"General, we are almost at the coordinates."

An adjutant came in to report that Li Wei was yawning. She had just woken up. At 2:13 in the afternoon, the image outside was still dark.

Li Wei lit a cigarette, and the adjutant called up a measurement file of the external image. The outpost troops had already inspected it thirty kilometers away.

"Got it, let them all come to the conference room."

After the adjutant left, Li Wei looked at the terrain. There was still more than 300 kilometers away from Brilliant City, and there was an abandoned city, surrounded by mountains that could be used as cover.

Such terrain is a good hiding spot for them. It is unknown whether Brilliant City has discovered them yet. According to the information provided by Asgard, they have placed a large number of outposts outside Brilliant City.

It can completely cover the periphery of this area without blind spots to ensure that they will not be exposed, and there are also a large number of interference machines that can completely block the transmission of all image data in this area.

If you want to transmit, you must install Asgard's special information transmission machine. All ships are already equipped with it. Li Wei is still thinking about it. If we follow what the generals discussed in the previous combat meeting, seven or eight hours after arrival, Will launch an attack.

"It's really troublesome."

Li Wei looked at the map, and now he had too little information about Brilliant City.

What Li Wei is most worried about now is the mobilization ability of Bright City, because Bright City has experienced many disasters, and their mobilization ability is superb.

At this point, Li Wei felt scared when she read the information. The entire Bright City's administrative department was like a high-density machine. Once any problem occurred, it could be assembled in an instant.

The first battle must be fought well, otherwise the impact on future war plans will be too great.

After a while, Li Wei got up and came to the office. Each of the generals had a little excitement on their faces. They were still looking at the information about Brilliant City sent from Asgard.

Currently, Brilliant City seems to be celebrating a festival. This is an excellent opportunity. For most generals, this is the best way to attack at this time.

The ground suddenly shook, followed by a roar. This was the sound of a spaceship landing, and there was a steady stream of spaceships landing on this plain.

"General, I don't think we need to wait for those kangaroos to wake up, we can march."

An officer said, Li Wei did not answer, but continued to look at the information.

More and more generals proposed to start marching, and Li Wei also made a decision, because this decision meant the life or death of the entire army.

"Looking at you, it seems like you can capture Brilliant City tomorrow and return home smoothly?"

The officers laughed.


Li Wei slapped the table and stood up with an angry look on her face.

"Do you really think it can be so easy?"

The voices of the officers stopped suddenly. No one knew why Li Wei suddenly became angry. Many officers were already dissatisfied with Li Wei and had already arrived at their destination, but Li Wei did not even come up with a rough battle plan.

"Once we make a decision, the lives of soldiers will be tied to this decision. If this decision is wrong, a large number of soldiers will die. Please stop holding such a mentality. This is not a Haven’t you understood this war of unequal strength? What is the most surprising thing about this city?"

After Li Wei finished speaking, the officers became confused.

"It lies in their unparalleled mobilization capabilities and the fact that their troops march in extremely cold environments every year. This means that their soldiers can quickly adapt to the extremely cold environment outside this ecological circle and can complete operations in the extreme cold."

After Li Wei finished speaking, a bunch of officers looked at the report, and then an officer said.

"General, we also train in some harsh environments all year round. I think we can handle this."

Li Wei laughed.

"Training? You should know in your mind what the training is for. I don't need to explain this. You all know it."

After Li Wei's words, many people's faces became solemn. Indeed, in the past, making money in the name of training was the main purpose. Many soldiers went to the wild to practice combat just to let the superiors see that they had indeed trained.

In fact, most of the training funds allocated each time have been used up by most people. It is said that they have only begun to pay attention to training recently. They trained with Stika in the wild and even suffered a lot of casualties.

"Do you see clearly? To the south of the entire Brilliant City, the city wall is nearly 1,000 kilometers away from the city, and the distance between the east and west is about 1,300 kilometers. It is like a huge pocket, and there are many mountains in it."

Many officers became confused, Li Wei said.

"Once our warships are launched and carry soldiers over, they will inevitably engage in combat with the opponent's air power. The opponent has long-range weapons of mass destruction. Once we gather together, we will be attacked. Once we disperse, the opponent's air power can Gather together and use superior force to defeat them one by one."

Li Wei slapped the crystal screen, and then drew a line on the map.

"What we get are only satellite-scanned maps, but Asgard has not actually measured these maps. Maybe due to wind and sand, the map will change drastically. We can't even know where we are now? Is this the case? The accuracy of the map is extremely low, but you are laughing here, thinking that you only need the army to pass by to win?"

The commanders' faces became solemn at this time. Li Wei's words had already hit the point, and an officer asked.

"Why don't we disperse into several waves? If we launch an attack suddenly, they may not be able to react."

Li Wei laughed.

"I'm really convinced by you. Such childish thoughts. This is a war, not a kindergarten. Please don't say such baseless words again. When those kangaroos wake up tonight, we will have another meeting. Now try our best to As I said, disperse the troops within a hundred kilometers nearby."

one officer asked.

"General, if we are too scattered, it will take some time to gather together."

"Now try to reduce as much as possible our risk of being hit suddenly and massively."

Li Wei began to divide the areas according to the areas that the outpost troops had inspected. Now he tried to spread out the troops like stars as much as possible, so as to avoid many problems.

The officers stood up one by one and began to issue orders as Li Wei said. Li Wei only felt a little anxious because there was too little information now. Only with more information could he analyze and judge.

