Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 486 Possibility (Part 2)

"Section Chief!"

Guoguo looked at Noah quietly. In a factory, in separate small independent frames, robotic arms were grabbing the parts produced from the lighting equipment behind and conducting strategic shipbuilding operations. assembly.

More than 200 personnel from Section 10 are busy in the entire factory, debugging and checking in front of the light and shadow panels. Special personnel from Section 3 are already rushing here on the subway and will manufacture it as soon as possible within 10 days. Send out 100 strategic ships.

Guo Guo looked at the internal information of Section 10. There was an operation codenamed Nirvana. The word Nirvana was flashing in red, and Nirvana was the final means of the third phase, the complete annihilation plan in the barrier area, the primary stage. Already turned on.

An armed force in the barrier area called Crimson Tide has more than 40,000 armed personnel, including more than 4,000 mutants, and a city called Rebellion City.

The threat of the barrier zone had already been mentioned in Section 2's rat-catching plan earlier, and a serious warning had been given that once the forces in the barrier zone began to contact the rioters in Brilliant City, the city would be in danger and the annihilation would be directly initiated. The plan, which was decided 10 years ago, is now officially launched.

The first stage is to cut off the food supply, the second stage is the blockade and silence stage, and the third stage is to directly use strategic ships to carry out large-scale bombing.

"Section Chief, I'm talking to you!"

Guo Guo walked over angrily and kicked Noah in the thigh. Noah took off his headphones.

"Why would I do such a thing?"

"Don't say anything, don't ask anything. Have you read the briefing from Section 3, personally signed by Secretary Xima from the barrier area?"

Guoguo nodded.

"People are really strange. Conscience will emerge at this time, but what about earlier? No one is willing to take care of it, no one is willing to solve it. At this time, we can only clean up the barrier area like garbage. Bugs, didn’t you think so before, Guoguo!”

For a moment, a trace of sadness appeared on Guoguo's childish face.

"Do you know what we are doing, Section Chief, 7 million people, bombing day and night, we are creating these now, is it possible?"

"Of course I know, but all this has nothing to do with us. We are only responsible for serving as the backup force of Section 3 and providing them with weapons to execute the plan. Other than that, we are nothing. Once the plan starts, we will block the outer circle of the city. Activate the virtual generation wall of light and shadow images to block the source of the sound. Then, you should use some unknown disease as an excuse to make the people in the city completely believe that the bedbugs in the barrier area have died due to an unknown infectious disease. They have given up for the majority of people. The law of the few is the same in any era. Remember not to feel guilty. Once you feel guilty, it will deteriorate. We only need to complete our part of the burden like a machine. As for such a cruel and inhumane method, As human beings, we don’t need to use any excuses to cover up, we just have to bear the part we should bear.”

Guoguo lowered her head and looked at the naked Annihilation Plan on the light and shadow screen with trembling hands. On the last line, she saw the name of the drafter, Jean!

"This plan is actually the product of Jean's compromise with the six gods in order to give the group of people who were expelled from the city a chance. It has been 50 years and he has given them countless opportunities, and they and 50 years ago As before, nothing has changed. Now the largest organization, Crimson Tide, has openly threatened and cooperated with the rioters in the city. You can think about the relationship between other armed forces and the rioters in the city. connect?"

Noah said as he opened his mobile phone, brought up a light and shadow screen, and opened one investigation report after another. Guo Guo watched quietly.


In several photos, you can clearly see some missile launchers, and the workmanship is not rough at all. It is more like they were manufactured in the city and then taken out to be assembled. Some organizations actually have air power. This is Guoguo. unbelievable.

In the follow-up of the plan, Guoguo also knew the reason why they needed 10 departments to build 1,000 small strategic ships.

"In fact, if possible, it would be more efficient and faster to activate photonuclear weapons. However, this will drastically reduce the unsustainable resources in the city, so we can only use chemical bombs, which are relatively less harmful."

