A long queue formed, God's base was opened, some food was being carried out, and robots were distributing food at the gate of the base.

Food distribution just started three days ago, and more and more people gathered here. The original town of God was dilapidated, but fortunately some houses were still intact, and many people now live nearby, because here There is food.

Food will be distributed once a day, and many people can have enough to eat here, but now some people are not full because only 5,000 pieces of food are distributed every day, but there are already more and more people.

Many people queue up day and night, and some riots have even occurred. But now there is still not enough food, and some people will even fight for it, but the gods have not stopped it so far.

Some people wanted to rush in, but were thrown out by the robot. Many people came over as soon as they received the news that the gods would distribute food.

At the beginning, those who came felt that they could survive, but as more and more people came, many people could no longer survive.

At this time, someone in the queue started arguing, and both parties seemed very angry, because it seemed that today's food distribution was about to end, and the team started shouting for a while.

Someone accused some people who had received food yesterday and came to receive it today. During such a quarrel, someone took out a weapon. Seeing that a fight was about to break out, some orange particles floated out and were contained instantly. A bunch of people.

Werther and Ellie walked out. Many people exclaimed and begged for a while. Ellie looked at the people in front of her and then said.

"Distribute the food in stock to them."

Vit nodded. There was nothing we could do now. They had to come forward. I don’t know who had released the news, saying that food would be distributed in the gods’ base. Indeed, there was a lot of food stored in it, and it was also for emergency use. Yes, I can only take it out now.

"After everyone gets the food, please gather at the mountain col in the west. We will give you the seeds and then help you build a planting base."

Just after Ellie finished speaking, many people cheered. They could no longer ignore it. Last night, Ellie and Witte studied the plan. They could only temporarily build an agricultural base around the base and let those who came over to start planting. In this case At least let those who come over have something to eat.

They did not expect that the situation on the grassland would deteriorate so quickly. In the blink of an eye, the grassland was already covered with blood, and most of the facilities built by humans were destroyed.

Ellie looked at everything in front of her with a solemn expression, and Werther patted her shoulder and said.

"As long as the solar energy rises normally, there will be no problem."

After a while, Ellie and Witte came to the west with some equipment. Now they plan to directly seal the upper part between the mountains to make a zenith, then install some solar lights, and then reclaim the land below. , add the nutrient solution and start planting.

It can be done easily using Rose's power, and it only takes a few days to start planting here.

Witte began to direct the people who came over to clear the rocks from the mountains. Many people worked hard. Witte appointed a few people as organizers and asked them to call more people.

It's just 10 o'clock in the morning, and the rocks in the mountains will be cleared out within the day. When encountering some large rocks, Witte directly uses his strength to crush them, and then has others carry them.

Although it is the most primitive manpower, it is simple and effective. Rose and the others have already brought some heavy metals up the mountain. Now they only need to use their strength to spread the metal objects directly between the mountains without leaving any gaps. Just install some solar lights on the ceiling.

After a while, many people saw the metal spreading like water above their heads, among the yellow particles, continuously extending to the mountains opposite.

The whole process made many people couldn't help but exclaim, because everything before them was too unbelievable. Many people had heard about God, but seeing it with their own eyes and hearing about it were two different things.

By 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the land had been cleared, and basically no gravel could be seen. The next step was to dig. Some people who still had the strength after eating took some mechanical equipment and began to dig in. Excavated under the guidance of

Gene patiently explained to some people how to use some machinery, and many people started using it after trying it a few times.

There is nothing we can do now, because the people who just arrived have caused some problems. If nothing is done, these people will definitely attack the base because they are almost starving to death.

Looking at a pair of longing eyes, Gene lit a cigarette, and after a while he said.

"Everyone has settled down here for the time being. Once everything goes well, we will soon lead everyone to build a city."

Gene's words made the originally quiet crowd excited again.

Until 11 o'clock in the evening, many people were sleeping directly in the mountains. Some heating equipment had been installed. In just a few days, planting could begin here.

Now everything has to be fast, and it takes at least two months from planting the seeds to the maturity of the crops. During these two months, some planting bases need to be established continuously, so that a steady stream of crops can be produced.

But such a base cannot withstand secondary damage, and safety is a big problem. Gene's idea is that if anything happens, he will come out and deal with it directly, and that is all he can do now.

Jean wanted to check who had released such news, but he couldn't care less now. No matter who had released such news, his intention was very obvious, to force the gods to come out of the base as soon as possible.

This approach is too bad in Jean's opinion. They have now reached the most critical moment and cannot leave the base to take care of other things. The situation cannot be worse.

After a while, Gene returned to the base and returned to the reactor under the solar tower. Now they have found many ways to prevent the reactor from overheating and causing major problems.

The last step is to achieve a stable orbit, but many current solutions fail to succeed in some simulation experiments.

At this time, Ellie walked down and saw Jean with a dull look on his face. She walked over and comforted him.

"It's okay, it's not our fault."

Ellie knew that Gene only became depressed after seeing the situation outside. Ellie knew best what kind of person Gene was. He looked cold on the outside, but in fact he was hot on the inside.

Ellie held Gene's hand and leaned on his shoulder. The two closed their eyes and said nothing, but their hearts were full of thoughts.

In fact, Jean had regrets, and perhaps others were the same. There was no need to research artificial suns. All that was needed was to allow humans to live in a stable ecosystem. If there were mutants, there would be enough electricity.

