Time passed by, and as dusk approached, Li Wei opened her eyes. The troops slowly entered a small town not far from the road, where a large amount of ammunition and a lot of supplies had been stored.

The soldiers began to move, the reserves that had not participated in the battle before began to move, and those who participated in the battle rested.

Li Wei planned to repair until 2 o'clock in the morning and set off, and rush to the frontline battlefield early tomorrow morning.

"Tomorrow is the decisive battle in the Western Conference."

The faces of the officers were full of joy. They did not expect to achieve such a great victory.

Li Wei looked at the map. If tomorrow's battle ends within one day, Li Wei plans to jump in directly and go to the north where the enemy currently stores supplies and soldiers to conduct a raid.

"Order the soldiers to bring enough supplies."

Such rapid operations can defeat the enemy before they can react. Once a victory is achieved in the west, it will be very difficult for the enemy to enter the south.

Li Wei never thought that it would be so simple. It seemed that the frontline commander of the rebels was not a clone of himself.

"Commander, why don't we repair until dawn?"

As soon as an officer finished speaking, Li Wei stared at him.

"Can't you hear my order?"

The officers bowed their heads one after another. Although they had won now, if there was any problem, they would definitely be defeated by the enemy.

The biggest problem is that with their continuous advancement of operations, once they leave a place where they can quickly resupply, they will be exposed to the enemy, and the enemy can completely divide and surround them.

Such a life-threatening battle made many officers feel numb. Although the soldiers below were very happy, they had no idea what the outcome would be if they were divided and surrounded.

"You should also rest quickly. We have to set off at 2 a.m. so that the soldiers can eat well."

After Li Wei finished speaking, she found a random room and fell asleep.


At an army assembly point located in the middle section of the north, Justin was quietly watching the intelligence coming in one after another. A large number of officers in the command room were talking about the encounters with the enemy that took place today and last night.

"Now there is intelligence that a large number of enemies have come from the south. They want to catch us off guard. We should dispatch all our troops immediately to eat up the enemy's attacking troops."

But someone immediately stood up and retorted.

"The situation on the front line is unclear now. Our troops on the western front have suffered heavy losses this morning, and the enemy still has a large number of well-armed troops fighting against our thin-line troops."

Soon someone slapped the table and stood up.

"The enemy's intention is obvious. He wants to completely attack our western front and prevent us from advancing smoothly. Now we must fight back against the enemy."

Justin listened to the discussion of a group of officers. He was not sure at the moment because the enemy was moving too fast. Justin felt uneasy. He suspected that the enemy would attack with more than 10,000 or 20,000 troops, and according to the front line According to the battle reports sent back, the enemy launched an attack regardless of the cost of ammunition.

This seemed a little confusing to Justin. After all, the enemy had nearly 500,000 soldiers stationed on the north-south border. With such use of weapons and ammunition, the enemy's ammunition depot would soon be severely depleted. This method of combat, It looks very powerful, but it is based on sufficient weapons and ammunition.

"First send about 20,000 people to the west, as well as some weapons and ammunition, to support them."

Justin made a decision, and many officers who advocated a direct march laughed. Justin could not judge now, and he could not think of any good way. They had been advancing steadily during this period.

"Mr. Eddie, what do you think?"

Justin asked, looking at Eddie who had been silent.

"I won't interrupt any more. It's all up to you, Mr. Justin."

Eddie also couldn't figure out what Li Wei planned to do. Although they lost a lot of troops due to their strong firepower, such a small loss was nothing to them. At most, they lost less than 20,000 people.

They have invested as many as 300,000 troops on the front line, but they have not yet gathered. With the combat quality of the regular army, there is no way to stop them.

"Inform the troops in the west and ask them to pay attention. Once they discover the enemy's movements, they must report it immediately."

Justin is really not sure now. He wants to talk to Li Wei, but Li Wei is still recovering from his injuries, and it is too complicated to contact Li Wei at the moment. There is no radio in this world.

