tonight. A long time ago, Noah, as the secretary of Section 7, voted for the execution of people with citizen level 0.

The final result of the vote at that time was to be exiled to the barrier zone and given minimum food security on a regular basis.

The reason why Noah was able to become the chief of Section 10 was not because of his genius brain, but because of his madness that was different from ordinary people. Human nature was worthless in Noah's eyes. Human nature has been lost in all processes in human history. It is annihilated, and history is written by the victors.

Nowadays, the progress of the city has been seriously hindered. If you insist on distinguishing good and evil in your own human nature, Noah knows very well that he is pure evil. It is precisely because of this that he can serve as the 10th department. Head of the Department of Science and Technology, whether it is medicine or science, what is needed is never human nature, but the endless thirst for the abyss of knowledge.

"Ha ha."

Noah couldn't help laughing, and the virtual female clerk next to him also showed a sinister smile.

"This is a huge paradox. On the one hand, the city gives the losers in the barrier zone the right to survive, but because the huge machine of the city continues to move forward, it creates losers. Now it has To destroy these losers created by yourself, it can be proved that this machine is a failure, but how can a failed machine continue to drag the progress of the city? It is really interesting, but now everything is about to The end. Hahaha, I will personally press the button called destruction. What exactly will be emitted at the moment of death?"

Noah seemed to be immersed in his own world, clapping his hands constantly and entertaining himself with the music coming from his headphones.

Accurate graphics of the barrier area are being generated on the light and shadow screen, and many precise strike points in four directions have been determined. The final location will be determined after the filling is completed to ensure that the photonuclear weapons can be carried out to the maximum extent. Kill.

At this time, Noah called up a light and shadow panel, called up special communication channels for 12 section chiefs, and began to send information about preparing to launch optical nuclear weapons.

"I can imagine their surprised faces, especially those two guys Niya and Tianhen! It would be great if there was a live video, so you could see their expressions, haha."

Le Xiao, Alpha and Ji Qing boarded a circular machine. Guoguo controlled the machine and flew towards the center of this deserted metal city. She didn't know why she opened the door. She did not notify the section chief.

Alpha quietly took out a cigarette, lit it, and exhaled. She couldn't make a judgment on such a thing, because she had also done things that were inhumane.

"Are you ready to wake up? This incident may lead to the complete end of your professional career."

Alpha asked in a stern tone, and Lexiao shook her head.

"There is obviously still hope, why should we give up? Sister Alpha, I don't know what to say. The problem has always existed because no one is willing to solve it. It is clear that the sun in the city still has a life span of more than 100 years, but it has not been able to last for ten years. Not even one person is willing to share it in the barrier zone. We obviously have the technology and ability to establish the agricultural base in the barrier zone that has been proposed for a long time, but it has been delayed for so long. Wouldn’t this make the same mistakes happen again and again?”

Le Xiao's eyes widened and she looked at Alpha. For a moment, the corners of Alpha's mouth raised slightly, and Guo Guo in front of him laughed.

"People who say such big words usually don't end well. I think you still"

Guoguo stopped talking because what she saw was a pair of clean, clear and passionate eyes, their eyes were upright, like the sun.

"Everyone is smarter than me and can think of more things than me, but why do people smarter than me have to watch tragedies repeat themselves again and again, abandoning the few for the many? Don't be kidding, everyone just Just for yourself. Aren't such tragedies enough? I saw many times when I was a child. Those people who were struggling desperately were still unable to do anything. In the end, the citizen level dropped to level 0 and they were driven out ruthlessly. People are different from each other, just like you said, I am an idiot and a fool, but isn’t this kind of life given to us by smart people like you?”

Le Xiao looked at Guoguo with a blushing face. At this time, Guoguo's heart was trembling. She looked at Le Xiao in disbelief.

"I almost fell down once. Once the citizenship level drops, it will be very difficult to climb up again, because many people will use your citizenship level to do a lot of excessive things to you, and once you bow down to those Under people's coercion and inducement, you will lose everything, your job, your life, and even your dignity as a human being, but..."

Le Xiao looked excitedly at the approaching sun tower in the distance and showed a hearty smile.

"I have good luck. I have the greatest good luck in this society. When I was about to lose everything, good luck favored me. My mother and Jean both said that when you are in a bad mood, just look at the sun. As long as you can live in the sun, good things will happen, but good things do happen, so..."

Le Xiao closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then shouted.

"I want to share my good fortune with others. I am the secretary of Section 13. Gene has told me that he is very tired, too tired to take care of all this. I am willing to share it with him. Because I always believe that everything he said is true. One day, the whole world will be bathed in the sun. If this time it is really Gene's decision, I will stop him. I will definitely stop him, because he doesn’t want to, but there is no way to solve it. People will get tired and sad. When he is tired, everything that happens next will be up to me."

Alpha stared quietly into the distance at Noah, who was already floating on the black metal square. With a look of enjoyment on his face, he took a deep drag on the cigarette, threw away the cigarette butt, and exhaled a puff of thick smoke.

"Then what are you going to do, Miss Secretary!"

"Take over Section 10!"

Ji Qing's eyes widened. Alpha was already standing at the edge of the machine. The red particles in his eyes were flowing slowly. Guoguo looked at Le Xiao in disbelief, and then burst into laughter.

"The section chief is the big boss. If we defeat him, we can take over the 10 sections. As for me, I can only stand by and watch!"

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