Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 336 Gold Diggers (Part 2)

Le Xiao quietly looked at the documents on the light and shadow screen. The vacant housing areas in Districts 113 and 114 need to be re-planned and built into a blue-level district. Citizens from the nearby lower classes can move in as long as they meet the qualifications. According to all applications, The past consumption records of citizens with good records are used to price houses.

These two areas have been red alert zones for more than 10 consecutive years. The main source of the last riots was these two areas. Fights and homicides often occurred in the area, and even people from the administrative department were in the two areas. Often clashes with local people.

Compared with the slums, the economic situation of these two areas is slightly better, but the economy relies on a lot of illegal activities. There are many small groups in the area, mostly young people. The last riots caused two areas 210,000 people participated in the region, accounting for more than 75% of the total number of riots.

Most citizens who thought that the law would not be punished did not expect that the executive branch would be so decisive and resolute, and directly expelled nearly 290,000 people without giving them any chance. This is because the long-term instability has long been buried. The root of the problem, and the rioters were inspired by it. Local forces were more or less stabilizing in other districts at the bottom, so most people were still clear-headed and did not participate in the riots.

Le Xiao is now worried about District 108, where her home is located, which is very similar to District 113 and 114. Although some forces secretly manage it, because it is a slum area, many larger forces are unwilling to get involved because there is no profit. , the administrative department can only maintain minimum security there.

What Le Xiao fears most is that one day District 108 is designated as a black area. Section 3 will immediately block the area and strictly investigate and expel all bad citizens. Once this step is reached, District 108 will be hopeless.

Le Xiao knew the importance of this bill being implemented in District 108. The information Gu Ningning showed her just now about the situation in Districts 113 and 114 made Le Xiao think of a way to rent mechanical balls to District 108. Some people in Area 113 and Area 114 can use the mechanical balls to make money during construction projects, and most of the mutants in Area 108 should go there to work, so that they can directly improve the work efficiency and work between the two. Horizontal comparison of capabilities can also use mechanical balls to generate economic value.

"What does that guy want to do?"

What Le Xiao thought about most at this time was why Lin Min wanted to block his bill so hard and wanted to tamper with it. Le Xiao was thinking about businessmen. Behind them, there might be businessmen from a certain company who want to intervene in the mechanical ball. business, expanding the influence of the mechanical ball, thus directly leading to the balance of this bill being directed to the mechanical ball. That night, Le Xiao still remembered that although those congressmen were talking about the disadvantages of this kind of mechanical ball, it would affect the people in the region. Employment rate and other issues, but in fact they are in the same group as the businessmen, and their benefits are naturally indispensable for the businessmen to achieve profitability.

Le Xiao's eyes widened. She didn't want the merchants to intervene because she didn't want to destroy fairness. Once the merchants intervened, the mutant people might lose their original lives. Most mutants who entered the 3rd or 5th department would not be like Formal department members also receive preferential treatment, because many of them have low academic qualifications. It will be extremely difficult to pass such a difficult examination in the administrative department. If you cannot pass the examination, you will not be able to receive high wages. For some low-level mutants, there may be some opportunities in the short term. There are benefits, but if it is long-term, they may not even be able to feed their families.

On the one hand, it can suppress mutants and increase the employment rate of ordinary people. On the other hand, it can control mutants and work under the supervision of the administrative department. Mutants are a minority, while ordinary people are the majority.

Le Xiao stood up, everything had been figured out, and Le Xiao also had her own purpose. She didn't want to favor anyone, but planned to pass this motion and find a way to make District 108 better.

But Le Xiao knew that he actually favored mutants, so the purpose of this bill after three months was to improve the economy of District 108, so that mutants could eventually defeat the mechanical ball.

When Le Xiao went to Section 10 the day before yesterday, what she saw really made her feel scared when she thought about it carefully. It was not just artificial intelligence, but everything in the huge battleship Noah was mechanized. It replaces a lot of human work, so such a breakthrough cannot be opened. Once a breakthrough in machinery is opened, Le Xiao does not dare to think about what will happen next.

With her head feeling slightly hot, Le Xiao seemed to have figured out why she was chosen as the implementer of this bill. She was like a breakthrough. At this time, Le Xiao was thinking more about the time when Jean took her back to the bottom. , at that time, she thought that Jean might have wanted to see the situation of her home with her own eyes and then make some changes. However, as so many days passed, Le Xiao discovered that Jean's purpose of doing this did not seem simple.

"Asshole Gene."

