Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 405 Fierce Confrontation (Part 2)

Le Xiao was a little sleepy. It was Alli's fault last night that brought her to that strange place. After she went back, she couldn't sleep well and even had nightmares. She dreamed that someone stabbed her hand into her chest. And it was a very painful feeling. After Le Xiao woke up, she realized that it was Gu Ningning who was back, putting her knees on her chest and hugging her to sleep.

Le Xiao felt helpless when she thought about Wu Lei being beaten back by her father just now. Wu Lei might be feeling a little uncomfortable now. As soon as Le Xiao turned around, she saw Wu Lei and several female directors around him. Guan laughed and said, not appearing to be shocked at all.

Lexiao snorted and turned around. Larry looked at her sideways and said.

"If you really can't hold it anymore, just lie down. It's okay to take a nap. Now everyone's eyes are focused on those two people, the ace of our business department, Section Chief Mo Xiaolan, and one of the aces of the congressmen opposite. , Councilor Wu Qun."

Le Xiao also woke up for a while. She had met Mo Xiaolan at Ji Qing's house before. Her first impression was that she was a very arrogant little girl. There was nothing special about her other things. She just became a secretary in just a few years. After the queen, Le Xiao realized that the status of Section 2 among the 13 acting subjects was immeasurable.

Many things in Section 2 need to be reported to Section 2. People from Section 2 will give professional data assessments. I also decided to go to Section 2. On the one hand, I wanted to discuss the construction of the cinema with Lilian. On the one hand, the proposal was to allow analysts from Section 2 to help look at several other proposals, especially the fruit proposal. When Le Xiao thought of setting prices and establishing supply channels herself, she started to think twice. .

"It's a very interesting question, high quality and low price. Councilor Wu Qun, in the example you just gave, the essential problem is that education is not cheap. Cheap means the quality of education has declined. On the contrary, what you call high quality and low price exists in it. In terms of scalability, I think we still need to discuss this issue of scalability. Since you like to give examples, I will give them as well."

As he said this, Mo Xiaolan pulled out a light and shadow panel and searched for things in the database very quickly.

Wu Qun stared at Mo Xiaolan quietly, not daring to be careless at all. He was defeated by this woman several times, because this woman understood people better, and she never played tricks on all types of people, especially those who committed crimes. He doesn't follow common sense, but likes to follow the so-called crooked ways. Although Wu Qun has enough knowledge and thinking and reaction ability to deal with it, he is at a disadvantage in the fight.

Because the woman in front of me, apart from sleeping, spends her days studying how to torture people, how to make people tell the truth, and what problems will be caused by placing a screw on the street. Ordinary people will not pay attention to this kind of thing. The problem is that this is the reason why the 2 Sections, a group of guys who are different from ordinary people, have been able to use a variety of methods to resolve the crisis many times when the city was in crisis.

After a while, Mo Xiaolan stopped, finished several partitions, and enlarged the light and shadow screen. On it were some schools from centuries ago.

"The chart above shows schools from centuries ago. In the past, there were five levels of education: preschool education, elementary school, middle school, high school, and university."

Mo Xiaolan coughed as he spoke, staring at Le Xiao lying on the table with the corner of his eye, and his eyes immediately became a little more joyful.

"A few centuries ago, as long as a person completed primary school, middle school and high school, a total of 12 years of education, he could have a certain understanding of the world and master most of the basic knowledge in today's human society. University, as a self-funded education A model, what is the meaning of its existence?”

Wu Qun watched without saying a word. He didn't intend to speak, but planned to listen carefully to what Mo Xiaolan said, and then find something beneficial to him from the details she said.

“This kind of education was originally created to cultivate high-tech talents. As a result, with the development of human society, education at this stage has been marketized. The result is that people, regardless of ability or lack thereof, are all the same. They go to school, but after leaving school, most students find that what they have learned for so many years has little to do with the work they do or the career they will rely on for survival in the future."

Mo Xiaolan continued to pull out a digital chart.

"It takes at least 10 years to train a qualified doctor, lawyer or technician, etc., and many people cannot wait that long, so most people choose many fancy subjects, those with various gimmicks It was used as an introduction to attract most students who just wanted to live a relaxed life, because many people at the time believed that entering college would liberate them from heavy studies, leave them unsupervised and free. In fact, this was the biggest misunderstanding. This stage of education is an important stage when you enter society and will even affect your future life. Partying, playing games, skipping classes, and enjoying the so-called last youth. This is why there are so many losers in the world, and teachers also Taking a lenient attitude towards treating students in a class who may not even remember their names is the consequences of inferior education. Now that they have entered the school, as teachers, they should be responsible for these students."

Le Xiao, who was immediately in the audience, completely agreed with what Mo Xiaolan said. She was a victim of this kind of inferior education. The university she attended before claimed that the monthly salary for graduating from their school was at least 3,000, and the tuition was the same as many universities. Less than half of the total, the recruitment of students is very intensive.

As a result, after entering the school, most of what Lexiao learned was the template files on the light and shadow screen and some operations in the school. As for the practical courses outside the school, there were almost no few, and there were more than 80 students in one class, and even The head teacher does not know the names of many students.

After graduation, Le Xiao realized that she was completely confused about what she had learned. If you go to a regular university as a journalism major, you need to study psychology, market research, text arrangement and connection, and actual shooting of photos and videos. This is very strict. You need to shoot different things from different angles, and you must at least reach a professional level of photography. This is the reason why Lexiao has been bumpy all the way after entering the society. She has never learned these things before entering a media company. I live a life of tears and rice every day.

"As everyone knows, our city now adopts an elitist education. Some highly professional subjects in most universities usually involve one-on-one guidance between teachers and students, such as aerodynamics. Basically Most of the time, some scientific researchers who have been working for a long time apply to the school when they are about to retire, select up to 10 students, teach them together, and lead them to apply the subject of aerodynamics in practice, which requires at least In 10 years, or even longer, most of the universities in our city now have teachers who can handle at most about 20 students. This is also the maximum limit that a teacher can take into account, and he can provide professional training to 20 students. Systematic guidance and the ability to arrange academic progress according to different students, so among these 20 students, no matter how bad they are, 20 of them can still make a living relying on what they learned in college. Poor education It is always just quantity, and in the end one or two of them will be labeled as excellent talents who came out of these schools with inferior education. But this is not a qualitative change, because education is not material, and the accumulation of quantity cannot cause qualitative change. Numbers are not Accumulation will not turn into quantity, and will naturally not lead to qualitative change. Instead, it will lower the educational threshold of the current third and fourth stages, leading to the deterioration of education. Those who hold hope to enter the third stage may not be able to survive when they go out into society. I was often scolded and then fired.”

As Mo Xiaolan said this, she glanced sideways at Le Xiao, who had a look of approval, and she couldn't help but smile and sigh.

bang bang bang

Wu Qun clapped his hands passionately and nodded continuously.

"Finally, I would like to add that people's bad nature is very serious. There are always only a few people who can discipline themselves. Teachers, as the helmsmen of these students entering society and their lives in the next decades or hundreds of years, if they treat students loosely, they will be in trouble. It hurts them, so these teachers can enjoy the high wages of the third and fourth stages, because they are elites, and naturally they will not allow their students to be embarrassed when they go out to society."

Le Xiao was so excited that she wanted to stand up for a moment, because she was indeed a victim of inferior education. When she entered the media industry, she realized that the things the teachers preached in the previous courses were all nonsense, using many classic cases. To explain, but after entering the society, Le Xiao deeply understood the truth that it is impossible to copy the success of others.

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