Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 442 Different paths lead to the same destination (Part 1)


In the cold night, the dim yellow light was shining, and a bowl of steaming liquid food was placed in front of Frye.

"You are from the city, so things are not free."

A burly woman glared at Frye fiercely. There were black spots on many places on her face. This was a skin disease unique to people living in the barrier area. It occurs when the skin is exposed to toxic air for a long time. It has symptoms of cancer, but it is not fatal. Most people in the barrier area have this kind of skin cancer, but they can live unharmed. Fry also finds it incredible.

Frye nodded and used his left hand that could still move to pick up the deformed iron bowl on the ground. In just one minute, the heated liquid food was already ready to eat.

After drinking the liquid food mixed with a lot of water, the severe pain in the body was relieved. The woman in front of him stared at the right half of Frye's body. It was like a tree knot. It had hardened. There was thick water flowing in some places, and there was a smell in the room. There was a fishy smell.

"It looks like you don't have much time left. Do you have anything valuable with you? If you have anything, give it to me. After all, you are going to die. I even got you something to eat. I don't want to use force."

The woman said and squatted in front of Frye. Frye smiled and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. The woman took it with some surprise, took one out and put it in her mouth, and lit the cigarette with a thought. , she took a pleasant breath.

"I can't die just yet. I will contact people in the city and ask them to send some food and drink. Can you take me in for a few days?"

The woman looked at Frye and nodded after a while. Frye asked for a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"I don't think you look like a rich man. Do you really have food and water?"

Frye smiled. The dark and incomplete teeth made the smile look a little strange. The woman took a step back tremblingly.

"Of course, after all, no matter how miserable I am, I am still a dean!"

In the dark streets, Le Wen walked quickly, shuttling through the familiar alleys. The cold air made his hands and feet feel cold. He had to return home quickly. When he came to an alley, Le Wen stopped. After coming down, the streetlight at the entrance of the alley flickered, and the light shone on Le Wen's hesitant and frowning face.

After taking out a cigarette from his pocket, Lewen took out a lighter, lit it and sat down against the cold wall.

After Shen died for a while, Le Wen took out his phone and opened a light and shadow screen. Le Wen entered a large number on the screen, and then entered 0013 at the end.

The screen in front of him was flashing with orange light. After two beeps, the call was connected. Gene stood on the top of a building.

"Mr. Jean, I didn't expect you to be awake yet."

Gene smiled and took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"Is it about Ran Zai?"

Lewen's eyes widened, and then he nodded with a bitter smile. What he didn't expect was that Gene already knew.

"What should I say? He might want to do something. I was surprised before. You didn't find it strange when I found you. It's because you already knew about Mr. Jean, and I really can't hide anything from you."

Gene sat down with a smile. At this time, Levin noticed a woman standing behind Gene, and he stared at it with some confusion.

"Your daughter will be home in a few days."

As Jean spoke, Levin's eyes widened and he lowered his head, feeling a little distressed.

"You are still wondering whether you should believe me or not, and what purpose I have for your daughter."

Lewen nodded.

"The child's brain has not been very good since she was a child. These things are too much for her."

"It has nothing to do with any of this. You just need to believe everything you see. One day the future will need to be handed over."

Le Wen looked at Jean even more incredulously, and Jean showed a smile.

"That child has the qualities of the sun. You are her father, so you should know better than me. Well, I have more important things to do. Let's observe Ran Zai's question first."

Gene said and hung up the phone.

"It's really troublesome. Why did you want to keep that kid alive?"

Jean sighed, the wind blew across his face, and the smoke he just exhaled was instantly blown away. Tang Rao pressed her forehead, put on Jean's coat, and crossed her arms. She didn't know what Jean was thinking. , the wise man's plan to hijack the sun was revealed to Xingke by his 12-year-old grandson Ran Zai, so the wise man's plan was stillborn when it reached the initial stage.

Gene smiled, remembering that the little child found him and said to him.

"My grandfather wanted to destroy the city."

Jean was shocked at the time. After understanding the Wise Man's plan in detail, and finally with the authorization of Congress and the six gods, Jean carried out a purge, wiping out this huge criminal organization entrenched at the bottom under the leadership of the Wise Man. It was this action that established the status of the Xingke in the city, and the Xingke also began to adopt high-pressure methods to govern the city. The city has been able to develop rapidly over the years.

"An agreement is an agreement. He kept the agreement and told me the wise man's plan completely, and I have to abide by the agreement and spare his grandfather's life."

"That kid's brain has been very good since he was very young. It is a factor of instability. He has perfectly inherited his grandfather's criminal talent. Although he grew up in a normal family, everything he witnessed in his childhood will definitely have a negative impact on him. A certain impact.”

Gene nodded, took out a cigarette and handed it to Tang Rao who came over.

"The betrayal at the end of the last season was the work of that boy. The C139 family later revealed some things, and Mo Xiaolan has already found out. The reason why there is such complete evidence of the crime is that the boy has recorded it for a long time."

Tang Rao sat down next to Jean and looked at the dark city in the distance, the wind blowing her hair away.

"The person who took in the researcher who escaped after the last biochemical robot accident was also that boy. I think that boy is very dangerous. It is better to deal with it as soon as possible. Although that boy has not done anything illegal or criminal in so many years, even I also submitted a lot of secret reporting materials to the administrative department many times, but I always felt that that guy was planning something."

Gene exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a helpless smile.

"I once asked him what he wanted to do in the future when he entered society! He said that he wanted to be a hero of justice in the future!"

Tang Rao chuckled and blinked.

"Let's go to Frye Mental Hospital, if that boy Frye doesn't come out tomorrow morning."

"It's just black."

Gene stood up and stared at the dark sky in the north with cold eyes. After the two threw away their cigarette butts, they jumped directly to the top of the building opposite.

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