Three days later, at just 10 o'clock in the morning, Shakira entered the interior of the spacecraft. She looked at everything inside and felt a little incredible.

"How does our ship compare to the United States'?"

Shakira nodded.

"It does look more advanced than the United States. Can you help me get familiar with it?"

Tang Rao nodded and took Shakira around the spaceship.

"We have set sail directly. Didn't you bring some food? After all, if you didn't have anything to eat along the way, you would be very hungry."

Shakira shook her head.

"I have eaten human food, and it can also replenish energy. There is no such thing as hunger in our bodies, only weakness. If there is no physical supplement, we will slowly weaken and eventually be unable to move."

"I see, your body can absorb energy-rich things, but I really don't understand how those monsters digest them after eating them."

Shakira shook her head. Tang Rao first took Shakira to a room and began to teach her how to use the convenient light and shadow equipment functions in the room. Although it was the first time for Shakira to see such technology, she was able to use it with them. Some of the weapons and armor are similar in embodiment, so I’m not too surprised.

"The use of our powers is very similar to your technology."

Shakira just adapted to the simple operation for a while, and Tang Rao nodded.

"I wonder about that too, but obviously it's two different things."

Shakira hummed. Although she felt energy fluctuations from these light and shadow substances, it was completely different from their biological energy.

"Is our next stop going to the lighthouse?"

Shakira asked and Tang Rao nodded.

"You know that place?"

Shakira hummed.

"We have been here for a long time, probably more than three months. We have been to most places to explore, and we have also been to the huge lighthouse, but there is no one there."

"are you sure?"

Tang Rao asked, Shakira nodded, but still said.

"We didn't do a full inspection because there was very little game in that area."

"Let's go, I'll take you to visit other places."

In the control room at this time, Gu Yi asked about the dragon lighthouse, and Tasia said some things based on her memory.

"He is in a very secret space on the upper level of the lighthouse, because there are many monsters in the lighthouse."

Gu Yi nodded, and Tasia continued.

"He said that his last relative passed away not long ago, and he was his grandfather. They had lived there for almost 30 years."

"Where are his parents?"

Gu Yi asked.

"I asked about it, but he seemed reluctant to talk about it. He always said he couldn't remember. There was a small plantation in that secret space, and there were a lot of raw materials. If a person lives alone, he said he can still live. Fifty years or so.”

Gu Yi smiled helplessly. He could not wait to go to the lighthouse now.

"It should be very fast. It's only about 3,000 kilometers away from here. At our current speed, we can get there in about three days."

After Gene finished speaking, Guyi nodded and Werther sighed.

"Looks like we can't get there that fast."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, a large city appeared in front of him. In the black sky, only its outline could be seen, but it was certain that this was the industrial center of the country in the past, and a large number of buildings still remained.


Tasia asked.

"We have to go down and take a look, Tasia."

Gu Yi said after Jean stood up.

"I want to continue talking to Tasia, you can just go."

After a while, Jean and the others left the spaceship in the aircraft. Shakira was also there, and many people from Section 10 had already had a good chat with her.

Shakira also found it a bit incredible that she could have such a relaxed and happy conversation with human beings.

"You don't need to follow us down. You should have been here before."

Tang Rao said, Shakira shook her head.

"Although we have been here just passing by, we are not interested in the city where humans once lived, and there is no prey here."

The aircraft slowly landed on a street. Tamayi looked around. The whole street was covered with dust, and the surrounding houses were basically decayed except for their outlines.

The houses have become fragile, but some are still strong, and the roads are full of cars that have almost disappeared, many of which look like they have been bitten.

This is the real world. Gene looked at a plaque on the street that was almost disappearing. There were still words on it, but it was no longer recognizable. He walked into a room and the furniture inside was basically unrecognizable. Here comes the look.

Tamayi knocked randomly, and cracks appeared in the wall. A large amount of dust rose up. Many people hurried out, and soon the house collapsed.

Basically nothing intact can be seen on the streets, and everything is gradually disappearing in such a harsh environment.

Shakira said after walking on the street for a while.

"Indeed, when we came here, we saw too many buildings, and I felt that maybe our history is very short. We are not the original inhabitants of this planet, you humans are, and we may be outsiders. ."

"But you may be the product of human mutation."

Witte said and Shakira nodded.

"The god of MX is Steka, and some of your customs, including some legends and cognitions, are consistent with everything about MX. Perhaps you were exposed to some kind of material pollution from the mutation, which ultimately led to the mutation."

"There is a new discovery, Sir Jean."

On the street not far away, a member of Section 10 shouted. A group of people passed by and saw a spherical robot with six mechanical arms. It didn't seem to be seriously corrupted.

Soon, another person from the 10th Department discovered such a robot. Several people from the 10th Department took apart the robot and basically confirmed that they were robots for detection, and it seemed that some of them had a lot of dents. Look. It looked like he had been attacked by something.

Soon, people from Section 10 disassembled a relatively complete robot and found the production serial number from the components inside. It was produced on April 11, 2167.

"The United States started detecting more than 100 years ago. It seems that they stopped detecting only when they were sure that there was no other life in the world except them."

As Tang Rao said, everyone continued to walk, and soon they saw a big guy at a collapsed building. Everyone passed quickly. It was an oval-shaped machine, and it seemed to be equipped with this kind of machine. Mechanical ball carrier.

After opening a hole in the vehicle, Gene entered. Looking at the vehicle, which was not very large, there were some familiar-looking instrument panels inside. It looked dilapidated. From the four positions of the cockpit, It seems that this vehicle can seat four people.

