Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 478 Negotiation 3 (Part 1)


Sara looked at He Min in front of her with an angry face, and slapped her on the cheek.

"Are you awake? Or do you want me to slap you a few more times?"

He Min tilted her head and said nothing, her cheeks were burning, Sara was using force and she was not joking.

"Again, you control the two women and children in the room, and I will control the mutant cadre."

Among the rooms with weak lights, only the one with the courtyard below has enough light. At this time, two women can be vaguely seen in the room, one man and one woman, smiling happily as they take food out of the pot. A child who looked less than 10 years old was chasing around the table, clamoring for food.

At this time, He Min and Sara were standing on the opposite roof, the biting cold wind howling by, and the two of them had already become numb in their limbs from the cold.

Sarah looked angry in the cold wind, while He Min lowered her head. Along the way, He Min saw a lot of families like this. Although they lived in dilapidated houses, the family would gather together. Talking and laughing.

"It's reached this point, please don't joke with me, He Min."

Sarah put a hand on He Min's shoulder. At this time, He Min's body was trembling slightly. He Min bit her chapped lips, as if there were two selves in her heart that were constantly intertwining and colliding fiercely.

Over the past year or so, He Min has witnessed countless tragedies, but at the same time he has also seen many of the best qualities of people, and they support each other in difficult situations.

So in He Min's reports again and again, she would try to write as many things as possible in the barrier zone that were not violent and bloody, but just work together. Although it was only a very small part, she originally thought she would be reprimanded by her superiors, but what? nor.

"Use your own eyes to confirm. If your eyes can't see, use your heart."

This is what Tianhen warned them before going to the barrier area.

At this time, Sara turned around and jumped off the house. He Min's eyes widened and she quickly turned around and chased after her.

dong dong dong

Sara knocked on the door. She couldn't control so much anymore. Time was running out. It was almost 9 o'clock. After learning some things, she must continue to investigate other parts and collect as much as possible before 12 o'clock. .

Such a surprise investigation can reveal the most realistic situation of a city. The door of the room creaked open. In an instant, Sarah's eyes flashed with red particles, and her fist was already hitting the mutant in front of her.


Along with a scream, the scabs on the mutated man's body in front of him suddenly dispersed. In an instant, his jaw was hit hard by Sarah's raised elbow.


With the second sound, accompanied by splashing blood, the mutant in front of him flew out and hit the corner. He looked at the two wives and a pair of children already floating in the air with horrified eyes. The two women had already started crying. And the two kids were completely frightened.

He Min walked in quietly and closed the door.

"That's right."

"You are a professional!"

Although the man took a blow, the mutant's strong physique only caused him minor injuries. But at this time, the man was more concerned about the safety of his wife and children, and sat on the ground without saying a word.

The aroma of food was still emanating from the house, and Sarah walked over.

"If you are serious, your wife and children will move their heads in an instant. He Min, if he dares to do anything, don't hesitate."

"I can't. Please put the children down first. I'm begging you."

For a moment, Sarah stared at the mutant in front of her angrily, took out a collar, and after putting it on the mutant in front of her, a ray of light and shadow set into the back of the mutant's neck.

"Take the children back to their rooms and you go watch them."

Sarah said, and He Min walked over. The two women held their children, turned around and went upstairs in fear, and He Min followed.

"What exactly did the Creator deal with you?"

Sara asked seriously, and the man said after being silent for a while.

"They gave us weapons and drugs, and entrusted us to help them find mutants. We would kidnap some mutants from other organizations and hand them over, or find some mutants from some areas."

Sarah recorded in detail, the man in front of her lowered his head, and after a while he laughed and said.

"Can you let the woman and child upstairs go?"

Sara didn't answer. She had already thought clearly. After asking, she would deal with the mutant without any hesitation. As for the woman and child upstairs, she didn't care. She nodded and said, "The mutant on the ground The person said thank you.

Porter was still deep in thought, while Zhu Fei looked at Yao Zhuang and Fang Si with a smile. The two were very unhappy with Jean's attitude just now, and they were about to explode.

"You two go back to bed later, your presence is not needed."

Potter said something, and for a moment Fang stood up in anger.

"Boss, I said it during the last riot. Taking advantage of the riot in the city, we can directly break through the southern guard station. There is no need to listen to Jean's nonsense. Last time I went to negotiate on behalf of our Crimson Tide, many people said that the city It's just to appease us temporarily, but we will be wiped out in the end. Didn't you hear what happened in the east? Jean killed so many people without mercy. If we don't do something, they will definitely will."

"How old are your children, Fang Si, and you, Yao Zhuang."

For a moment, the two people's demeanor relaxed a lot. Potter smiled and sighed. If he were 10 years younger, he might have the same idea as the two guys, attack the Brilliant City and occupy a place. This is a lot of barrier areas. The armed forces have been discussing the issue, but no one wants to be a stepping stone for others. Therefore, many armed forces have had such intentions for many years, but they have never been able to implement it.

Gradually, Potter realized that many people in the barrier area had actually adapted to everything here. For them, the dazzling city was just an unreachable bubble.

Back then, Porter was cleared out due to the purge incident in the city. He was just a small leader. His boss, the Wise Man, also died long ago in that incident. He was well aware of the tough attitude of the business department and Jean's terror. .

When one's bones are hard enough, the only option is compromise. Especially when there are more and more children in this city, Porter detects an incredible light. He has no children, and he doesn't plan to have children with any woman, because Living in such a world is too cruel for children. He once saw some children being taught by adults to use force to deal with anyone who disobeys them.


The door to the room was pushed open, and a flash of red particles flashed in. A sweaty man knelt on the ground and shouted breathlessly.

"Boss, it's Section 3. There should be thousands of people, gathering just north of our city!"

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