Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2815 Three Kingdoms Meeting

Tommy sat quietly in the office, waiting for Eddie.

"Sorry, Mr. President, for keeping you waiting."

A green flame lit up in the mirror, and Tommy saw Eddie.

"How's it going? Does Li Wei want to come back?"

Eddie shook his head.

"Now the war has completely entered a fierce stage, and it will last for a long time, but many soldiers have received sufficient training, and our plan has been successful."

Tommy nodded.

"Indeed, those mimics who have been infused with the consciousness of the soldiers of Yuko World are superb in terms of reaction speed and execution ability, which is far beyond our imagination."

Eddie raised his hand into a fist, and Tommy pressed it against the mirror.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Eddie nodded.

"The tactical literacy of these soldiers is very high. Based on their actions, I have optimized many parts so that their tactical ability values ​​can operate in a relatively equal range."

Tommy said with interest.

"That means that dead soldiers can be used even if they are directly put into the battlefield after being rewritten and created?"

Eddie nodded.

"Indeed, now both sides have tried their best, and the soldiers are becoming more and more mature. For some soldiers who died on the battlefield, I will put them in the rear to replace their memories and be reborn, and they will be recruited into the army again. Start the training phase They will show extremely strong qualities and can easily go to the front line.”

Tommy felt extremely relieved, because everything was so smooth for them now. It was so smooth that Tommy could hardly believe it. Although there were some bumps along the way, the basic goal was achieved.

"Now the soldiers on both sides are breaking through to the limits of human beings in terms of fighting will and fighting ability, because neither side wants to lose this war. Li Wei is indeed too talented."

Eddie couldn't help but praise, Tommy hummed and said.

"Her mind is always filled with all kinds of bold ideas and a series of approaches. Talents like her are born, or in other words, they are forced out bit by bit out of desperation."

Eddie asked with a hum.

"Then do you plan to let her be the commander-in-chief of the army in the future?"

Tommy nodded.

"This is inevitable. When she wakes up, I will let her enter the military headquarters, continue to guide the tactics of humans and Steka, and get along well with the senior military officials, so that they can fully understand Li Wei’s tactical value.”

Eddie said after Tommy lit a cigarette.

"This destiny system has been completely upgraded, which is necessary for us to control everything in the future."

Tommy said as he hummed.

"The next thing will be much easier. I will meet with senior officials from the Kangaroo Kingdom today."

Eddie looked at Tommy in shock, then smiled.

"Is it that fast?"

Tommy nodded.

"Yes, they have sent out a visit application. Of course I need to go see them. They are in the southernmost city. They have already arrived."

After Tommy finished speaking, he stood up and picked up his coat, then Eddie nodded.

"Although the technology of those creatures is powerful, their thinking is too backward."

Eddie hummed.

"They abandoned many things in human society in an attempt to create a civilized society of their own. Unfortunately, the genes embedded in their bodies cannot be changed in their lifetime. They just established a system similar to that of humans. , but the most fundamental core is their racial memory engraved in DNA."

Eddie disappeared into the mirror, then Tommy walked out of the office, and soon after Justin was out.

"Come on Director Justin, we are having a three-party meeting today."

Justin nodded with serious eyes. Beyond the presidential residence, a flying ship was already waiting in the air.

After a while, the two came to the captain's room. The flying ship sprayed blue tail flames and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Justin recently read information about the kangaroo kingdom. These mutated kangaroos that have become intelligent are enslaving the humans on their land.

"This is really incredible."

Tommy nodded.

"It's really unbelievable that human beings would be enslaved by creatures that were once completely at a disadvantage and were just some beasts, hahaha."

Justin asked.

"President, what do you think they're going to say?"

Tommy clasped his hands together, smiled, and shook his head.

"This is not very clear, but what is certain is that judging from their attitude, we cannot show any weakness now."

Half an hour later, the spacecraft slowly landed on the top of a building. Tommy walked out of the building, and a bunch of PLCs came over, as well as some managers from the state.

"How's it going, where is our guest?"

"Mr. President, they're sleeping."

Tommy looked at the time, it was just after 4pm, and then Tommy laughed.

"Then you have to respect the habits of the guests."

Many people laughed out loud. Tommy and the others came to a room where a three-party meeting would begin later.

Asgard has successfully sent over a communicator a while ago. This communicator cannot be disassembled and analyzed. If it is disassembled or detected, it will self-destruct.

The people in Asgard have made this very clear, so the people in the Ministry of Science have not touched the communicator so far.

Today was a formal meeting of the three-nation talks. Tommy was wearing formal clothes, waiting for the kangaroos to wake up.

Time passed by, and at this time, a picture appeared on the big screen in the conference room. An elderly, elegant woman, wearing a crown and a gorgeous skirt, appeared on the screen, and behind the woman It was a bunch of people sitting around.

"This must be Queen Ye Katerina! Nice to meet you. I am the current president of the United States of the World, Tommy. Next to me is Director Justin of our country's General Administration."

Tommy began to introduce, and Katerina smiled softly.

"Mr. President, thank you for organizing this meeting. The three of us should have a serious talk."

"Your Majesty, the other guests are still sleeping and may need to wait for a while. We plan to eat first."

Tommy said, and someone started to bring the dishes, which were all ordinary dinners. Tommy briefly introduced them to Katerina.

