"Hey, I really don't want to do it."

9 o'clock in the morning.

A man stopped several machines at home. The rumbling sound of machines was a daily routine in their home. His wife looked solemn.

"My dear, if you don't want to do it, let's go watch a movie and go shopping today."

The man hummed, and the couple looked helplessly at the more than ten small machines at home. These material manufacturing machines had to be opened every day. There were a lot of raw materials piled up in the warehouse.

After the couple hugged and talked and laughed for a while, they went out onto the street. Soon they found a breakfast shop, but the mechanical sound coming from the shop made the couple a little uncomfortable. After sitting down, the waiter at the next table was talking. Make some drinking glasses.

"Why don't we change places."

The man suggested, and the woman smiled bitterly.

"It's the same everywhere."

The entire street is filled with annoying mechanical sounds. These mechanical sounds accompany people in the city every day. They can be heard from morning to night, even in the early morning, and these sounds will not stop.

Although some places have stipulated manufacturing time, there are still people who have to do it because the output is not completed.

Amidst the unbearable sounds of various machines, the couple finished their breakfast. Both of them looked gloomy, as did many people walking by on the street.

Now the coverage rate of small machinery manufacturing has reached more than 90%, which is almost difficult to cover. Most of the remaining 10% are state workers.

This city has never been so uncomfortable. Many people know that this is caused by everyone becoming a maker, but it is impossible not to make things. No matter how many things are made, it seems that it is not enough.

The country will directly purchase the excess products. Many people's expressions have become a little indifferent. Pedestrians passing by on the street are silent, and many people wear new sound-isolating headphones.

Many people are producing these headphones recently, and demand exceeds supply because the annoying mechanical noise is always pervasive.

The couple came to the cinema early in the morning. Fortunately, there were not many people there. They wanted to watch a movie quietly. After entering the cinema, the annoying mechanical sound disappeared, and the couple was relieved.

The couple ordered some snacks, bought some movie tickets, paid for the room, and planned to spend a comfortable day in the movie theater today.

This is now a paradise for many people. The cinema has been fully equipped with sound insulation equipment, so no mechanical sound can be heard here.

After the movie started, the couple sat in the theater enjoying themselves. Many people also felt the same as the couple. After entering the theater, a rare smile appeared on their faces.

After a movie, the couple talked about some interesting details in the movie and returned to the rest room, planning to continue watching the movie after lunch.

Although the couple does not have children yet, their income is already very good. It is much better than when they were still working. However, after adapting to their current life, it is extremely boring and helpless.

Some people even describe this kind of life as torture, doing the same thing over and over again every day. Although they can change some material manufacturing machines, the essence is still the same.

A bag of candy, a pack of toilet paper, and a piece of clothing are essentially making something. There is nothing new or interesting at all. The products do not need to be promoted. They just need to be made and put in the box every day. National staff Will come and pay and take it away.

This family-style workshop has indeed helped too many people. In the past, too many people were struggling on the edge of labor and did not want to consume, go out, get married, or buy a house.

But since the start of this system, young people have become richer, and houses are no longer a luxury, and consumption is more arbitrary, because there are no overly luxurious goods, and those goods have become a thing of the past.

In today's country, there is no big gap between the rich and the poor. There is only hard work and lack of hard work. Many products are only practical. Even the most exquisite products must be practical.

But most goods have become extremely cheap, and there is not much differentiation in consumption. People have too many choices, even for entertainment.

No matter how much wealth those celebrities and artists have, if they want to consume it, they may not be able to consume it all in hundreds of years.

Those once extremely luxurious things have fallen from the altar. One by one, the former luxury goods companies have completely collapsed, as if they had never existed. Although many people are complaining about these mechanical sounds, they cannot blame them.

Because of this era, most people have gotten rid of the ordinary life of a cow and a horse, and have lived the life they once dreamed of, and even realized some of their past dreams.

Because no one has to worry about tomorrow. The time of worrying about rent, water, electricity, food and all aspects of the future has passed.

This era seems to have been frozen in time, and there is no need to move forward.

After the couple lay in the room for a while, they felt it was too quiet, so they walked around the cinema and watched some movie promotions.

Today's film production is very good, because there is no need to deliberately create something too commercial in order to attract attention. Instead, you can calm down and tell stories well.

Because as long as you can pass the qualification assessment and enter the entertainment industry, you can do what you want to do.

The same is true for movies. There is no need to go all out for box office, so the quality of many movies has improved a lot.

Some producers don't need to think too much about cost issues, because now the number of competitors in the industry has been reduced too much, and the market is very huge.

Soon the couple found a couple who looked like a couple and started chatting.

"Mr. Jean, what do you think will happen if this era continues?"

Gene looked at the ordinary couple in front of him and didn't know how to answer. He lit a cigarette and sat down. Next to him, Verla and the other's wife were chatting and laughing, both talking about some clothes.

The smoke filled the air and Gene laughed.

"Mr. Condi, how should I put it? I think human beings pursue emotional pursuits more than material ones. After all, after material stability, most people will choose emotional pursuits."

Condi nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Jean, my wife and I have been planning to make some music recently, but those annoying mechanical sounds always make people very uneasy."

Gene nodded.

"These sounds aren't going to stop anytime soon."

Condi hummed.

"Hey, it would be nice if there weren't these mechanical sounds, now our scalp is numb."

Gene smiled helplessly.

