"I'm not sure I can feel it."

Shakira and Jean were moving quickly. This city is very huge. It is a plain city, and a large number of heavy industrial buildings can still be seen.

Jean nodded. He didn't expect to be able to find worms in crystals on this enemy side. Jean went out looking for resources several times and never saw that kind of worm.

"What exactly is that thing?"

Shakira asked. She was also very curious about that kind of worm, because Shakira could feel that the seemingly small worm contained an extremely powerful breath of life.

That's why Shakira could feel it, Gene scratched his head and stopped.

"How should I put it? The planet became like this because of that worm."

Shakira was a little confused.

"At that time, mankind's cutting-edge spacecraft encountered an asteroid with life. Then, through robots, it went to the asteroid to investigate. Humans discovered substances that could extend life, so they began to prepare a plan to land on the asteroid."

"Life! If it can indeed prolong life, many people will think about it."

Gene asked.

"How long do you Stika live?"

Shakira said.

"The longest living Steka I've ever seen was about 100 years old."

"Probably similar to the lifespan of humans before."

The two slowly entered a factory. As soon as they entered, Shakira saw some huge hooks, Gene explained.

"This is a steel mill, and these hooks are used to lower the red-hot steel into the cooling pools."

Gene walked over and moved a hook. The hook clicked and then fell to the ground with a thud and shattered.

In such a harsh and dark environment, only metal can hold on until now, and everything else has basically corroded.

The outline of this city can still be seen. It should be because it is under the plateau and has not been impacted by the air flow. The dense buildings in the city offset and delayed the decay.

"I don't think it's a bad thing to want to have a longer life, Gene. This is probably what all life ultimately pursues."

Gene smiled and nodded, took out a cigarette and nodded. This dark world may be the greatest punishment given to mankind. This punishment has continued until now, and 300 years will soon pass.

"Do you think that all this is caused by your own greed as humans?"

Shakira asked and Gene nodded.

"So be it."

The two left the factory, and Shakira looked at the city in the distance.

"When I was young, I liked to explore abandoned human buildings with some friends. Many of the things we had never seen before. I often thought at that time, what are the uses of those things?"

Gene smiled and nodded.

"After that, you went to human society. Do you understand the things you didn't understand when you were a child?"

Shakira shook her head.

"Still not, because the human society I went to is no longer what it used to be."

The two of them continued to walk all the way towards the center of the city. Now they could only continue walking to see if Shakira could feel the living body. If she could, there might be something to gain.

"Jean, I think you're a very nice person."

After Shakira finished speaking, Jean said with a smile.

"Didn't we just know each other for a few days?"

Shakira shook her head.

"I have dealt with many humans, but you are different from many other humans. You are confident, strong, and casual. You will not appear arrogant or arrogant because of your strong power."

Gene smiled.


At this time, a half-remained iron tower not far away caught Jean's attention. Jean quickly walked over and took a look at the numbers at the bottom of the tower.

"What is this Jean?"

"Once the largest manufacturer of electrical equipment in the world. XT Company."

Shakira glanced at it and then said.

"I have seen these letters all over the United States, and there are advertisements for this company in many places."

Gene was a little stunned.

"I didn't expect this company to be alive. I want to go to the United States more and more to see what they are like."

Shakira smiled.

"The feeling they give me is chaos. I have been to many of their cities, but the feeling I have is that it is extremely chaotic, especially in some poor areas. Something happens every day. Violence and killings fill these areas every day. The human beings there are immersed in such daily life every day, as if this is their daily life.”

Gene smiled and said.

"I was born and raised in a neighborhood like this."

Shakira was a little confused.

"Don't they have anything else to do besides these things?"

Gene scratched his head.

"Human society is like this. When economic materials are scarce, chaos will begin. Most people will do some crazy behaviors in order to survive, because no one tells them, or no one wants to manage money. Such a group of people , let them degenerate. Similar things will happen to your tribe in Steka."

Shakira hummed.

"Maybe, there have been disputes over lack of food, but we don't usually evolve like that as humans."

Gene was a little strange.

"Then how did you solve it?"

Shakira said.

"Usually the older ones will give part of the food to the younger ones, while the young Steka will give the food to their partners. Half of the male Steka will resist physical weakness and will not eat until they get food supplies. Always looking for prey."

Jean understood how such a group could grow. It seemed that their seemingly primitive jungle laws were somewhat different, because they would take into account the future of the group.

"It's weird, Gene, what we're doing."

Shakira looked at Jean, who was smiling, and shook his head.

"I think this approach is good. This is the best way to continue the race. However, our human society has lost a lot of beauty because of its over-development of technology."

After Jean finished speaking, the two of them saw a relatively large building, which was the center of the city. Only the outline could be seen, and no other parts could be seen. Less than ten percent of the entire building was left. One.

Jean walked over, Shakira was sensing everywhere, but she still couldn't detect signs of life. Jean stared at this building quietly. They had been here before, and they had hid here for a while.

