Chapter 2830 Sudden

9 pm.

Li Wei watched the mechas getting off the spacecraft one after another, preparing to start maintenance and recharging, while the kangaroos were eating.

"Isn't it better yet?"

Li Wei waited angrily. She just wanted to talk to Green. There may be problems in this battle. If they are not solved now, it will be too late when problems arise.

Li Wei felt an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart, because it was too unbelievable. This kind of uneasiness would appear inexplicably every time she encountered a life or death crisis. Li Wei didn't know why she felt like this.

But Li Wei's feeling is very accurate. In the past, she relied on this feeling to escape death countless times. In Yuuko's world, Li Wei also relied on this kind of perception to complete many successful battles.

Li Wei also thought about why she felt like this. Perhaps it was a perception she had developed on the front line of life and death over the years, because she discovered an abnormal crisis point on the front line of life and death.

Li Wei's face was solemn, and a bunch of officers had no idea what Li Wei wanted to do.

The current situation is a bit difficult to understand for most officers. Li Wei suddenly asked the troops to start moving, and it was a large-scale sporadic transfer, which made many officers feel puzzled.

"What exactly is there?"

Li Wei muttered, her mind was filled with some information about Brilliant City, and sweat continued to flow from Li Wei's forehead. She had to think of this, otherwise, this war would become extremely difficult.

Li Wei began to become anxious. She kept smoking and extinguishing cigarette butts. The restlessness made Li Wei unbearable. She picked up the wine and took a big sip.

However, the kangaroos still didn't come over. At this time, an adjutant came into the room and said.

"General, Chief Gryen does not want to continue talking to you about the march."

Li Wei suddenly became angry, she stood up and said.

"Let it come over, otherwise, if they dare to advance, I will destroy them."

Li Wei's words shocked the officers present, but more officers felt very relieved. After all, these kangaroos were very annoying.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, Green came over with some kangaroos, and the atmosphere in the temporary command room suddenly became a little stiff.

"General Li Wei, what do you mean?"

Green's voice was majestic and angry. Li Wei put out the cigarette butt, suddenly stood up and slapped the table.

"Please don't drag us into the water. Who do you rely on to get here smoothly? At present, we have very little information about Brilliant City. How confident do you have that you can win the first battle in the attack?"

The kangaroos behind Green were all agitated, and Li Wei was not going to give these animals any face.

"You idiots, war is not as simple as you think. You really think that you can achieve victory by rushing over. If you act without authorization, you will most likely drag us into the mud, and we will also suffer because of your actions. Lose and become extremely passive.”

As soon as Li Wei finished speaking, the kangaroos became even more tense. Suddenly a kangaroo raised his arm. For a moment, the officers in the room took out their weapons, and Li Wei stepped forward directly.

"If you are here just to cause trouble to this war, then I might as well eliminate you now."

Li Wei spoke forcefully, and Green bared his teeth. For a moment, the atmosphere in the whole room began to feel tense. If they were not careful, both sides would open fire, and many officers unconsciously moved back.

If a battle breaks out in the combat command room now, it will be extremely detrimental to them humans.

"Everyone put down their weapons."

Green spoke, but the kangaroos behind him were still unwilling to put down their weapons, Green said angrily.

"Put down your weapons. Anyone who disobeys orders will be executed immediately."

At this time, the kangaroos reluctantly put down their weapons, Li Wei raised her hands, and the officers also put away their weapons.

"I don't want to take the command into my hands, but I just want you to have a clear head."

Li Wei said and brought up a crystal screen, then pointed at the screen and said.

"The current situation in the barrier area is unknown. Although Asgard has scanned the topography of the barrier area, the environment in the barrier area is harsh, and there are a large amount of metal particles and waste. And because of the ecosystem of Brilliant City, , there will be large-scale sandstorms.”

After Li Wei finished speaking, Green calmed down and stared at the place pointed by Li Wei seriously.

"These places are very windy and sandy. It doesn't even take a few years, it only takes more than ten or twenty days. The terrain is very likely to change, and you can only rely on azimuth navigation to advance. However, because there are too many metal particles in the barrier area, it will It will cause electrical signal conduction. Have you done any rigorous processing so that you can still maintain good communication in the barrier area with a large number of harmful metal particles?"

After Li Wei finished speaking, many commanders nodded, and then Green asked.

"Asgard has not given clear information. It will only affect long-range communications, but short-range communications will not be greatly affected."

Li Wei laughed out loud.

"When they investigated, there were only scattered people, and most of the metal particles fell to the ground because of their heavy mass. If tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops passed by, these metal particles would be raised in large quantities, and they might even It affects the status of your mecha."

Green was stunned. For a moment, the commanders all felt impressed because Li Wei had thought of such a detailed question.

"With just one tiny mistake, our first battle may be completely lost, without even a little room for maneuver. Because of your recklessness, we may be dragged into the water."

Green nodded, and at this time many kangaroos who were originally restless also became quiet.

"One more thing, why didn't Asgard send out soldiers at the beginning? Please consider this carefully. If you don't think clearly and act rashly, we will be the ones who suffer in the end. And Asgard can catch up from behind, and even Not delivering on promises.”

Green completely felt the danger. He had discussed this with the kangaroos before, but many kangaroos felt that as long as Asgard wanted the life-span vaccine from Brilliant City, they would fulfill their promise.

"But this war is about them being able to win and get the life-span vaccine. I don't think Asgard will do anything to break its promise? We have already signed the three-nation agreement."

Li Wei burst out laughing, then shook her head repeatedly.