Noah said lightly. When he was about to put on the headphones again, Guoguo grabbed his hand.

"Do you have to do this?"

"This is not something we can decide, Guoguo. There have been many major purges in human history in order to maintain stability. This is inevitable. If the barrier zone is cleared, external threats will be resolved. , the acting department can also concentrate on solving internal problems. What do you think will happen if the internal air pressure and external air pressure of a balloon increase at the same time? Guoguo, complete the work faithfully, I leave it to you Guoguo, I have to prepare. Turn on the defense code for surface-to-air missiles, there are still many things to do!”

Noah walked quickly. Noah had abandoned these issues of right and wrong a long time ago. Regardless of right or wrong, the only thing that determines everything is position and strength. People are very difficult to control creatures. This is true at any time and in any era. The fight has evolved from the most primitive fight for food to for faith, for the country, and for society.

"We have to contact Jean as soon as possible."

Le Xiao dropped her phone in panic, but King Xue used telekinesis to catch it and return it to her hand. She hurriedly broadcast the number 0013. She had never encountered such a thing before, even just I've seen it in movies and novels, but at this moment Le Xiao's first reaction was not to start a war.

"Why can't we contact you?"

Le Xiao panicked for a moment after seeing the message that the signal on the light and shadow screen could not be conveyed.

"Of course, little squirrel, we are in the barrier area. How can we get in touch? The matter has been settled, so don't worry about it."

"How can we not worry? Aren't we going to be able to establish an agricultural experimental base in the barrier zone next year? As long as the base is built into the barrier zone, won't there be hope?"

Le Xiao's eyes widened and she stared at everyone present seriously, but immediately King Xue shook his head helplessly.

"Things are not as simple as you think, Secretary Le Xiao, they"

"I have been to the barrier area and have seen the people there. They are not like the rumors at all. They will help each other, pray for their sick family members, and suffer from the death of their family members, and they will be with the people in the city. There’s not much difference, and there are many places like this.”

Le Xiao retorted in a hoarse voice. She clearly remembered in her mind that during the brief ten hours she spent in the barrier area, the place was not controlled by armed forces. It was not at all like what the outside world reported. It was a place only filled with blood and violence. Huashen told him that there are many such places in the barrier area. To be honest, they are very similar to Area 108 where he grew up. He has confirmed it with his own eyes and also listened to the people there talking about their lives. , although those children did not have enough to eat, they were very sensible.

Le Xiao still clearly remembers that if the child who died in front of him had been born in the city, he might still be growing up healthily in school. At this moment, Le Xiao wanted to talk to Jean so much that he instantly Then she understood what Jean was doing. Le Xiao wanted to tell Jean clearly that she imagined that when the sun would shine all over the barrier area one day, everything would be fine.

"I think you'd better go back to school and get reformed, little hamster, you"

"You just want to go back to the school to renovate. Has anyone seen the barrier area in all these years? Let alone the barrier area, no one even cares about the bottom. Indeed, there are many bad things in both the barrier area and the bottom, but if If we don’t do something about it, how do we know there is no hope for them? Aren’t we city managers? As managers, shouldn’t we start solving these problems?”


Zi Yuer stood up and stared at Le Xiao angrily.

"Solution, how to solve it"

"Do it, don't even take a look, don't even do anything, deny their possibility. There are still many people living in the barrier zone, and they are all working hard to live, but now they even want their right to survive. Deprived, they have lost everything, only their lives are left. As human beings, what reasons and excuses do we have, but we can’t do it? Don’t your hearts hurt from such devilish behavior? It’s a stone Did you do it?”

Le Xiao blushed and pressed her chest, panting and shouting, but her voice was soon drowned in the cheerful singing and dancing.


There were bursts of bubbles in a pool with glazed water. With the light like the morning sun, Ellie slowly rose from the pool. Her beautiful face exuded a faint glow. of light.