Two hours later, Li Wei completed the dispatch of the troops. The current situation meant that Li Wei could only slow down the attack first. If the kangaroos insisted on attacking, Li Wei had to find a way to persuade them.

"Okay everyone, please follow my orders to distribute. Remember not to violate my orders. I'll go out and take a look."

Li Wei said and stood up. After a while, Li Wei stepped out of the spacecraft. Some soldiers wearing protective combat suits outside had already begun to build some sturdy material storage rooms, because some warships needed to return to continue delivering supplies.

At this time, many people were busy. Li Wei brought more than a dozen adjutants. The adjutants were all fully armed. Li Wei did not wear any protective clothing. She was originally a mechanical and biochemical modified person. For such a harsh environment, , can adapt quickly.

"It's too cruel."

Li Wei muttered, and the environment in front of him made Li Wei feel uneasy, because such a cruel environment would be a kind of physical and mental torture to the soldiers once they fought. As the war intensified, the impact of the cruel environment on people would become worse. will be highlighted.

Li Wei looked at the information while walking. Now, there was only one question in Li Wei's mind. Did Bright City notice their advance? If so, maybe Bright City had secretly arranged a surprise attack.

Li Wei dispersed the army to deal with such an unknown surprise attack, because it would happen with a high probability.

Tommy has already talked about why so many strategic supplies should be stockpiled. If the war becomes protracted, it may last seven or eight years, and the current supplies are far from enough.

Therefore, Li Wei knew very well that if they attack rashly now, there is a high probability that the first phase of the operation will directly fail. In this way, all they can do is become cannon fodder and continue to consume the resources of Brilliant City.

After all, Bright City has been preparing resources for possible wars for more than a century, which is unimaginable to Li Wei. They reserve resources just because the capital needs these resources to make money in the future, which is completely different from reserve resources for war.

Most of the resource reserves of the United States are reserved for the future market. The war reserve resources were only started a few months ago. Such a reserve with the power of the whole country, although it is very fast, it will take hundreds of years to catch up with others. Reserves are very difficult.

Li Wei continued walking. This place seemed to have experienced some wars, because you could see some caves not far away. After walking for a while, Li Wei entered the caves.

There were also some dilapidated primitive machines inside, as well as some rooms carved out of the cave walls. Li Wei checked it casually and found that the cave was at least two centuries old, and many places had been calcified.

"It's really tough."

Li Wei took out a cigarette and lit it. She raised her head and felt that her brain was a little tired. She felt powerless now that such an important matter was left to her.

In the world of Youzi before, after Li Wei knew the real situation, he could use soldiers without any scruples, but it was different now. This was the real world. An order might be followed by a lot of deaths.

"Get those guys up in advance, we can't wait any longer."

Li Wei took a look and it was already past 4 pm. A few hours had passed, and the group of kangaroos were still sleeping.

After a while, at around 5 o'clock, Li Wei returned to a temporary command room set up on the periphery. Green brought some kangaroos over. They looked very tired.

"Why did you wake us up at this point, General Li Wei? You are completely free to attack first."

Li Wei shook her head.

"I wish to speak with you and slow down the attack for now."

Green grinned and shook his head.

"We will launch an attack tonight. We just hope to end this war as soon as possible so that we no longer need to wander around in a place with nothing."

Li Wei's originally relaxed expression turned serious, she stood up and said.

"This is a war. If you go out rashly, if you fail, it will affect our overall strategic plan. I hope that you, Chief Green, can consider it and we can all discuss it."

Greene shook his head.

"We are not here to negotiate with you, we just want to end the war as soon as possible."

Green's tone was strong, and Li Wei laughed.

"Then please."

Li Wei felt helpless towards this group of arrogant animals. Green left directly with the kangaroos. The commanders were angry for a while. These guys were still so arrogant, although their mecha troops were indeed powerful. , can be used as a cavalry with extremely strong impact.

The maximum range of their mechas is 2,000 kilometers, so they are fully capable of launching an attack suddenly and directly attacking Brilliant City.

"What should we do now Commander?"

An officer asked. After thinking for a moment, Li Wei lit a cigarette and smiled.

"We can only wait and see how far their mecha troops can go."

After Li Wei finished speaking, he sighed helplessly. At this time, another message came from Asgard. Now the entire Brilliant City is already holding a grand celebration. It seems to be a celebration held by a big shot to celebrate something important. The completion of things.

"Really, this information is meaningless at all. Asgard hiding at the back is really insidious."

Li Wei stood up and said.

"Notify all troops that if a major war really breaks out, we will retreat collectively."

The officers were stunned for a moment. No one expected that Li Wei would say something like retreat. Although those kangaroos were annoying, they were their allies after all.

"Retreat to this place."

Li Wei pointed at the map. The officers looked at each other, but they could only nod. After all, they could not disobey Li Wei's orders.

Disobeying commanders' orders on the battlefield will result in direct execution, and these commanders also know everything Li Wei has done as a special investigator.

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your hearts, but I have more doubts than you all. I just hope that the first battle can go smoothly, and that the kangaroos can go smoothly when they join the stock market. We will increase our troops immediately. If it doesn't work, we will retreat directly. Don’t be sloppy and ask everyone to stop moving supplies.”

Li Wei issued the change order again. Li Wei didn't know why but she always felt a little scared in her heart. She walked out of the temporary conference room and looked at the top of the mountain, where a wisp of cyan light floated by.

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