"Sure enough, your thinking is too simple. This kind of agreement between countries is the most fragile. They can even secretly see the Bright City and us from behind, and then annihilate the Bright City with one sentence, and then aim their guns at it. us."

Li Wei looked at Grien seriously and said.

"No, we just take what each other needs. We just need to complete the parts we are responsible for."

Looking at Green's look, Li Wei felt a little speechless, but the current situation was unclear, so she could only continue to explain.

"What we are facing is an unknown Brilliant City. Your battle plan is to launch a large-scale attack, but the opponent is not a fool, let alone a weakling. Once you attack, we must also participate. If Asgard has a gun at this time What if your mouth is aimed at us?"

Green asked doubtfully.

"Why? Impossible."

Li Wei just smiled and continued her analysis.

"Are you sure there are no underground facilities set up by Brilliant City in the barrier area?"

Grien had also considered this, he said.

"So our troops will not slowly move over, and then strive to quickly attack the brilliant city."

Li Wei pressed her forehead, and many officers couldn't help laughing. None of them expected that the kangaroos would use such simple and crude combat methods. Such methods seemed to them to be very outrageous.

"With such a large-scale advance, you can easily be attacked by the opponent's weapons of mass destruction."

An officer spoke, and Green shook his head.

"We will send out induction troops. Our induction troops will release special confusing signals. They will not be able to completely capture us."

Seeing that he could not explain clearly to these guys, Li Wei scratched his head and Green said with a smile.

"General Li Wei, maybe you think our attacks are too simple and crude, but I can tell you for sure that our attacks are usually the most effective. Our country was also engaged in an endless civil war, and I have gone to the hospital countless times. On the battlefield, if you think too much, you will miss some fighters."

Li Wei laughed. These kangaroos are indeed too naive. Although they have intelligence, it is only simple intelligence. They may not consider more complicated things because their intelligence is indeed too low.

"Okay, back to the question just now, if Asgard suddenly attacks us when we attack, what will happen to us?"

Green stared at Li Wei. He felt that some of what this woman said made sense, but now that they had reached the front line, there was no way they could wait.

"I'm sorry, General Li Wei, we can't wait. We have to start developing space technology as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to make it in time in the future. I'm afraid the situation on this planet is far worse than you think."

Li Wei no longer wanted to talk nonsense with them. She planned to disperse the troops as soon as possible. Green lowered his head slightly.

"General Li Wei, when we replenish our energy, we will start to attack directly. Although this approach seems very stupid to you, this is the instinct of our animals! As long as we become our enemy, we will do whatever it takes. Attack until you defeat your enemy.”

At this time, there was a burst of clapping, and everyone present looked in the direction. A woman with big curly hair was sitting on a chair. The woman was very beautiful, with a good figure and a pretty face. She was wearing an atmospheric dark green dress. Dress and sandals.

Li Wei instantly felt a sense of fear welling up in her mind, and she felt that they would all die.

"Very good analysis little girl, are these guys kangaroos? I haven't seen them in hundreds of years."

Li Wei suddenly became nervous. At this time, an officer passed by and Li Wei immediately shouted.

"Don't even move."

Li Wei swallowed, and the machine in her eyes began to analyze the woman. She was not a human being, and there was some substance that seemed to be some kind of energy attached to the surface of her body.

Green became confused, and Li Wei bowed respectfully.

"Miss, are you the god of Brilliant City?"

As soon as Li Wei finished speaking, Green had already raised the weapon in his hand.

The woman giggled and nodded.

"I am indeed the god of Brilliant City. Put down your weapons. I don't want to kill you."

The woman immediately stood up, and with the cyan particles, everyone in the room was instantly unable to move. The weapons on the kangaroos were constantly being twisted, and their mechanical vests began to dent violently.

"How many soldiers have you come?"

The woman asked, Li Wei said.

"More than 700,000 in total."

The woman laughed.

"That's it! If you keep killing, it will only take three days, provided that you don't have any fear."

The hair on Green's neck stood up, and he felt a trace of fear. At this time, Li Wei was able to move, and the others were gradually able to move, and suddenly flew over with bunches of white lasers. In an instant, the lasers It was split into two, and the kangaroos that fired lasers had been turned into pieces.

The woman took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and sneered.

"Let me say it again, children, war is cruel. We do not want to start a war. If it is really launched, then it will become a war of annihilation. It will be impossible for you to get close to the walls of Brilliant City."

Li Wei's brain was running rapidly, and she murmured.

"Are you Miss Tang Rao?"

Tang Rao looked at Li Wei and laughed.

"Where's that bastard Jean? What on earth is he doing? When he realizes your intentions, he should raze your entire country to the ground."

There was silence in the entire temporary combat command room. All the officers had no idea what was going on. Only Li Wei knew very well that what Tang Rao said was true.

"Miss Tang Rao, are you here to talk to us?"

Tang Rao came over and then sat down. She raised her hand to signal everyone to sit down. Li Wei sat opposite Tang Rao. At this time, Green walked over unconsciously.

"The purpose of my coming is to tell you not to be treated like a monkey by Asgard. Once you start attacking, we will directly annihilate them, and they will continue to negotiate with us."

Li Wei asked with a shocked expression.

"Is this true, Miss Tang Rao?"

Tang Rao nodded.

"If you don't believe it, just launch an attack. I can give you an hour to prepare. Then one hour later, we will launch an annihilation operation. None of your soldiers who come here will survive."

Tang Rao's expression was horrifying, and Li Wei shook his head.

"Thank you for telling us Miss Tang Rao, let's talk."

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