"Little girl, I heard your voice, it was a human voice!"


With a soft sound of airflow, in an instant, Ellie had arrived above the dazzling city. She quietly stared at the dark and lightless barrier area in the distance and giggled.

"You idiot Gene!"

Ellie spoke softly, and for a moment a glaze-colored light flashed across the sky, but no one could see this beam of light.

Waves of shimmering particles were flowing slowly. On the rooftop of the Crimson Tide headquarters, Ellie half-crouched on the ground, stood up with a smile, and jumped behind Gene with her hands behind her back, stretching out her slender and white hair. Her hand slowly brushed across Jean's face, but she couldn't touch it. Ellie pouted and pinched Jean's cold face with her hands.

Gene's eyes had gradually lost their luster, his body seemed to be petrified in the wind, and his eyes became colder and colder.

"For the future! I will bear this crime alone!"

Jean trembled slightly, took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and took off his hat.

Ellie sighed and squatted next to Jean with her hands on her chin, looking up at Jean who was still the same as before, still like a big boy.

"That girl's opinion is the same as mine, Gene. What's difficult is never the environment, but the people's hearts. Haven't you already thought of a way to let the sun shine on this land? Why do you have to change your mind temporarily? Man, It’s really easy to be swayed.”

Ellie stood up as she spoke, gently touched Jean's forehead with one hand, and smiled as if to comfort her, but her words could not convey it.

Didi didi

Jean took out the phone. On the light and shadow screen were communications from the 10 inspectors who were conducting temporary investigations in the city. On the 10 small screens, everyone had a bad look in their eyes.

After that, the 10 people started voting. Except for one vote against, the other 9 people were in favor of tonight's action. Everyone was silent, not saying much, and still waiting for Gene to speak.

Jean looked quietly at He Min in the lower left corner. She was the only one who objected.

"What's the reason?"

The screen was directly enlarged, and He Min stared at Jean seriously.

"I can't do it, Master Jean. I am a mother of a child. There are still many families living here. I can't do it. If I agree to this plan tonight, I don't know how I will face it when I go back." My child, how should I explain to my dead husband! The child is not guilty. Half of the people in the barrier area were born here. It is true that under the influence of those armed forces, many people have malicious intentions towards the city. But is this real? If we really do that tonight. Sir Jean, what are your efforts all the time? What are all the things we have been lurking in the barrier area day and night? We are not here to find a line. Is this an effective method, so why did you accept this job? Before my husband was alive, he had been talking to me about adopting some children from barrier areas, saying that we would start when our positions were promoted and we were qualified. It’s a pity that we couldn’t wait. , the difficult thing is never the work, but the human heart!”

Jean looked at He Min quietly, and then said.

"There's still 1 hour and 31 minutes left, it's 10:29 now!"

After turning off the light and shadow screen, Gene sat down quietly, the expression on his face not changing at all.

Gene knew very well that he was very tired, especially after what happened at the end of the season, Gene's heart began to change. But after the baby bird appeared, Gene once again felt a glimmer of light in his heart. However, time no longer allowed.

If you want the city to be more stable, you must destroy all potential threats. Before the threats become fermented and deteriorate, a few people must be abandoned for the sake of the many.

"Already. No need to wait!"

Wishes of light blue particles streaked across Jean's body. He pressed a hand on his chest. After the power suppressor implanted in his heart is removed, Jean will gradually regain his divine power. He already plans to release the power of God here.

Destroy all unstable factors! This is my job and my responsibility!

Ellie on the side smiled helplessly, raising her hand and stroking Gene's face with an annoyed look.

"You're really going to piss me off, Gene, you stupid idiot! I've told you before, if it's something you think is right, you have to stick to it to the end. You've made a good start, so why not give up halfway? What? You?"

A sound of footsteps

Gene slowly turned his head, and Potter limped over.

"Are you planning to go on a killing spree, Mr. Jean?"

