Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 443: Different roads lead to the same destination (Part 2)

"Haha, seeing that there is no Xiaozai, you must be cruel to these guys, especially those who have hurt you."

The wise man laughed and looked at the dozens of people hanging in the air with scars in front of him, including old men, women and children.

The wise man pressed his hand on the shoulder of his grandson Ran Zai. The men around him stood up straight and waited quietly.

"You must die well"

The man in the middle of the torture frame said in a weak voice, and the wise man walked over slowly, staring at the other person with extremely angry eyes.

"Since you want to fight with me, you must be more ruthless. My useless son and daughter were killed by you a few days ago. Have you ever thought about this day? The massacre has already begun. Just exchange your son and daughter for it." It’s a great deal to have my absolute rule, and besides, I have grandchildren, Xiaozai, what do you think is the best way for me to kill them?”

The wise man turned his head evilly and looked at his grandson. There was no trace of anger or sadness in the eyes of the little grandson, who was less than 10 years old. He just said in a low voice.

"Use the method they fear most!"

The wise man's eyes widened in excitement.

"Haha, as expected, Xiaozai, you are the child who will inherit everything from me. Grandpa will build a huge criminal empire for you, and you can be crowned king after grandpa's death!"

There was a stinging pain in the trance, and the wise man woke up. Quasimodo was huddled in the corner next to him, and Billy was leaning on Quasimodo's thick legs. The two of them were sleeping soundly. The wise man looked at the ceiling with a look in his eyes. A touch of desolation.

The reason why he wants to come out alive is that his grandson is the only thing that the wise man cannot let go of. A long time ago, the wise man thought clearly in prison why he failed so badly. It is impossible for the people under his command to betray him at that time. And the only person who knows everything about him is the child.

Of course, the result may be the same, because in the face of absolute power, strategies will become meaningless.

Maybe that kid noticed something earlier than me and betrayed me! I also survived because of that kid's betrayal.

"Does it hurt? I'll call the doctor!"

Quasimodo noticed the wise man's tense face, and just as he was about to get up, the wise man stopped him.

"It's okay, Quasimodo. When it gets dark later, help me call Yang Xiao over and go directly to him. He should still be waiting on the second floor of the store."

Quasimodo hummed, and the wise man smiled kindly and nodded.

"Go to sleep!"

Lolita stood panting at the door of Frye Mental Hospital. She had rushed back as quickly as possible. Looking at the door, Lolita walked over and shouted directly.


At this time, the patient, who was wrapped in thick cotton clothes next to the door and looked like a dumpling, woke up with a start. After getting up, he walked over and took out the key to open the door. Lolita hurried in and quickly entered the dark passage. , stopped in the middle of the hospital building and pressed one hand on the ground.

With a sticky sizzling sound, Lolita's feet turned into mud, and her body began to sink.

The lights came on, and Lolita stood in a metal room with four walls and no doors or windows. There was a huge jar in the middle of the room. Frye was sleeping naked inside. A light and shadow screen appeared on the side of the jar. On it is the number 1 of this Frye clone, as well as various body data.

After Lolita walked over, she looked at the contact lock option on the screen. She looked at it with some worry. This was a dangerous item that could only be activated under extreme desperation.

The technology of human cloning cannot be perfected. The only clone that is unique like Lolita is herself. The other clones are either missing arms or legs, have abnormal brains, or are mentally unstable. The genes are changing in the cloning process. , some of the original genetic data will be lost, which is a type of biological instability. This clone is the most perfect version of Frye, and it inherits part of Frye's power, which is very difficult.

The biggest drawback of clones is their lifespan. Some clones only have a lifespan of just a few hours. To solve this problem, there are countermeasures, which include mixing in improved genes from other animals, insects, etc. But currently they do not have the genes of these animals and insects, because the city exterminated all insects and animals more than 80 years ago.

The clone in front of him was almost perfect, but there was a problem with it being too perfect. He wanted to replace it. In a certain accident, he almost killed the original Frye, and then deleted the clone's memory of that accident. , only some important memories of Fry have been retained. Now, in order to activate it, the memories of Fry in the past few days must be implanted into it to make this guy think that he is really Fry, and he must cooperate well. .

Lolita took out the black spherical matrix source and placed it in a circular groove under the light and shadow screen. Then she adjusted the values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen and began to implant memories. The tentacles in the liquid jar were thorns. After entering the back of Frye's head, the memory implantation was completed after a while, and Lolita set the wake-up time to 5 hours.

In this way, even if the clone Fry wakes up, he will not notice the subtle changes in his body.

Didi didi

Accompanied by a burst of sound, Frye's eyes suddenly widened in the jar. Yellow and orange particles kept flashing in his eyes. After a while, the liquid in the jar gradually decreased. After the jar was opened, Lolita She hugged Frye with both hands and looked at the angry and ferocious Frye. She was a little scared. After a while, Lolita took Frye from the basement to the dean's office on the fourth floor and began to warm up the room. Still asleep.

"I hope there won't be any trouble."

As she spoke, Lolita took off her clothes and lay naked next to Frye, and immediately felt a chill.

In the dark night, Jean and Tang Rao were already standing on the roof opposite the mental hospital. Looking at the gloomy and terrifying hospital in front of him, Tang Rao couldn't help but tremble.

"If there is a ghost, it should be here."

Jean looked at Tang Rao with a smile.

"I think you and the kid in our department got together unexpectedly."


Gene took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff and said.

“She’s also a lover of horror movies.”

"It's a bit unexpected, but is it really necessary? Little Fry should be sleeping now. Do you want to wake him up?"

Gene shook his head.

"Although we didn't find the alienated cells of the guy with Ghost Face at the scene, we did find the rampant alienated cells. After he used the seven kinds of divine power, the alienated cells in his body have begun to devour themselves. Even we ourselves need It took many geniuses to eliminate the autophagy of the body by alienated cells.”

Tang Rao nodded and took another look at the mental hospital in front of her. From time to time, strange screams of patients could be heard inside. She tugged on Jean's arm with some shudder.

"Little Frye used to have a serious anti-social personality, so he came to this place to avoid everything he found objectionable. No matter what, little Frye should not be our enemy. After all, he is Know the consequences of doing so.”

Gene smiled helplessly. At this time, the sky began to light up slightly, and the sun was about to rise soon.

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