There was a buzzing sound. On the street directly opposite District 108 Hospital, the six shops in the middle section had been vacated. At this time, Yang Xiao was shouting.

"You guys work faster. It will be done as per the requirements within five days at most."

A man wearing a safety helmet was directing a mutant carrying a large iron block to install equipment. More than a dozen workers were still waiting. Bags of stone powder had been placed aside. They began to take out a bag of stone powder. Light and shadow tool kits arrived, ready to start work.

The wise man stood quietly at the door of the store, worried in his heart. It was just after 10 o'clock in the morning, and a meeting was going on in the Congress Hall at this time. He was a little worried about the situation on Le Xiao's side, if the bill could not be written as she had written before. If this is implemented like this, the store in front of you will be rented in vain.

Many people on the street were watching, and the wise man squinted at Billy, who was holding Quasimodo's wrist behind him.

"Relax and stand up straight. There are so many people watching on the street!"

Billie stuck out her tongue. Her strange behavior made the people around her a little surprised. Quasimodo glanced around. When he came down, Alpha told him to pay attention to suspicious people around him.

At this moment, the middleman Yang Xiao walked up to the wise man.

"Look at the six shops. The walls have been demolished, but the ones above are not demolished. There are independent stairs at the back, haha."

The wise man nodded and looked at the six three-story shops in front of him, feeling relatively satisfied.

With a loud bang, the mutant carrying the heavy iron placed the iron on the street four meters away from the shop. Many workers began to ask the onlookers to disperse.

Then the contractor walked over and pressed the switch of the multi-functional heavy-duty engineering machine in front of him. Instantly, the surface of the iron block began to emit flowing light, and gradually a nearly 2-meter-high cylindrical shape with four circles appeared. There is an operating room on the upper half of the column with various buttons. A worker climbed into it.

"Attention, first dismantle the wall, and then start installing the pillars."

The foreman was watching, and a drum-shaped pipe with a diameter of about 50 centimeters appeared on the right side of the machine. There was something like a funnel on it. Each worker walked over carrying stone sandbags, and a light and shadow panel appeared on it. A 3-meter-high pillar was used as a load-bearing support after the wall was dismantled, as well as the bearing capacity of the stone pillar and the required density. The workers began to pour stone powder into the funnel.

Accompanied by a buzzing sound, a gray stone pillar protruded from the open mouth of the pipe. The workers hurriedly poured in the stone pillar powder, and the people on the street began to retreat. The wise men and Quasimodo and Billy looked a little surprised. In less than 5 minutes, a 3-meter-high and 50-centimeter-wide pillar emerged from the machine. The mutant walked over and struggled to hold the pillar with both hands. , moved the pillar aside.

A total of 10 walls need to be demolished, and 10 pillars are needed to support the house. At this time, a ray of light extends from the front end of the machine, and a hose-like mechanical arm appears, extending into the house. The operator begins to set the settings Various cutting parameters came up, and five or six workers hurried over. There were people standing on the left and right, holding on to the wall.

Accompanied by a sharp and ear-piercing roar, the white light ejected from the mechanical tubular arm formed a light particle cutting knife, neatly cutting through the two walls of the store, and then began to cut out another can in the middle of the two stores. The position to accommodate the pillar was coming, and the second pillar was about to be made. The mutant walked over, carried the pillar, walked over, pulled out the two parts of the stone wall that had been cut, and then placed the pillar directly. .

The two workers went over with their own light and shadow tool kits and a bucket of stone adhesive and began to strengthen the bottom of the pillar. The mutant waited until the second pillar was ready, then moved the pillar to the bottom of the shop and started The pillars were placed as usual.

Then, while the workers were reinforcing the gap between the top and bottom of the pillar, the workers operating the machine cut the two walls directly into stone fragments. They also set up a machine on the left that was the same as the one on the right. The workers cut the stone into pieces. The stones were transported over and put into the funnel. The stones were crushed directly, and they used stone bags to catch the stone powder.

"It's really beyond our imagination."

The wise man murmured and pressed the brim of his hat. In just half an hour, two walls were demolished and two pillars were installed. Although the adhesive needed a certain amount of time and the drainage path between the two shops needed It was flattened and directly became the floor of the store, and the two gaps above also needed to be filled. It could be completed in 10 days at such a fast speed.

"How about it, old man, please be satisfied. I have hired a skilled person to do it, so you can just go and do other things with peace of mind. Just leave this to me."

Yang smiled and said, the wise man nodded and walked away with Quasimodo and Billy, intending to continue to take a closer look at the situation nearby.

The wise man looked at everything on the street. Although the houses here looked old, they had actually been renovated and rebuilt. Recalling the time when houses were built in the past, the wise man couldn't help but think of his parents, who were plasterers who built houses at that time. It takes at least one or two months to build a house. Unlike now, a house can be completed in a few days.

And because of the density changer, today's walls no longer need to embed metal in the wall to achieve both.

"That man over there is looking at us, wise lord."

Suddenly Billy muttered, and the wise man looked sharply towards an alley on the left. A hooded man quickly turned around and walked out of the alley quickly. At this time, Quasimodo had already jumped up. , jumped to the roof in an instant, and when the man in the hoodie was about to turn out of the alley, Quasimodo had already fallen from the sky like a dome and landed in front of him.

"What do you want from us? Little girl."

The wise man took off his hat and walked over slowly. At this time, the woman in front of him pulled down his hood and looked at the burly giant sweat wearing a linen hood with only his eyes and mouth exposed in horror.

"No, adults, I."

"Little girl, it's best to explain clearly if you have anything to do. I felt you were following us yesterday and the day before yesterday. If you don't tell me, I can only hand you over to Section 5 first."

The wise man walked over slowly as he spoke. The girl in front of him had freckles on her face, a pretty decent appearance, short hair, and looked at the wise man with fear in her eyes.

"Old man, I was just curious, so I took a look."

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