Gradually, around 7 o'clock in the evening, when Tommy was talking about something with Katerina, the door of the conference room opened, and one after another sturdy kangaroos came in. Their bodies were covered by mechanical coats and wore black sunglasses.

The leader is a gray kangaroo with eye-catching scars on his face. He looks very strong and the muscles on his body are highlighted.

"We're late."

The gray kangaroo said, and then said.

"My name is Green, and I am the current leader of the five kangaroo legions!"

The three parties began to introduce themselves. Tommy looked at the kangaroos and did not do anything rude. Everything seemed to be restrained.

"I don't think we need any more small talk. Your Majesty the Queen, Mr. President, let's get down to business."

After Green said that, he took off his sunglasses. His huge eyes were bright and bright, showing neither joy nor anger.

"In that case, let's start discussing. Mr. Leader, what do you think? Do you plan to participate in our war?"

Katerina spoke first. She took a sip of red wine, her eyes sharp, and Green nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we intend to participate in your human war."

After speaking, Green looked at Tommy.

"If President Tommy has any doubts, please speak directly. I think if the three of us want to discuss something, we must be more candid."

Tommy laughed.

"This is actually a war between us humans. Why do you want to participate?"

Green said.

"In order to develop and expand, it is what every ethnic group desires. Or more realistically, we hope that Her Majesty the Queen can provide space technology. This planet is dying, and we also need to think long-term for the ethnic group."

Tommy smiled and nodded.

"Chief Gryen, indeed, this planet is slowly dying."

Katerina laughed.

"Chief Gryen, if we win the war, we will definitely provide you with the most advanced space technology."

Green looked at Katerina and nodded.

"Your Majesty, what we hope is to provide it gradually as the war progresses."

Tommy smiled easily, and he saw the displeasure flashing in the corner of Katerina's eyes.

"Mr. Tommy, including your mature spacecraft technology, is also what we hope to get."

Tommy hummed and said.

"What about you, Chief Gerion?"

Green nodded.

"We'll trade in the same mecha technology."

Tommy laughed.

"For us, it's not that we don't research on mecha technology, but because it would waste too many resources. When we were underground, we also had many mechas for work."

Tommy's words made Green stand up, he looked at Tommy and said.

"President Tommy, our mecha technology is unique. If you see it once, you will definitely be interested."

Tommy hummed, spread his hands, lit a cigarette and smiled.

"Of course, we can talk about these things slowly."

At this time Katerina looked at Tommy and asked.

"President Tommy, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty the Queen, our thoughts are the same as that of Chief Gryen. We also need mature space technology and work towards a common goal. We are currently making preparations and believe that this war will begin soon."

Katerina nodded with sharp eyes.

"I have had more than twenty rounds of negotiations with Brilliant City, but their general manager, His Excellency Alpha, still refuses to let go. We have even given up most of the trade volume, and have even said that we will provide some space technology. However, it was rejected.”

Tommy laughed.

"Indeed, our world is finally connected together now. As humans, we should work together to tide over the difficulties."

Katerina took a sip of wine, Tommy held up the glass, and they took a sip from a distance, and then Green said.

"If you don't believe it, we can be the vanguard and show everyone the strength of our mecha troops."

Tommy shook his head.

"Leader Green, it's not that we don't believe in your strength, it's because Brilliant City also possesses weapons of mass destruction. Once they find out that you have the intention to attack, they will attack without hesitation, and Brilliant City owns you. The unimaginable power is called the existence of God.”

Katerina giggled.

"Indeed, they have powerful mutants, and the one who stands at the top of these mutants is God. We cannot attack rashly. I only hope to continue to negotiate with them, and do not want to start a war rashly, but preparations are still necessary of."

Tommy hummed, and Green nodded.

"Your Majesty the Queen, Mr. President, we haven't had a meal yet. Let's have something to eat for now. Today can only be regarded as an informal meeting. I understand what everyone means. Please forgive me."

Green turned and walked out of the conference room, his eyes full of anger, and he knew very well that these two people looked down on them as kangaroos.

These humans are as arrogant as recorded in the book, but now the kangaroos have to rely on them. In terms of space technology, the kangaroos have no way to break through.

Tommy, who was in the conference room at this time, sighed.

"Leader Green is really a bit whimsical."

Katerina chuckled and said.

"Yes, Mr. President, do they really think we need them?"

Tommy shook his head.

"Your Majesty, we may really need them. After all, the more people who stand together, the better. If they defect to Brilliant City, it will be a disaster for us. After all, they are very close to our country."

Katerina saw Tommy's worry and nodded.

"I'm not saying they're not qualified, but they want more, as you can probably tell."

Tommy hummed.

"President Tommy, let's call it a day. I don't want Chief Green to suspect what we are plotting."

Tommy nodded and stood up, bowed slightly, Katerina also stood up and bowed, and then the communication ended.

asked Justin, who was always silent.

"Mr. President, if possible, why don't we talk to the people in Brilliant City?"

Tommy shook his head.

"That's impossible. Those gods would rather start a war than hand over the life-span vaccine, because that is the foundation of their entire city. They sacrificed countless people and spent several generations of efforts to finally achieve it. It is impossible for us to get such an important thing successfully without offering something of equal value, because we are from different countries.”

Justin said with a sigh.

"Is there no solution other than war?"

Tommy nodded.

"There really is no better solution. After all, this world has been closed for too long. We humans have actually been divided for a long time, or we all have different ideas." (End of Chapter)

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