"It's better to take these things back and study them. Although you may not be able to find anything, you can get a glimpse of the scientific trajectory of the United States."

Witte reminded that the people in Section 10 could only call the spaceship and have people come over to transport these things back.

Everyone started to look around. Gene saw a noodle shop. The signboard could still be seen a little. He walked in and looked at a piece of wood that was about to disappear. When he picked it up and touched it lightly, it shattered into pieces.

There was a small piece of human bone on the ground. At this moment, an image flashed through Gene's mind, and he ran out.

Just now something seemed to flash through Gene's mind, and Gene ran quickly. It was just a sensory thing, and Gene didn't know how to explain it.

"Why are you running, Gene?"

Tang Rao and Werther chased after him. Jean ran quickly along a road. Soon the three of them came to an intersection. A huge black tree stood in the center of the city. Jean walked over in disbelief and stretched out his hand. After pressing it, the tree did not break, but was very hard. Soon people from Section 10 came over.

After some testing, it was found that the tree had been carbonized and should have died more than 100 years ago.

"Why did you come here just now?"

Tang Rao asked, Gene shook his head and lit a cigarette.

"I don't know why, but I just had a little impression in my mind, as if I knew there would be something here, so I came over."

It's not really clear what's going on with the perception, and soon 10 people were sawing off a small piece of the tree, Witte said.

"Trees grow slowly. Can they really grow that big in just over 100 years?"

Witte's words made many people feel incredible. The size of this tree would take at least four to five hundred years to grow.

With these doubts, everyone could only continue walking, when Shakira stopped.

"What's wrong Shakira?"

Shakira said with a white light in her eyes.

"There's something on the enemy side, I'm sure of it."

Shakira looked around.

"Did you feel something?"

Shakira nodded.

"It's a living thing."

Just when everyone was confused, there was a noise not far away, and everyone immediately moved over, and soon Shakira started laughing.

"I found it. It is indeed a living thing."

Jean looked confused. Soon they turned around a building and saw a large spaceship, about ten meters long and four to five meters high. Jean quickly passed by. The spaceship was already old. Xia Qi Ra stared at everything around him.

"I didn't feel anything."

As Tang Rao said, Shakira closed her eyes, still feeling the breath of life she had just felt, and Shakira started walking step by step.


Soon Shakira walked into a room. Jean was a little strange. When he walked over, he saw a crystal shiny object, which was light green. Jean picked up the object and Shakira opened her eyes. .

"That's it."

Jean held this green crystal stone in his hand. At this time, something strange happened. There seemed to be something squirming in the crystal. Werther came over and said incredulously.

"It should be the worms we saw crawling in the crystal on that asteroid."

The green crystal was soon brought back to the aircraft, and the human equipment of Section 10 began to zoom in. Sure enough, a small white worm could be seen squirming in the light green crystal, but it looked like a strand of hair. So small.

Everyone felt incredible, because it had been more than 200 years, and that kind of crystal should have been extinct long ago, because Jean and the others had studied the worms in this kind of crystal in the past.

The cells of these worms have the ability to divide indefinitely, which means they can achieve immortality.

Jean and the others immediately decided to go back first. After all, such an important thing must be brought back for study.

Back on the spacecraft, people from all 10 departments came over. Everyone looked at the small worms wriggling in the crystal and felt it was incredible. In such a harsh environment with no sunlight, air, and water, such a worm with biological cells could not survive. How to survive in the crystal.

Jean and the others had studied this kind of crystalline material before, and they called it biological matter, a substance between life and non-life.

"It's not easy to get it. I'll freeze it at low temperature and then take it back to Brilliant City for further study. After all, if the enemy doesn't get it right, they may fail."

Tang Rao reminded.

Gene nodded, and it was indeed the case. The equipment and environment required to carry out detailed research at the nanometer level were difficult to simulate on a spacecraft.

After discussing for a while, everyone decided that freezing was the safest method.

Soon they put the green crystal into a freezer box. The temperature gradually dropped, and there was no change in the crystal. However, at this time, the worms inside began to squirm slowly, and gradually the temperature dropped to minus 30 degrees. , the worm completely ceased activity.

"Take it out."

As Jean said, the people from Section 10 took out the spar again. As the temperature increased, the worms miraculously began to squirm again. Such a thing was incredible to everyone present.

"It's still the same as before."

Witte said that they had used many methods to study the worms in this crystal in a very short period of time.

"What should we do now?"

Tang Rao asked, Jean thought for a while and said.

"Shakira, please come down with me. Let's continue looking to see if there are any such worms around here."

Shakira nodded, now they have to find as many of these crystals as possible, but if something goes wrong when they are brought back to Brilliant City for research, they can continue to research.

"The city down there is a bit big. It might take you several days to find it. It might just be the only one left, so forget it."

Tang Rao reminded.

"Sorry, we have to find it as much as possible. After all, it is related to the secret of the asteroid. We can only wait for a few more days, Gu Yi."

After Jean finished speaking, Gu Yi nodded in understanding.

"It's okay Gene, just look for him as much as you can."

Gene and Shakira left directly, Werther said worriedly.

"I find it a bit unimaginable that we can see life in such a place. But is that really life?"

Tang Rao smiled.

"It doesn't matter if it's life or not, just take it back and test it and you'll know. Besides, when we studied those worms before, we should have seen what infinite division is."

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