Le Xiao couldn't help but cursed, and she stood up. What was the reason why Jean took her to Section 10 two days before the meeting started? At this moment, Le Xiao was completely awake.

Humans can control machines, but they are currently unable to withstand the consequences of machines. When Guoguo argued with him that day, Le Xiao still clearly remembered that he had said many times about the dangers that artificial intelligence would bring, as well as the huge battleships. Noah's ultimate goal is to take mankind away from this planet.

Once machines appear, the people at the bottom will be the first to suffer, and the people at the bottom will be the most affected. The dark and lightless barrier area in the mind, and the illumination of the artificial sun on the brilliant city.

With a buzz, Le Xiao stood up and covered her dizzy head. Why did Michelle come out before? She slapped her arms and repeated the last chance twice.

"This is what I expect, and it is also what you expect, Gene. Giving up is never the right thing to do."

Le Xiao lowered her head quietly. She began to understand Jean's thoughts. On that day in District 29, Jean made it clear that he needed his secretary to help him do what he couldn't do. Le Xiao has always said Somewhat confused.

The place where the sun rises is also the place where the sun sets. Any small decision from the upper level will affect everything in the entire city. Le Xiao can feel what is carried on her shoulders. In her 26 years of life, There has never been such a heavy moment.

"I must not lose. I must bring the sun's rays down from above."

Le Xiao slowly raised her head and looked at the dazzling sun at the top of Central Park. Not all of the sunlight shining down fell on the plants. Many plants on the periphery of Central Park were a little yellow and would eventually be destroyed. Eradicate them and plant new ones, only to have them turn yellow because they don't get enough sunlight, and the cycle starts over again.

Just like Areas 113 and 114, as well as areas that were previously designated as black areas, people were expelled time and time again, but within just a few years after they were established, they began to change from blue areas to red areas.

The scenes of his inauguration ceremony were still recalled in his mind. Le Xiao clearly remembered the light of the artificial sun that was about to fade that day, and everything Jean said. Le Xiao found that she had known Jean for nearly a month, and to this day She had never understood Jean until now.

The position of secretary is the most free position in the business department, and it is also the position that can change the city. What Jean wants her to do is very simple, bring down the light from the top, because Jean said that no matter what she wants to do, she can do it. , from the time he brought Lexiao home until now, Jean has never said what the nature of Section 13 is, nor has he given her any substantive orders.

Thinking about the situation of other departments, they all have the tasks that their own department should undertake. What exactly is the 13th department and what should it undertake? At this moment, Le Xiao began to think about it, because she had already served as a breakthrough point for machines to intervene in the city. Forced into a desperate situation.

"Hey, kindergarten kid, why are you here alone? Oh, I'm really crying."

For a moment, Le Xiao looked around nervously, and a cyan light and shadow figure slowly walked towards him.

Le Xiao became nervous and looked around.

"Are you Lord Cyan God?"

The cyan figure chuckled.

"You don't seem stupid. You just said you wanted to bring down the light from above. It was indeed a good joke."

Le Xiao looked at Qing Ershen with some discomfort. She always felt as if she had seen him somewhere before, his tone and attitude towards him.

"It's not a joke, Lord Cyan God, I"

"Don't talk too much. There used to be a young man who had the same idea as you, but that young man was unable to do anything in the end. That man's name is Ji Mo."

In an instant, Le Xiao's eyes widened and she stared at the cyan god in disbelief.

"To solve the essential problem, you must not be bound by the essence. It seems that you have a little bit of qualifications. I really want to see whether Jean has found gold or a piece of rubble this time!"

The cyan god slowly raised a hand, and a seven-sided gemstone ring appeared. Then the blue light on the ring formed a light and shadow screen, and there was a touch of excitement in her eyes.


Le Xiao's eyes widened and she looked at Jean, who was already standing on the tall building, staring at Le Xiao with a solemn expression.

Lexiao hurriedly wiped the tears still stained on her cheeks.

"Sorry Gene, I'm really sorry."

Le Xiao bowed down seriously.

"What's wrong? I'm crying again, haha."

Le Xiao blushed, looked at Jean seriously, and said every word.

"Let me bring down the light from above."

Gene raised his head with a smile, and the sun filled his cheeks. He turned around and walked slowly, then turned his head, a gentle smile hanging on his face.

"up to you!"

I can only update 3 times today. I drank a little too much yesterday and am in very bad shape today. I’m sorry everyone. I’ll update it at the beginning of next month! Because I still have old books to write, and I really can’t write them down.

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