Jean smiled with some emotion. Everything in the past kept resurfaced. Everything now seemed more like a dream to Jean. They should have ended their lives before returning to the planet, but their Life has continued until now.

"Let's go Gene, this enemy has nothing."

Jean hummed, looking at a small square in front of him that could still be seen a little bit, looking at it in a daze, Shakira asked.

"What's wrong Gene?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking, what will be left on this planet in 100 or 200 years? Maybe this planet has completely disappeared."

Shakira smiled.

"Why think so far in the future? We can't see the future."

Gene laughed.

"But we can reach the future."

Shakira looked solemn and Gene said with a smile.

"We have gained almost permanent life. Such a thing may seem incredible to you, but in fact, we will still exist even if two or three hundred years have passed in the future."

Shakira looked at Gene in shock, but then smiled.

"Isn't that great? You have achieved the ultimate goal of life and can survive forever. Watching the changes in this world, maybe in two or three hundred years, even if this planet no longer exists, you can still move there. Go somewhere else.”

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Yes, we do have such a plan to move to other places, but perhaps humanity will have perished by then, and if we are the only ones left in the world, we may be too lonely."

"That's true, but there are some things I think it's premature Gene."

Jean looked at Shakira in confusion and she said.

"Who knows what will happen tomorrow? We are like this in Stika. No one cares about the future, only what happens tomorrow."

The two continued walking and passed through the city, but still found nothing. Shakira waved her hands helplessly.

"Perhaps nothing can be found."

Jean nodded and looked at the spaceship in the distance.

"We've walked quite a distance, are you okay?"

Shakira said after taking something out of her backpack and eating it.

"It'll be okay to replenish the food."

While waiting for Shakira to eat, Jean went to a building. Half of this building on the edge of the city had collapsed. Jean walked into the ruins and looked at some things with faintly visible words. .

"Perhaps this is the final form of all civilizations."

Jean didn't know how to explain his current state of mind. In the past, he was more concerned about how humankind could continue, but now Jean doesn't want to think about this problem, because this question can only be answered in the too long future.

When Jean came out this time, his mood had changed. He used to be anxious every day about what to do with this city and what to do with the future of mankind.

But recently, Jean rarely thinks about these issues. What Jean wants to do now is to recover resources, let the humans in the city live happier, and do his best to investigate the situation of the world for the city. That's all. That’s all.

Especially after what Tasia said that night, Gene felt even more that he really didn't know what it meant to be alive in the past two hundred years.

"Okay, Gene, we can go back."

Shakira finished eating and jumped up. The two teams spread their wings and then flew up. Gene smiled and nodded, and quickly ejected on the ground.

While running, many things kept coming into Jean's eyes. He recalled many things that happened in the city in the past. Why did the city become like this? Jean now understood the reason.

Because of Jean's own difficulties, the students' difficulties were already aroused. In the end, Jean chose to take a safe path for the sake of the city. Although the city developed steadily, it also accumulated too many problems.

"If I had been more relaxed before, maybe the city wouldn't be like this."

Jean said helplessly, with a bitter smile on his lips, Jean thought of the past lectures at even academy.

The students respect Jean very much, but this respect is because of Jean's strength and strict character. Jean teaches every student seriously, hoping that they can withstand all pressures, give full play to their talents, and be able to Take the city on your shoulders.

But obviously there are some methods. Now that Jean thinks about it carefully, he really doesn't do a good job. Among all Jean's students, none of them can solve many problems like Niya by relying on her own way, nor like Le Ordinary people like Xiao have solved many problems with the same ideas as ordinary people.

Gene stopped when he thought of this, and Shakira also stopped at this time. She noticed the change in Gene's expression, and then fell down. Some black flame lines appeared on Gene's cheeks.

"What's wrong Gene?"

Gene said while pressing his forehead.

"Something just occurred to me."

Shakira came over.

"Can you tell me about it, Gene."

Jean thought for a while and casually talked about some things in the academy and the past of the academy. Shakira was a little surprised.

"I don't think there's a big problem with what you're doing, Gene. After all, there are so many people. It's really difficult to train suitable managers, but there is one thing I don't think is good. My brother was very naughty when he was a child. At that time, my parents often Beat him up, except I let him go every time.”

Gene laughed and nodded.

"It does seem like something a sister would do."

"Because I know that my brother is naughty just because of his own nature, so if you suppress other people's nature, it will have the opposite effect."

Jean hummed, the situation in Brilliant City was indeed like this.

"Shakira, maybe I won't go back to Brilliant City in the future."

At this moment, Gene officially made his decision. He seemed to understand that the reason why so many problems had arisen in Brilliant City over the years was because of his relationship.


"How should I put it? This city is now on the right track. If I continue to go back, there is nothing I can do in this city, so it is better for me to stay outside. After all, I want to get things done now. Clearly, it takes a long time.”

Shakira nodded.

"But there are many people who miss you. They will be sad if you don't go back."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Maybe, but the city has entered the path of sunshine and no longer needs me, a person who operates in the dark, so my leaving is the greatest help to the city. After all, I have been away from the light for a long time and am no longer suitable."

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