But after the research begins, if they give up halfway, everything they have done over the years will be in vain. Now they can only withstand all pressures and let the sun successfully rise on this land, so that they can illuminate human society.

"Gene, there's something I want to talk to you about."

Ellie said with a serious expression, Gene looked at her and nodded.

"You tell me Ellie."

Ellie said after hesitating for a moment.

"I may have a way to solve the problem of controlling the artificial sun."

Gene asked, looking at Ellie with a serious expression.

"Is it your ability?"

Jean had actually vaguely guessed that Ellie's ability was extremely special. She couldn't explain it clearly, but Ellie could hear a lot of voices, especially people's voices.

Moreover, Ellie can also control some machines and even people, which makes Gene feel very strange. Gene asked.

"You mean you want to use your ability to control the artificial sun?"

Ellie nodded, but Jean shook his head immediately.

"If you do this, you have no idea what will happen. I don't agree."

Gene immediately objected, and Ellie hummed, not intending to mention it.

The two hugged each other, and Gene still looked at Ellie worriedly. Now the last step of the artificial sun has almost completely collapsed the eight people. If a stable operation method is still not found, who knows how long it will take for the sun to rise? How many years.

"I'll keep watching for a while."

Gene stood up, and Ellie looked at Gene with worried eyes. She knew what Gene was thinking, and then Ellie stood up and left. She will continue to cultivate seeds in the laboratory tonight. In the next month, she will need Sow seeds all around the base.

Only in this way can many people who are now in exile continue to live.

8 a.m.

The gods left the base early in the morning and continued to direct the people who had eaten the food to start working in the farmland. Now every second counts, Rose has distributed the nutrient solution to some people and asked them to pour it evenly into the reclaimed soil. .

Everything had to be speeded up. Gradually, many people who had eaten came over one after another. Everyone now knew that they had to work hard so that they would have food to eat in the future.

Deguna and Jean led some people to repair the original town of God, which is now the residence of most people. At least the power supply and water supply must be restored so that these people can continue to survive.

At this moment, an explosion occurred not far away. Someone screamed. Jean instantly ricocheted over. Soon Jean saw that the explosion came from some people coming down from the foothills. They were armed with heavy firepower. weapons, directly shouting at the people below to hand over the food.

In an instant, Jean jumped into the middle of the group. They looked at Jean in horror. The weapons in their hands were distorted little by little in the light blue particles, and then Jean stared at them quietly.

"What on earth are you doing?"

One of the leaders shook his head in horror.

"We know we were wrong, Lord Jean, please."

Before the leader finished speaking, his neck had been broken. Although the others begged, Jean did not let them go. Now there are more and more people like this. They will open fire directly without any reason, targeting anyone other than themselves. Everything was very hostile.

Jean quickly walked up the mountain road, and sure enough he saw a lot of corpses. They had killed many people along the way. Jean closed his eyes, and all he could think of was the first time he saw this grassland in the past. I can't see the green above my head, nor the sunshine above my head.

Everything has changed now. The mountains are black, garbage is everywhere, and many places are very polluted. The towns are dilapidated. Jean regrets it now. If they only need them to come out, relying on the powerful Force can integrate everything, but in the end they chose technological research.

It is true that humans need very powerful technology to survive, but if everything in the future of humans continues from the current war, even if they build cities, they will not be too peaceful.

Gene has seen this situation countless times. Looking at the pile of dead people in front of him, Gene felt something strange in his heart. At this time, he immediately moved forward and quickly found a person who was still breathing among the piles of corpses. The child was shot through the abdomen.

Jean quickly returned to the base with the child in his arms, and Tang Rao had already entered.

"You look at these values ​​​​for me, and I will perform surgery on him."

Gene looked at this skinny child, his eyes full of longing. He was only ten years old at most, Gene said comfortingly.

"It's fine."

Tang Rao took out the surgical instruments, and Jean helped Tang Rao look at the values ​​on the medical instruments, and then began to prepare some medicines needed for the operation.

In less than ten minutes, the operation was over, but the child's vital signs were disappearing. Gene looked at the mechanical values ​​in annoyance. The heart rate was dropping. Tang Rao had done his best.

Now we can only wait. Gradually, the heart rate began to rise. Gene breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Rao continued to deal with it. Now he could not let the child's body behave excessively, so Tang Rao directly immobilized the child. .

After a while, Ellie also came over, checked the child's condition and said.

"It should be fine."

Gene asked looking at Ellie.

"Did you just tell me? There are still people alive."

Aili nodded after hesitating for a moment, and then she turned and left. Tang Rao felt that Aili had changed significantly recently. She always had a very nostalgic look in her eyes, and she always talked about things from the past.

"What happened to you two?"

Tang Rao asked. After Gene nodded, he smiled and then walked out of the operating room and lit a cigarette. Tang Rao followed.

"What's going on?"

Gene didn't answer either, but after a while he said.

"Ellie said she has a way to solve the problem of operating the artificial sun, but this method should be very dangerous. I don't know what she will do, but I feel like she wants to leave me."

Tang Rao burst out laughing, patted Jean on the shoulder and said.

"How is that possible? Our lifespan is now approaching infinite. Don't say such things. Look at this child. I have something else to do."

After Tang Rao finished speaking, he left, and Jean returned to the operating room. The child had woken up, and he looked at Jean with moving eyes.

"It's okay, it will get better."

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