Time passed by, the officers' discussion ended, and Justin began to dispatch troops to the middle and east roads.

After everything was over, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening. Justin pressed his forehead tiredly. He didn't know when he would be able to go back. It had been several months and they still couldn't find a way to go back.

"Have a drink, Mr. Justin."

Eddie walked into Justin's office carrying a drink. In the past few months, Justin has directed the soldiers to fight steadily, which is indeed very good. After all, he can rely on the existing intelligence in his hand to make reasonable judgments. This alone has surpassed many commanders.

In Justin's combat command in the past few months, there have been almost no defeats, and there have only been some local defeats.

"I just want this war to end as quickly as possible."

Justin took a sip of wine and lit a cigarette. He looked very tired. He was tired of analyzing all kinds of intelligence and formulating tactics every day. Moreover, war was cruel and he did not want to see it.

"Don't worry, Mr. Justin, as long as we successfully break through the southern defense line, they will be unable to do anything anymore. It is only a matter of time before we capture everything."

Justin nodded. The current situation is indeed beneficial to them. If the troops led by Eddie did not fail in that small city, they could have an additional attack point and supply point. Now the city has been flooded. .

And the subsequent pursuit operation led by Eddie caused one of their elite troops to be directly defeated and suffered heavy losses. Now follow-up supply troops are coming continuously, and there is still a large amount of ammunition.

They still firmly control the money that dominates the war. Eddie observes that Justin, the cloned personality, is very similar to Justin in the real world, but the biggest problem is that this Justin doesn't seem to have anything. Spirituality.

Eddie has seen the current fighting situation on the Western Front. Li Wei's troops are too abnormal, because in normal combat, no one would dare to lead the troops so aggressively, and also use such violent ammunition to attack. This is not the case for Eddie. It looks crazy.

"The enemy seems to be going crazy."

Justin smiled and nodded.

"The enemy may not want us to advance fully, so he will fight to the death. After all, the enemy has been completely suppressed by us in the past few months."

The two continued to discuss for a while, and shortly before 2 a.m., a battle report was delivered, and Justin felt relieved after reading it.

Although the troops being pursued on the western front suffered some losses, they had already merged with the subsequent reinforcements. The two troops totaled at least 40,000 people and began to set up defenses in an area with a wide view.

Now it is impossible for the enemy to attack. Even if the enemy has strong firepower, the enemy cannot easily hold back the fortifications built by 40,000 people. It only takes a few days for the enemy to retreat naturally.

Now that Justin is at ease, Eddie looks at the map. The current location of the Western Front troops is a triangular area, which can easily lead to the other three sides. It is a strategic point.

"When our troops on the middle and east routes are assembled and we push forward, everything will be over."

Justin said as he got up and planned to go to bed, Eddie nodded.


Li Wei quietly stared at the enemy army gathering place 3 kilometers away from them. Now the enemy had only one way to retreat, but the enemy would not retreat. By the time the enemy realized the seriousness of the problem, it was already too late.

"Commander, Commander Rocco and the others are already supplying supplies."

Li Wei nodded and smiled. The chasing troops of nearly 20,000 people had already gone to the supply point in the southwest to resupply. They could attack from the west of the enemy early tomorrow morning, and Li Wei would attack from the opposite side.

The soldiers have almost rested. Although Li Wei only has more than 6,000 troops, he now has plenty of ammunition.

Yesterday morning's battle resulted in space that could be utilized in some woodlands. Li Wei asked the soldiers to move out all the cannons and ammunition, and cover the triangle area with all-round artillery fire until the cannonballs were empty.

You only need to wait until early tomorrow morning. Once fired, it will be a devastating blow to the enemy.

Li Wei and his men started walking. Some of the enemy's outposts were set up one kilometer away, but Li Wei didn't care so much and led his men to open fire. Soon the enemy's camp was crowded with people.

