9 o'clock in the morning.

Justin woke up from bed. He worked too late last night, so he planned to sleep a little longer this morning, but now he suddenly woke up.

"My dear, don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

The wife beside him smiled gently.

"I didn't sleep anymore, but I still got up."

Justin sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, thinking about something. Recently, Justin always felt that something was wrong.

Maybe it was because Li Wei went on a special mission and hadn't seen her for a long time, but Justin couldn't tell the specific reason. He just felt a little stuck in his heart.

After getting up, Justin sat on the dining room table, waiting for the bread to be baked, and looked at the messages sent by his subordinates.

The days are still the same as before, now the whole country is prosperous, Tommy has really changed the country, and there are less than ten slums left.

And the family has disappeared in this country, completely disappeared. Of course Justin knows what happened to the people in those families.

There are rumors in the society that the people of those families have been gathered to live in a special place, and everything in the family has been taken back to the country.

After Justin replied some messages, he started to eat breakfast. Suddenly, Justin saw some green spots on his wrist. Justin didn't quite understand what they were.

After eating early, Justin was still a little tired, but he still said goodbye to his wife and planned to go to work. The WBI headquarters building is near the mansion where Justin and his family live, and it only takes 5 minutes to walk.

During this period, Justin felt unusually tired, especially at night when he could hardly dream. It seemed to Justin that this was caused by being too tired, but not dreaming for such a long time made Justin feel a little strange.

Soon Justin was getting ready to go out, but the green spots on his hands were not washed off, which made Justin feel a little strange.

Soon Justin walked around the block and greeted people all the way. Now he no longer needed anyone to escort him. Tommy had already said that if there were any problems, he could arrive instantly.

Work is no longer very busy now, and some old cases related to the family have basically disappeared with the demise of the family.

At most, in some subsequent compensation, they need to look for some victims for a long time, and then give the victims some compensation.

A few months ago, Justin could not have imagined that the entire family could be wiped out overnight, and wiped out cleanly.

The Special Investigation Bureau has been established. With the help of Steka, the Special Investigation Bureau has easily smashed many criminal gangs, and it has been a devastating blow.

Many Stekas wearing normal clothes can be seen on the streets. It seems that they have fully integrated into human society. New Stekas will come over every day, and they will soon be able to integrate into human society.

Many Stekas have chosen the more tiring service and manufacturing industries. Steka's strong physical fitness has also allowed them to start doing some high-risk jobs. This work that used to be done by clones is now almost Completely monopolized by Steka.

Many Stekas even established their own companies, which seemed to Justin too fast.

It's just that everything is good now. Justin just wants to retire early. After all, he has nothing to pursue now.

WBI has always been fighting against bad crimes in the past, but now in the face of high-pressure situations, crime can no longer rear its ugly head.

"Maybe this is the perfect time."

Justin smiled and lit a cigarette. His mood at the moment was a little heavy. The inexplicable sadness made Justin a little unbearable. He came to the street, found a coffee stall and sat down, and ordered a cup. Coffee, opposite the WBI building.

A strange itching on his wrist made Justin scratch it uncomfortably. Justin felt strange that the green spot on his wrist expanded a bit. After careful confirmation, Justin found that it was not an illusion.

Justin took a piece of cloth and wiped it carefully, but no matter how hard Justin wiped it, he still couldn't wipe it off. He was a little panicked. After a while, Justin was helpless. He wanted to figure out the green color on his hands. What exactly is it.

Suddenly, Justin felt dizzy, and some pictures appeared in his mind, which were pictures of the battlefield, and he was in command.

Just for a moment, Justin woke up. His eyes were confused. The picture that just appeared in his mind was the situation in the world that Justin and the others were dragged into before.

"what happened?"

Justin took a sip of coffee, his eyes became more serious, when a call came in.

"Good morning Mr. President."

Justin said and Tommy laughed.

"Mr. Justin, come over later. I have something to give to you."

Justin nodded, drank coffee, got up and went to the headquarters. After explaining the matter, Justin drove away in the car.

Near 10 o'clock, Justin walked into the president's office.

"Mr. President, what do you want from me?"

Tommy waved, and Justin walked over. He was a little surprised when he saw a document, because Tommy planned to merge the three departments of WBI, WIA and PLC.

"Doing this could lead to chaos."

Tommy said after Justin finished.

"I have divided the functions of each department in detail, and they are integrated from top to bottom."

Justin sat down and looked at it carefully. This division was quite detailed. He nodded.

"It is true that if we merge it like this, we can save a lot of unnecessary expenses, but I'm afraid we won't be able to get along well in a short time."

Tommy smiled happily.

"That's not a problem at all."

Justin smiled helplessly, and Tommy noticed the green color on Justin's hands.

"Mr. Justin, wipe your hands."

Justin smiled helplessly.

"Mr. President, this may be some kind of paint that cannot be cleaned off at the moment."

Tommy looked at Justin suspiciously, and at this time Justin also found that the green color on his hand had expanded a bit.

"What's the matter Mr. Justin?"

Justin talked about how he found this green spot when he woke up early this morning. He couldn't wash it off no matter how hard he washed it. He just tried to wipe it, but it couldn't be wiped off, and the green spot was still expanding.

Suddenly some scenes from the battlefield appeared in Justin's mind. He pressed his forehead and was lost for a while before he woke up.

"What's the matter Mr. Justin?"

Justin couldn't say anything, so he could only tell Tommy what he saw. Tommy's eyes were solemn, and then he said.

