Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 404 Fierce Confrontation (Part 2)

"Wait a minute, Section Chief Mo Xiaolan."

Wu Lei stopped Mo Xiaolan with a serious look on his face. Lillian had already stood up and planned to push Mo Xiaolan out. Noila Mo sighed and asked Lillian to sit down first.

"Member Wu Qun, your so-called responsibility is only for the people at the bottom to bear it. Looking back on the past, such as the last medical reform, what was the result? The situation at the bottom is particularly chaotic now. Every hospital is overcrowded, but the rich You can still go to private hospitals for medical treatment and enjoy everything that you once had.”

"It is true that the last reform caused many private medical clinics to close down, and some doctors even changed careers. Because they could not apply for the right to use medical equipment, they could only work in four departments or find another way to make a living. But all this These are all choices made by the laws of the market. In the past, in order to make more money, most doctors used most of the equipment not produced by regular manufacturers. And because of the congestion in hospitals, many patients who went to these private medical clinics even needed to pay extra. Only by paying consultation fees can you see a doctor in these private clinics. But now, some doctors have returned to the 4th Department, allowing the hospital to at least meet the needs of patients in the city. Drug prices and medical prices are stable. Without drugs, Drug dealers are driving up the prices of some drugs. After all, in the past, some drug dealers designated certain drugs for sale by private medical clinics. Small-scale monopolies are everywhere. If such a mess is not sorted out, it will be our dereliction of duty as members of parliament. , Secretary Wu Lei, this issue has been settled a long time ago. It is true that there are too many problems now, with the emergence of some black doctors, most of the doctors who have changed careers are still working part-time in their old profession secretly to make extra money, but this is not what we The issues raised by the proposed motion are issues that the 4th Compulsory Section needs to solve.”

Wu Qun raised his voice as he spoke and looked at Gu Ningning on the seat. She swallowed and smiled awkwardly.

Gu Ningning knew very well that this was an issue that needed to be dealt with at the beginning of the motion. Mo Xiaolan had already greeted them, but now all the 4 subjects were exhausted.

Because Huashen has always been dominated by the medical industry. Among the 120 regions, their 4th department has the largest number of lifts and has more than 200 lifts. In many cases, departments 3 and 5 have been omitted. Nowadays, there are only more than 10,000 staff in the four departments. More than 80% of them are doctors and nurses, and less than 20% of them are pharmacologists and other medical experts. Gu Ningning is among them. one person.

In other words, at least one doctor in the medical department has to be responsible for 3,000 people. This pressure is huge for the four departments. Although the salary is higher than that of all medical departments, most doctors can already earn 50,000 a month, but Basically, except for 8 to 10 hours of free time a day, all of them are seeing doctors and doing surgeries. The section chief had always suggested that Gu Ningning learn surgery, but every time Gu Ningning declined because she would suffer from bleeding, because she really She is so tired that she is about to collapse. Most of the things in Department 4 are handled by her and dozens of directors. If she continues to learn surgery, she will really go crazy.

Wu Lei swallowed, and his head became a little confused. The countermeasures he had thought of before were directly destroyed by his father.

"Moreover, Secretary Wu Lei, you think high quality and low price will definitely lead to quality education, right?"

Wu Lei's eyes widened. This was what he wanted to say, but his father said it himself.

"It is true that cheap education will allow more people to enjoy the third and fourth stages of education, which will lower the threshold for original education. In order to fill the teaching staff, we can only recruit some teachers with lower qualifications to cope with the bill. The education craze triggered by the epidemic, but what is the purpose of education? Isn’t it to provide more talents to the city? Nowadays, the talents in the city have begun to have gaps. Why? The competitive citizen hierarchy, the law of survival of the fittest, this is It is understandable that this is the extension of our proposal. Only by increasing the number of competitors can we gradually level the supply and demand of talents, eliminate the inferior ones, and select the outstanding ones. The advantages of such a proposal will definitely outweigh the disadvantages, so I implore the six gods to Sir, please think about it carefully. In the past, there may have been only 10 people who came out of the third and fourth stages, but now if the number increases to 1,000, what about 10,000? In the past, only 50% of the 10 people could meet the standard, but now 10,000 People, at least 100 or even 200 people can meet the standard.”

Wu Lei had already pressed a finger on the button of the elevator. He bowed to Wu Qun solemnly and smiled helplessly.

I grew up hearing such inspiring words from my father. Although the facts later differed from what my father said, the city has developed step by step over the years.

Locke stared at Wu Qun sideways, interacted with Michelle next to him, and then stood up.

"Okay, let's move on to the second round of hearings."

The table slowly came down, and Wu Lei bowed to the department heads behind him. At this moment, Mo Xiaolan giggled and was pushed over by Lilian.

"Who gave you the ecstasy soup? Why would you directly bring up the core essence of the issue to debate? The core thing is like a killer move. The further it is hidden, the more likely it is to become a killer move."

For a moment, Wu Lei seemed to realize something and looked at Le Xiao who looked at her with concern, as if he wanted to talk to him.

"Who knows!"

Mo Xiaolan let Wu Lei know where he lost with just one sentence. He raised the most essential core of this bill and the most far-reaching issue, the quality of education. As a result, his father completely stopped the discussion. In the end, There is nothing I can do to save myself.

When passing by Le Xiao, Le Xiao raised her thumb.

"I think what you said is very good, and I agree with it. In our primary school, you know, there were almost 60 students in a class, and the teacher couldn't take care of them at all."

Wu Lei smiled as he passed Le Xiao.

"It's okay. This motion is over. My father has exposed too many things."

Sorry, dad, you let Mo Xiaolan see too many things.

The table slowly rose, and Mo Xiaolan's lowered head slowly rose, with excited eyes and a sinister smile on his face.

"We are old rivals, Councilor Wu Qun. Is the first battle an appetizer?"

Wu Qun pressed out a light and shadow cup, and then adjusted a water outlet. After pouring a glass of water and drinking it, he got some cold water and slapped it on his face.

"Of course, Section Chief Mo Xiaolan, I hope you can show mercy this time!"

"To each other, Councilor Wu Qun, stop talking nonsense and let's get started!"

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