Li Wei asked thousands of soldiers to carry enough ammunition and weapons, and began to guard some places, and attacked from time to time.

"The harassment must continue until dawn."

Soon Li Wei and the others advanced a little, and the soldiers carrying the artillery also came over. The enemy's location would be covered by artillery fire early tomorrow morning.

Li Wei did not intend to give the enemy any breathing time. Gradually, the enemy began to give up the attack because it was too dark and the enemy also realized that this was a harassment operation.

Li Wei kept asking the soldiers to fire intermittently, so that the enemy would be very tired until early tomorrow morning. After all, the enemy could not sleep well all night, and judging from the enemy's layout, they ignored the artillery fire.

After all, so many shells fell early yesterday morning, and it was impossible to replenish that many shells in a short period of time. Li Wei showed a cruel smile.

As long as the enemy cannot discover their frontline supply point tactics, I am afraid they will not take any action in a short period of time. After all, once discovered, some supply points will definitely be found by the enemy and then attacked directly.

Nearing the early morning, when the sky just dawned, a communications soldier said that Rocco and the others were already on the way and would arrive before about 8 a.m.

"Get ready to fire and let them feel the artillery fire for more than an hour."

Li Wei lit one and came to a mountain with more than thirty artillery pieces beside her. She gave the order directly.


With the violent roar, the enemy who was still sleeping in the trench in the distance was swallowed up by the explosion without even reacting.

In an instant, a large number of artillery shells fell, smoke and dust were everywhere, and balls of fire shot into the sky. The enemy also began to fight back, but dense artillery fire continued to fall from the vicinity of the enemy.

Soon the enemy began to retreat, but now they had lost a large number of soldiers. Li Wei quietly watched the enemy's movements. Many of the enemy's camps were no longer in shape, with corpses everywhere.

"Order the entire army to advance with artillery fire."

Some trucks began to hit the road, and Li Wei started to walk. After the soldiers got off the car, they quickly entered the already shapeless trenches. Although the enemy lost some troops, the current enemy seemed to be in no pain. They The main force is placed in the rear.

After half an hour of pursuit, the frontline troops began to retreat, but the enemy did not pursue them. Li Wei looked to the southwest, and saw that the two troops had bypassed the sides and rear, and the enemy's retreat would be cut off. , when the time comes, the enemy can only rush towards Li Wei and the others to survive.

Li Wei looked at the time. It was already 7:54. It seemed that Rocco and the others were already preparing.

Suddenly, along with the sky-high firelight, a large amount of smoke appeared in the distance. Under the gray sky, beams of firelight continued to fall, and Li Wei sighed.

"It seems they have completely failed to understand that this battle is already a decisive one."

After Li Wei finished speaking, he ordered the entire army to attack. Suddenly, the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time began to attack, and shouts of killing were heard everywhere. At this time, the enemy began to become confused.

Facing the flanking attack from both sides, the enemy had obviously realized that they were surrounded, and in such a place with a wide field of vision, they had almost no way to build defenses. The enemy began to retreat towards the mountains and forests, but the more intense artillery fire here we go.

An hour later, Li Wei sat on the jeep and pressed his ears. The artillery fire continued. Even if the enemy entered the mountain forest, they did not escape the artillery fire because Li Wei and the others had too much artillery fire.

"We won."

Rocco said excitedly as soon as he saw Li Wei, and Li Wei smiled and nodded.

"Of course, after repairing for a long time, we have to go to the enemy's flank."

Li Wei said, and Rocco was stunned.

"Isn't it time to retreat?"

"Except for gasoline, all ammunition has been consumed. We will make the enemy completely lose the western troops."

Roko was panicked. He didn't expect that Li Wei would formulate such a crazy plan. More than 60 kilometers further, there would be the enemy's troop assembly point, but once they passed, they would probably be followed by the enemy's reinforcements. Cut off the road. (End of chapter)

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