Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 485 Possibility (Part 2)

"Nothing is absolutely right or wrong, only time can answer it all!"

A biting cold wind hit him. Gene sat on the edge of the rooftop, tore open the slits of his uniform, and his coat was slowly flying in the wind.

Memories of the distant past kept flashing through Gene's mind. He dropped out of school at the age of 13 and went to prison at the age of 14. By the time he was 20 years old, Gene had a bad record and no future at all, as his mother once told him. His same.

"You will die in a dirty, smelly ditch one day!"

A slightly bitter smile appeared on Gene's face. He faced the wind quietly, his mind filled with the shadow of Ellie. In such a dim day, Gene met this girl named Ellie. The girl, she was like the sun, saving Jean.

"Time is indeed a good thing, Ellie, but it's a pity that not everyone is as lucky as me!"

What is now facing Jean is an extremely cruel reality. If you want to establish a food base in the barrier area, you must ensure the safety of the base, and the beasts wandering around in the wilderness are threatening this city that maintains the future of the city at any time. plan of.

The food storage capacity is getting tighter year by year. It is a very simple rule. For the majority of people, give up a few people. For the sake of the more than 30 million residents of Brilliant City, give up the 7 million residents of the barrier area.

Tonight is the beginning. Once this breakthrough is opened, it will be war. In my mind, scenes of bloody wars that took place when the city was first established are constantly passing by. At that time, there were not so many people, but now there are The difference is that once a war breaks out, there will only be endless killing in the days to come.

"Sooner or later all this will have to be faced."

Gene stood up, and the creators just exploded the problem in advance.

"What would you do if it were you, Ellie! I'm so tired that I don't want to move anymore!"

In the past 10 years, the surveillance data brought back by Section 3 were vividly remembered. Jean ran around the city and the barrier area again and again, hoping to maintain the only remaining hope of the two worlds. This hope will eventually be crushed because there will no longer be dialogue.

Nothing is correct, only positions and circumstances. There are nearly 3 million people born in the barrier zone. They are born into such a lightless world, and what they are exposed to and receive is darkness.

Section 2 has conducted simulations and analyzes time and time again. The biggest threat to Brilliant City in the future is the barrier zone. If we continue to let it go, we will be irresponsible to everyone in the city.

Not everything Jean saw tonight was unsightly. He also knew very well that there was still a glimmer of light in some places here, and there were many people who had not lost their pride in being human beings, but time It’s no longer allowed!

9:37 pm

Le Xiaojing stared at the cards in her hand intently, with sweat on her forehead. She didn't listen to a word of the performance or speech on the stage, while Zi Yu'er opposite smiled and played the cards.

"Sorry little hamster, four little pigs!"

Le Xiao looked at Zi Yuer's cards in horror, and her jaw trembled for a moment.

"You have lost 1,000 yuan now, do you still want to continue playing?"

As Zi Yuer said, Le Xiao threw away the cards in her hand and pressed her forehead.

What's wrong with me, what on earth am I doing!

Le Xiao had proposed playing cards before, but it would be meaningless without a bet. After that, Le Xiao, Tian Hen, King Xue and Alpha participated in the game. In just one hour, Le Xiao lost the most.

But at this time, Tian Hen's expression seemed extremely heavy. He frowned. Xiu Xiu next to him talked to him several times, but Tian Hen ignored him. Xiu Xiu did not dare to say anything. Naturally, King Xue knew that Tian Hen Hen is worried about something.

Once tonight's action begins, it will not stop. It is time to eliminate the potential threats in the barrier area.

Looking at the dazzling performance on the stage and the smiling people around him, King Xue showed a slightly helpless smile.

"This is the root of the disaster that was planted many years ago, don't you think so, Chief Tianhen?"

Le Xiao looked at King Xue in confusion, suddenly saying such unclear words, but Zi Yuer had already shuffled the cards.

"Go on, little hamster, if you want to win back, you can't do it without using your brain. Your card skills are really bad."

Ji Qing also felt it next to Le Xiao. Le Xiao liked to play small cards first, but he was a little hesitant when he had big cards in his hand. He missed many opportunities. Whether it was psychological quality or playing skills, he was really a bit poor, and After seeing Le Xiao lose a lot of money, she was extremely nervous.

"Can you not play?"

Le Xiao asked awkwardly, and Tian Hen stood up.

"I have to get there!"

"Even if you go over, Tianhen won't be able to solve any problems. You should know what Section Chief Jean does."

Tianhen lowered his head and showed a bitter smile for a while.

"I used to come from there, and I'm different from you city dwellers!"

Tian Hen said that King Xue smiled helplessly. Tian Hen knew very well in his heart that if he and his sister had not helped some people nearby who looked at them pitifully, they would have died long ago, even if they were bedbugs. Existence also has its value and right to exist.

We shouldn’t kill all this, there is still hope in the barrier zone!

"Well, can I ask what you are talking about? Section Chief Tianhen."

Le Xiao looked at the two of them with an embarrassed look, and Zi Yuer snorted coldly.

"Open your phone and take a look."

Le Xiao groaned, opened her mobile phone, and found an urgent file report. She was able to open it. After opening it, she only had a rough idea of ​​what happened, but Le Xiao was shocked in an instant. Xing Yuan opened her mouth slightly, The face of Ji Qing next to her suddenly became serious.

There was nothing unexpected about Alpha. She already knew it. When she was in prison, she had already discussed the barrier area with the wise man, but sooner or later, the war would break out.

"Little hamster, you really showed such a confidential document in front of so many people."

Le Xiao was startled and hurriedly turned off the light and shadow screen, but she immediately said awkwardly.

"It seems it's too late!"

"Forget it, the two ladies present and this great writer, please forget what you just saw, otherwise"

Xingyuan laughed bitterly.

"Are the lives of 7 million people so worthless in your eyes?"

"This is not a question of value or worthlessness. Great writer, don't stand and talk without pain in your back. Isn't it the barrier zone that is actually dragging down the city?"

Zi Yuer stared at Xingyuan, Le Xiao was still immersed in shock. She looked very bad. She didn't expect such a thing to happen. From the information, it was seen that it was led by Jean. It was 60 kilometers away from the south of Brilliant City. For the operation in the City of Rebellion, Division 3 has dispatched more than 1,000 people carrying heavy firepower. It depends on the negotiation situation tonight. If the negotiation breaks down, we will directly clean up!

" could this happen!"

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