"I'll accompany you to the laboratory to check it out."

Tommy nodded, and soon the two of them arrived at a nearby laboratory. Justin stretched out his hand to perform a trace element extraction test.

The results of the examination soon came out. The green color on Justin's hands was made up of a large amount of Yuko and had become part of the body's skin. The only way to remove it was to completely remove the skin.

After a short period of time, the area of ​​Yuko actually expanded a bit, and Tommy also felt strange.

"You should rest today. Let the doctor do a full body examination on you first, and then let the science department take a look."

Justin agreed, and Tommy also felt strange. He hurriedly returned to his home, opened the door and went to the bathroom.

After a while, green flames appeared on the bathroom mirror, and then Eddie appeared.

"What's going on?"

Tommy said and then told Eddie what happened to Justin. His expression was silent, he thought for a while and then shook his head.

"I don't know what's going on, but what is certain is that the Justin in this world has established some kind of connection with the Justin in the virtual world."

Eddie continued after speaking.

"I can't draw any conclusions, so I can only wait."

Tommy asked about the situation in the virtual world over there. After Eddie talked for a while, Tommy smiled.

"Let her fully display her talents in the world over there, which will be very good for our future."

Eddie nodded.

"Indeed, my tactical reserve has been updated. She really provided us with too many template tactics."

Tommy hummed, and after continuing to talk to Eddie for a while, Tommy went back to the office to deal with some things, and then returned to the research room.

The area of ​​​​Yuko on Justin's wrist continues to expand. Currently, Justin doesn't feel anything, but Tommy feels that if this continues, problems will definitely occur.

Justin pressed the green spot on his wrist, doubts in his eyes.

"It's probably because I've been to that world."

"That's all I can think about now."

Justin said.

"First call over my subordinates who have been to that world with me and see if they are in the same situation."

Tommy nodded, and then Justin began to contact the men.

An hour later, more than 20 WBI agents who had been to Yuko's world came over. They began to undergo physical examinations, and they did not appear to be in the same condition as Justin.

At this time, Justin's wrist was already covered by Yuko, and Tommy also felt strange, because Yuko was actually reproducing itself, which had never happened before.

"Don't worry, I will summon people from the Science Department overnight to study and discuss."

Justin nodded.

After a while, many scientists who had participated in Yuzi's research came over. Regarding the changes in Justin's body, many people put forward the hypothesis that perhaps Yuzi began to adapt to the human body's environment and mutated.

But there is no basis for such an assumption. Listening to their discussion, Tommy looked at Justin.

"It's better to take a look at the world over there."

Justin hummed, but now the amount of Yuko in Justin's body is completely enough for him to go to that world, but he has no desire to fall asleep now.

Tommy stood up and said.

"I'll find a way."

After speaking, Tommy got up and left the research room, returned home again, entered the bathroom, and Eddie appeared after a while.

"I'll try to temporarily eliminate Justin's personality in that world."

Tommy nodded.

"Will this have any impact?"

"It won't be a problem if you have data backup. It's like letting the clone sleep temporarily."

After a while, Tommy returned to the research room. At this time, Justin had fallen asleep. Tommy immediately thought that it was indeed the clone personality in Yuko's world that affected Justin in the real world. Yuko did not continue to expand.

In a daze, Justin woke up, in a small room, with a noisy street outside. Justin looked at this simple room, and now he couldn't figure out the situation for the time being.

As soon as he opened the curtains, Justin saw that the streets were full of vehicles carrying goods, and they were moving very quickly. Many people were carrying goods, and Justin could tell that this was a station.

The goods were carried onto the train, and soldiers were everywhere urging them. At this time, Justin saw a smiling man in the crowd.

"Mr. Jean?"

Justin stood up in a hurry. After going out, Justin didn't see where the man just went.

Just for a moment, Justin did see Gene. Soon Justin woke up. What he did see was Gene. Justin looked around.

"Mr. Jean."

Justin shouted, and in a small alley, he saw a man leaning against the wall, smoking. It was indeed Gene.

"you know me?"

Gene looked confused, and Justin ran over.

"Mr. Jean, how are you in this world?"

Justin muttered and Gene laughed.

"I've been in this world a long time."

Gene looked at Justin with a smile. Gene was wearing a conductor's uniform and he said with a smile.

"This world is at war right now. How do you know about me and this virtual world?"

Justin couldn't explain it clearly for a while, and then said.

"Let's find a place to talk about Mr. Jean."

Soon Justin took Gene back to his house. Justin looked at Gene who looked confused and started to talk about something. Gene just listened silently, and soon Justin spoke After finishing many things related to Jean, Jean smiled and lit a cigarette.

"I see, it's been so long."

Gene muttered with emotion, and Justin nodded. The man in front of him must be the same person as the Gene he saw. Their temperaments are very similar.

Gene flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Justin, my memory stopped after fighting something. When I woke up, I was in this world."

Justin asked after swallowing.

"Mr. Jean, how long have you been in this world?"

Gene scratched his head and exhaled a puff of smoke softly.

"Probably more than a century, how many years exactly?"

Gene stood up and said after thinking for a moment.

"About one hundred, twenty or thirty years."

Justin looked at Gene in disbelief, he swallowed and said.

"I once heard people here say that Mr. Jean, you found the exit after staying here for eight months."

Gene laughed.

"Who did you listen to? Or who told you? How did you leave this world?"

Gene's words made Justin fall into doubt. He pressed his forehead in confusion and said.

"Indeed, how on earth did I leave?"

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