For a moment, Jean didn't say anything, but there was a look of solemnity in his eyes.

Potter tilted his head.

"I really want to see the sun again, just one glance. Haha, I have one last request. Please give the people living in this city a moment and let them evacuate. No matter what happens in the future, it will be fine!"

Potter stared at Jean solemnly, and Jean's head was buzzing at this time.

"Let those who want to leave leave, the elderly, women and children. This is not too much to ask, Mr. Jean!"

Gene nodded slightly.

"The sun! I'm sorry."

Jean said with a grim smile.

"You have already lost your qualifications!"

"Well, it's true. I have imagined countless times that when the city proposed to establish an agricultural experimental base in the barrier area a few years ago, the sun would one day penetrate the darkness and shine into the barrier area. However, this was my delusion after all. , everything we have done in the past has led to everything now, can we talk a little bit about it, Mr. Gene, before we start!"

Gene took out his phone and brought up a panel.

"It's okay before 12 o'clock!"

Potter shouted, and in an instant, the mutants jumped to the roof with red light flashing.

"Go and inform everyone in the city. If you don't want to die, run as fast as you can and run as hard as you can. The further away from here the better."

"Boss, fight them!"

For a moment, each mutant looked at Jean, and Potter immediately roared.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Go quickly!"

At this time, Ellie kept punching and kicking Jean, but she could not touch Jean. She looked at Jean angrily.

In less than 5 minutes, huge commotion began to occur in the originally peaceful and peaceful Nishou City. Many people woke up from their deep sleep, and red tide people on the streets shouted with loudspeakers.

"The Executive Branch will launch an attack here soon. If you don't want to die, leave quickly. Take everything you can with you and run away. The further away from here the better!"

Porter walked to a place two or three meters away from Gene and sat down.

"By the way, Mr. Jean, do you think it's possible for us as human beings?"

Jean did not answer, but stared blankly at the growing commotion, with dark figures pouring onto the streets everywhere. Some people who were unwilling to leave took up weapons, clamoring to fight to the death with Xingke.

Everything in front of me looked very much like the final battle that had happened in the past, but it was a pity.

Jean raised the corners of his mouth bitterly.

Ellie is no longer here! I have never been able to illuminate everything like the sun like her, I can only be the shadow cast by the sun! The darkness will swallow everything and bury everything. As long as I am responsible for the sin alone, that's enough, that's fine!

Cries were everywhere, bursts of venting gunfire sounded one after another, and the sound of a large number of footsteps made the entire city of Rebellion seem to be shaking. All of this, Jean could no longer hear or see.

"It is true that we have no future, and the future has long been exhausted by our past actions, but Mr. Jean, the reason why I built this city of rebellion is actually because there are still many people in this land who have a future. In this city, you can exchange for a lot of things through trading, and you can use food to teach you something. This city is far better than you think. Everything you see is What kind of Mr. Jean!"

"Unfortunately, there is no time. If you could build such a city of social scale 10 years ago or earlier, there would still be plenty of time!"


Gene tore off the uniform of Section 13, took off his hat and threw it aside. The uniform floated slowly in the wind and sank into the darkness behind him.

Ellie slowly floated in the air, looking at the dazzling city in the distance and the chaos below, with joy in her eyes.

"Jean, you idiot, you are stupid, I will show you, the sun will definitely shine on the barrier area tonight and break through the darkness, just wait for me!"


A beam of glazed light slowly flew toward the top of the Brilliant City.

"I don't think there's any need to wait any longer. Can I start with you first, Potter!"

Potter stood up and nodded. A touch of black slowly flowed over Jean's face. His face turned black little by little, until his eyes sank into darkness!

"Of course, Demon Gene, I'm really trembling when I see him like this again! If there is an epitaph, please help me write it like this, Potter who has been dedicated to fighting all his life!"

There's been something going on at home these days, so I'm really sorry! Only 3 updates

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