Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 477 Negotiation 2 (Part 2)

The wind roared by, and the gravel slapped against the metal, crackling, and occasionally a glimmer of light flashed in the cold air. When the glimmer flashed through the air, some other colors and shaking shadows could be seen. .

Listening carefully, you can vaguely hear a faint roar. 12 lifts surrounded more than 1,000 troops from 12 directions. The optical camouflage released from the top of the lifts can completely cover everything around it. , which is difficult to detect.

Neat military trucks were lined up in the wilderness. The 20 tanks headed by them were parked quietly with heavy attack weapons. The tanks only had a small muzzle half a meter long, just at the front of the tank's movable cabin. This kind of deformable tank will surround the city from all sides at the beginning of the battle, break through the city wall, and then carry out artillery fire. After the three rounds of artillery fire, the soldiers will begin to break into the city and clean up the city.

At this time, outside a lift, Xima quietly looked at the appearance of the city of rebellion on the light and shadow screen. The deep trench on the periphery would indeed cause some trouble, but it would not affect this battle, because under the artillery fire After the attack is over, the S-class mutant team will begin to break in to ensure that the west, north, and east city gates are clear and begin to suppress fire.

According to the intelligence, the enemy also has heavy firepower weapons, and the most troublesome thing is the presence of more than 4,000 mutants.

Xima stared at the map and squinted at the soldiers who were chatting quietly near the rows of trucks behind her. Some of them looked relaxed, while some looked a little solemn.

Several directors and section officers were discussing tactical issues. Some suggested using tank firepower directly to open a hole and use heavy firepower to suppress it in stages. However, some people disagreed and rushed in rashly, which would easily lead to being killed on the battlefield. Divide, this kind of street fighting in the city, once it is divided, a large number of mutants on the other side will kill the soldiers who enter one by one, and the casualties will be too high.

Xima is still silent. The initial tactical considerations were made three years ago, but it is different now. The city wall has been repaired and reinforced. Three years ago, the number of mutants in the Crimson Tide was less than 2,000, but now it has doubled. .

"How about sending additional troops, Lord Xima, if the battle really begins?"

"No need, follow the original plan, attack from three entrances from the west, east, and north, and carry out sharp-knife operations."

The reason why Xima did not send reinforcements was because Jean was present in the City of Rebellion at this time. As long as it was determined that the City of Rebellion posed a huge threat to the Brilliant City, Jean would begin to eliminate it mercilessly. No one could stop Jean.

At this time, briefings came back one after another, from the 10 inspectors who had infiltrated the city, and Xima continued to read them.

"Sure enough, these guys can't stay. They have already exceeded the bottom line of being human."

A board member looked at a photo of a shop with disgust, with corpses hanging inside.

At this time, several people from Section 3 were chatting and laughing not far away, and a young section member looked at the people next to him dissatisfied.

"What I said is the truth and cannot be generalized."

"Hey, hey, it's okay to say this kind of thing here, but don't say it in front of the superiors, brat, wait until you have experienced the riots, the routine monthly issuance of citizenship outside the barrier zone, and the maintenance of When the trading order in the market is rubbish, you won’t know until you are suddenly attacked by thugs.”

For a while, the young clerk lowered his head, still a little dissatisfied.

"Do you know where I got this scar?"

A squad leader said as he took off his hat. The right side of his forehead was sunken and there was a large scar.

"A few years ago, there was an extremely serious attack. Four points were attacked at that time. After I was caught by the thugs, I almost died. My head was hit like this by stones at that time. The male was okay. The most they can do is to be beaten to death. It is hell for female staff. I used to be like you, thinking that the guys in the barrier area are also human beings, but now I don’t think so. The environment they live in is already different from ours, and they have no respect for us. There is only hatred, and the logic no longer makes sense. If there is a war tonight, don't suddenly realize in your conscience that I have seen a lot of boys like you, and the ones who die the fastest and earliest are people like you."

The young clerk squatted helplessly at the tire for a moment, and took out a cigarette while trembling.

"A girl from my neighbor's house is still recuperating in the hospital in the 4th Department. The last riot happened because she couldn't bear to shoot. The result was very tragic, and she also had some mental problems. You brat, listen to us. That’s right.”

After deciding on the battle plan, Xima jumped to the top of the lift and stared quietly at the faintly visible light 10 kilometers away. In the early days of working as a secretary, she was shocked by such a thing, but after so many years Coming over, she gradually understood.

And her commander, Tian Hen, would always be in a bad mood at such times, so she did not notify Tian Hen tonight. On the one hand, she sympathized with the people in the barrier area, but on the other hand, she hated their bedbug-like nature.

Xima still remembers that the city used to be relatively tolerant towards criminals, but an incident that happened in her school when she was a child shocked Xima. Several students teamed up to kill a teacher. Because of their attitude towards them as minors, they were given a chance to change their ways. However, the teacher's wife protested in the streets day and night, but public opinion said that they were children and their future should not be stifled. They were just If you go astray, you only need to transform yourself so that you can contribute value to society in the future.

In the end, the teacher's wife committed suicide and left behind a child. Xima still remembers that the tone of the school at that time was completely influenced by public opinion.

After that, similar things happened frequently. Minors committed crimes. Finally, Gene stood up and abolished the protection law. From now on, as long as people with cognitive abilities, regardless of age, commit major crimes, they will either have to work on the farm. Release after serving their sentence, or direct deportation. For some vicious criminals, they were deported mercilessly.

"Tolerance of criminals is the greatest cruelty to victims."

Xima's mind couldn't help but think of what Tianhen had warned him.

Didi didi

Xima looked at the emergency contact box that popped up in surprise. The number actually showed 0001.

"Xue Wangda"

In the video, it was indeed Tian Hen with a reddish face. It seemed that he was in the bathroom, with King Xue standing behind him, and Xima hurriedly saluted.

"How's the situation?"

"Everything is normal, Section Chief Tianhen."

Tianhen nodded with red eyes.

"All actions are left to you. Remember what I once told you, once they are really hopeless, they will be uprooted."

Seema nodded.

The call was interrupted, and Xima stared quietly at the city of Death in the distance.

But at this time, in the distance, there was a large group of sneaky people, crawling on the ground, and one of them said to the person behind him in a cat's voice.

"Hurry back and tell the boss that something is wrong!"

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