"If there is no mechanical sound, then wouldn't we have to go back to the past again?"

Condi was stunned, then smiled and nodded.

"Yes, when my wife and I were not married, I worked in an express company. Every day I worked back and forth to deliver some things. I was very tired. I didn't even have any time to go out and have fun with my wife. After all, we owed a lot of money. Little debts, and these debts are piling up, and life seems like a bottomless pit.”

Gene listened carefully as Condi continued.

"At that time, my wife and I often quarreled over financial issues, and even took action over it. As a result, both of us ended up in the hospital, and I was the worst offender."

Condi burst out laughing, and his wife immediately retorted.

"What makes you the worst off is that you were at fault first. We were already under a lot of debt pressure, but you even bought a car."

Condi smiled and nodded, but the two of them did not have angry faces because of the past. Instead, they chatted excitedly about some past events.

"We had had enough quarrels at that time and planned to separate, because we all knew that if we continued to be together, the debt would only increase. Mr. Jean, have you been like this before?"

Gene nodded and Condi sighed.

"It was obviously very comfortable when we were alone and expenses were not a problem, but when we were together, expenses became a problem. Later we separated and gradually paid off a lot of debts. We are not the kind of people who spend a lot of money. "

"If I hadn't come back then, you definitely wouldn't have taken the initiative."

Condi's wife said, and Condi nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah, when you came back, we fell into a debt crisis again. This time we thought we would be completely ruined, but we didn't expect that the company we owed money to was ruined, and our debt miraculously disappeared."

The two happily talked about the changes in this country. Both of them originally thought that their lives were over. Whether they were separated or together in the future, it would be difficult for them to live well in such an era, and even one day Will be eliminated from the ghetto.

However, the turning point brought about by the country's changes completely shocked the two of them. After a series of changes, their lives ushered in an earth-shaking change. They got married immediately and everything went smoothly.

Gene asked.

"So do you hate your current job?"

The couple shook their heads, but Condi said.

"We don't hate our current jobs, but we can't say we like them. It's just this state that makes people feel tortured."

At this time, the next movie started, and the couple said goodbye to Jean and Verla and left.

Weirla, who was wearing sunglasses, looked helpless and smiled.

"Human beings are such strange creatures. They have enough to eat and drink, enough time, enough income, and good entertainment, but they still feel unsatisfied."

Jean smiled and did not answer Vila's words, because it was true that those luxury goods were banned because those products were useless except luxury and also wasted resources.

But now many people even miss those luxury goods, but they can no longer buy them because everything has been completely collapsed and reshaped.

This is how most people feel now. The entire country has been reshaped, and in a very short period of time, a country that was originally controlled by capital has been turned into a giant factory.

Everyone has become a member of this factory, from children to the elderly, this is a reality that everyone has to accept.

"Let's go, let's go back too."

Gene started walking, and Ver pulled over to hold Gene's arm, and the two left the cinema.

Mechanical sounds started to sound as soon as I stepped out. Indeed, these sounds are too annoying, because no matter where I go, these sounds will follow me. These sounds sound all kinds of strange, but in the end there is only one synonym for them, mechanical sounds.

As soon as she returned to the apartment where she lived, Verla sighed and started making products with Jean. After a while, they finished the products. Jean called the national staff, and soon they came to take them away. products.

"Does he really want to catch up with those two countries?"

Gene knew exactly what Tommy wanted to do, hoard enough supplies for the war and fight a protracted war.

"Are you really not going to do anything Gene?"

Vila asked, and Gene hummed.

"Whether it is the path that Ellie believes in or the best path for this world, ideals and reality will eventually determine the winner, because there is no answer. Since there is no answer, we can only wait for the result. In the end, ideal is better , or reality is better. We can only wait now to witness the future results. No matter what the results are, we can only accept them."

Virla chuckled.

"Why don't you do it yourself?"

Yang Yi lit a cigarette and smiled.

"My answer is between ideal and reality. I don't want to take sides. Brilliant City is now moving towards the ideal road. This road may be very long because there are still too many things that cannot be perfected, and the United States It has moved towards reality, and the reality is that such a system can allow mankind to continue. Nothing will be repeated. If there are substandard parts, just replace them with new ones."

Vila sighed, and she smiled helplessly.

"I have also followed Tommy's path before. Unfortunately, I failed because I thought of my ideal again and I did not completely follow this path. The result was the destruction of the entire country and myself. Also completely occupied by the Devourer.”

Gene hummed.

"We have witnessed too many roads, but in the end these roads all come to an end without exception, because the monster of capital will always stare at the ideal and reality with eager eyes, showing the ideal to everyone, making people full of hope. , but secretly he is doing extremely realistic things.”

The rumbling sound of machinery came from next door. The two of them came to the window, overlooking the quiet city, because there were almost no people on the road, and there were almost no people in the buildings that used to have busy figures passing through. There are no more people walking around.

There is only mechanical sound in the whole city. This sound is crisp but heavy. This is a scene that has never appeared to human beings in thousands of years. It has nothing to do with prosperity, but it is incompatible with suffering. More importantly, the human beings here , there is no class.

"Even the current managers are just a screw in the entire country. Perhaps this is the final form of human society."

Gene laughed helplessly and Viera said.

"Didn't Bright City also want to enter the era of mechanization?"

Gene hummed.

"It's the same now!" (End of chapter)

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